The gap of one thousandth of a gene is already two completely different species, and the rules are changed a little bit, and the two worlds have long been different.

After spending three full minutes, Lin Yun felt that the collision between the two rules reached a balance. The two-meter range around him was a normal rule world.

But that's enough ...

Because Lin Yun's route is normal within these two meters, as Lin Yun advances, the two-meter range is still normal.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Yun came to the top of the mountain under the suppression of the whole world, and the moment when he reached the top of the mountain, it seemed that the whole world was suddenly angry with him, and the changes in the rules seemed to disappear.

Lin Yun's face was slightly pale, and the ghost image of the half plane was dispersed. At this stage, Lin Yun can only use the natural half plane as a wireless magic warehouse, and he cannot use the power of the half plane at all. This time it was just a coincidence.

But in just ten minutes, the water in the magic lake in the half plane has dropped by one third again ...

I breathed a little, and looked at the environment on the top of the mountain, which was very different from what I expected.

The top of the mountain is a flat platform that is not so flat. It is less than one thousand meters in size. A small wooden house stands quietly on the top of the mountain. In front of the wooden house is a fence surrounded by a small vegetable field. It is a vegetable that can be eaten as a fruit.

I looked at the humble little yard in front of me, and then looked back at the path that I had just walked up, Lin Yun's eyes were a little weird.

既然 "Now come, come in. Try the maiden fruit I planted, it's delicious."

From the cabin, with a gentle voice in the old age, he could not hear any powerful place, like walking in a small mountain village. I met a hospitable old man.

Zhe Linyun walked into the courtyard without any changes, no changes in rules, and no imaginary space expansion in the cabin. Without precise alchemy equipment, it is really an ordinary cabin.

There is a small stove under the linden bed, wooden table, and simple ceramic teapot. The teapot has been boiled, and the sweet tea fragrance permeates the cabin.

I was only a little bit embarrassed. There was a star map hanging on the wall, but it was not a magic weapon, it was just ordinary hand-painted paintings ...

There was an old man in sackcloth sitting behind the wooden table, his hair had completely turned into silver silk. But his face looked like a young man, but his eyes saw the vicissitudes of the old age.

I looked at the old man in front of me. Lin Yun was not so surprised. Even though the old man in front of him looked like the old farmer in the hill village, Lin Yun didn't dare to underestimate him.

I can't feel any powerful breath, nor can I feel any magic breath, even the things I feel. Everything illustrates one thing, just a common old man ...

Zhe Linyun did not dare to entrust him, and was honest.

"Malmamelin has seen adults."

The old man with a smile on his face nodded.

"Sit down, the Pro Flower Tea that I picked myself is just cooked right now.

肯定 You must be curious who I am and why I should meet you. My name is Agalon, as for you. I wanted to see you very early. "

Lin Linyun heard the name. Almost jumped from the chair.

The star warlock Agalon, even when the name reached the peak of the Northrend world, is still remembered by many people, even in the textbooks of that era. There is the name of the star warlock Agalon.

When Lin Linyun knew the natural half plane at that time, he knew the name of the great star warrior Agalon. And what impressed me most was that because of the star warlock Agalon, Northrend World knew about the natural half-plane, and how terrible the owner of the natural half-plane was.

Even thousands of years later, there is no shortage of mages in the entire world who are keen to find natural half-planes.

When Gandalf said that he wanted to meet someone, Lin Yun guessed that there was a star warlock Agalon, but he was not sure, and even felt that the probability was not high.

According to historical records, at the peak of the Heavenly Order, Agalon broke out with another Heavenly Order peak and stunned the Northrend world. The natural half-plane was gradually exposed from this time, and the battle was over. After that, many people knew how Agalon ’s infinite magic power and terrible combat power were obtained. At this time, the search for the natural half plane has begun to spread in the upper layers.

It was not until many years later that after the next strong man who got the natural half plane appeared, the secret of the natural half plane was completely spread in the Northrend world.

At that time, I didn't think it was the cause of Agalon, that is, there have been no rumors of fighting until now. The battle between the two powerful men at the top of the sky order cannot be leaked at all, at least with the current strength of Lin Yun It is impossible to know nothing.

Now looking at Agalon, it is obvious that it is already the peak of the Heavenly Order, and it is already vaguely starting to ignite the magical fire. He has surpassed the Heavenly Order, and he can still ignite the magical fire with the last kick. Do not change the rules of the world now.

No other heavenly order can do it, but Agalon can definitely do it without lighting the magic fire.

Is the history time wrong?

