And it ’s so dead, these idiots just strengthened the power of the enchantment just now ...

Feeling that horrible force fell to the ground, Dolos gritted his teeth and threw out three true spirit magic weapons, and even his own true magic staff was blasted off by him, exerting his strongest power.

The devil's phalanx was forcibly integrated into his own body, and a layer of black shield shrouded Dorothy, and Dorothy's body became blurred and unreal ...

In the next second, a group of horrible and pure destruction forces exploded in the center of the enchantment. The destruction force that blasted on instantly filled the entire enchantment, it looked like a storm of elements in the void was imprisoned In a box.

After a second, the top of the enchantment exploded, and the chaotic elemental destruction force turned into a torrent, rushing to a height of several kilometers ...

I looked far away, like a colored beam of light suddenly rising from the ground, visible from dozens of miles apart.

The enchantment that the mage who claims to be able to level three can't be broken. At this moment, it is like a broken mirror, and it is shattered into pieces ...

Forty ninth-ranked magic wizards, even without a chance of screaming and screaming, were evaporated in an instant. After passing through the heavily shielded body, Dorothy turned the power of the devil's phalanx into a hazy state, but still looked like It was blown out like a rag bag, and more than twenty bones were broken. The left half of the body almost disappeared, and the internal organs were barely exposed ...

He exploded four true spirit artifacts and a devil's phalanx, but with only one breath left, Doroth's exploded body dared to wear hundreds of meters away from the alchemy circle outside, only in an iron Stopping on the branches of wood ...

Obviously there is only half a life left, but Dolos still dare not stop, covering the wound with magic, so that the internal organs would not fall out of the left half of the body, and the body turned into a cloud of shadows, moving quickly towards the distance Run away ...

The wave of the explosion of the extraordinary four series of explosive bombs, after exploding the enchantment, flattened the surrounding area for thousands of meters. The alchemy arrays arranged by the Starry Academy were like paper paste, and instantly Sweeped ...

In a beam of light full of destruction, Lin Yun slowly walked out of it. After walking more than ten meters, the rune on his forehead flickered and disappeared. The violent elemental forces around him also began to hit Lin Yun's shield. ...

I felt the emptiness in my body, Lin Yun frowned.

It really is too reluctant, only ten seconds is the limit. If there is no magic support from the half plane, in one second, the magic will be exhausted, and even the vitality will be drawn ...

For more than ten seconds, the magic power consumed has exceeded the magic power of the whole body by more than thirty times ...

Elemental Elven King incarnation, I will try not to use it in the future. It is too reluctant to use the Elemental Elven King incarnation now. I will use the Fire Elf King incarnation in the future ...

实验 I just experimented a little, but I used half of the magic water in the half plane to consume half of it. If there is no magic lake, I am afraid that not only the vitality, the soul power is drained ...

No wonder that during the peak of Northrend's world, the strongest who could use the incarnation of the elemental elven king were at least the strongest of the top of the order, and under normal circumstances, they were the kind of power that surpassed the order of the order. ...

A little recovery of the magic of consumption, Lin Yun looked at the place where the dark mage escaped, stepped out one step, his body flashed a silver light, and disappeared instantly.

After chasing the dark mage's trail, he chased all the way to a three-story building, and just saw the dark mage holding a badge and opened the protection of the building. Just as the dark mage was preparing to step into the building, Lin Yun spit out Regular runes with golden light.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and a large, lifelike hand stretched out from the ground, pinching Dorothy's body.

Zhe Linyun fell to the ground, silently looking at pale Doris, and waving her hand, Master Shawn was summoned.

"Master Sean, work, as long as you can find what I want, you can play whatever you want."

Master Shawn was training hard labor in the half plane, and was pulled out, and his teeth were grinning, and he was ready to scream, but when he heard Lin Yun's words, he immediately swallowed the words with his eyebrows.

"Never mind, oh, it turned out to be a heaven-ranked powerhouse, or a dark mage, right? It turned out to be a idiot who traded with a devil. No, why did his contract disappear ..."

Dorothy screamed, and the whole man twitched and seemed to faint at any time, and seemed to feel Lord Sean's peep to the soul ...

The devil lord, who had been frightened, decisively broke the contract ...

Losing the power of the devil's contract, Master Sean was even more unafraid, and turned into a ray of light into Doroth's head. Suddenly, Doroth, who was about to pass out, opened his eyes immediately, and his heart burst into tears Mourning of the lungs ...

Mr. Shawn has recently been broken, and the hard labors trained in the half plane can not play with the soul as he wants, in the event of death, or become an idiot, don't want to be the hard labor leader in the future ...

When I usually teach those hard workers, I have to be careful, I dare not use too much power, at most I use a soul to lash. Where is it like now, just to tear apart the soul of the other side, anyway, the soul of the Heavenly Order is not so easy. dissipate……

Dorothy's face had lost her blood, her eyes had lost her focus, and she could only send a miserable mourning instinctively ...

