"Tuls of the Rodney family just came to trouble, you haven't seen it, the gilded rose is a guarded alchemist, and then one shot will kill the four heavenly souls of Turs, Tur. Steve himself was seriously injured, but he escaped ...

OK, I wo n’t tell you, it ’s the blessing of the devil from Tours. Today, everything of the gilded rose is 20% off. The gilded rose is really atmospheric and much better than the Rodney family. I want Hurry up and grab things, or they will be bought out soon ... "

When Lin Yun walked downstairs, he heard a lot of people talking about the fighting just now, but it became more and more outrageous. In a few minutes, there were even people who told him later, an alchemy urn appeared, and then Tur Si scared his pants ...

Out of the street where the gilded rose was located, Lin Yun's footsteps stopped suddenly and he looked away, and saw Gandalf standing there with a gentle smile on his face, but none of the people next to him seemed to find him of……

"Her Mafia, do you have time today, I'll take you to meet that adult."

Gao Linyun nodded, and just sent away the Tourney of the Rodney family, who believes that if the Rodney family wants a little bit of brain, they will no longer engage in attacks on gilded roses.

As for the adult that Gandalf said, Lin Yun already had a little guess, but he was not sure. The strong in this era can be called an adult by Gandalf, and his tone is very respectable. One hand Can count over.

Lin Gandalf led the city except for the city and continued to fly to the distance. Lin Yun was surprised, could it not be achieved elsewhere? Not in the city of Neverwinter?

Know that the city of Neverwinter is huge, and at least half of it is occupied by Starry Academy.

After flying with Gandalf for an hour, I came to a mountain forest that looked ordinary, and the surrounding peaks were not very high. This kind of place is too ordinary. It must be within a few dozen kilometers of the surrounding area. There is no mountain that is thousands of meters high, and the magic is not full. Most of the surrounding creatures are also some low-level Warcraft and beasts.

Immediately after falling to the ground, Lin Yun immediately began to explore the surroundings, but how they looked, the surroundings were ordinary and nothing special.

Gandalf looked at Lin Yun's appearance and did not explain. He walked in front of the road and walked for a few minutes. He appeared with Lin Yun at the foot of a mountain. There was a faint road to the top of the mountain, but It looks like weeds are overcrowded, it seems that only people pass by, but they don't often look like people ...

Gandalf pointed at the path.

"I can only send you here. Go up on your own. The adult who wants to see you is on the top of this mountain. I can't go up without the adult's word."

After speaking, Gandalf flew away, Lin Yun opened his mouth, and before a word was spoken, Gandalf had turned into a small black spot and disappeared into the sky.

I looked at the overgrown path in front of me, or the deserted path, which was not even as good as the path opened by some hunters.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, you can directly see the top of the mountain. The tallest trees here are only a dozen meters high, and the vegetation is sparse. It is impossible to see that there is a Gandalf on this ordinary mountain peak. All respectable characters called adults.

之前 Did the previous guess be wrong, this person's strength is not strong, but just has a special status, or has a special ability?

If you guess like this, it is also very possible. After all, Star Academy is not a pure mage force, but it is mainly based on alchemy. In Star Academy, status itself is not obtained by strength. The theoretical knowledge is very scary, but because of its own strength, it is impossible to exert those theories ...

Xu pondered for a moment, Lin Yun didn't think of who was on the mountain. Suddenly, Lin Yun shook his head and smiled.

"Forget it, you don't know if you go up and look, you can't guess ..."

I stepped on the path, Lin Yun walked up steadily, but after walking for ten minutes, Lin Yun suddenly stopped, looked back and frowned.

Although he didn't walk very fast, he should be almost there in ten minutes, but when he looked up, the mountain peak was still in the distance. When he looked back, he found that the foot of the mountain was already far away. This distance It has already exceeded the height that this mountain should have!

If it is normal, you should have reached the top of the mountain now, but it is still at the bottom of the mountain when you see it.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a light, turned and walked back, still at the original speed, ten seconds, and reached the foot of the mountain, it seems that every step out, the foot of the mountain is constantly approaching, but it feels very Normal, it seems like this should have been the case.

But if it is a distance of several kilometers, according to the ordinary walking speed, it will take more than ten seconds to go by, which itself is not normal ...

When you feel it, but you don't feel the abnormal place, this is the most abnormal place.

Lin Yun looked up at the top of the mountain, still in the original position, and Lin Yun suddenly showed a smile.

"It seems that the adult above is definitely a terrible powerhouse in alchemy, at least also the strength of the Holy Saint. This space hinders the perfection of the layout, and almost lied to me."

