
Laibo was busy and confused, and wanted to use the undead fighting spirit to help suppress it, but found that the undead fighting spirit would even suppress with his classmates. The toxins have been integrated into the body of these guys, and they are completely rooted in their bodies and cannot be suppressed alone Expel. network

Laibo stared at Lin Yun with a frown.

"Toxins are very complicated, they are too poisoned, and it takes too long to deploy antidote. One of the medicinal materials needed is not here. Only on the plane of the undead ..."

As soon as Lin Yun's words were finished, Leibo's face changed, and the youngest poisoned young man's face changed greatly, and he shouted in horror.

"Damn, what are you talking about, do you mean we are dead? Brother Rambo, hurry up and let this **** guy assign us an antidote ..."

Before the words of the young man were finished, Lebow's face suddenly changed and his eyes became cold.

"Shut up! Constantine! Have you forgotten the basic courtesy of teaching you, this is His Excellency Mafamaline from the Kingdom of Andalusia, a strong man who absolutely does not belong to me, and Mafa Your Excellency is also a powerful creator!

Just now His Excellency Mafia cracked and rescued you from that alchemy circle. Shouldn't you guys say thank you to His Mafia first, if it wasn't His Mafia, you would all fall into it! "

Leibo's eyes were shaking, and he almost reached out and waved Constantine with a slap.

This fool, when he was in the monastery, spoiled him, and forgot the most basic courtesy. Didn't he see that they were saved by His Majesty just now?

Damn, if they've seen His Majesty single-handedly dismantle an Alchemist's Alchemy Puppet into parts in a few seconds, I'm afraid it won't do it now.

If it wasn't for my cheeky request to His Majesty, how could His Majesty come here. If His Majesty is annoyed, who knows if His Majesty will turn his face, Constantine, this idiot, do you want to die?

Forgot that the owner has repeatedly explained. When you are outside, do n’t offend people casually. If you offend people casually, the monastery wo n’t do anything for them!

And Leibo's expression was a little scary. It seemed to scare a few scared young sword masters. It seemed to be the first time when he saw this expression of Leibo, it seemed a little nervous?

For a moment, Constantine froze, and his panic calmed suddenly. I dare not say a word.

Lin Yun frowned. If it wasn't for speeding up, he would have to crack the alchemy alchemy by himself. Five days would not be enough, and he would not bother to care about these people at Yinshan Monastery.

Laibo's face was a little awkward.

"Honour Mafa, please don't mind, my brothers and sisters have been in the Hidden Mountain Monastery before and haven't come out. This one doesn't know how to get along with people outside. And I haven't encountered this danger. Terrified ... "

Speaking of this, Laibo himself was a little bit ashamed, and then gave a few serious glances to his classmates.

"You idiots, I knew you were like this, and I should have invited His Excellency Mapha to save you. The teachings of the monastery were all in vain!"

After hearing this, a few young sword masters were frightened. Struggling to stand up quickly, bowed respectfully to Lin Yun.

"Lord Mafa, thank you for saving us."

"Her Mafia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it ..."

Your young Juggernaut apologized quickly, then looked at Leibo pleadingly.

What Laibo could do was to blush and cheek Lin Yun for help.

"Lord Mafa, you see, they are poisoned. How can they be eliminated? Constantine's poisoning is the deepest. I'm afraid I can't hold it for a long time. Do you have any other options? Or you can delay it for a while ...

Lin Yun is also a little bit distressed. The poison in these guys is too complicated ...

"It's not that I don't want to make an antidote to save them, but that the poison in them is too complicated and the poison is too deep. They have been suppressing with undead qi, and then resist with the huge vitality in the body.

However, these toxins are mixed with 37 kinds of toxins, many of which can absorb vitality and enhance penetration. These toxins are mixed together and are triggered by the huge vitality and have long been rooted in their bodies.

I know how to make an antidote, but I can also make it, but I lack an immortal bone flower that can grow only in the dead plane or the bone plane, where the dead spirit is very strong and calm. .

