He has gods, elements, and protection, three talented runes, coupled with a melee, caster dual weapon system, and Pabet's consciousness of fighting after waking up to wisdom, which is exactly one-sided crushing.

The huge alchemy holding the two swords could not capture the shadow of Pabet.

Pabet's body is like a phantom. He holds a laser sword and continuously rotates around the double sword alchemist. With each rotation, the laser sword will chop the seven or eight swords on the double sword alchemist, a laser sword with terrible cutting power. Each time, a deep wound can be cut on the opponent, and the place where each wound is located is the most important place for the energy transmission of the two-sword alchemist.

Within a few minutes, the Sword Alchemist 傀儡 lost his ability to move, and the key energy transmission on his legs was all cut off by Pabet.

Pabet rushed up from the front again, and the huge two swords in the hands of the two swords Alchemist staggered and cut to Pabet, but in a moment, Pabet completed the transformation from **** to stillness, and the body happened to be cut in two swords. Pai stopped in front of him. At the moment when the two swords staggered, Pabet rushed forward again.

The slender body flexed a few steps on the body of Shuangjian Alchemist 傀儡, and the body appeared in front of the huge head of Shuangjian Alchemist 傀儡.

The laser sword in his hand dissipated instantly, replaced by the weapon system on his arms, flame rays, frost rays, and light rays burst out at the same time, and the elemental spell blessing rune also lighted at the same time.

Within a blink of an eye, the cast weapon system on Pabet's arms exploded, and the power of terror burst into terrible power under the action of elemental blessings.

Is like a magic crystal cannon close to the forehead of the double sword alchemy …… ...

With a loud noise and a dazzling light blooming, Pabbitt stepped on the other's chest, and his body disappeared instantly.

After a second, the light dissipated, most of the huge heads of the Double Sword Alchemy 傀儡 had disappeared, and the sudden changes of frost and flame. Coupled with the final fatal blow of Ray of Light, it was completed in that short time, which is the perfect art of fighting.

After the battle was over, Lin Yun went up to dissect the alchemy urn. All the intact parts were taken away and stolen, and the talented runes were sealed for collection, and a fist-sized black substance appeared in the torso of the alchemist.

Zhe Linyun completed the dismantling work on this side. On the other hand, the off-duty also ended the battle. It ’s just that the eight-armed orangutan alchemy cricket has long lost sight of its original appearance. The body is like a bunch of scrapped parts of the cemetery's cemetery. A pile of scrap iron ...

The only remaining thing is the low-level talent rune on this eight-armed orangutan alchemy ...

The anatomy is no longer necessary, because it has been broken open, and there is no need to disassemble it ...

Put away a small piece of black material in this alchemy 傀儡 body, Lin Yun glanced out of class with an angry look.

He was off class but proudly pointed at a pile of scrap iron on the ground.

"Master Meilin, how is it? Is the great off-duty now very powerful? I don't think I can kill myself. Look at this guy. I can't find a usable part. Into scrap iron. "

I said, off-duty, I glanced at Pabet in a frown, and Papat's head made aside. Anyone can see the light in the crystal's eyes, and that is the light only when you see an idiot ...

Pu Lena's spell is destined to smash everything. And Pabet is only in order to get more intact parts. If you don't care about these, you have long disassembled the double-sword alchemist 傀儡 into scrap iron. Where does it take so long ...

But off class. This guy is obviously destructive. With his IQ, violently smashing the alchemy 成 into scrap iron is a way to show force ...

Lin Linyun was desperate for the IQ off the class and was too lazy to scold him, and spit out a rune. Hanging off the class, more than a dozen mental scours emerged, and fiercely beat the class off ...

For this guy, any language is pale and weak, only the whip is the only language he can understand ...

I once again overthrew a city of steel and everything went smoothly.

On the other side, the influence of gilded roses in the Kingdom of Odin is growing. After the expo opened, most of them were low-ranking mages. Until now, even heaven-level mages have personally purchased gilded roses.

Except for the eighteen connected shops in the city of Neverwinter, the center of Neverwinter is spreading towards the surrounding city. In less than a week, Farrow talked about what the Neverwinter City radiates. The opening of 38 branches within a few hundred kilometers.

三 There are three hundred alchemists recruited from the Starry Academy, which is a strictly controlled number. There are more than a thousand ordinary alchemists who apply for gilded roses in a week ...

The large alchemist recruited more than thirty, the giant master recruited three, and the creators recruited one. The conditions for recruiting the creators were just that Lin Yun took an hour a week to teach him the theory of alchemy ...

造 This creator is one of the wandering creators who studied the truth runes in the Star Academy before. After accidentally learning that Lin Yun had researched one thousand and eight truth runes at one time, he went crazy ...

I signed a long-term contract with the gilt for a thousand years, and the price was only one, that is, Lin Yun would teach him an hour an average week in ten years, or teach him the mystery of three hundred runes of truth ...

