Lena and off class are about to officially break through to the sky order, who has time to continue fighting with these people, Lena's dragon crystal has merged the ancient shell dragon crystal of the ancient poisonous dragon, the essence of life has changed, who knows the breakthrough to Will there be any problems during the Heavenly Order?

Also, the off-duty is no longer pure dragon blood orcs, from the blood of three golden dragons to the blood of Archaea poisonous dragon, abyss blood dragon, and taking a bath in the blood of the demon, so many blood vessels are integrated into their own Inside the body, fortunately, the strongest dragon blood orc itself is the power of blood, but what happens when it breaks to the sky order, it is not necessarily ...

You should know that breaking through to the Heavenly Order is inherently very dangerous. It is the same for both human mage and other races. Especially the abnormal advancement such as Lena and off-duty is more likely to be dangerous. Whoever accidentally fell between the two of them, Lin Yun was distressed to death ...

If at other times, after studying the ban on that element, these guys will be killed directly, where would you talk to them nonsense.

What a pity, Lin Yun was kind once, but the other party's answer was a blockbuster of magic ...

Flames, frost, hurricanes, and boulders come from four directions. A large number of spells stir the power of the elements to form a chaotic and violent area. Every second, there are dozens of impacts on the Fusion Shield of Lin Yun.

However, the light flowing on the fusion shield cannot be shaken by the elemental mages of the first four levels.

The dark mage held the staff and sang a spell quickly. In the void above Lin Yun's head, a void vortex appeared, and a finger with a length of more than three meters and a length of more than twenty meters stretched out from it. The finger was like It is a layer of black and cyan skin wrapped with thick phalanx bones, and there are dense and strange patterns on the surface.

Finger pressed fiercely towards Lin Yun's Fusion Shield, like a giant sticking out a finger, trying to pinch a small ant.

Lin Yun's brow frowned, his body shook a bit, and it suddenly appeared more than ten meters away, and the finger was pressed on the ground, and between the moments, the range of the finger was more than ten meters. There was no calm wave, but ten A few hundred meters away, the ground suddenly exploded, and the flat ground exploded into fragments of the sky.

The horrible force was so strong that it could not be blasted away. If you look closely, you can even find that the land within ten meters of your finger has been sunk by two or three meters by the powerful force. deep……

"The devil's finger, this **** guy, has a deal with a devil. This idiot got a devil's finger bone, and the devil is still alive. The price of the transaction is probably his soul after death ...

Be careful with Merlin, don't get hit ... "

He Anda exclaimed, another head reminded quickly.

Lin Yun unleashes the strength of the first level. His body is pulled up to more than seven meters from the sky. Four colors of light are flowing on the body. This is the incarnation of the four series of elements. The violent magic has turned into a fountain at the feet of Lin Yun, and it continues to gush. And out, every ruled rune spit out, at least one eighth-level spell was condensed out.

The violent four-line spells turned into a flood of five spells, suppressing the five mages in front of them.

Instantly, the four tier-one mages first felt the huge pressure, and their fusion shield flickered frequently, and it seemed to break at any time.

And that dark mage, the fusion shield is like a flowing black bó mist, constantly spinning around him, blocking all the mages released by Lin Yun.

I felt this huge pressure, and the dark mage's face finally changed. I did not expect Lin Yun to have such a strong strength, and he could suppress them even if he played against five heavens alone.

"Damn, urge the power of the enchantment, hurry up, destroy the magic incarnation, suppress the power of the enchantment ..."

The dark mage shouted aloud. The forty nine-level magic wizards who supported the enchantment suddenly burst out with all the power, and even three magic weapons, together with the magic weapon incarnation, were destroyed, borrowing magic The power of the simultaneous destruction of the magic weapon and the magic weapon incarnation suddenly turned into scarlet, and the power soared at least doubled.

The pressure of terror suppresses Lin Yun's body. Suddenly, Lin Yun's casting speed has slowed down, and the power of casting seems to have weakened somewhat. The extraordinary power is resisting the resentment power brought about by the destruction of three true spirit magical instruments. , The fall of the three magical incarnations, the resentment power among them was guided by the enchantment, suppressed on Lin Yun.

The five Heavenly Mages managed to catch their breath, and they didn't dare to separate, but gathered together. The four Heavenly Elemental Masters formed a circle, and the Dark Master stood in the middle of the circle, the earth fire and water wind. The flow of power seems to have formed a stable balance between the four, and at the same time, the strength of the four of them has been improved at the same time.

The ground fire and water wind evolved to form a half-plane virtual shadow. The four half-plane virtual shadows were projected and then combined together, just like a natural half-plane ground fire and water wind began to evolve and balance. .

The four elemental demons are standing at the four corners of this combined half-plane phantom to help maintain this balance, while the dark mage's half-plane phantom is like a dark sky covering the four-line half-plane At the top of the ghost, dark rules evolved.

All of a sudden, the strength of the five people climbed madly. This temporary structure is essentially illusory, but they can borrow the power of rules in this illusory power.