Without this medicinal material, other methods need to be re-researched, which takes at least three days to research.

And they won't last for three days ... "

Lin Yun said that several young sword masters had originally green faces, and instantly became greener. Constantine looked at Lin Yun blankly, without saying a word, but the expression on his face continued The ground is changing.

Damn, Brother Leibo said that this guy can have the same strength as him. What a joke, this guy is just a ninth-level title wizard. Brother Leibo must be asking this guy in a low voice in order to save us. .

Looking at this guy now, there must be a way to save us, but just to get revenge, I definitely want to get revenge on me, **** it, am I really going to apologize like this abominable guy?

A ninth-level title wizard, our sword priest at Hidden Mountain Monastery, and the same-level title wizard, will not be our opponents. This guy, I can kill it with one hand, I can cut him off in a minute. Head.

He dared to hit me like this, he must not compromise, no, I can't stand it anymore ...

Constantine's face turned dark green, undead fighting and vitality were rapidly weakening. In this way, for a maximum of half an hour, the body would be completely destroyed, and even the soul would be torn by pollution ...

Leibo's face became a little pale, and he rescued the students and brothers, but he had to watch them die to death, which was more uncomfortable than not being able to save them.

"Malfa ... Honour Malfa, is there really no other way?"

Lin Yun was also in a dilemma. The alchemy puppets they encountered before were not poisoned at all. Who can think of that there are 37 kinds of violent speeds in this area, of which there are several kinds of even for the order of the strong All work.

Many of these toxins are formulated into new poisons in specific proportions. You can even poison the Heavenly Order!

The thirty-seven species are all mixed together. Although the toxin is troublesome, it is not so severe, if not so. Even if these guys are the heirs of the Yinshan Monastery, they will be poisoned alive.

It is a pity that the material for disposing antidote really lacks the most important one, and it is irreplaceable. It needs to be re-examined. What has been researched can only be temporarily relieved and cannot be eradicated ...

After thinking for a while, Lin Yun suddenly thought of one of the things that were sorted out during the previous harvest, which seemed to be useful ...

It was a kind of poisonous larva obtained in the abyss. These poisonous larvae are said to have been parasites of Taigu Duron. They feed on poisons and rely on toxins to grow. The more intense the better. Even larvae can be stored on Taigudulong, which is almost a thing that is not afraid of toxins at all.

Lin Yun was interested at that time. After the following demons contributed, they were collected, but unfortunately they have not been cultivated. The ordinary toxins cannot grow these poisonous insects, and they have been left there forgotten.

It is said that this poisonous insect bites when it grows to the extreme state. The toxin is not worse than the poison of Taigu Duron, the strongest of the order will be poisoned by a bite.

Thinking of the larvae of these poisonous dragon parasites, Lin Yun's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he reached out and rolled over. A crystal bottle sealed with a rune appeared in the hand, and the bottle was also covered with a seal. Inside it was a pile of disgusting larvae that were constantly creeping in mucus, translucent mucus, and pale yellow larva. Gagging.

Lin Yun looked at Leibo. The look was a little embarrassing.

"My Excellency, I thought about it, and the last way I can think of is this. This is the abyss poisonous worm that I accidentally got. It relies on toxins for food, and it is just the larva of the poisonous worm. It has no ability to swallow the poison Already.

If I want to save you, you can only rely on the larvae of this abyss poisonous worm ... "

Leibocco doesn't care so much, as long as people don't die, although those poisonous insects look at nausea, can nausea be worse than losing their lives?

Leibo took the look of his brother and looked at the five little green and white brothers with serious faces, who looked dare to wait for the expression of exile.

Lin Yun lifted the seal of the crystal bottle, and a stench smell came out, with the smell of stench and sulphur, as if drilling into the nostrils of all people.

Lin Yun couldn't help frowning. When he was a demon, he didn't feel stinky. There were more disgusting things in the abyss. Now he can't help but feel a bit sick.

