Ford nodded again and again.

"Yes, that's it. We just saw that somebody is making troubles. You know, there are too many people who don't open their eyes. Someone must be guarding here. After all, if there is a heavenly strongman to make troubles, those alchemists Maybe it won't work.

虽然 Although our two strengths are not very strong, it is still enough to deal with the first and second ranks of Tianjie. In order to express our apologies, we decided to apply for the position of guardian. "

Brett Ford took out two contracts, and the signed magic signature was already on it. Only the other side was signed, and this contract was formally effective.

Farrow picked up the contract and looked at it. There is no problem with the carrier of the contract, because the paper of the contract itself is made of gold-plated roses.

Looking at the contents of the contract, Farrow's face became a little weird ...

The contract is valid for five hundred years. It is obliged to guard the safety of the gilded rose, to help the strongman who handles the trouble, not to hurt anyone, and to steal anything from the gilded rose ...

The forty-odd contracts that are so arrogant are extremely harsh ...

Simply put, it is to give away two powerful people in vain. They only need to eat and control without working wages, and they don't have to worry about the powerful security guard who will betray ...

Because the cost of violating a contract is very high, the minimum counterattack for violating a contract is to dissipate magic. If the violation of a contract is more serious, counterattack is for the soul to fall into infernal purgatory.

Then looked at the contract, and then looked at his Lefort and Fordmo, Farrow was a little embarrassed, completely at a loss.

Damn, what did Master Merlin do, and how did he scare these two guys into such a harsh condition, he took the initiative to come and ask for a contract, and it was still the strictest soul contract ...

Isn't their head broken?

Faro looked at the contract, and then looked at the two of them. They really didn't understand it. Finally, he picked up the contract and turned back. He found the creators recruited before, and a group of people. There is no problem with the contract. Whether it is the contract carrier, ink, or even writing instruments, they are all produced by gold-plated roses ...

I concluded that there was only one. The heads of the two sky-ranked strongmen were kicked by the pigskins, and they were not badly hurt ...

This kind of good thing, no matter what these two guys want to do, Faro has no reason to refuse. Signing the name on the contract means that the contract is in place.

After the contract was established, Lefort and Fordmo were completely relieved, just like the benefits of the sky ...

Then on the same day, in the eighteen shops with gilded roses, there were two more Heavenly Tier 2 powerhouses guarded at all times. One of them was a weird Dark Curse Mage. Sure enough, there were really fewer people who came to pick things ... ...

The Jackson family also sent someone to apologize to Lin Yun at this time, saying that they had completely expelled Lefford and Ford Mo from the Jackson family, and the order was personally given by the old Zu. Now they have nothing to do with the Jackson family. It doesn't matter anymore ...

On the other side, Lin Yun didn't know about it yet, and continued to lead people to sweep through the niches. There are already nineteen tiered alchemists who have been killed, and eight of them have talented runes. Very high, nine sky-level alchemists with black matter.

The obtained black matter is all used to strengthen the Pabbitt's engulfing system, plus continuous replacement of parts to upgrade the Pabbitt, Pabbitt's strength has increased very quickly, and now has 43 levels, Really fighting, it is slightly weaker than Lin Yun, much stronger than off-duty and Lena.

Once again found a city of iron and steel, covering a range of more than 20 kilometers, with a height of 1,000 meters above the protective spire, which shows that the strongest alchemy urn inside should have 43 or even 44 levels, and the number of alchemy urns in the sky ranks also No less than five.

This steel city has already attacked two before. Lin Yun didn't care, and continued to attack.

After half an hour, five alchemy urns were dismantled into parts, and all the talented runes and black matter were collected.

At this time, the little wolf who had been standing quietly on Lin Yun's shoulder screamed anxiously.

A series of information was passed to Lin Yun's head. In the sense of the little wolf, a very terrible danger would immediately come. For a few minutes at most, everything alive here would die.

As soon as Lin Yun heard this, Han Mao exploded. After thinking about it, he immediately put away all the alchemy crickets, and then took off-duty, Lena, and Pabet, and fled in a floating boat.

When the floating airship was being produced, it only considered speed and concealment. The most important consideration was concealment. When flying, there was no magic fluctuation, and all magic fluctuations would not be emitted. In addition, invisibility and security Sex is very high.

Immediately after she entered the flying boat, Lin Yun immediately urged the fastest speed toward the cemetery where she started to enter, where the weakest power in this large area was.

Less than a minute after flying out, Lin Yun felt a terrible magic wave coming from the rear. A large kilometer, a giant claw like a bear's claw, fell from the dark void and shot fiercely. To the steel city just now.

A series of loud noises rang, and a terrifying shock wave swept across. The surrounding area of ​​more than ten kilometers was razed to the ground, and the steel city covering more than twenty kilometers disappeared completely. Only the edges There are also some black iron-made buildings at the location that are still flying away.

