罗 Faro took a soft breath.

"Your Excellency, would you please inform the top of the Rodney family, these robbers, we can send someone to annihilate the gold-plated roses, I hope the Rodney family will give a little convenience."

Ji Yiwan immediately agreed.

"Hello Faro, rest assured, I hate those **** maggots even more than you. I will immediately report this to the family. The family will send someone to come in contact with the gilded rose. Then we will go out and kill those **** ones. robber."

I said, Ivan took out the magic beacon, wrote a magic letter in front of Farrow, and sent it out. Soon, the magic beacon got a reply.

看 "Look, Lord Faro, rest assured, the family's reply has already said that this matter will be finalized as soon as possible, and you need not worry."

Looking at Ivan's enthusiasm, Faro could not say a word.

I was sent out of the Rodney's shop by Ivan himself, and Farrow left angrily.

Ji Yiwan looked at Faro's back, and there was a hint of laughter in the corners of his mouth.

金 Gold-plated rose? Ha ha, a bunch of idiots, dare to oppose our Rodney family, this is just the beginning, you Andalusian country gangsters, dare to go to the Kingdom of Odin to grab business, dare to oppose our Rodney family, wait, idiot……

I turned around and Ivan told the people around him.

"After the gilded rose man comes again, he will say I'm not here, and I'm back to my family, in order to urge the gangster annihilation."

Faluo turned back to the gilded rose, his face pulled down completely, his teeth creaked.

Assholes of the Rodney family, if the robber group is not the Rodney family's handwriting, I'll put my head in the crotch, these **** idiots, as I expected.

They will not wipe out the bandit at all, and will prevent our people from entering the territory of the Rodney family. We can only strengthen the defense of the caravan. Wait for the bandit groups to appear before they can be killed.

But I can't transport the caravan every time, so I can shoot a sky-ranked strongman to sit in the town. The size and frequency of the caravan are getting bigger and bigger. Even if the order is strong, it cannot be fully taken care of, there will always be caravans robbed by bandit groups.

Damn, these **** guys ...

要 What should I do now?

Farrow sat sulking in his office while on the other side. Lin Yun finally ended the painful training temporarily.

Standing on the top of the mountain, there is a starry sky around. The half-plane ghost image behind Lin Yun, although still compressed to the limit, is much clearer. The regular projection covering Lin Yun has become more complicated. And more powerful.

Suddenly, a powerful breath burst from Lin Yun's body for a few seconds. Soared several times.

At the same time, the surrounding starry sky also completely dissipated, and the magical power escaped from Lin Yun's body like a tide, and turned into a huge wave that spread to the surroundings.

The colorful light shone around Lin Yun, and the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind condensed into elves, cheering around Lin Yun, and the back view around Lin Yun continued to change from deep void to silvery white.

For ten minutes, Lin Yun's powerful breath slowly dissipated. When he opened his eyes again, Lin Yun's mouth involuntarily showed a smile.

Agalon, who was opposite, laughed with a touch of wonder.

"It's a terrible guy. Your future is destined to go farther than me. Your natural half-plane is more perfect and stronger than I thought."

Less than a month. You have broken through to the third level of the heavens, and the understanding of the rules is much stronger than those of the same level. For the earth, flames, frost, hurricanes, and space, you have learned the rules of species, especially the geothermal water wind. Each is much more powerful than its peers.

Your extraordinary strength has crossed the limit, and it is absolutely comparable to the fourth-ranked power of Heaven. It is incredible that you can understand so many rules. This may be that your natural half-plane has developed very well in the beginning. The reason.

刚 As soon as you break through, stop training for a while, you go back first. "

I was suppressed by Agalon for a month. Although there were four or five days of rest, the situation was always at the limit. To be honest, now thinking, Lin Yun could not help but reveal a bit of grin.

When Agalon waved his hand, the starlight diffused and wrapped Lin Yun. Instantly, Lin Yun disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it was already a city without winter, and not far away was the street where the gilded rose was located.

But no one around seemed to notice Lin Yun's sudden appearance, everything seemed normal.

This made Lin Yun have to sigh, Agalon's strength has reached an incredible level, and teleported him back, not only did he not have any special feelings, the protection of the Neverwinter City, there was no slight reaction, even appeared instantly Here, none of the people around him noticed him, which shows that Agalon's power has been so strong that changing the rules can even affect the soul of other people.

I shook my head, Lin Yun strode to the gilded rose.

罗 In the depths of the gilded rose, Farrow's complexion was pale, holding the report in his hand, his fingers were pinched white.

The Rodney family is playing tricks. How can Farrow not understand, so quietly let Lefort and Pabet sneak into the caravan to covertly.

I did receive the results twice, but it can be said that it did not have much effect. Each time those cunning robbers would shoot a few people to test, and when they were almost tested, they would all appear.

I discovered that Lefort and Pabet were in the caravan, and the bandits would immediately flee, but found that the caravan that was not guarded by the Heavenly Powers would immediately launch a raid without any fear.

