This kind of thing has no effect on Lin Yun. Some of the magic tools sold by gold-plated roses need elemental amber as the material. However, they are all general elemental ambers. The price is very cheap, even gold-plated roses. The team of alchemists is already studying the technology of artificially synthesizing the element amber.

琥珀 The element amber required for a magic weapon is worth a few dozen purple gold coins. This element amber has a starting price of 30,000 purple gold coins. It is not necessary to take it.

Lin Yun looked at it quietly. Within two minutes, this element of amber was photographed at the price of 80,000 purple gold coins. This price was nearly three times the starting price. It was just a warm-up thing, and the price was very exaggerated. Already.

Soon after, another earthy gem was photographed, and the final price was 60,000 purple gold coins, and the third item was brought up, but Lin Yun suddenly became interested.

传说 "It is said that this gem is from the distant Nessel dynasty. It is the essence of the night elves' moon wells. As the night elves disappeared in the Northrend world, those moon wells condensing the power of moonlight were all abandoned.

The crystal of this thing is the condensation of a moon well that has not been destroyed for tens of thousands of years. This is the crystal that the power of moonlight has been condensed for tens of thousands of years. The largest diameter is 130 cm, the smallest Eighty-eight cm in diameter.

It contains a very pure and huge moonlight essence, which is eight times better than the best moonstones currently appearing. "

With the host's words, the light in the auction hall gradually dimmed, and the moonlight essence crystallized, but began to emit a soft moonlight, the light does not glare, but can illuminate the entire auction hall.

As the light in the hall lights up again, the light from the Moonlight Essence crystals disappears, just as if a layer of moonlight was on the surface.

"Well, I believe you have already seen this crystal as a material, and I need not say more. If this crystal is placed at a high place, the light can illuminate at least ten kilometers, and it is worthy of The ability to break invisibility.

The starting price is 120,000 purple gold coins, and now the starting price! "

Looking at the giant crystal, there was a shock in his eyes.

Moon essence crystal? This is the identification of which idiot did. I said that I always felt wrong when I saw the illustrated book. Such a large piece of moon essence crystallized at least the largest moon well made by the night elves at that time. The endless continuous operation was at least 38,000. During the year, no moon water can be taken out of it during this period.

What a joke, after the night elves disappeared in the Northrend world, what they were the first to be snatched away was the moon well. The water of the moon produced was the purest magic power, and it could be restored in an instant. Any mage can directly Utilizing the magic in it, this kind of thing can run quietly for tens of thousands of years in places exposed to moonlight?

If it is an ordinary moon well, it will take at least 100,000 years of quiet operation to gather such a large crystal.

Aunt, there is a moonlight gem in this crystal, at least a moonlight gem with a head size! Only such a large moonlight gem can condense such a large moonlight essence on the surface!

The moonlight light essence crystal cannot be used directly, but if it is the water of the moon, any creature, even a plant, can be directly absorbed.

Absolutely right!

I saw with my own eyes, and after feeling the breath, Lin Yun completely determined the matter, then sat down and waited quietly for others to bid.

Moonlight gemstones are not understood by people of this era, because the remaining moonlight gemstones are all made into complete magic weapons and cannot be reused at all, because in the legend, moonlight gemstones were made by night elves. So no one doubts that this crystal will have anything to do with the moon gem.

Only in the future tomb digging era, those crazy mages dug all the ground in the Northrend world, and at that time did not know how the moonlight gems came, not made by the night elves, but in the ancient tree of life Treasures naturally bred from here.

Since the night elves have completely disappeared from the Northrend world, moonlight gemstones have naturally lost the opportunity to conceive. Moonlight gemstones that have appeared since then have all been conceived before.

Lin Yun waited for other people to bid. Sure enough, almost all of the bidders were the ones sitting in the lobby. Only a few of them were bidding, and the increase in each bid was very low. Three minutes passed before the price rose. By the time of 160,000 purple gold coins, someone had already started to withdraw from the auction.

Zhe Linyun pondered that it was almost time before she began to join the bidding, but the added price was not much.


I added five thousand purple gold coins at a time, but only expressed my interest, but with a little money style, let those people know that he only has a little interest, but it is not that there are no purple gold coins to add.

Sure enough, when I heard that Lin Yun raised the price by 5,000 at a time, most of the people immediately gave up the bidding. If it was just the moonlight essence, the size didn't really make much sense. Yes, for this little thing that can only be regarded as a warm field, there is no need to fight hard.

I seemed to hear Lin Yun's bid. Not far away, a cry came out in the room where the Rodney family was located.


Wilder sneered and glanced at Lin Yun's room.

的 Andalusian soil, let you see the wealth of the Rodney family today, far from being a small gold-plated rose.

But when Wilder looked over, he found that Lin Yun's face was calm, and it didn't seem to be a surprise.

"Twenty-five thousand."

