
Numerous milky white bugs were sprayed out by him, and Lin Yun was empty of magic, and recovered all the poisonous larvae in the crystal bottle, and immediately closed the bottle with a cap. (Baidu Search Network updates the fastest and most stable)

All the poisonous insects were vomited, Constantine still knelt on the ground, vomiting continuously, the bitter water was vomiting, and in the end there was nothing to vomit, and still vomiting there ...

The young Juggernauts around looked pale, remembering the disgusting poisonous insects just now, but couldn't help but retching, but the four people's faces were all fortunate, but fortunately they were not very poisoned.

Leibo was completely relieved, and he could sense it. Although Constantine vomited his courage, his vitality has stabilized, and his immortality has not been consumed, which means that his toxins have been completely removed. .

"His Mafia, thanks to you this time. If not for your quickest response, Constantine may be dead now.

Looking at my brother-in-law and dying in front of myself, I can hardly imagine it. After returning to Yinshan, I don't know how to face the owner ... "

Leibo was almost crying. Constantine's toxin outbreak really scared him. The desperation of complete helplessness, he did not want to go through it again ...

Lin Yun shook his head.

"My Excellency, you are so kind. Since I promised you, I will do my best."

Leibo sighed, then pulled Constantine, who was still nauseating, with a serious look.

"Constantine, this time your life was saved by His Majesty, Your Mafia not only rescued you from that **** place, but also detoxified you, especially you, Constantine, just now If it wasn't for His Majesty's quick response, you are now a corpse. Thank you His Majesty immediately! "

The other four sword masters honored Lin Yun in accordance with ancient etiquette. Thanks to Lin Yun for his saving grace, and Constantine. His face was pale, and Lebo was stunned, and he saluted together.

Constantine's complexion was constantly changing, and his weak face was aggrieved.

This guy is definitely intentional, right. It must have been intended to humiliate me. Why can anyone else just do it? Those disgusting poisonous insects are definitely raised by this disgusting guy. It must be that he controls those disgusting insects and does not absorb all of my body. toxin.

And then waiting for my toxin to burst, let me devour that bottle of disgusting poisonous insects, oh my god, I can't do it ...

Constantine tangled. It was determined that it was Lin Yun who deliberately humiliated him before using this method. This was revenge, naked revenge.

But thinking of those poisonous insects, Constantine couldn't help but flash the image of poisonous insects pouring into his mouth, and the slippery and jumping thing went down his throat into his stomach.

Thinking of this picture, Constantine couldn't help but start retching ...

Where did Lin Yun know that Constantine would think of these places, and now he was thinking about those poisonous dragon parasites, which were more powerful than the demons at the time, so many complex toxins. Even when the toxins have fully erupted, those explosive toxins can be swallowed up cleanly within a few seconds.

Now this is just the larva, if it is a metamorphosis to an adult. How strong would that be?

You must know those toxins, but they almost poisoned the lineage heirs of these hidden mountain monasteries. These guys are all nine-level sword sages, and most of them have reached the peak of the nine-level sword sages. Be prosperous.

At this point, he was almost poisoned. If it was an ordinary nine-level sword sage, it had already been poisoned into a pool of sewage.

And these toxins are just delicious food for these dragon dragon parasites. With these things, it means that any toxins encountered in the future may be swallowed by these dragon dragon parasites.

It seems that I have to cultivate it well. When I have time to go to the angry flame plane, the mist of the valley where the Archaeopteryx corpse was found does not seem to have dissipated. Let these poisonous dragon parasites devour all the poisonous mist there. May be transformed into adults.

At that time, the mage under the sky order will definitely be poisoned by a bite, and when a large group appears together, it is not impossible to poison a sky order mage ...

The five young Juggernauts were seriously injured. If they wanted to move on, they had to wait for them to recover a bit. Lin Yun was too lazy to waste time and gave them five bottles of life potion. This potion was unrelenting for those who practiced For guys, the utilization efficiency can be far more than that of the mage.

In less than an hour, a group of people basically returned to normal, the combat effectiveness was slightly discounted, and it could be completely restored in a day at most.

After successfully rescuing five of his classmates, Laibo's confidence increased, and he immediately took a group of people to another place.

After arriving at the place, Lin Yun's brow frowned.

"Her Mafia, this is it, my sister-in-law accidentally stepped in here, and then the alchemy circle immediately appeared here, which was originally not there ...

I'm worried that there will be other changes when I storm again. In case of toxins again, then it will be troublesome. Is this alchemy formation good to break? "

Lin Yun took out the crystal ball and looked at it, his face did not look very good.

