Earth Element Elf Incarnation! Terrible spells that strengthen the power of earth elemental spells, and can save all low-level earth spell attacks. If the perception of the rules of the earth is much worse than Lin Yun, earth spells have almost no effect on Lin Yun ... ...

As Lin Yun began to chant a spell, perfect runes of basic rules emerged, and the runes of earth rules like a citrine permeated, forming a hundred-meter-long French formation in mid-air.

In the shadow of the wheel disk behind Lin Yun, a light filled with the power of the earth was shrouded in this pattern. With the chanting, Lin Yun threw out a dark piece of earth into the circle of the law. Min Yang.

This is the essence of the earth element, which can strengthen the magic power of the earth. It is very precious. It can be produced only on the plane of the earth element. In other planes, only some environments with extremely rich earth elements or the depth of the earth can be found. May agglutinate.

In a small village in the distance, a middle-aged man with a gloomy and hot face, wearing a dark golden robe, observed Lin Yun's movement through the window. When he saw the huge light magic circle appeared, his face suddenly became pale. It changed, then rushed out without hesitation and flew towards Lin Yun.

"Damn bastard, how dare you do this, you are dead, all the people related to you are dead, you are waiting for our crazy sickle's **** revenge!"

A middle-aged man flew to the sky, and between the swinging of the staff, there were strong earth elements gathered in the past. A turquoise-colored giant hand that was more than thirty meters in length condensed in the air and slammed **** Lin Yun. Body.

Zhe Linyun glanced lightly at this middle-aged man. He ignored him, but continued to chant the spell.

It seems like a giant hand composed of mountains and stones. When approaching Lin Yun's ten-meter range, the power began to plummet. When this earth hand slaps on Lin Yun's fusion shield fiercely, the magic and rules of the shield The power of the text and the elements surged at the same time, completely resisting the power of this earth hand, Lin Yun's fusion shield moved slightly, but Lin Yun's body was still intact, and the spells were all Without the slightest pause.

Nearly a sneak attack, without interrupting Lin Yun's cast, the middle-aged mage has some discoloration. The land spell is best at strength. If it hits directly, the power it brings is definitely the strongest. That is Pure power.

But even then, Lin Yun's casting was not interrupted. Seeing that Lin Yun's casting was about to end soon, the purification of that earth element had completely dissipated and merged into this spell, and the middle-aged mage master was a little anxious.

Damn, this guy's spell control is so strong that he can't interrupt the casting!

In this way, this spell is released, and the Death Sickle Bandit is completely destroyed. I want to re-establish it, I do n’t know how much time and wealth ...

Magic Countermeasure, Rock Fall, Meteor Summon, Gravity ...

A series of spells were released, but none of them could interrupt Lin Yun's casting. Anderfa and Theodos were watching jokes beside Lin Yun ...

"Stupid, a second-level rock mage master who wants to interrupt Meilin's casting is really naive. Meilin's own magic control and magic control have reached a completely unbelievable level, and the previous section Time has just emerged from that incredibly old metamorphosis.

Under the pressure of that old guy, Merlin's control of the rules has exceeded his limits. Her perception of the rules of the earth is not as good as Merlin's, so she dares to fight against Merlin with earth magic. It is really stupid and pathetic. ... "

The three faces of An Defa laughed and floated beside Lin Yun to watch the excitement. This guy didn't need him to stop it, because for Lin Yun who released the incarnation of the earth element elves, those earth spells didn't tickle. the difference……

Blocking for more than ten seconds, but it has no effect, the middle-aged mage can only stare at the light array that has spread to more than 400 meters in the sky, converging into a ochre-colored light cluster and falling to the bottom. Fortress.

Inside the mountainside on one side of the fortress, a three-meter-high passage meanders and stretches. There are more than a dozen sword sages and four titled wizards, but at this moment they pale forward along the air-raid shelter. A few of them fled just now. The fastest, just injured under the impact of the first regular rune bomb, and all subsequent attacks were escaped by them.

"People must be gilded roses, those stupid guys, dare to attack our fortress directly, hum, wait, after this time, do not let all the caravans of gilded roses, no, all with gilded roses Don't let go of cooperation.

Anyway, our external name is the Death Sickle Bandit, which has nothing to do with the family, and then remember to let the family come forward and send the gilded roses to the family's territory, which is a bare provocation against our Rodney family ...

"Yes, you must kill the gold-plated roses. Their alchemy items are very good. If they can develop smoothly, where is the market for our Rodney family.

Did n’t all the idiots who thought we could challenge our Rodney family have been killed by us, this gold-plated rose is the same, but this time we must get them **** revenge, **** revenge from the death sickle ... "

A few dubious wizards with somber faces, gritted their teeth and issued revenge proclaims. All the sword sages were all black-faced, spreading rage and hatred, waiting to leave here to start crazy revenge.

Suddenly, the footsteps of a titled wizard came to a halt, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Earthquake shocked?"