I stepped on the almost invisible hill road again, and Lin Yun's eyes began to show countless runes. Runes formed a small loop in Lin Yun's eyes, and then slowly spread toward the eyes.

For a few seconds, Lin Yun's eyes and whites were completely invisible, only a small circle of colored apertures composed of small runes, densely spread over Lin Yun's entire eyeballs.

This is a spell developed by Lin Yun after studying the Rune of Truth. It is specially used to peek into the alchemy matrix. As long as there is an alchemy matrix or something related to alchemy, you can directly see the rune structure of the other party. .

Here, even if you cannot directly see through, you may find some nodes of the alchemy circle. As long as you find those nodes and crack a road to the top of the mountain, it is not so difficult, even if it is a sky-level alchemy circle, even It can't be completely cracked, but Lin Yun still has the confidence to crack a path.

I embarked on the mountain peak again, and after ten minutes of advancing again, Lin Yun was a little hesitant.

Because along the way, a rune was not seen, no magic was noticed, and even nothing related to alchemy was found at all, not even anything related to magic.

I dismissed the aperture in my eyes, Lin Yun's gaze became dignified, which was too abnormal and abnormal.

变化 The space here has changed so much, that is to say, he is absolutely inside the alchemy circle. He walked out of the path and headed towards the mountaintop from other directions, but encountered the same thing. The mountaintop was always so far away.

I tossed for half an hour, Lin Yun stopped, frowning and thinking hard.

He did not find any traces of the alchemy circle, nor did he find any traces of alchemy items, because there cannot be an alchemy circle that clearly acts on this space, but he cannot find any traces.

This self-confidence Lin Yun still has, because even the strongest alchemy in Northrend's peak period, it is impossible to do this, then there is only one possibility left.

Encountered a fantasy!

The illusion can be arranged by the alchemy circle, it may also be a magic weapon, or even some special Warcraft, special things, there are too many things that can do this.

Since there is no alchemy circle here, it may be a special illusion created by something magical or something. This place itself is a illusion and does not act on people, so it can not be found.

The dark dragons on the bottom of the endless sea can transform into a huge city, and even the characters in it are lifelike, totally unnoticeable.

The starry fantasy beast floating in the endless void, when the most powerful starry fantasy beast predators, directly transforms into a nearly true world. If anything enters this world, it will be swallowed up.

Lin Linyun's eyes looked around for a few minutes, but he didn't find out how to crack the illusion. If you use a special powerful magic magic weapon and found no magic weapon, don't even try to crack it.

But as long as it is a fantasy, if you want to recruit flaws, there is a 100% shortcut.

As long as you stab your own soul and let the soul feel the tingling, at that moment, you will become very sensitive to the surroundings, which is the instinct of the soul when it encounters danger.

For a while, that one is enough to find a clue here. With clues, you can find a way to crack it.

Lin Yun mobilized his soul power into a few illusive thin needles, and then pierced into his soul fiercely. For an instant, unspeakable pain rose, and the terrible death induction brought by the sting of the soul .

At that moment, Lin Yun's capture and feeling of the surrounding environment soared by at least hundreds of times. Every trace of air flowing around and every point of magical change felt very clear.

Even the world in front of me has become a gorgeous and gorgeous picture, so gorgeous that the eyes are a bit unbearable, and the soul is under pressure.

This is the vision of the soul. You can see the most fundamental source of the entire world and the most fundamental face of the world.

The information captured by the eyes at that instant made Lin Yun's magic energy formation to run to the extreme, and even the wheel of the million law was added to the cracking of this information, and it was barely able to withstand this huge amount of information. .

There is a kind of powerful soul beast born in nature. They are best at observing the world with soul vision, because their bodies are pure soul bodies, and the world they see is hundreds of times higher than humans.

With Lin Yun's current strength, if he looks at the world with the vision of the soul beast, the huge amount of information will instantly burst his soul ...

After a few seconds, the tingling of the soul completely disappeared, and the fine needle that pierced the soul was itself the power of the soul, but it was a bit rough when returned, and it would not cause any harm to the soul.

After a minute, Lin Yun frowned and opened his eyes. The huge information he captured was cracked twice, and every trace of seemingly useless information was not ignored, but it turned out that it was completely normal here.

There is no alchemy array, no spell power, no illusions, this is an ordinary hill.

Looking at the peak that was still so far, Lin Yun spit out a rune, the rune culture was a wind blade, and then continued to compress to only the thickness of the finger, and then marked a magic mark on the wind blade, the wind blade shot towards the top of the mountain go with.

The wind blade instantly disappeared in front of me. After half a minute, Lin Yun lost the sense of the wind blade. During the induction, in half a minute, the speed of the extremely compressed wind blade had exceeded the speed of sound propagation. In half a minute, it flew a distance of at least twenty kilometers.