"This is not an ordinary alchemy circle. This is actually an alchemy portal, and it is a one-way alchemy portal. The portal is linked to the entire area behind it, which is the trial site of this ruin.

If you want to come out, you can only break through all the way, come out from another one-way alchemy portal, and hardly crack the alchemy circle here, it is simply impossible.

Because I don't know what's inside, if it's hard cracked, no matter what, there will be all released in one breath. "

After Lin Yun finished speaking, Leibo couldn't help taking a breath, looking at the area that stretched for at least ten kilometers in front of him, a picture appeared in his mind.

A dozen or twenty heaven-level alchemy urns, leading thousands of 39-level alchemy urns, like a metal frenzy, facing this horrifying power, all of them are like driftwood drawn into the torrent. Similarly, there is no second result except torn to pieces.

Before breaking an alchemy circle, there were two sky-level alchemy urns inside. This is called a trial field. How many alchemy urns will there be?

No one knows ...

"Her Mafia. My sister, will she ..."

Lin Yun shook his head and pointed to the alchemy portal that was still running.

"No, the alchemy portal is still running. It means that the challenges in it are not over, and the people in it have not failed, the portal will not disappear.

We want to save your sister and sister, we must enter and kill all the way from this trial ground. Go out through another portal ... "

Leibo was in a hurry.

"Then what are we waiting for? It's been a few days. Shimei hasn't come out yet, she must be trapped inside ..."

Lin Yun shook his head and reminded everyone.

"I said ahead of time that after entering the inside, everything must be listened to by me. His Excellency Leibeau and I must go in, and you stay outside. It is too dangerous, as long as there is a heavenly alchemist leading If the team appears, you will die.

However, after entering, it will increase the difficulty of the challenge, and I will continue to crack the alchemy matrix to weaken the difficulty of the challenge. Without my permission, I must not make any response, otherwise it is very dangerous. May be dead. "

Lin Yun's tone was flat, but everyone heard a bitter chill.

After speaking, Lin Yun took the lead in stepping into the alchemy gate, and Laibo led his five younger brothers. Step into the alchemy portal together.

The light flashed, and everyone's appearance appeared on a square that was a few kilometers away. The ground on the square was solidified with a large number of protective runes, and the ground was reinforced. I don't know how many times.

There is also a mask covering the whole square, where everyone is. On a ten-meter platform on the edge of the square.

With the emergence of everyone, on the opposite platform, two sky-level alchemy urns and five 39-level alchemy urns appeared. All the melee alchemy urns appeared, but now all of them are in Quiet state.

After appearing, Lin Yun was relieved. This is to calculate the combat power first, and then arrange a trial challenge corresponding to the combat power, instead of starting directly, there is enough time to crack the alchemy circle.

Lin Yun took out the crystal pen and star ink, and quickly wrote a lot of obscure runes around the platform. Soon, these runes surrounded the entire platform, and the last rune was written. Fusion with platform runes.

Three seconds later, on the opposite platform, the two alchemy urns of the order of the sky disappeared, leaving only one thirty-nine melee alchemy urn in the end.

When Lin Yun stepped out of the platform, the quiet thirty-nine level alchemy urn suddenly opened his eyes, and the scarlet crystal eyes suddenly glowed.

"Come on, we can move on to the next level."

Lin Yun put away the crystal pen and star ink, and didn't take the 39th-level alchemy puppet at all.

But the five young Swordmasters saw the alchemy rushing over, but couldn't help but raise their arms.

Constantine raised his weapon instinctively, but at an instant, when he saw that Laibo didn't plan to take a shot, he turned around and immediately snapped at the other four people.

"Have you forgotten what His Majesty said? Without His Majesty's order, no one can move around!"

Constantine had a serious face, but his eyes were staring at the alchemy rushing towards Lin Yun, with a eager light in his eyes.

This arrogant fellow, these alchemy urns are not ordinary alchemy urns, each of them is powerful and terrible. Except for our uncles who have been practicing immortal sycophants, the average nine-level sword sage peak may not be This alchemy cricket's opponent.

You know, the weapons of those alchemists have the power of targeting the mage, and it is too easy to tear the shield of a nine-level title wizard.

This arrogant guy, but he said not to let us do anything, but to listen to his instructions, wait for the pain, don't blame others ...

It is a pity that Brother Leibo is here, and he will definitely not let this abominable guy suffer too much ...

Constantine's eyes had a hint of good-looking drama, but Leibo did not care at all, and Lin Yun did not care, even the shield did not stand up.

The speed of the alchemy puppet is very fast. In the process of rushing, all the blessing spells solidified on the weapon are activated, and some of the gain spells solidified on the body are also activated, except for the speed and power. Definitely stronger than the average nine-level swordsman.