Even if he needed the materials needed to study alchemy himself, he didn't need the gold-plated roses to prepare for him, which was equivalent to selling himself to the gold-plated roses.

If he knew that Lin Yun's half plane was engraved with 108 thousand runes of truth, he would probably cry and call for a 10,000-year contract to sell himself ...

In fact, this one thousand year sales contract is really this guy crying and shouting that he has to sign. Faro ca n’t sign it ...

In addition to the new branch being prepared for opening, some families in the Kingdom of Odin have also come to find cooperation, and there are even some materials supply families to come to sell their materials.

You know, more than 95% of the raw materials for gold-plated roses are produced by themselves, and the transportation of raw materials is the biggest cost in the Kingdom of Odin. If there is a native material supply in the Kingdom of Odin, it will save a lot of money. The cost of the pen. And it will be more secure.

You have to know that the long-distance transportation from the Kingdom of Andalusia to the Kingdom of Odin is very risky in itself. In addition to the blind robbers on the road, there are various complicated dangerous environments, dangerous creatures, who knows what will be encountered ...

When starting to plan to open a branch in the Kingdom of Odin, none of the materials could be found. Regardless of size, no one is willing to provide raw materials for gold-plated roses, and even if Faro has raised the price, no one is willing to provide raw materials for gold-plated roses.

But now, large and small raw material providers have begun to send them to their homes. The prices are so low that they can't be sold to gold-plating, and Luo is happy and unhappy ...

According to this degree of expansion, it will take a few years. The gold-plated rose shop can cover the northern area of ​​the Kingdom of Odin, and then slowly expand towards the city of Odin. With the technology and strength of the gold-plated rose, I am afraid that after more than a decade, the gold-plated rose will become the largest alchemy chain in the Kingdom Shop.

方面 Every aspect of the gold-plated rose is growing stronger. Every employee and even collaborator of the gold-plated rose is very happy. This represents a large number of purple gold coins.

But there is a cooperative family but not very happy ...

The mood of the Jackson owner is a little more complicated. The gilded rose has grown and the Jackson family is a collaborator. Most of the items purchased are now purchased from gold-plated roses, and the purchase price is much lower than the market price.

The Jackson family has recently been conquered by the gold-plated rose's alchemy, magic weapon, alchemy urn, and alchemy circle. However, he was at a deadlock, but he started the conquest again. The losses were much smaller, and the gains were much larger.

And the extra alchemy items were secretly sold to a family with a good relationship, and it was a large profit.

There are not many days left. According to the family's speculation, the profit brought by the cooperation with the gold-plated rose will account for more than 60% of the overall profit of the Jackson family within the next year. More importantly, this has not been calculated because of this cooperation. Hidden growth and hidden benefits.

It is logical to say that this is a good thing, but the Jackson family is not happy because they recently wanted to sign a contract with the gilded rose to increase the cooperation time. Unfortunately, the gilded rose refused ...

合作 At the beginning, the cooperation only signed a one-year contract, but I just tried it. Who thought that it would bring such a big gain, it was at least ten times larger than expected ...

Then it is speculated that in this way, the Jackson family may become dependent on gilded roses, but according to this trend, the Jackson family may grow five times in five years!

This is a hard-to-reject figure, not to mention dependent cooperation, even if it is directly surrendered, people in the family will not have much opinion ...

Unfortunately, now the other party does not continue to sign the cooperation contract, only one year, this is because the gilded rose does not want to affect his credibility because of this ...

If it was n’t just in the Kingdom of Odin, ruining a date would have a very bad impact on the gilded rose. Faro would really be like breaking the contract directly, even if Lin Yun didn't say anything ...

The recent exhibition of gold-plated roses is getting faster and faster. Just like a gold coin engulfing machine, it constantly swallows a lot of wealth, and the owner of Jackson cannot sit still.

In the conference hall of the puppet family, the owner of the Jackson family, as well as all the heavenly powerhouses of the Jackson family, were among them.

After Fordmo and Lefford arrived, before sitting down, the old man with white hair next to the owner of Jackson spoke.

谁 "Who allowed you two to sit down."

When I heard the old man's words, Lefort and Fordmo were a little embarrassed, but they didn't dare to resist, and stood there honestly.

The Jackson owner threw a pair of information on the table after everyone had expired.

"Let's take a look."

This is the benefits of the Jackson family's cooperation with the gilded rose, as well as the evaluation of long-term cooperation. Everyone was a bit shocked by the information. Although I knew it had many benefits, no one expected it Large, long-term cooperation may double the strength of the Jackson family in five years ...

Similarly, it also made an assessment. If the cooperation is stopped after the one-year contract expires, how much will the Jackson family be hit, at least one level lower than the current strength, and the exhibition will plummet ten times ...

That is. The Jackson family can now say that it depends on the face of gilded roses ...

