Lin Yun's first contact with the Bone Plane was the plane that received the Book of Death. In the future, it will be controlled by a few mages, a magic warship that will almost be scrapped, and it will take three months. Time was completely conquered.

The battleship of Intrepid relied on its own strength, and was made with the body of the demon as the keel raw material. In addition, its design is a heavenly alchemy array, there are countless magic crystal cannons, and even one is intact This is the powerful source of the fearless hand.

In terms of design, the design of the Intrepid is far less than the top magic warships of Northrend at the peak of the world.

"Lord Raphael, the sky city has opened such a large floating battleship to come here, isn't it just to pick me up?"

Raphael smiled.

"This is true, but I did go to receive Mafah, this floating warship, and another family in Andalusia."

Raphael and Lin Yun said, they came out of the floating shuttle. On the deck of the floating battleship, many wizards wearing sky city logo robes were busy, and there were many strong swordsmen. In the guard, there are still many alchemists to serve as coolies.

Stepping off the shuttle, standing opposite was a middle-aged man looking forty years old, with a pair of weird glasses driving on the bridge of his nose. The surface of the glasses showed a faint magic wave, which looked like a long stay in alchemy The alchemist in the laboratory is full of that temperament peculiar to the alchemist.

"Oh my God, Raphael, is this the flying shuttle you made? It looks so pretty, look at the magic lines on it. It's a perfect combination, no, it's not just perfect , My god. It turned out to be directly enchanted with regular runes. It's a genius idea, a perfect design ... "

When Raphael stepped down from the floating shuttle, the eyes of the middle-aged man moved away from the floating shuttle slightly. With a horror in his mouth, he walked to the floating shuttle, his eyes constantly glanced, and the strange magic glasses on the bridge of his nose began to rise rapidly.

There was a hint of embarrassment in Raphael's face, and he rushed forward and pulled the middle-aged man over.

"Her Raphael, what are you doing. Don't I want to look at your design, will it not work? Damn, you forgot how many times I helped you when you first entered the teacher's door, **** it, that time If it hadn't been for my teacher, you might have been kicked out by the teacher.

A stingy guy. I just took a look at your genius design, and you actually ... "

Middle-aged man chattered about Raphael's dark history, Raphael's face was embarrassed, and he quickly interrupted the middle-aged man's words.

"Guru, can you close your **** stinky mouth first, and see no guests there?"

Hearing this sentence, it seemed that Gu Lude, who was in a state of magic, saw Lin Yun coming out of the floating shuttle.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Rafael, you really are there. You are there. You do n’t have to say it in advance. Tell me about your friend, is n’t it what you should do, you send it here? What a stay ... "

Raphael laughed bitterly.

"Her Mafah. This is my brother Gu Lude, and also a creator. It can be said that he devoted all his energy to the world of alchemy. The wish of his life is to find the truth of alchemy. .

That's it, you know ... "

He said, Raphael pointed vaguely to his head. Raphael said so clearly, but Guluth's eyes were still on the floating shuttle, and he could not hear anything.

Zhe Linyun smiled and didn't care. This is the purest alchemist who puts her faith on alchemy.

Raphael pulled his ancient Luther back from the floating shuttle with a black face.

"Her ancient Luther! This, my Mammal Merlin I mentioned to you, a powerful creator, the accomplishments of the alchemy, except for the three completely elusive deans of the Starry Academy, and Apart from our teachers, only His Majesty can admire me.

Moreover, not only does Mafia's attainments in alchemy formations are very high, but also the artifacts of magic tools and alchemists are absolutely creator-level. Most importantly, Mafam seems to be the best at alchemy. "

Rafael was making an introduction, but Guluth's big eyes still looked at the flying shuttle. Raphael's face was a little dark, and his voice improved a bit.

"My Excellency Luther! I'm talking to you. Can you stop looking at the **** floating shuttle? You don't want to know how the magic lines on the floating shuttle are touched with regular runes. Anything? That's not what I can do, but the transformation that His Majesty helped me! "

In a word, the ancient Luther seemed to suddenly return to his mind, and immediately turned his head to look at Lin Yun. The light from his eyes was like a starving wolf about to starve to see a delicious steak ...