Even the peculiarities of these alchemy puppets, their powerful power systems and combat systems, combined with the specially crafted weapons, were lethal to the mage. May be stronger than the nine-level swordsman.

Constantine's eyes were excited, watching Alchemy's rushed to Lin Yun's 30 meters, and he cheered loudly, glanced at Leibo quietly, but found that Leibo did not react at this distance. Suddenly overjoyed.

Look, this arrogant mage will have to pay a heavy price, thirty meters, even before the shield is first supported, the speed of these alchemists is very fast, and at thirty meters, Can start to release some abilities, he is going to suffer a lot.

Brother Laibo must also want to make this arrogant mage suffer. Then he rescued him, so that even if it was a return of humanity, but also let him know the strength of our hidden mountain monastery.

Here, finally here!

Constantine shook his fist, and finally saw that the speed of the alchemist suddenly increased sharply. At a distance of thirty meters, it struck over in a blink of an eye. The two blades of the sword staggered towards Lin Yun's body.

But Lin Yun hasn't supported the shield yet, just need a cross to cut Lin Yun's body in half.

But suddenly. Constantine saw that Lin Yun's body continued to move forward, and it seemed that he did not bother with the alchemist at all, but it was this random step, but he just missed the two blades strangely.

After that, Lin Yun patted one hand gently on the back of the alchemist. Then there is no more ...

Alchemist's body stiffened, and it burst into silence in an instant, turning into a pile of parts and falling down.

Before those parts fell to the ground, they were controlled by Lin Yun's magic to earn the space ring.

The slight smile on Constantine's face froze completely.

Not just him. The remaining four young sword masters, just as they saw the ghost, looked dumbly at Lin Yun very skillfully before the parts were all put away.

It's like the alchemy urn just wasn't true at all, or a bunch of parts rushed over and was collected by Lin Yun ...

Constantine was frightened and had no idea what had just happened ...

Damn, what's going on here, hell, is that alchemist going to be broken? Why didn't he attack that ugly guy, and why was he bumped into a pile of parts by the ugly guy?

Damn, is this guy a Heavenly Order Swordmaster? Can anyone tell me what happened just now ...

It was not just Constantine who was puzzled and shocked, the other four sword masters were equally thrilled and shocked.

Next to it, Leibo had been indifferent, but felt more comfortable all of a sudden.

Finally, the special ability of His Majesty to dismantle the Alchemy Puppet with one hand in seconds. Sure enough, I know that this 39-level Alchemy Puppet is here to send His Majesty a part ...

Take a look, it really isn't that I have little knowledge, Constantine they are frightened, but they can see a lot of books in the library tube of the Hidden Mountain Monastery, and there are several, and the books I have read are better than mine. They have more knowledge of the outside world than I do.

Didn't see them all the same as seeing ghosts? This is definitely either because I have less knowledge, or His Majesty is too scary.

Sure enough, it was necessary to report the development of the outside world to the dean after returning. Except for Constantine, one of these four little guys claimed to have read half the library books.

He was frightened. Ca n’t explain the problem? Too many books in the monastery are outdated, and they ca n’t keep up with the progress of the outside world. It is necessary for the owner to speed up the pace of contact with the outside world.

The sinister monastery outside is about to be eliminated by the times ...

Leibo saw the scary expression of the five young swordsmen who saw a ghost, completely determined, and must go back and tell the owner of the yard how terrible the outside world is now ...

After breaking through the first level and stepping into the second again, it is still the same platform as the first one, but the alchemy urn that appears has turned into a melee order, a cast order, and Go up to three thirty-nine levels of melee and two thirty-nine level of cast alchemy.

Lin Yun once again modified the extreme challenge here ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Blunted the detection device here, so that the detection device detects that there is only a nine-level sword sage, so there is only one thirty-nine in the end. Pinnacle of Alchemy.

Similarly, this casting alchemy urn was also approached step by step by Lin Yun, and then the slender palm caught up. Instantly, the 39th level alchemy urn exploded into a pile of parts ...

Ryborg's expression was numb, and there was nothing abnormal about it.

The heavenly alchemy urn will be dismantled into parts with one hand. A 39th alchemy urn is only a big deal. Worth a fuss?

Looking at the five students who were still stunned, Leibo couldn't help but feel that these students were really going to practice outside.

This is just a thirty-nine level alchemy puppet. It's the same as seeing a ghost. If you see the alchemy puppet of the heavenly order being disassembled into parts, you still have it.

Really young man, never seen the world, no matter how many books I read, it's useless, my mental quality is too bad ... (~ ^ ~)

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