Unfortunately, he is still dead, because his soul was cut in half directly, his soul is not so powerful, it is just a needle stuck in his body, and it is an unspeakable pain to the soul. , The soul is cut into two halves, and it will die instantly ...

The celestial powerhouse fell, and his soul was torn. The earth elements gathered around John's body, dissipated madly, infinite magic emanated from the body of John's body, and a raging magic wolf rose into the sky.

For ten seconds or so, the magic of John's body surface completely dissipated, and his body began to fall towards the ground.

Lin Yun released a two-meter-long mage's hand and grabbed John's body in his hand. John ’s space equipment was also picked up, especially the silver-white metal, which was directly collected by Lin Yun. stand up.

In the distant hill village, two anxious sweaty titled wizards saw John being killed instantly, instead of showing an angry look, he was relieved.

"Fortunately, John's idiot was killed by 冇 ..."

"Yeah, fortunately he was killed before he released the iron spell, otherwise things would be troublesome ..."

"Yes, he was killed by 冇, at least he was killed by a robber who was a sickle of death. It has nothing to do with our Rodney family ..."

In the sky, Anderfa floated over, looking at John's body, all three faces were serious.

"Merlin, what did you do with him? He must be a member of the Rodney family. Didn't you see that he had come up with a casting medium just now? That is a special metal material, a unique iron spell for the Rodney family. Will be released.

I need to see it. Besides, he released the iron spell, which exposed the identity of the Rodney family members, and also directly linked the death sickle to the Rodney family. This is sufficient evidence. .

Members of the Rodney family's lineage, personally control the sickle of death, to see how their Rodney family will gain a foothold in the Kingdom of Odin in the future. "

Luan Defa complained, but Lin Yun smiled.

"I'm just special, otherwise he releases the iron spell. If he releases the iron spell, I would rather kill him.

If I could catch him alive before he released the iron spell, a living death sickle robber, and a celestial robber, but it is worth a lot of money, but a living Rodney family's affiliated celestial tier is completely worthless Now ...

If he releases the iron spell, I will kill him instead. I will kill him, and the Rodney family will bite me, saying that I sneak into their family's territory and kill the family who is dealing with the death sickle bandit. Tier Master ... "

Lin Yun said here, three faces of Anderfa suddenly showed a stunned look, looking at Lin Yun's eyes, with a smile.

"I have to say, Merlin, you are becoming more and more evil, but you are right, you are only killing a robber of the Death Sickle Bandit. The Rodney family must be broken with teeth and swallowed with blood, And I have to thank you, you have to smile and die ...

You are really getting more and more evil ... "

Lin Linyun smiled.

"That's it. If he wants to release the iron spell, he can't talk to the Rodney family. Now, hehe ..."

Lin Linyun brought John's body to the ground, and just waited. In the distance, the two titled wizards immediately began to send a magic message to the family, and gave a brief report on the matter here.

Less than half an hour later, the members of the Rodney family came. After listening to the two title wizards explaining in detail, they were slightly relieved.

There are still things like the rules of the game. Since there is no exact evidence, the Rodney family can do as much as they want to, and no one can help but if the iron evidence is directly exposed to the sun, then the matter will be thorough In trouble, the reputation and face of the Rodney family were completely ruined.

The Rodney family came to negotiate with a third-tier powerhouse of the order of the sky, and flew to the place where Lin Yun was with the two previous nine-level title wizards.

"Oh, it turned out to be His Excellency Malfama Merlin, I really did not expect that it was His Excellency Malfama Merlin who personally came to destroy those **** robbers.

的 The vote that our family just passed decided to cooperate with the gilded rose to annihilate these **** maggots. The news has been passed to the gilded rose. I did not expect that His Excellency Mafam Merlin had come in person. "

The order of the Rodney family looks very enthusiastic, but when they came over, when they saw John's body, their eyelids jumped involuntarily, and there was a flash of anger in their eyes.

Lin Linyun smiled, and seemed to casually brush over the two ninth-level title wizards, and then dealt with it casually.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. I wasn't there before. I got the news by accident. These **** guys have attacked the Gilded Rose Caravan several times. Now that they have been discovered, these guys who waste resources should still die. Some people in the province always feel that gold-plated roses are bullying.

If anyone has any more thoughts, do the fate of the claws of the gilded rose.

Alas, sir, what else do you do? I will go back when there is no more matter. As for the Death Sickle Bandit, do n’t thank me, I just destroyed them for the gilded roses. "

After Lin Yun finished speaking, she turned to leave with John's body.

Suddenly, the Rodneys were in a hurry.

The two titled wizards were afraid to speak with their heads down, and they always felt that Lin Yun's glance had a deep meaning just now, and they seemed to have discovered them long ago. And the Rodney family's new third-tier powerhouse suddenly became angry.