Zhe Linyun's head is a bit chaotic. Now that I see Agalon, and he has already gone through the path of the heavens, that only illustrates one problem. The war that has occurred in history has never occurred at all!

Has history changed?

I own this little butterfly, after flapping my wings, finally began to brew a storm ...

Lin Yun's look was a bit complicated, and he thought a lot for a moment. Whether it changed the future of the angry flame plane, or gilded roses traveled across the Kingdom of Andalusia, these things are not so important for the change of historical process, at least Not so important for Northrend World.

But if his little butterfly flutters her wings and affects Agalon, Agalon does not follow another strongest peak in the sky. A battle that can be said to have affected the Northrend world for thousands of years.

From rebirth to now, Lin Yun finally felt that he could breathe a little bit, and the pressure of the last day was on his head, thinking about it almost all the time. Find the truth of doomsday, find the way to end it.

Finally, there is one thing that makes Lin Yun feel that history has begun to change. This is undoubtedly good news.

Agalon looked at Lin Yun's look. Waiting silently, waiting for Lin Yun's mood to calm down, Agalon spoke again, and almost jumped Lin Yun back in shock.

"Her Mafam Merlin, would you like to take charge of Star Academy?"

Qi Linyun was shocked, then shook her head without hesitation.

"Master Agalon, you are joking, how can I ..."

Agalon smiled unsurprisingly. He poured a cup of tea for Lin Yun himself.

"Don't be too busy to refuse, in fact, I have noticed you very early. When fighting, it is extremely crazy, almost infinite magic, and each battle can erupt more powerful than your own level.

Whether it is the torrent of the most magical spells or the strongest spells that can be released, no one does not need a lot of magical support. Far more magic than your level can have.

At that time, I knew that you also got a natural half-plane, and that you developed the natural half-plane well, because only the well-developed natural half-plane can provide this almost infinite magic. Give you.

No magic weapon, no potion can do this, and recently, your natural half plane seems to have developed very well, and the magic power consumed by each battle. Almost all the magic of ten mages of the same level.

And my guess is not wrong. It has completely stabilized the ground fire water wind, and the rules of the ground fire water wind have evolved into a complete natural half-plane to support you here.

Because I have another natural half plane, I will notice you. I want to see you, but then. The more I know about you, the reason I want to see you is no longer this. "

There was a faint flash of light in Lin Yun's eyes. After obtaining the natural half plane, especially after the ground fire, water and wind stabilized, Lin Yun had almost no magic troubles, and he never worried that the magic power was not enough when fighting.

Just like now, if Lin Yun continuously releases the nine-level spells, the magic power consumed is far less than the pure magic power transformed by the large magic vine forest in the half-plane, which means normal combat, Lin Yun's magic will never dry up.

Others may ignore Lin Yun's magic problem, because Lin Yun is a powerful alchemist, and there are ways to restore magic and increase the amount of magic stored.

Agalon did not. He was keenly aware that Lin Yun had a natural half-plane. In this era, Lin Yun had no need to worry about the exposure of the natural half-plane, because no one knew about the natural half-plane. The benefit, except for Agalon ...

You know, before the natural half-plane is completely controlled, there is a risk of being taken away by others. This is why the mages who have mastered the natural half-plane in the future will always take complete control of the natural half-plane. It became famous after the meeting.

Agalon discovered the benefits of natural half-planes, and now I have discovered that there are other people who also have natural half-planes. I would naturally be curious to see them. This is normal, but Agalon said that it is not because of this. Lin Yun didn't understand.

But before Lin Yun asked why, Agalon pointed to the tea cup.

"You have to drink it hot to taste the most mellow taste. By the way, listen to my old man tell you a story ..."

Agalon spoke up. What did Lin Yun say? He took the tea cup and listened quietly, could he still say no?

加 Agalon's bland but vicissitudes sounded slowly, seemingly with a strange magic, slowly attracting Lin Yun to this bland story.

"The third dynasty was destroyed many years ago, but the royal blood of the third dynasty passed down ..."

With Agalon's remarks, a complete story is presented in front of Lin Yun.

Many years ago, the Third Dynasty fell, and Northrend's countries on the continent of the world split into dozens of large and small. This was the beginning of this era and the most chaotic era.

那个 At that time, there was an endless battle on the entire land, and over time, all kingdoms, large and small, began to collapse. In the end, the three largest kingdoms were formed.

Among them, the kingdom of Odin, which occupied the capital of the Third Dynasty, was the strongest. They not only inherited the legacy of the Third Dynasty, but also occupied the most resourceful site in Northrend, plus the eastern border was close. ocean. The coastline is very long, and the resources of the endless sea can be obtained, and it is natural to become the strongest country.