Some of the robbers are killing time. Anyway, they only need to **** once, it is enough to eat for a long time. It does n’t matter how much they snatch, but the gold-plated roses ca n’t go on like this. Added in the Kingdom of Andalusia, if this continues, the business of gilded roses will be affected, or already affected.

For another month, gold-plated roses will have to reduce the sale of goods in the store, and take the lead to ensure that the contract has been signed before. This is a serious blow for gold-plated roses when they are still creating credibility. If you do n’t, do n’t think about expanding ...

Faro was sulking. Lin Yun opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Lin Yun, Farrow almost rushed up, scaring Lin Yun.

"Faro, what's wrong? How did you get this look?"

Farrow's eyes were bloodshot. The whole person looked tired and seemed to have rested for days ...

罗 Faro faced bitterly, pulling Lin Yun.

"Master Meilin, you are back, these days you are away. Something is happening with gilded roses.

Those **** robbers have attacked the gold-plated rose caravan several times, each time causing the gold-plated rose to suffer a lot of damage. In this way, the caravans we cooperate with will give up the benefits and not cooperate with us.

And those **** robbers, the old nest is in the territory of the Rodney family, they do not themselves destroy the robber group, nor do they let us enter the territory of the Rodney family to destroy the robber group.

Those **** robber groups are totally unscrupulous attacking the caravan of gilded roses. The Golden Trade Road is no longer able to continue. If we continue to do this for another month, our supply of goods will not be able to keep up. Even if the forces of the Kingdom of Odin provide materials, we will soon be unable to support them.

For a maximum of three months, many hot-selling items in the gold-plated rose shops cannot be supplied, and only large-scale cooperative transactions that have signed a contract can be guaranteed ... "

罗 Farrower kept complaining to Lin Yun, and his hair was almost white these days. I want to send someone to directly destroy the robber group, but the power in the gilded rose must be sent in the past, and the first person to face is the Rodney family. They will certainly make countless excuses to prevent the army of gilded roses from entering their territory.

Listening to Farrow's complaining for a long time, Lin Yun's brows frowned. Unexpectedly, the Rodney family could not be robbed, and they began to play a plot.

"Well, Faroe. Leave this to me. You don't have to worry about it. The caravan continues. The next time there will be no bandit group, give me the coordinates of that bandit group."

After getting the coordinates, Lin Yun left the city without a winter.

When he reached the place where there was no interference from the winterless city, Lin Yun opened the door of space and set the coordinates directly to the coordinates given by Faro.

银 A silver-white door of space opened in front of Lin Yun. As Lin Yun stepped in, the door of space suddenly disappeared.

A few thousand kilometers away, there is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. A hundred-meter-high city wall at the mouth of the valley seals the entrance of the valley. It is very lively, like a fortress.

Lin Yun walked out of the door of the space from the heights and looked at the valley below. He could even see the open space inside the valley. There were many goods marked with gold-plated roses. These were transported by the caravan to the Kingdom of Odin Some specialty materials, or alchemy items from the Andalusian gilded rose headquarters.

It seems that a celebration party is being held in the valley. Many people are holding alchemy items with gold-plated roses in their hands, and there are even some auxiliary alchemists produced by the gold-plated roses.

There are also several villages located around the valley, but looking at those people, all of them look fierce, and they don't look like good people. You can even see a village in which a dozen looted people are allocated. woman.

However, the main members of the bandit named Death Scythe are all in that cottage, many of them are swordsman-level existence, and there are several titled wizards sitting on high chairs, the atmosphere of the fortress Very warm.

Qi Linyun sneered.

I'm afraid these idiots really celebrate the success of the looting. In the territory of the Rodney family, there would be such a fortress-like bandit, and dare to fight against the Rodney family?

Are all Rodneys idiots? Still treat everyone else as an idiot.

Without the support of the Rodney family, can this bandit group survive in the territory of the Rodney family?

And the surrounding villages, it is even a joke, every time the Rodney family comes to annihilation, the bandits will mix in the surrounding villages?

Are the people of the Rodney family so kind? If it is really an uncontrolled bandit, let alone the surrounding villages that are obviously part of the bandit group. Even if it is really an ordinary village, the Rodney family will probably not care and will destroy it without hesitation. .

Since the Rodney family feels that it is impossible to kill the bandit, I am a good person to kill these guys for them.

Zhe Linyun slowly dropped from a high altitude for a distance, the magic surged, the four colors of light floated, and the waves of extraordinary strength spread. A regular four-series bomb with a size of three meters condenses rapidly in mid-air, and Lin Yun's body's crazy gush of magic has all poured into this four-series bomb.

The horrible magic wave appeared in the sky and the carnival robbers. Lin Yun, who was thousands of meters high in the air, was discovered for the first time, but by the time they found it, it was too late, and the regular four-series explosive bomb had fallen from the sky.