Aunt, John is a member of our Rodney family, level two, and knows the iron spell. There are too many people outside.

Ordinary mages and small forces may not recognize John, but those large forces who know a little information about the family can recognize that John is the heavenly line of our Rodney family. If John's body is taken away, then Trouble ...

You must let this Malfay Merlin hand over the body, **** it, do those guys who master the situation grow up eating shit, where is this Malfay Merlin a Tier 1 and a Tier 3, obviously a Tier 3 Strong, and according to the two idiots who watched the battle, Mafam Merlin's strength may be stronger than the ordinary third-order third-level ...

Are those idiots unable to find out any valuable information except to find out that Malfurmlin is the true owner of the gilded rose ...

Although thinking about it, she had to build a friendly smile.

"His name, Mamma Merlin, my name is Pas Rodney. You can call me, Pers, that's it. There is one thing to discuss with His Mafam Merlin in advance.

Question about the body of this **** robber ... "

Hepas said, paused, his eyes filled with confidence.

I can't make Malfoy Merlin think that I value John's body too much, and use a little negotiation skills to express how little I value. I believe it will be easier to talk about next.

Yunlin Yun took an ice seal to freeze John's body in an ice cube, and then stuffed it into a space ring.

"Oh, Lord Perth, is there any problem with the robber's body? It doesn't matter if there is a problem, I will freeze him and hang it at the door of the gilded rose, so that all the robber groups will know how to plunder the gilded rose. What will happen to the caravan.

I will use black gold ice, even if he has a deadly plague, it will never spread. Well, thank you, Mr. Perth, for reminding me, goodbye. "

Seeing Lin Yun's movement, Paston was a little stunned.

Damn, isn't this guy a barbarian? Negotiation. This is negotiation. Isn't there any negotiating skill? Doesn't this guy have any meaning in negotiating and doesn't want to talk to me at all.

Damn bastard, how can you do things like this and leave without talking?

What a joke, let you take John's body and seal it with black gold ice and put it at the door of the gilded rose. Is there really more money and no place to throw it away?

The fist-sized black gold ice is worth thousands of purple gold coins, and the larger the black gold ice is, the more expensive it is. The price will rise geometrically. The black gold ice that can be sealed based on the body ice will cost at least tens of millions of purple gold coins.

Damn, isn't this guy crazy? Is he going to freeze John's body and display it for a thousand years?

Don't say a thousand years, after ten thousand years, the corpse sealed by black gold and ice will still be what it is now ...

I saw Lin Yun turn and prepare to fly, and Pas was completely panicked.

"Her Mafia Merlin, wait a minute! Please listen to me before you make a decision!"

Lin Linyun frowned and looked at Perth.

"My Excellency, my time is tight, not so much time wasted ..."

Pai laughed bitterly, and lost his temper.

"His Mafam Merlin, this guy is called Dess, is the chief of the sickle of death, second order, very evil guy, and the damage he has done to the Rodney family can already be written into a tragic biography.

I don't remember how much the death sickle he led caused damage to the Rodney family's territory. In the Rodney family's territory, the death sickle is synonymous with death, and the name of Deiss can even cry in children. The name used to scare them when they were scared.

Before, there was a village nearby that was not subject to Deis. No matter whether it was men, women or children, Des was alive at the entrance of the village ...

I even captured our Rodney family's granddaughter, and tortured them alive, then threw the body to the door of the Rodney family to humiliate the Rodney family ...

That's my cousin ... "

Speaking of this, Paz choked up, gritted his teeth, and seemed to really think of something sad ...

Luan Defa floated next to Lin Yun and watched. All three faces were full of horror and solemn expressions, and this one was the admiration of Emperor Yingdi.

"Several times, our Rodney family sent people to attack the fortress of the death sickle. Unfortunately, these **** stinky mice do not know how many passages have been dug up in the mountains. As long as the Rodney family is strong, they will follow. Temporarily escaped with countless underground passages.

When the Rodney family's strong men leave, they will come out again, and then revenge the Rodney family severely, and even once again slaughter a small town where the Rodney family is located, plundering all the valuables Wealth.

It is impossible for our Rodney family to send a Heavenly Tier 3 strongman to stay here all the time, and then it will become what it is now, and it has been deadlocked.

一次 This time, the family is determined to cooperate with the gilded rose to completely wipe out this desperate and sinister bandit!

I just didn't want to fight. His Excellency Malfay Merlin shot in person. Dess, the same stinky mouse, even died in the hands of His Excellency Malfay Merlin.

That's great ... "

Lin Yun watched Perth's acting, his eyes were full of admiration, and the acting could be performed. From the perspective of his third-ranked third-tier powerhouse, everything is true, no matter the mood or magic fluctuations, or even the speed of speech. Is perfect ...

He really hates the unlucky guy who just died. The performance can reach such a level that people can't help but admire it.