Within seven to eight kilometers of the center of the city of iron and steel, it completely collapsed. The solid buildings made of black iron were like a pile of black plasticine slaped by a giant bear.

All the buildings were extruded into a black discus with a range of more than ten kilometers, and in the center of the discus was a giant bear paw print with a range of seven or eight kilometers.

I looked back at the giant palm print, and the off-duty face was green, and Lin Yun's eyelids were jumping wildly. If it wasn't for the little wolf to warn them, they would have no chance to escape.

It took them less than two seconds from the discovery of the giant palm to the ground. If they resisted this attack, the bone scum that would absolutely die would not be found.

At least this attack is an attack by the 49th level alchemy 傀儡. They are not worth a shot by King 傀儡 himself ...

I think that the harvest this time is not small, but it ’s still a good time. Let ’s move in the other direction. If nothing unexpected happens, the terrible alchemy puppet found the problem here through the removed protective spire.

Because if the war between 傀儡, even if the city of steel is taken away, the protective spire will never be removed ...

Lin Yun was flying on the flying boat, Lin Yun secretly relieved.

Forget it, anyway, the removed protective spire is enough for research, the next time you come, don't remove the core building of the city of steel, only hunting the sky-level alchemy ...

Lin Yun flew all the way back to the original Luan Cemetery, watching Lin Feng's sigh of relief from the large pile of abandoned parts.

I am completely safe here.

林 As Lin Yun was preparing to return to Northrend, something happened to the gilded rose ...

At the junction of the Kingdom of Odin and the Kingdom of Andalusia, a giant floating airship hundreds of meters long slowly drifted towards the Kingdom of Odin. The surface of the airship was printed with a giant roulette mark, roulette. The center of the mark is a golden rose, which is the symbol of the gilded rose.

In a floating airship, all the raw materials of gold-plated roses. These are the raw materials that have undergone the first processing. After arriving in the Kingdom of Odin, they can be used immediately and made into various alchemy items.

Every few days, there will be such a floating airship flying from the Kingdom of Andalusia to the Kingdom of Odin. Although this kind of thing is not very fast, it is far less than the floating airship, but the capacity is very large. Many materials that require special preservation, an airship can carry a lot, although the speed is a bit slower, but the cost-effective is terrible, and it will reduce the transportation cost of gold-plated roses several times.

And there are also some special materials, ordinary materials, all are loaded with a special space ring, some materials to complete the first step of processing power, need to be stored in a special environment to ensure the effect, some materials After finishing the first step, it is necessary to directly contact the air or some other things in order to slowly complete the subsequent processing.

加上 Plus the space ring is not safe. If the space ring is scrapped, everything will fall into the endless void, and never want to find it again.

As in the past, the problem now suddenly appeared. In the sky ahead, a tens of meters of floating battleship floated in front of the gold-plated rose transport airship.

The caravans involved in the transportation are a ninth-ranked magic wizard recruited by gold-plated roses, and a bunch of alchemists. These days, gold-plated roses have developed rapidly. No one in the Kingdom of Andalusia dares to move the caravans of gold-plated roses. The kingdom of Odin also gave a little face, and the gangsters who didn't give face were almost destroyed.

I didn't expect that this time someone was blocking the road, and a floating warship was used. This is not something that ordinary gangsters can get. Only some big families can have this kind of thing.

"This is a transport caravan of gilded roses. I don't know which friend in front is joking with us."

Leading the caravan's nine-ranked magic wizard, his face remained unchanged, standing on the edge of the floating airship and shouting to the opposite.

But the floating battleship slowly changed direction. On the deck, a mage wearing a robe and a cold face suddenly waved.

"Sunk their floating airships, be they humans or alchemists, kill them all."

Suddenly, countless spells and magic arrows rushed out of the floating battleship and landed on the floating airship. The floating airship itself was only a transport function, with a large amount of transportation, it could not be used for combat at all, for a few seconds. In a short time, the huge airbag on the airship was torn up. The floating airship of the airship itself could not bear the huge weight of the hull and the cargo in the cabin and began to fall towards the ground.

In less than a minute, the floating airship fell into the forest below, the hull collapsed, a large amount of cargo fell out, and the floating battleship in the air slowly dropped, and a large number of spells and magic arrows continued to fall. , Covering a range of hundreds of meters around.

On the deck of the battleship, the cold mage sneered.

"Gold-plated roses? Goods from a rural place like Andalusia, dare to fight for the benefits with our Rodney family. I really don't know whether to live or die. The stupid bed bug pushed a dung ball and thought he could touch the dragon Wealth, stupid. "

I watched the torn airship, and Thurs Rodney turned to the person behind him and ordered.

"Look at it and tell it to go down, as long as it is the gold-plated rose's transport caravan, all shot down. I don't want to see any gold-plated roses flow into the Kingdom of Odin.