Ten seconds later, Dorothy's mourning also stopped, the magic power lost control, the internal organs in half of the body's body fell down, and the breath of life quickly dissipated. At this time, Master Sean was out of Dorothy's head. He came out and shook his head with regret.

"Merlin, this guy belongs to the Jackson family. The principal is in this building. It is a guy named Lyft. Do you want to kill him? You better leave it to me, after all, in case there is any hidden treasure in this guy And ... "

As soon as Master Shawn had finished speaking, a magical signal suddenly rose into the sky before the building.

Balaford flew out of the building and saw Dorothy's misery. His pupils suddenly shrank, but then he looked at Lin Yun coldly.

"Mafmelin, you **** guy, come here to steal the results of my transcript, don't even think about it!"

After speaking, Lyford directly released a mage on Dorothy's body, letting Dorothy's body turn into ashes and dissipate, and then released a flame impact on his alchemy laboratory, and half of the building Boom.

After completing this, Lyft sneered and growled loudly.

"Maffamelin, you want to take what I copied, don't even think about it!"

He screamed, and Lefort's body surface was permeated with powerful magic waves. The dark and dark magic flowed, and the low spells rang ...

Master Shawn turned into a slap, standing on Lin Yun's shoulder and grinning.

"Merlin, this guy isn't stupid, bite you first, frame you to grab him, and don't give you a chance to confess ..."

Bradford yelled, at least ten kilometers can be transmitted by magic ...

For just a few seconds, Lin Yun already felt that a gryphon rider was approaching this side. With the shameless appearance of Lefort, Lin Yun was a little angry and smiled.

I first destroyed the body, and then the thief immediately shouted to catch the thief, so that everyone at least ten kilometers around could hear his "grief and indignation" ...

Looking like this now, Lin Yun really can't kill Lefort directly. If this is a battle here, after the people of Xingkong Academy come, even if you release the time backtrack, you can't see what happened here.

The battle of the Heavenly Rank Strong, the battle joined by the extraordinary strength, is a little better when the Rank is lower, at least you can see a little picture when you look back in time.

But if the battle is too fierce, you may need a senior mage in order to find the picture back in time ...

Will the Star Academy send a powerhouse of at least level 7 to handle the matter here? Do not make jokes……

Even if it is easy to investigate the truth of this incident, it may be so casual in the end ...

After all, the people who attacked the Lin Yun Alchemy Lab before are all dead, and even bone fragments are not to be found. Their souls were shattered and annihilated in the fierce explosion ...

Baleford stood at the door of his alchemy laboratory with a smug smile on his face.

Damn, how could those idiots fail, but that is a tier-two leader who leads four tier-one powerhouses, and even forty nine level nine title wizards, plus three true spirits Device ...

Even if this is the case, it will fail. In the end, it was chased by Mafammelin, but now it doesn't matter. Everyone has been reduced to ashes. Nobody has any exact evidence. When I got here, that was exactly the opportunity to take this opportunity to take away the result of his transcript ...

Brett Ford had a proud sneer on his face, all the staff and magic weapons in his hands were taken out, and the magic was in a state of fierce fluctuations, and he could start fighting at any time ...

"Maffa Merlin, this time you have good luck and haven't died, but, next, your good luck will end here. I will catch you as a shameful thief, and then curse your soul and grab Take all your wealth ... "

On Lyft ’s staff, a black light illuminates, the light slowly spreads out, and a large amount of black fog is diffused silently around. These fogs even have a strong interference effect on magic. Spells also lose their effect.

But Lin Yun smiled suddenly, Master Sean standing on Lin Yun's shoulder, even with an unabashed irony.

"Merlin, this stupid thinks you dare not kill him. He thinks he can easily kill you, do you still come on, kill him and give me his soul ..."

大 As Lord Sean spoke, a deep and weird whisper sounded around him, seemingly converging from all sides.

Master Sean's eyes light up instantly ...

"The whisper of the devil, Merlin, there must be a lot of interesting things in this person's soul. To kill him, I want to tear his soul. He will definitely let me do it once. As a price, I can help you three times. No, five times, ten times ... "

大 Master Sean screamed, it was completely broken in the past few years ...

Since the Lake of Magic has converged in the natural half plane, Lord Shawn has never looked down on the power of the magic crystal. The pure and pure magic in the Lake of Magic is the best supplement for Lord Shawn. His strength recovered rapidly, and now he is constantly improving.

The power of Lord Sean has already reached the peak of the titled Magus, and even with his identity as a soul walker, playing with the soul is more casual. The general Heavenly Order might be directly inadvertently caught by Lord Sean. Play dead ...

His strength has already exceeded the limit of magic tools, and even has a meaning to break away from magic tools. Maybe after leaving the magic tools, Master Sean's strength may be raised to the level of heaven, so that he can tear open others at will The power of the soul, no one wants to be against him ...