刚刚 The terrified scream and roar had just sounded, and the regular four-series explosive bomb exuding the bursting magic wave had instantly fallen to the center of the fortress.

There was a loud noise. All the sounds were suppressed in an instant, a mushroom cloud with a flaming light instantly rose to a height of hundreds of meters, and a terrifying shock wave swept through most of the fortress, and the glare of Guanghua completely shrouded the fortress.

Zhe Linyun floated down from the air, looking coldly at the fortress in a mess, the Book of Mantra and the Wheel of Mana appeared on both sides of the body at the same time.

A huge gate hundreds of meters high appeared in mid-air, and flames and hurricanes surrounded the gate. As the gate slowly opened, endless flame torrents and hurricane torrents spewed out of the gate and poured into the fortresses below. The air defense of the fortress is almost as sloppy as this violent power.

安 Anderfa controlled the wheel of Wan Fa, howling to release a storm of hundreds of meters thick, and poured it into the fortress below.

Lin Yun held the dragon's staff, and a huge round of roulette ghosts appeared behind him. The rouge roar was filled with four-colored brilliance. Numerous runes of four series of rules spewed out, condensing one in mid-air. Four series bombs.

Each of the four series of explosive bombs equivalent to the power of the eighth-level spell fell into the fortress below like a rain, and the sound of explosive explosions was fierce. All the sounds in the fortress below were completely suppressed.

Hot flames, torn hurricanes, and the storm that destroyed everything, plus the four series of explosive bombs that Lin Yun kept releasing. The bottom of the fortress is very good. The fortress that is easy to defend and thousands of meters is like a prison cage. All the people in the fortress are trapped inside, and they can only passively withstand the destructive forces falling in the sky.

The gate of the rampart fortress wall has been destroyed by a violent explosion. However, it did not allow those bandits to escape, because the crushed rock had already completely blocked the entrance.

The violent bombardment continued for more than ten minutes, before Lin Yun stopped casting, but the robber's nest below had already become a sea of ​​fire.

All the buildings have become a ruin, and the bandits who celebrated the victory can no longer cheer, only the torn bodies on the ground, or the bodies burned to coke ...

Even the alchemy 傀儡 they snatched from the gold-plated caravan, all turned into a pile of scrap iron ...

The dust slowly dissipated, looking away, there was only a miserable destruction, and no living creature could be seen.

Around the old nest of the Death Sickle Bandit, those in the village who were celebrating, all were frightened, one shivered at home and shivered, none of them dared to come out, even if a few looted women fled in turmoil, No one dared to come out and chase, for fear of angering Lin Yun floating in the sky ...

Looking at the robber's nest in ruins below, Lin Yun watched quietly, with a dozen regular runes flashing in his eyes, looking for the robber that might be hidden inside. Under the kind of wild bombing, the weak one might be It's dead, but it's powerful. Maybe it won't die in the first wave of attack, and then hide it.

The mountain below is surrounded by mountains on three sides. As long as those powerful forces escape into the belly of the mountain and hide, it is difficult to die.

Lin Yun looked at it coldly, and soon found that there were several passages that were so strong in the old nest that they were dug out in the mountains, and many people might have hid in there, unless Lin Yun's bombing could collapse The whole mountain, otherwise, the people inside may not be too dangerous.

This time I'm here for Liwei. Not only must we beat the Rodney family's face fiercely, but also let other people with ideas see the power of the gilded rose ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The robber's nest defense Such a rigorous, general force really can't figure them out. Even if there are sky-level strongmen coming to bombard, they may be intact as long as they hide in the air-raid shelter dug in advance.

As for the loss, the big deal is to continue robbing ...

Many things that the Rodney family ca n’t shoot directly can let this death sickle bandit group shoot, and it has nothing to do with the Rodney family. Even on the bright side, everyone knows that the death sickle is a headache for the Rodney family. Things, even the Rodney family lost their faces several times on the issue of the Death Sickle Bandit ...

Now destroying the Death Sickle Bandit is equivalent to cutting off an invisible finger of the Rodney family.

Even they could only clap their hands with a smile, swelled their faces, and thanked Lin Yun to help them clear the gangster of the bandit.

In the future, other robber groups, whether real robber groups or fake robber groups, must consider what kind of crazy revenge they will face when they dare to move the gold-plated rose caravan.

I determined that many bomb shelters had been dug out of the robber's nest. Even if Lin Yun couldn't find out how many robbers were inside and whether there were robbers, it didn't matter ...

Raising the Dragon Staff again, the left hand stretched out, the Book of Death also emerged, the chain broke, and the Book of Death was automatically opened to the page of the Chapter of the Elements. The four-colored Chapter of the Elements quickly transformed into a pure Earthy yellow, and then the chapter of Sen Luo also shined.

Lin Yun's body surface also appeared a layer of earthy light, a large number of magic patterns emerged on the body surface, and a forehead rune mark was on the forehead. (To be continued.)

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