"Homeowner, why did you only sign a one-year contract, and why did you not sign a new one, at least thirty years. No, fifty years!"

The Jackson family patted the table fiercely, yelling at Lefort and Fordmore.

为什么 "Why? You ask these two idiots! Ask them what they did!"

"Left, this idiot, dare to start inside Star Academy and grab the research results of Star Academy's invited guests. Not only did not succeed, but the outside family lost five Heaven-ranked Powerhouses, five!

Above all, the goal of this stupid **** is the real master of the gilded rose!

And this idiot is still in the gold-plated rose shop, wantonly mocking the real owner of the gold-plated rose, and wants to **** the alchemy materials collected by the other party.

Look what these two idiots have done, **** it, the gilded rose has not broken the contract directly, it is very kind, Lefort. Fordmo, why aren't you two idiots killed directly!

Especially Lefort, if you are killed directly, our family will not offend His Excellency Malfay Merlin, nor will it offend Star Academy, and our family will not be implicated.

Stupid! idiot! Incurable idiot! "

The roar of the owner of Jackson, Lefort and Fordman's faces were pale, and they couldn't help but have a little fear in their eyes. They already knew how serious the problem was ...

This is no longer affecting the Jackson family's business, but the fundamental impact on the Jackson family. Cooperation with and without gold-plated roses, the gap between them can be dozens of times worse if they are put together ...

If this continues for a few years, they may be hostile to the family. It will be ten times stronger than them. The territories, planes, and wealth owned by the Jackson family may be stolen. To make matters worse, in ten years, the Jackson family may be reduced to a third-class family.

At that time, no one will rise. The Celestial Strongman will die a little more in the battle, and the Jackson family will fall completely ...

After hearing the roar of the owner of Jackson, the faces of the group of sky-ranked strong men who took part in the meeting changed a little. They looked very badly at Lefort and Fordmo, especially the old man sitting in the center, and his eyes were quick. A fire broke out.

The owner of Jackson did not continue to speak, and the old man with a calm face opened his mouth.

"Lefford, Fordmo, you are kicked out of the Jackson family from now on."

The words of the old man made Lafort and Fordmo completely desperate. This old man is the strongest member of the Jackson family. He has lived for nearly two thousand years, and the Jackson family has been shown to the present place in one hand. No one is speaking. Will oppose.

This time, it wasn't for outsiders, it was actually expelled from the family ...

After the old man's words were finished, the following group of ugly faces

As soon as the old man's words were finished, the following group of ugly heaven-level mages suddenly spoke.



Uh ...

Everyone agrees that this ending can no longer be changed. The Jackson owner continued to speak at this time, staring coldly at Lefort and Fordmo.

"You two idiots have listened well, and I will report the matter immediately. The two of you will never have anything to do with the Jackson family again.

But if you ca n’t get the gold-plated roses and the understanding of His Excellency Mafam Merlin, because of your foolishness, our Jackson family has not fallen, then you know what price to pay.

Every day order strong person is very important to the family, but it doesn't mean that we all want the family to be buried because of your stupidity.

Go! Get out of here! Get out! "

Ford Ford and Ford Mo looked up, despairing, especially when they saw the old man's dark face, his heart was cold ...

If they ca n’t ask for forgiveness, they ca n’t let the cooperation of the Jackson family continue, they are really dead ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The Jackson family will definitely cut off their heads and ask for forgiveness ...

In the highly competitive Kingdom of Odin, face and dignity cannot allow the family to continue, or even survive ...

I walked out of the Jackson family, and Lefort and Fordmo were really desperate, especially Fordmo, and now they can't wait to strangle Lefort, staring at them.

Ford, this stupid, stupid person who is so stupid as to be incurable, why hasn't he been killed? If he died, he wouldn't hurt me, now he's going to hurt me!

"Lefford, what now?"

De La Ford looked depressed and desperate, and the power of the Sky Master was gone. He didn't know what to do, but walked stiffly to the street of gilded roses.

The two stood at the street for more than an hour. They didn't know what to do. Suddenly, they saw a titled Magus surrounded by a group of alchemists and rushed out of the shop. Hearing the people around them seemed to be trouble, Lai Ford's quietness suddenly flashed.

Twenty-five hours later, sitting in the conference room, Lefort and Fordmo looked at the opposite Faro, and both felt a little nervous.

"You want to apply for our Gilded Rose ... Guardianship?"

Faluo looked at the two heavenly powerhouses in front of him strangely, the guardians, actually the security guards ...

Lai Ford and Ford Moore quickly nodded, and Lai Ford was afraid that Farrow would not accept it and quickly explained.

"We have been expelled from our family because of the mistakes we made, but I think what was done to His Excellency Merlin was really too unreasonable. If the apology was useful, there would not be so many things, would I? Apologize with action. "(To be continued.)

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