"Raphael, you idiot, why didn't you say it earlier, damn, how could you let this ... this lord stand here to blow the hair, and not ready to entertain the good black tea at once ... ... "


"Oh, Lord Mafa, do n’t you mind calling me, ah, just do n’t mind. Why does this frost rune depiction follow this way? Although this will reduce the flying shuttle and air during flight, Friction, reduce wear, but it will slow down the speed of the floating shuttle.

This floating shuttle should not take speed as the first premise, and there are the following flame magic patterns. The emitted flame will cause huge pressure on the floating shuttle itself. According to my calculations, these flame magic patterns are When the power is fully exerted, there is a 78% probability that the floating shuttle will collapse ...

But now the floating shuttle is intact. Based on these materials and power systems, it can be regarded as perfect. Then the calculation failed, what did I ignore? "

Ancient Luther's eyes lighted, and Lin Yun began to discuss these things directly.

Suddenly, the people around him seemed to see strangeness for a long time. Raphael covered his face, his face in pain. I want to pull away the ancient Luther, but I ca n’t pull it at all. I simply collect the floating shuttle, but I still ca n’t pull the enthusiastic ancient Luther ...

at this time. Raphael's face suddenly changed.

"They're here."

Suddenly, Gu Lude, who was holding Lin Yun to discuss alchemy just as the fire had burned his buttocks, immediately became ugly, and looked down into the distance along the floating shuttle. In the distance, a dozen-meter-long magic flying carpet was flying rapidly towards the floating battleship.

The magic flying carpet does not fluctuate like the ordinary magic flying carpet. It looks like a flat carpet is floating towards this side.

There is a small table on the magic flying carpet. A male hawk-nosed mage with a pale face like a dead man sits there. The mage is in a simple robe with a lot of manuscripts on the small table while the mage is still With a quill pen writing something on the manuscript.

Behind the magic flying carpet, there are several mages wearing the same simple robes kneeling down there. Their cuffs have a circle of silver logos, and a bunch of various silver leaves form a circle with a potion bottle mark in the middle.

The atmosphere on the floating battleship seemed to be dimmed as these people approached.

Lin Linyun looked at the direction in which these people were flying. It was obvious that they had come from the Kingdom of Andalusia, and the temperament of these people seemed to be alchemists. And their cuff marks are completely different from the ordinary alchemists, but Lin Yun can see that they must be very good at alchemy potions.

Each of the nine leaves is different, and it is a leaf of nine very representative medicinal materials. You must know that not all medicinal materials can use leaves. Many medicinal leaves appear for a short time and cannot Used as a raw material for alchemy.

Alchemist who can recognize the medicinal herbs represented by the nine leaves. Are very scarce. There are three types of medicinal materials that are very unpopular. The general alchemy medicine does not use that type at all.

The cuffs have the robe logo, which means that this is a mage family, and there is a mage family with a strong order. But why haven't you heard it before in the Andalusian Kingdom?

He seemed to see Lin Yun's doubts, Raphael's face was calm. Lowered his voice to explain to Lin Yun.

"Most of our alchemists in the city of the sky will go to Star Academy for further study and be one of the followers of Star Academy.

This time Andalusia accepted the invitation to the party. Not only you, but also four other creators, but one of them has already arrived in the Kingdom of Odin, and the other does not know which plane to look for. No.

Apart from His Majesty, these are the abominable fellows, the Hardward Family. "

Gao Linyun frowned, and vaguely saw the last name of Hardward.

Raphael continued to explain to Lin Yun, almost gritted.

"The Hardward family is a pure alchemist family. They feel that, like ordinary mage families, constantly expanding their territories, running businesses, and participating in battles is a blasphemy of alchemy and will make alchemy abolished, so Their family has always been in a hidden state, and the children of the family have never been allowed to appear outside with the surname Hardwood.