"Her Perth, you are sad, rest assured, I will let this guy's body hang at the gate of the gilded rose for a thousand years, no, it will hang at the gate of the city of winterless for a thousand years, so that all people will When passing by, I spit on him, as long as I spit, I will spend 9% off on gilded roses, no, 9% off! "

You know, the price of alchemy items is not cheap, and there is a slight discount. In the end, it may be dozens of purple gold coins. If you are 98% off, the most expensive thing in gold-plated roses, but it can be nearly 10,000 purple. Gold coins ...

If you buy more, the saved Zijin coins will be considerable ...

The price was just a spit in the mouth of a guilty robber when he entered the city ...

I believe that no matter who it is, you won't mind the drool.

I heard this, and Perth's face turned completely green, and he dared not continue acting, and quickly stopped Lin Yun.

"His Mafam Merlin, this Day has caused inestimable harm to the people in the Rodney family's territory. I hope that His Majesty Mafam Merlin can give the body to our Rodney family.

Our Rodney family will hang his body at the gate of the city, and let those who have been hurt by Dess, spit at him severely ... "

When Lin Yun's eyebrows were raised, Perth's heart jumped. Fearing that Lin Yun would say something else to refuse, he was so distracted that he gave up the idea of ​​negotiation and opened up the best conditions.

"Of course, His Excellency Malfay Merlin, Dess, this wicked guy, you killed him yourself, and you will bring him back to the city gate to show the crowd, in order to warn the bold bandits.

It is indeed inappropriate for our Rodney family to do this. You can make an offer. In order to show our sincerity, our Rodney family will compensate you. After all, you worked hard to fight here. The Nee family is doing well too, isn't it ... "

Qi Linyun smiled and nodded.

"Okay, since you want it, it's not impossible for you."

Papars hurriedly struck iron while hot.

"Even if you make an offer, we will definitely make you a satisfactory compensation."

Lin Yun smiled, took out a list, and handed it to Paz.

"I didn't think of any compensation, but it happened that I have a list of the materials that the gilded roses will purchase recently. You also know that our gilded rose material transport caravan has been attacked several times by the **** idiots of the death sickle. , My own materials are not enough.

You can make up for a little material, and all the wealth in the old sickle ’s nest is owned by your Rodney family. You must know that the wealth that the sickle has plundered over the years is a huge number, although it is buried under the mountain. Yes, but with a little effort, it is a lot of wealth. "

Pas breathed a sigh of relief.

A piece of material? I thought that this guy wanted Tiger to open his mouth. I didn't expect it to be just a piece of material. It seems that the rumor about this Malfama Merlin is not too consistent. Isn't it rumored that this guy is more greedy than the dragon? Only one piece of material is needed.

的 And the wealth in his old sickle's nest is gone, I'm afraid this guy is afraid of digging for trouble.

He didn't know that there was no wealth at all in the death sickle's nest. All the wealth was already transported back to our Rodney family. The robbers were just a sharp knife in Rodney's hand ...

It seems that the gold-plated roses have not been very good recently. They have to go outside to purchase materials. Mafam Merlin specially asked us to compensate the materials, which is reasonable ...

Hepai guessed secretly, and opened the list handed over by Lin Yun.

After opening the list, Paz's complexion changed, suddenly blue and white, and then the whole face became red.

Looking at the list, Pass's hands were shaking.

Eternal Adamantite, 500kg ...

Star Mithril, 600kg ...

Demonized mercury, one thousand kilos ...

Dragon Blood Ink ...

Damn, these precious materials are always calculated in kilograms, and they are a few hundred kilos at a time. Ordinary alchemy devices, it can be considered a luxury to use a few grams ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ A real magic weapon, can not use a kilogram at most ...

All of these precious materials are hundreds of kilograms. Ordinary materials start with thousands of kilograms, and things like magic iron start with tens of thousands of kilograms.

Damn, this guy needs so much material. Is it because he feeds a heavenly gold-eater? With the current scale of gold-plated roses, where these materials can be used, even three years can not be used up ...

家伙 This guy is crazy, really crazy, he wants so much.

His face flushed with anger, his hands were shaking, looking at the list, his eyes were almost staring out, and hissing loudly.

"This is impossible! Never! His Excellency Mafam Merlin, I have come with sufficient sincerity. You are so insincere, no, not at all sincere!"

Lin Linyun was not angry, with a smile on her face, just looking at Parse.

Pasi chattered for half a minute, but found that Lin Yun always smiled so much, ignored him, and suddenly, Pas's heart was a little hairy.

Damn it, Muffal Merlin, wouldn't it have discovered anything, no, John, this fool, was killed by Muffal Merlin before the iron spell was released, and Muffal Merlin couldn't find anything.

Then why did he make me feel hairy with a smile ... (

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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