Lin Linyun nodded arbitrarily, looking at the confident Lefort, with a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

Lefort, this idiot, could have been tied before when he broke through to the Heavenly Tier, and the main reason for being suppressed was just no extraordinary power. Now he has the Heavenly Tier II, and Lefort is still so confident. ...

Did you forget what was killed by the previous five orders? The element explosion in the alchemy laboratory turned its power into a beam of light and rushed into the sky for thousands of meters. Didn't this guy notice it?

After a few thoughts passed away, Lin Yun's body was filled with the light of flame, and the surface of the body seemed to be filled with a layer of red light film.

This is a performance that can only be achieved after the flame elemental incarnation is promoted to the extreme. It can no longer maintain the tall elemental incarnation, but it can also be transformed into an elemental giant that is tens of meters high.

As the flame of Lin Yun's body permeated, the black mist around it seemed to be blown by the wind, spreading rapidly around it, and within a second, the black mist was forcibly driven back more than 200 meters ... ...

Whispering like whispering, more and more confused, it seems that more and more people are whispering, the devil's whisper has even become a ripple, constantly impacting the fusion shield that penetrates Lin Yun ...

Unfortunately, Lin Yun ’s Fusion Shield is much stronger than the fusion shield of the general Heaven-ranked Mage. In addition to the magic shield with almost wireless magic as a support, there are four series of element shields, and the perfect basic rule rune formation. Ruled rune shield.

After these three shields are fused together, plus the extraordinary power of Lin Yunyuan's super-mage of the same level, it is not the devil's whispers that Lefort can penetrate. These whispers of the devil are like ordinary voices blocked by the mute enchantment It ’s the same outside, it ’s completely useless ...

Nu Linyun's eyes rushed with countless runes, trying to find the trail of Lyft in the dark mist. This guy was a bit smarter this time, knowing his strengths and weaknesses, and hiding his body first ...

In a matter of seconds, there was only whispering whispers that could make a titled wizard instantly go crazy, but the traces captured by Lin Yun kept changing, and it took at least a few seconds to capture Lefort. Trail, but Lord Sean can't wait.

裂缝 A crack was cracked in the forehead of Lord Shawn, and an evil eye with a strong and strange atmosphere emerged. Instantly, Lord Shaun left Lin Yun's fusion shield and disappeared into the dark mist ...

Suddenly, the ripples in the air, when they touched Master Sean, they voluntarily slipped away. It seems that it is useless to Master Sean at all ...

Soon, a ray of evil light cut through the black mist. The dark fog around it seemed to be radiated by the holy light, and quickly dissipated, and Lefort's figure also appeared at the end of the beam of light ...

Lyft's body was hit by the light of the evil eye, his face turned white instantly, the surrounding whispers disappeared instantly, a powerful curse spell was forcibly interrupted, and even the soul was affected by the light of the evil eye. Not so good ...

The backwash of general elemental spells is not a thing for the sky-level mage at all, and the magic will not be shocked, but the curse spells, especially the curse spells released by the whispers of the devil, are not so good ...

When Sean was interrupted, Lord Sean rushed towards Lefford's body. There was a weird breath on the body that was only the size of a fist, and a small claw carried a kind of tearing soul. power……

Suddenly, Lin Yun's brow frowned, and his tone was beyond doubt.

"Master Sean, come back."

In a word, Lord Sean immediately turned around and flew back. Don't look at Lord Sean's usual arrogance, but he can also hear good or bad ~ ~ Sure enough, Lord Sean just returned, the darkness around him The fog seemed to be gently brushed by a giant beast. In an instant, all the dark fog was dissipated, and a strong man filled with terrible breath fell from the sky.

The strong man's body is shrouded in a layer of terrible extraordinary power. A group of crimson discs of more than three meters stepped on his feet, burning with a layer of orange flame, and the surface of the disc is densely packed. Weird pattern with violent flame power.

Lin Yun can see at a glance that the disc is not a magic weapon at all, but a pure flame that is continuously compressed, and then forcibly condensed according to the construction of the alchemy matrix. As long as it spreads, it can be arranged in an instant. A powerful flame alchemy array.

The strength of Tian Tier IV seems to be not the ordinary Tian Tier IV, at least a powerful creator, and a creator who is proficient in alchemy ...

The comer's face was majestic, and the magic mark on the black robe he wore was exactly the same as the one Zeiss had seen before. Obviously, this guy was also one of the dean of Starry Academy ...

The Star Academy is huge, but it's not just the site in the city of Neverwinter, where the antennae protrude and cover almost the entire Odin Kingdom. The dean is actually the manager in charge of something and put it in Meilin The family, the status is similar to the senior manager, is the real manager, after all, the three deans are almost all people who do not care about chores ... (to be continued) You like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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