Suddenly, the entire mountain belly began to tremble and tremble, and debris continued to fall in the cave. The entire cave was trembling, and the amplitude of the trembling was getting stronger and stronger.

"Hurry up and protect yourself. Damn it is Earthquake Earthquake. That **** Heavenly Order Master will actually Earthquake Earthquake and prop up the surrounding caves. We must not let our place be collapsed. "

The light of fighting spirit and the power of spells emerged in this narrow passage at the same time, holding them where they are, like a boulder, filling the range of more than ten meters, so as to avoid the cave from collapsing.

As long as they can support this place, after the earth tremor is over, they have a way to escape the danger of being trapped inside the mountain. The sword master forcibly digs a passage. The earth mage master controls the earth to not break. It ’s okay to develop a way out, and there are some ways, as long as you don't die now ...

The trembling of the mountain body became more and more fierce, and the pressure from the top of the head was also increasing. After a few seconds, a position held by a third-level sword master suddenly collapsed, and the rock on the top of the head slammed down. The sword fighter's fighting spirit protection will crush the opponent into a ball of meat ...

Instantly, all the robbers were stunned, but within a second, another place held up by the sword master, followed by the collapse, the other side was also directly buried in the rocks and dirt, and the blood stained the dirt, like It was the blood that squeezed out from the mud.

I do n’t have to think about it, the sword sage buried in the mud, I am afraid that it will be directly crushed to death and crushed to death? Are you kidding me?

"It's not Earthquake Shock, it's Earthquake Shock and Overweight. Damn it, this is a superb spell!"

The captain of the title screamed, and the rocks and dirt on his head collapsed, instantly bursting his shield. In less than five seconds, the cave completely collapsed, and everyone was crushed to death. inside.

He is like a mountain hundreds of meters high above his head, all suppressed on them, not to mention the sword sage or the title wizard, even if a low-level Heaven-level strong, will be crushed to death ...

That is not tens of thousands of kilograms or even hundreds of thousands of kilograms of force, at least several million kilograms of force have been suppressed.

Looking from the sky, the trembling trembling around the fortress on three sides of the fortress is like an invisible and terrifying force suppressing this U-shaped mountain that is thousands of meters wide. The earth tremor makes the structure of the mountain very loose. Overweight surgery applied tens of times gravity to the mountain body, with only one result in the end.

All the crevices in the mountain ridge will be filled, all the excavated caves will be collapsed, until there is no trace of crevices in the mountain ridge, all the soil is pressed as hard as rock, and the mountain is Will return to normal.

Even below the third level, even the Earth Magus, they will be crushed alive.

After the end of the cast, Lin Yun no longer cares about the fortress below. In this case, he is still alive and strong. It can only be said that the other party has received fate.

He turned and looked at the second-level earth mage master. Lin Yun's mouth showed a sneer of sneer.

"The Kingdom of Odin is indeed the strongest kingdom in Northrend. As a cockroach-like robber, there are even rank-two powerhouses. It seems that the robber is indeed very promising."

Lin Yun's ridicule made the middle-aged mage's face unsightly. He would never have come out unless Lin Yun had released the nine-level compound spell just now. It would n’t matter how many people died at the bottom of the sickle bandit, Every time I go out to rob and rob, I will lose a lot, I will lose it, and I will replenish it from other places. This kind of low-level robbers will be more or less.

However, at the level of swordsman or title wizard, they are all members of the Rodney family. Even the top title wizards are highly regarded in the family, and many of them are family. The descendants of Tianjie were specially thrown to the death sickle bandit team.

Can you know the death sickle, or even enter the death sickle, it means that it is valued by the family. After learning from the death sickle, it will inevitably change its face and become an important person in the family. The members of the Rodney family have almost suddenly turned into the family The emergence of the strong is not surprised at all, and has long been used to it.

The middle-aged mage master's face was ugly. After he came out, he couldn't leave immediately. He was fighting head-on, and felt that he might not be able to fight.

Unfortunately, without waiting for him to think about it, Lin Yun had already taken the lead. Each sharp rock spike, like a large wind blade, rushed towards him. The large rock spikes shrouded his body around the carcass. There is no way to escape in the range of 100 meters. The tip of each rock spike is attached with a trace of extraordinary strength, which allows the bow power of these rock spikes to completely exceed the limit of the level.

He was forced into a war situation, and the middle-aged mage master gave up his thoughts, supported the fusion shield, and began to cast with a staff.

Unfortunately, his level is not as high as Lin Yun's. The understanding of rules is even worse. I don't know how much. Lin Yun's understanding of rules is much stronger than that of ordinary mages of the same level.

After casting the incarnation of the earth element elves, the opponent ’s earth spells approached within ten meters of Lin Yun, the power would plummet, and the condensed earth elements would be a little out of control. The closer they came, the more "renegade" earth elements would become More and more, when the spell fell on Lin Yun's fusion shield, the power of a spell plummeted at least half.