But still not to the top of the mountain, and the distance from the top of the mountain still seems so far ...

In other words, the top of the mountain you are seeing is so far away, but even if you fly, you may not reach the top of the mountain for ten years. The distance from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain may be longer than the entire Northrend world.

But Lin Yun's eyebrows twisted together stretched out, because I almost understood what the problem was.

This is a possibility that Lin Yun has completely ignored from the beginning, that is, the rules here have been changed!

The strongest person in Tiantianjie, the rule of understanding only uses the rule and controls the rule, but he cannot change the rule in the slightest. What the rule itself looks like, it can only be what it looks like.

If you want to change the rules, you must go beyond the heavens and ignite the strong fire. Only then can you have the power to change the rules and change the rules to your advantage, and even your own rules ...

The test in front of me is not an alchemy circle, not a magic weapon, not a fantasy, not a spell, everything is normal, then there is only one possibility that has not been considered from the beginning. The rules here have been changed!

Only in this way, when I explored, I didn't find any abnormalities, and I felt that it should be like this.

Looking at this bland hill, less than a thousand meters of peaks, and sparse vegetation, Lin Yun's eyes couldn't help with a hint of horror.

No wonder he will be called as an adult by Gandalf so respectfully, turned out to be a terrible strong who has changed the rules!

The distance of more than a thousand meters was drawn to infinity, but it did not have any lethality, which showed that it was not the strong man who deliberately controlled it, but that the other party was sitting there, and the rules around it would be With this change, the changes are more adapted to him, and the rules of the world are adapted to him, which is undoubtedly a very terrible state.

This is the terrible place of the strong person who ignites the magical fire. As long as the opponent changes the rules, if the Heaven-level strong person cannot resist, it may be that in this area, a simple fireball cannot be released. The rule learned is here. Wrong, mastered truth is wrong here.

No wonder this mountain does not need to be guarded at all, because as long as the other party is there, it does not look like people are approaching, then even if it is only one meter away, the distance of this meter will become tens of thousands of kilometers.

I found a reason why he could not reach the top of the mountain, and Lin Yun's mouth showed a smile.

This is just a test. The power is not very strong. The control over the change of rules is not very strong. It seems that the breath of the other party is leaked out and it is a natural change.

Zhe Linyun knew that at the peak of Northrend, there was such a specialized space rule that ignited the strong fire, he is almost invincible, because he offended a large number of people, but no one can kill him.

Even if a strong player of the same level can resist some of the changes to the rules, he can't attack him at all. No matter who he is, he seems to be separated from him by a world distance, and cannot penetrate a world in a single shot, even the opponent's. Don't even try to touch the corner ...

情况 The situation in front of me, although the difference is too far away, has a little meaning.

Lin Yun stood still, thinking about how to get rid of the changed rules here. It is impossible to completely avoid it. The strength of the other person has exceeded the limit of the amount. Now even if there are thousands of heaven-level strong, Don't try to attack the top of the mountain. All the methods based on quantity are completely useless here.

After thinking for a few minutes, after filtering all his strengths, Lin Yun suddenly froze, suddenly thinking of a previous guess about the identity of the person on the mountain top, and suddenly smiled.

The huge momentum emanated from Lin Yun's body, and Lin Yun's expression became dignified.

Slowly, a half-plane virtual shadow emerged behind Lin Yun ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The huge virtual shadow is ten kilometers long, and it looks like a miniature natural half-plane. Inside, Everything has been shrunk countless times, and only the central Tianzhu Mountain can still see clearly.

As soon as the huge ghost image appeared, the surrounding space began to wave. The original seemingly normal world seemed to become an angry demon. It seemed that the rules around it were forcibly suppressed. Suppresses the ghost image of the natural half plane.

The imaginary shadow of the ten-km-long half plane was quickly suppressed to only three or four meters in size. The power of the half plane was infused into Lin Yun's body, resisting the suppression of the surrounding space.

In the half plane, the space was trembling slightly, but in an instant, Tianzhu Mountain bloomed, the light of the rune of truth floated, the water in the lake of magic disappeared quickly, and the tremor of the half plane stopped immediately, but the magic The water in the lake is rapidly dissipating.

The power of the Ninth Plane spreads with Lin Yun's body as the core, resisting the suppression of the surrounding space.

The rules of space here are different from the rules of the half plane, even if they are not very different, but they are also very different rules. The collision between the rules is not too big when Lin Yun borrows the power of the half plane. It's a relationship, but the rules of the half plane compete with the rules of outer space for control.

的 The core of the world does not allow different rules to appear in its envelope, which means that the world has become incomplete.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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