"Her Mafia, how do you get this?"

A young swordsman with a green and white face looked with horror at Lin Yun holding a crystal bottle close to him. Under the threat of death, the taste was disgusting and looked disgusting again.

It seemed to feel the violent toxin, the poisonous larva of the crystal flask was about to move, and constantly wriggling the body, it seemed to want to crawl out of the crystal flask.

Lin Yun released the hand of a mage, grabbed three small thumb-sized poisonous insects, and put it on the body of this young sword. Suddenly, this young swordsman was like a petrification, his body stiffened, and he stayed blank. Watching the wet poisonous insect lie on him.

I haven't been exposed to toxins for a long time, and the poisonous insects are starved. After contacting the toxins, they start to devour madly. Soon, the young arm of the young swordsman has half of the skin and restores the original color. The green faded slowly, and the poisonous insects seemed unable to continue to devour toxins.

Lin Yun not only grabbed the poisonous insects and put them on various parts of the young swordsman's body, and continuously swallowed the toxins on their bodies. After two minutes, although the young swordsman's face was still a little pale, he was no longer green. , There is no longer a breath of toxins on the body.

Seeing that it was effective, Lin Yun grabbed the poisonous insects and swallowed the speed of the remaining four people. After five minutes, the toxins on the remaining three people were all cleaned up, but Constantine's skin still had a touch of green. .

Most of the toxins were cleared, and the poisonous insects could no longer devour them, but not only for half a minute, the color of Constantine's body surface began to increase again.

"Her Mafia, here, what's going on ..."

Constantine was frightened, and the other four were all right. Only the toxins on his body could not be swallowed up, but they would gradually grow after being swallowed.

Lin Yun frowned.

"You have been poisoned too deeply. Toxins have penetrated into your internal organs and blood, and may even have penetrated into the bone marrow. The poisonous insects are swallowed on the surface of the body. These poisonous insects are just larvae. The toxins are absorbed together ... "

When he heard this, Constantine was completely frightened. He wouldn't want that much anymore. His face was green and white, his strength was rapidly weakening, and his life force was rapidly declining.

Leibo on one side was suddenly shocked, but there was no other way, but to watch beside him. Anyone knew that this was a toxin in Constantine's body.

Constantine's body was stiff and felt that his body seemed to be losing consciousness, but suddenly, Constantine saw a mage's hand pinching his chin, pinching his mouth away, and then a mage Hand flew over holding a crystal bottle.

Instantly, Constantine's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip. The viscous mucus in the crystal bottle, a pile of pale yellow sick larvae, kept writhing around in the body.

Then the crystal flask began to tilt slowly, and those disgusting larvae, together with the mucus inside, poured into his mouth.

Constantine's stiff eyes were filled with despair, and he could only watch the mucus and poisonous insects pour into his mouth. The slippery feeling filled the mouth, and the crazy creeping poisonous insects were constantly drilling.

A lot of poisonous insects came into his belly along his mouth ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The cold and disgusting slime slid into his belly along his throat.

For a moment, Constantine remembered the rotten corpses that he had seen before, and it seemed that there were many such long and very similar small worms wriggling ...

Seeing Lin Yun's movements, the young swordsmen around him turned pale, and the four nine-level title wizards couldn't help but take a step back.

Leibo's eyelids jumped wildly, but he was relieved. He thought that Constantine was dead just now, but did not expect Lin Yun to have a last resort.

As long as you can survive, as a strong person, suffering such a little bit of pain, it is nothing ...

The poisonous insects were poured into Constantine's mouth by Lin Yun in one breath. Instantly, the toxins erupting in Constantine's body were like finding the floodgates and finding the floodgates, and were devoured by those poisonous insect larvae.

Visible to the naked eye, Constantine's skin turned dark green, quickly faded, and slowly returned to fair white color. The toxins erupted in his body also slowly calmed down, and after a few seconds, Constantine, who was stiff, suddenly stooped down, and vomited with a wow. (To be continued.)

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