The war in Northrend did not end until the three kingdoms restrained each other. However, this is only the end on the bright side, and then the long cold war time, and various battles still have not stopped.

One of the most important battles is about the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty.

All kingdoms on the mainland are doing their best to hunt down the descendants of the royal family of the Third Dynasty. At that time, if a descendant of the royal family of the Third Dynasty appeared a talented person who might be able to set off the whole world again. War.

At that time, many old forces still felt that the Third Dynasty was very good. Because in that era, their interests can be guaranteed.

However, the war that lasted for hundreds of years has caused many weaker forces to rise. Naturally, they do not want to see the restoration of the Third Dynasty. The pursuit of the descendants of the Royal Family of the Third Dynasty has never stopped.

After many years, the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty were almost hunted down, and the last descendants were also discovered by the Kingdom of Odin. And it is the bloodline of the royal family of the third dynasty.

Although the situation on the mainland had stabilized at that time and the shuffling had ended, the contradiction between the light and the secret had not yet been resolved, and even the most powerful Odin kingdom could not so quickly resolve such disputes and conflicts.

Therefore, the word Zhengzhengshun was brought up. The Kingdom of Odin released news to prepare to accept the descendants of the royal family of the third dynasty. Of course, everyone knows how to take off their pants and fart. To defend their rule. Regulate the contradiction between the new and old forces. It is a very important chess.

It is a pity that the descendants of the third dynasty were not so credulous. After being hunted for so many years, they could not believe the three kingdoms anymore, even those mage forces. I dare not believe it.

But now they have been forced to a dead end, there is no way to escape.

and so. At the last minute, the guard who took care of the bloodline of the royal family made a decision to pretend that he was the same age as the royal family's descendants.

After a few months of fleeing, they were finally arrested, and the young son of the head guard was naturally taken away as a descendant of the royal family of the Third Dynasty.

王国 And the kingdom of Odin also fulfilled their promise and did not continue the persecution, but instead sealed the fake royal descendant into a prince and captive in a territory.

The food is delicious and delicious, even if there is any need, it will be satisfied, but for one thing, it is absolutely not allowed to leave that area.

自然 Of course, this is not the kindness of the royal family of the Kingdom of Odin, because at that point, it is not so important whether there is a good name, but the Kingdom of Odin still does.

There is a reason that few people know. The bloodline of the royal family of the third dynasty is a very strange bloodline. They have a small probability to awaken a strange power, and awaken the royal members of this power. Called astrologer.

The descendants of the imperial royal family lived like a golden bird, and naturally they did not awaken this bloodline. The royal family of the Odin kingdom did not feel anything wrong, because this was the secret of the third royal family. In that era, they could awaken. The members of the hordes of the astrologer are also poor.

Even at the peak of the Third Dynasty, there were never more than three astrologers. Most of the time, there were only one or two.

The true third dynasty royal family is descended from the ordinary, and is regarded as an ordinary person. No one cares about it. The talent of his mage is very poor, but the talent on alchemy is very good.

When he was a teenager, he was sent to the Starry Academy for his alchemy talent. After arriving at the Starry Academy, the royal family of the third dynasty did not really study magic, but devoted most of his experience to it. On alchemy.

Twenty years have passed ~ ~ The descendant of the Third Dynasty, who is already 39 years old, is still only a fifth-level mage, which is doomed to a very long time in his life The short duration is also destined to not have much success.

Because of the limitation of the level, the path of alchemy has come to an end. If no miracle occurs, he may only be like this for the rest of his life. If he is free of disease and disaster, he will live to over one hundred years old and the flame of life will Will slowly go out.

At this time, even the Odin royal family who might have such a hint of doubt before, gave up that hint of doubt a decade ago. Even if it is a true descendant of the royal family, this talent is of no use. Below, the value of that canary is so much, there is no need to pay any attention.

It was this year that the descendant of the royal family accidentally discovered a new plane in an alchemy experiment. At that time, a new plane in the plane, even without any exploration, was just a bit. On the road, you can sell a sky-high price. For a fifth-level mage, it is an unexpected huge wealth.

But he did not sell the plane, but began to explore the plane behind the plane. The inside is very barren, just a very small land, bare, like a meteorite floating in the void. As long as there is a minimal storm in the void that reaches this small land that is almost impossible to call a plane, this plane will be completely destroyed.

This is a natural half-plane. Since the descendants of the royal family got this natural half-plane, the level has begun to progress crazy, and when everyone responds, he has already advanced to the heavens ... To be continued.)

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