Hey, these hypocrites are really annoying. They do n’t run a business. Where does their family ’s wealth come from? You need to know that the materials needed for alchemy are not cheap. It requires a lot of wealth, especially when the next generation of alchemists is trained. It is simply burning gold coins. No, it is burning soul magic crystals.

More than 90% of our Masters in Sky City are alchemists. Theoretically, the ability to gather wealth is definitely stronger than other forces, but until now, plans to expand the main city of Sky City have been stranded by more than 500. There is no wealth to implement ...

These hypocrites, with their mouths talking, actually are not secretly conquering several planes to support the wealth they need ... "

Raphael's face was not very good. Gulud was already gritting his teeth, his fists were crunching, and the magical fluctuations on his surface became a bit unstable. He stared at those guys who flew in, Just met the enemy.

Lin Yun knew in his heart, finally remembered where he heard the last name of Hardward, this is a hidden alchemy family in the Kingdom of Andalusia, there is almost no reputation in the Kingdom of Andalusia, only some top-level Big forces will know this Hardward family.

When inherited the position of head of the family before, he saw the records of these guys in the family database of the Merlin family.

And when the Merlin family vigorously developed alchemy to accumulate wealth, they also seemed to have a little contact with this Hardward family.

The Meilin family has the best alchemy materials, the technology is not bad, and the price is a bit cheaper than usual. This time, even the cloud tower and the black tower, when purchasing pharmaceuticals, they are all purchased from the Meilin family. I heard that it seems that the cloud tower is an alchemy purchased from the Hardward family. Now it is all gone. It has been replaced by the Merlin family ...

This hidden alchemy family is in contradiction with the high-profile alchemist forces such as the City of the Sky. Now it seems that I am already hostile ...

The magic flying carpet slowly flew over the floating battleship, and a group of Masters of the Hardward family looked down at the people on the deck.

"Wortby, are you stupid, are you ready to carry it on, our floating warship is about to sail, but I have no time to wait for you."

Guru Lud looked up at the magic flying carpet floating above everyone's head, cursed loudly, and yelled into the cabin.

"Ship, go at full speed!"

After a few seconds, a strong magic wave appeared on the surface of the floating battleship, the power system was working at full capacity, and the huge floating battleship began to accelerate slowly.

At this moment, the magic flying carpet floating in mid-air had to fall to the deck, because after the floating battleship started, the energy shield began to rise. When the speed of the floating battleship reached a certain level, in addition to attacking them, In addition, it can no longer come in. At that time, it can only fly to the Kingdom of Odin through the magic flying carpet of the pilot.

You know, the magic flying carpet is driven by the magic power of the mage. When flying to the Kingdom of Odin, it will definitely exhaust a top titled magic wizard ...

After the magic flying carpet landed on the ground, the mage writing with a quill pen raised his head with dissatisfaction, and his eyes were full of disdain.

古 "Luther, you, who have been rotten by money ~ ~ You haven't seen the path of truth for a long time. Don't you see that I'm doing a very important calculation?

This formula may be related to the path of truth for all alchemists. Forget it, I will not tell you, you guys must not understand that feeling. You have already gone astray, and it is no longer pure. Alchemist, the alchemy in your hands is completely blasphemed. "

The ancient Luther looked angry, and his path to the alchemist and the path to the truth were denied. This is the rhythm of duel.

If you do n’t fight for your life, it ’s not over. Lin Yun suddenly understood why the relationship between the Hardward family and the city of the sky is so bad. The two forces did not start a direct war. The biggest reason is probably because they are not in a kingdom. They There is no rush to transnational war and no way to go to war.

Guru Luther pointed at Waterby.

"Worteby, come, let me see if you have grown a little over the years, what a broken formula, dare to say the road of truth about all alchemists."

There was a smile of arrogance on Watby's face, and then he picked up the manuscript paper on the table with both hands and gave it to Gurud.

"Stupid walking on a wrong path, show it, it doesn't matter if you destroy these manuscripts, I have recorded important data, it is impossible for you to destroy my research by despicable means!"



[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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