This is because the opponent uses extraordinary powers. If it is an ordinary earth spell, it has already collapsed into an ordinary earth element without falling on Lin Yun's fusion shield ...

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to kill this guy, but he was controlling his strength, for fear that he would kill this guy accidentally ...

A living "Sky Bandit" has the greatest value. Use this living bandit as a bargaining chip when negotiating with the Rodney family, but an ace ...

Lin Yun and the middle-aged mage fought in the sky. In the distant village, many people have escaped in panic. It looks very confusing. The compound mage that Lin Yun just released just took care of that one. U-shaped mountain, but the range directly affected is more than ten kilometers.

Unfortunately, except for the Death Sickle Bandit within these ten kilometers, there are only those villages attached to the Death Sickle Bandit. Most of the people in the village are backup robbers, or they are doing logistics for the robber band. of.

In this confusion, many people fled to the open space for fear that the house would collapse due to the ground tremor, and then they were killed in it.

But in the chaos, there were two people hiding in the house, watching the battle in the sky through the window ...

I watched the situation for a while, and one of the top titled wizards was worried.

"What to do now, John's stupid rushed out, he must not be the guy's opponent, but the other party is a third-ranked powerhouse, and seems to be stronger than the average third-ranked powerhouse.

Sooner or later, John ’s stupid idiot is killed ... ”

The other wizard of the title shook his head gloomily.

"I wasn't worried that John would be killed by 冇, how could he be such a fool?

Members of our Rodney family will be able to release family-specific spells after reaching the Order of Heaven. I am worried that John will use the family's steel spells. By that time, the family will control the death sickle bandit completely. Violently exposed.

In this case, the family will be in trouble. Except for our family ’s Heavenly Order, there is no outsider who can understand steel spells, and the Death Sickle Bandit has made great contributions to the family over the years, but I also offended not knowing how many people.

Even if everyone else knew that the sickle of death might be controlled by our Rodney family, without direct evidence, no one would bother to find our family, but if John was exposed, Maphas would be big. ... "

Just when the two were worried, the battle situation in the sky changed, and John of the Rodney family had no restrained heads when Lin Yun had no force at all. It was possible at any time. There is danger of falling.

At this moment, John took out a piece of silver metal, and began to sing in his mouth the unpleasant spell as if the rusty metal rubbed against each other.

Hearing this spell, and then looking at the silver metal bar in John's hand, the faces of both of them changed completely.

"Damn, this guy John is really damn, he dared to take out the medium and release the iron spell, and he would completely reveal the secret of the family!

Everyone knows that he is a member of the Rodney family! "

"What should I do now, he must not be allowed to release the iron spell, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble!"

The two wizards of the Rodney family were originally sent here to observe, after all, the old nest of the death sickle has been exposed, maybe the gilded roses will come directly to attack.

At that time, they and John were going to intercept in advance, using the gilded roses to invade the territory of the Rodney family to drive the gilded roses back ...

However, I did not expect that the army of gilded roses did not arrive, but only a third-level mages came, and it was unreasonable to completely destroy the old nest of the death sickle, and the robbers, even wealth, were all destroyed. Buried under the earth.

Now it is necessary to thoroughly expose Lu Si ’s death sickle, which is controlled by the Rodney family, and not only the Rodney family, but members of the Rodney family!

再 The original reassured guesses were only speculations. Without conclusive evidence, the death sickle was just an abominable parasite parasitizing in the Rodney family territory. Even the bottom members of the Rodney family hated the death sickle.

But if the frontal violence is revealed, there may be a big mess in the family ...

The two of them were pale and anxious, but there was nothing they could do, because John had started to chant.

At this time ~ ~ Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly, stepped out in a split second, and instantly spanned a distance of hundreds of meters, appearing more than ten meters in front of John.

At the same time, countless perfect basic rule runes condensed on the top of Lin Yun's staff, and then turned into a two-meter-long dark wind blade.

Zhe Linyun gently waved his staff, and the dark wind blade disappeared instantly, like a shadow. In a blink of an eye, he rushed out for a distance of thousands of kilometers, disappeared in the sky and disappeared.

Suddenly, the spell of John's chanting stopped, his pupils slowly diffused, and the light in his eyes disappeared in an instant ...

A second later, a crack appeared in the upper part of John's Fusion Shield, and the Fusion Shield slammed into a spot of light and disappeared, while John's face was centered on the center and a fine bloodline extended from his forehead. At the chin, my head was split in half ...

It was just that the speed of the wind blade was too fast, and John's body was too fast to react. Although he was split in half, his head did not split, only a thin blood line emerged. .

If you dissect and open his head, you will find that his brain can be said to be intact. With the vitality of the Heavenly Rank Strong, the kind of instantaneous emergence and extremely small wounds can be healed instantly under the powerful vitality. Cut into two halves, he will not die. The slight injuries in his head have now healed ...

(To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group]. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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