The elemental spells of the 24th series form an elemental storm, and the center of the elemental storm is shrouded in a layer of dark power, indicating that all destruction will eventually return to darkness.

The power of terror suppressed Lin Yun. Lin Yun's face changed slightly. Before the third level of Heaven Order, it was impossible to borrow the power of the half-plane. Not to fight, but to help the half plane grow and evolve the rules of the half plane.

The strength of the elemental demon is directly proportional to the strength of the half plane. These five guys, using their respective rules of understanding, even made the projection of the half plane visible, and then temporarily combined into another half. Plane.

Even if the projection of this half plane will collapse at any time, it will even affect their own half plane, but before that, they will increase their power by half a level.

Under this kind of power, the average Master of the Tier 2 level has absolutely only defensive power, and even if it is not good, he will be crushed to death.

Coupled with the power of the enchantment, the five mages suddenly got rid of the fate of being suppressed, but instead attacked back to Lin Yun.

Facing the storm of elements that contained dark power, Lin Yun's expression was cold, took a breath, and then instantly, the surrounding space began to distort. The powerful breath erupted as if in essence, and the magic turned into water clusters. Floating out, four colors of light shrouded Lin Yun.

Behind a giant roulette phantom of more than 30 meters high emerges from the center of the roulette phantom, the four-line rule symbol culture is a circle, and the center is some space rules that change continuously from silvery white to starry sky. Runes.

Countless runes of rules spewed out of the roulette's shadow. The wave of extraordinary powers is like a wave. When it spreads, it slams the surrounding enchantment fiercely. Just the fluctuation makes the enchantment begin to glow. Ripples.

Theodorus and Anderfa had just prepared to shoot, but were blocked by Lin Yun. Lin Yun floated in the air, transformed into a giant element of more than seven meters high, surging strength all over the body, and dense four-line perfect rules Runes blend into Lin Yun's elemental incarnation.

In a few moments, Lin Yun ’s body began to shrink, down to two meters in size, and the appearance of the elemental avatar had disappeared, returning to Lin Yun ’s original appearance, but the body surface was permeated with a layer of four-colored brilliance. Four colored rune marks.

As Lin Yun changed his appearance, the horror breath emanating from his body was more intense. In the face of a blow that absolutely exceeded the power of the second-tier power of the heavens, Lin Yun spit out a four-color ruled rune. In between, a majestic command sounded in everyone's mind.


The icy command with no trace of emotion sounded, and in an instant, the elemental storm collapsed into a pure element, and the power of these pure elements was returned back, only the dark power inside still hit Lin Yun. Fusion Shield.

A huge torrent of elements, back to the five Heaven-level mages, the half-plane ghosts they constructed exploded, and the elemental demons in the half-planes of the four elemental mage exploded ...

Even if they are still in the half plane, they seem to have suffered an irresistible back bite and fell directly ...

The four Masters of the Tier 1 rank turned pale, and the power of the elements around them completely collapsed. Even the power of the rules seemed to suffer unimaginable suppression.

Four Masters of the First Tier Level, in a moment, there is no trace of mysterious mystery on the body.

But at this moment, Lin Yun's body disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, behind the five mages, the four heavenly mages shouted in horror. The power of the elements around them seemed to be summoned, crazy The influx into their bodies.

The elemental power that absolutely exceeds the limit of a first-order first-level strong influx, and their half-planes are now in a paralyzed state, and the elemental demons are all blown out from the air. Such a powerful force is pouring in crazyly In less than three seconds, the bodies of the four Celestial Masters began to be assimilated by the elements ...

Lin Yun reappeared into the air again, and the dark mage's face was all white, completely frightened. The four heavenly powerhouses around him fell to the ground like ordinary people, and his body was permeated far beyond their limits. Strength, but unable to use the slightest.

The flame Master's eyes, mouth, and ears all spit out flames, and the whole person was burned and then burned to ashes ...

Frost Mage was frozen into a frosty ice sculpture, and then shattered into the sky's ice debris ...

The body of Hurricane Mage seems to have experienced weathering for thousands of years in an instant, and the body slowly dissipates into nothingness ...

The earth mage turned into a clay statue, and finally solidified into stones, followed by crushing into dust and falling to the ground ...

In mid-air, Anderfa's three faces all opened his mouth wide, and looked at Lin Yun in shock.

"Damn, the Elemental Elf King! This guy ... this guy can borrow the power of the Elemental Elven King, **** it, is that the law of the Elemental Elven King?"

Luan Defa grew up and couldn't close his mouth, and Theodorus directly manifested the form, floating in the air, kneeling on the book of Mantra in a bowing posture ...

Theodus has just evolved to the Demon Flame Elf King and Hurricane Elf King. It is a few steps away from the Element Elf King, and it is essentially a gap. Feel the breath of the law, and immediately surrendered without suspense ... ...