Also, command to go on and warn those stupid material suppliers who dare to provide raw materials for gilded roses, who are the enemies of our Rodney family! "

The gold-plated rose material transport caravan was attacked, and Faro got the news the first time, but the news came that a living person could not be found in the wreckage of the floating airship found.

All the transported materials were gone, and even all the alchemy tinctures were torn to pieces, and some of the recorded crystals on the airship were also shattered. They did not know who attacked the gold-plated caravan. .

Also, seeing the wreckage on the battlefield is a complete crackdown. The other party must have launched a floating battleship in order to easily kill the gold-plated rose floating airship.

罗 Farrow frowned, using the relationship of gilded roses to inquire about the truth of this matter, Farrow always felt that this matter was not easy.

At this time, Leffort found Faro.

"Hello Faro, I just accidentally got a message through a few of my friends. The members of the Rodney family attacked the gold-plated rose material transport caravan.

And they have warned all material suppliers that who dares to provide raw materials for gilded roses is the enemy of the Rodney family. "

罗 Farrow's face was a little ugly, how could the Rodney family not know.

Rodney family in the kingdom of Odin is very strong, much stronger than the Jackson family, the two are not a grade at all.

The Rodney family has a long history, and it can be traced back to the beginning of the Third Dynasty, and it has never been lost. Even when the Third Dynasty collapsed, the Rodney Family did not fall. Until now, the Rodney Family has been Maintain the strength of the top forces in the Kingdom of Odin.

And most importantly, the source of wealth of the Rodney family is not like conquering the half plane like other forces, but relying on alchemy items.

的 The main thing that their family runs is the alchemy potion, from the lowest potion to the potions that can be used by the strongest in the ranks, they all operate.

And their family and the Starry Academy are both collaborators. It is said that there is a sanctified alchemist inside the Rodney family. No one can be sure, but they are the most wanted place for the alchemists taught by the Starry Academy. This is Needless to say.

The northern part of the Kingdom of Odin is the business scope of the Rodney family, and it is also the main business scope.

金 The gilded rose also contacted the Rodney family when looking for a collaborator in the Kingdom of Odin, but could not find the opportunity for cooperation.

The Rodney family is very overbearing. The condition that was originally developed is that the gilded roses must be attached to the Rodney family and become an affiliate of the Rodney family.

怎么 How could Faro agree with this condition, and then began to find other family cooperation, but the objects of cooperation are also powerful families like the Jackson family, most of them are in the middle of the Oding kingdom.

The cooperation with Xingkong Academy this time was because of Lin Yun. Dean Gandalf personally nodded, and the gold-plated rose could develop so fast.

I now heard that the Rodney family was in trouble, and Farrow was a bit big.

若 If the gilded roses only opened a few shops in the city of Neverwinter, the Rodney family might not care at all and would not bother to pay attention.

But the rise of gold-plated roses was too fast. Not only opened eighteen giant stores in the Neverwinter City, but also centered on the Neverwinter City, and radiated to the outside. Eighteen branches.

Also, the main product of gold-plated roses is alchemy, which is not only of good quality but also a little cheaper, which makes the Rodney family unhappy.

Because gold-plated roses have invaded their interests, they have stolen some of the Rodney family's market, and looking at the development trend of gold-plated roses, I am afraid that they will steal more and more markets.

When the Rodney family developed, it started with the Neverwinter City, and spread around the center of the largest winterless city in the northern part of the Odin Kingdom. Now, the Rodney family's alchemy business In the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin ~ ~ can be said to occupy the largest share.

Even if the competition in the Kingdom of Odin is very fierce, the share of the Rodney family does not have an overwhelming advantage, but it is enough for the Rodney family to be ranked as the first order of the power of the Kingdom of Odin.

At the time of the conquest of the rage plane, the forces of the second sequence of the Kingdom of Odin went to the forces of the first sequence. Either they could not draw enough manpower at all, or they simply did not pay attention to the benefits of the rage plane.

The Raging Flame Plane is indeed a large plane with abundant resources. Unfortunately, there are too many people involved. For the forces of the first sequence of the Kingdom of Odin, they will conquer a smaller plane separately and pay the same price. The gain is greater than in the flames.

Now that the Rodney family is in trouble, Faro has a headache. It was long expected that he would conflict with the Rodney family in the future. After all, the gold-plated roses operated only alchemy items, and there was no other business at all. I wanted to grow. It is necessary to continuously expand the area of ​​operation.

After a moment of contemplation, Farrow sent someone to contact the Rodney family. After all, the other party was deeply ingrained in the Kingdom of Odin, especially in the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin. The tentacles had penetrated into half of the Kingdom of Odin. If the gilded rose wanted to be healthy Business, there is no way to bypass the Rodney family ...

If everything is for the benefit, then some talks or cooperation on several projects will always find a place where everyone is satisfied. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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