Lin Yun's face floated solemnly in the air, and the power of the surrounding four elements gathered together actively. There was no need to summon it. Lin Yun gathered a large number of elemental powers. The activity of these elemental powers was even higher than a mage. Unimaginable ...

This is the power of the elemental incarnation!

In the future, the mage battles endless planes. What must be mastered is the elemental incarnation. When the advanced level is advanced, the mastered elemental incarnation is raised to the limit, the hidden limit level, combined with its own extraordinary power and perfect rule rune. You can temporarily have the power of the Elemental Elf King ...

If the fire mage realizes the ultimate of the fire element incarnation, the incarnation of the fire element incarnation can at least increase the power of the fire elemental spell by 50%, and the consumption of spells and the speed of gathering elements will far exceed the average fire mage. .

Combined with the perfect rule runes and the realized rule power, you can temporarily have some of the power of the Fire Elf King.

For example, the biggest benefit is 100% immunity from the fire spell ...

Lin Yun laid the foundation of the rules with the four-line rules. The elemental incarnations of the four lines have been continuously researched, constantly comprehended, and the individual incarnations have already reached the extreme.

He now releases the incarnation of the four elements directly, and when he studied the runes of truth before, he mastered the incarnation of the four elements to the extreme ...

结合 After combining extraordinary powers, perfect rule runes, and rule perceptions, after merging, it became the incarnation of the element elven king that few people mastered at the peak of Northrend!

As the King of Elemental Elves, he has absolute control over the power of the elements of Earthfire, Water, and Wind. Or, as long as his understanding of the rules does not exceed that of Lin Yun's Elemental Master, don't even think of standing in front of Lin Yun to release the elemental spell ...

Low-level elemental spells, dare to attack the elemental elven king, that is, if you touch the rules, you must be attacked by the element itself ...

Unfortunately, Lin Yun is not so strong yet, but using the law of the elemental elven king, directly counterattack the four heavenly-level elemental mages. Don't be too simple ...

How can the four masters of the first order of heavens comprehend the rules of the elements?

Lin Yun suddenly broke out of her own power, suddenly scared the dark mage, and released a large number of dark spells, but she couldn't shake Lin Yun's current fusion shield, the balance of the four elements, and the shield formed. Not that he can break ...

Zhe Linyun flew into the air, looking coldly at those pale-faced wizards, the dragon's staff slowly lifted up, a purple dragon emerged behind Lin Yun, and the book of death emitted four colors of brilliance.

In an instant, the surrounding elemental forces gathered wildly in front of Lin Yun. Each rule rune condensed in front of Lin Yun. In less than three seconds, a four-series bomb with a length of more than one meter Be condensed out.

But this four-series explosive bomb exudes terrible extraordinary power, and this little four-series explosive bomb has devoured all the elemental powers here ...

Strong power has distorted the surrounding space. This power can only be released in the current state of Lin Yun. Except for the power of the elemental elven king, no mage can order the power of the elements to converge ...

The light is distorted, the space is distorted, and the space around the four series of bombs has turned into a vortex. You cannot see any light at all, but only a piece of distorted space.

The fourth series of bombs flew to the ground. The dark mage retreated to the edge of the enchantment, but found that he could not leave the enchantment at all. The deadly crisis eroded his heart like a poison, but he could only watch it ... ...

Suddenly, the dark mage took out the devil's middle knuckle, infested the whole phalanx with blood, sang a spell quickly, and the evil purgatory door opened in front of him, and a powerful breath passed from the other end Come over.

For a moment, it seemed that countless whispers rang out in mid-air, a devil's head more than one meter high protruded from the gate of purgatory, and at the same time, the majestic and evil voice of the devil lord.

多 "Dolos, my stupid servant, what are you doing to disturb your great master, where is the sacrifice?"

The breath of at least level five spread out, and pure black eyes stared at the terrified Dolos ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Suddenly, the devil lord sniffed his nose.

Suddenly, the majesty and impatience on the face of the devil lord disappeared and turned into horror. Then he thought back to the gate of purgatory without thinking, leaving only a scream of terror ...

"Elemental Elven King! Dorothy, you **** idiot, our contract between us is void ..."

After feeling the scent of Lin Yun's elemental elven king, the devil lord fled without thinking, because the elemental elven king was born to be an extraordinary creature, but anyone who can see beyond the deepest level of the elemental plane lives. The elemental elven king is definitely the peak of the heavenly order. It is not easy to kill a demon lord of the fifth order.

The blast of purgatory gates shattered into fragments, apparently the frightened devil lord destroyed the purgatory gates on the other side, for fear of being chased to the coordinates ...

Dorothy felt the desperation of the terrifying force falling to the ground.

"Damn idiots, remove the enchantment, quickly remove the enchantment ..."

This enchantment is now like a large closed cage, which completely seals the space here. People outside can't enter, people inside can't go out. Any force spreading out will be sealed here. In the film circle ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for a recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read.) [This text is provided by Provided by Sailing Update Group @ 冰山 berg123]

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