Wilder and Lin Yun's bargaining ends, and the others directly give up the competition. A larger moonlight essence crystal, even if it is a natural crystal precipitated over time, is not worth so much money, even if it is not a collection And everyone can see that this is the Rodney family competing with Lin Yun.

Wilder smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then raised the price again.

五十 500,000, Mafam Merlin, if you have no money, I can lend you a little, no interest, as long as you kneel down and call Grandpa, half a million purple gold coins is yours.

Lin Linyun looked dull and ignored Wilder at all.

"one million."

Wow, an exclamation came from the instant auction hall. If it is calculated at the normal price of moonlight essence, such a large block, which is worth up to 100,000 purple gold coins, will not be higher, only because it has the value of collection. There will be a premium, but one million, this moonlight essence crystal, no matter how you look at it, it will never be worth so much. After you buy it, you can only hit it in your own hands.

Wilder wanted to double the price directly to two million purple gold coins, but the elders on the side quickly grabbed Wilder.

"Homeowner, don't be fooled, this guy must be after the price hike, let this thing hit us, and make our Rodney family a joke.

Let ’s not increase the price, then he is a joke. He spent a million purple gold coins to buy a moonlight crystal, and everyone will treat him as a fool. We won this victory! "

When he heard this, Wilder was a little surprised. The purple gold coins didn't matter. One million or two million didn't make much difference to him, but if he was played, he would lose face in front of everyone. Then the problem is big.

She looked up at Lin Yun, and Wilder immediately noticed that Lin Yun's mouth had a sneer.

Sure enough, this **** guy is just to pit us. If I raise the price to 2 million, he will definitely continue to rise to 4 million, and I will certainly rise to 8 million. By that time, he will I gave up, and bought eight million purple gold coins for something worth only tens of thousands of gold coins, which will definitely become a big joke ...

And it seems, no matter how much I bid, he won't ask anymore, huh, stupid, this kind of small hand still wants to pit me? It's so naive ...

Hearing the words of the elder, Wilder immediately felt that this must be the case.

Below, the moderator has already started counting down.

"A million for the first time, a million for the second time, a million for the third time, the transaction, congratulations to this hearty guest."

Wilder looked at Lin Yun with a big smile.

"Congratulations, Mafam Merlin, for a million purple gold coins, I bought a big moonlight essence! Hahaha ..."

Wilder laughed, and many people also laughed. One million purple gold coins bought a moonlight essence with a real value of only tens of thousands of purple gold coins, which is a bit brain-burning ...

Within two minutes, someone sent the goods to the partition where Lin Yun was located and handed over the purple gold coins. This crystal was his.

I got one million purple gold coins, and Lin Yun's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Because after I got my hand and checked it myself, I found that there is indeed a moonlight gemstone with a diameter of at least 30 centimeters. Such a large moonlight gemstone will only appear once in the next 10,000 years. The price was more than 800 million Zijin coins, and the Zijin coins at that time were several times stronger than the purchasing power of the Zijin coins.

The reason why I was so impressed was that the one who bought the sky-high price at that time was a sky-level strong man with a natural half-plane. Such a large moonlight gemstone could evolve as a moon when the half-plane began to evolve day and night. in the sky.

In the current half-plane, there are **** fire embers as the sun. As the day and night begin to evolve, the light is strong during the day. At night, the half-plane will fall into endless darkness, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds. Like night, this puts the evolution of the half plane into a bottleneck.

Neither pure light nor darkness can continue to evolve, at least the evolution of the natural half-plane. This is not possible. There must be light in the night, whether it is starlight or moonlight. This is true night.

Originally, I was going to buy thousands of star gemstones hanging in the half-plane sky to serve as the light source of the night. I did not expect to find such a moonlight gemstone, such a big moonlight gemstone. Moonlight in Northrend World makes no difference!

This benefit to the half plane may be much better than the sun that the sacred fire embers serve. The more natural, the faster and more perfect the rules of evolution.

And this moonstone gem cost only one million purple gold coins, which is no different from giving away ...

Put away the moonlight gem, Lin Yun's mouth still smiled.

Wilder grinned, disdainful.

I am really stupid guy. I bought a moonlight essence crystal for a million dollars and I was able to force myself to laugh. I really underestimated this guy's face, really a poor clown ...

In the distance, in a partition, there was a hint of doubt on Zeiss's face, but when he saw the smile on the corner of Lin Yun's mouth, Zeiss suddenly showed a look of sudden realization.

Poor Wilder, this idiot was played by His Majesty, no matter what the thing is, it is definitely not just the crystal of Moonlight Essence, there must be other things in it.

蠢 The idiots that were tested at the time must be to maintain the integrity of the size. There is no deep inspection at all. Anything in it that is similar to the moonlight essence must be ignored.

Your Mafia does not seem to be fighting with others, and you double the price in one breath, just to scam the idiots of the Rodney family. Sure enough, they must think that His Mafia is pitting them and dare not increase the price ...

A genius who can understand 1,800 truth runes in one breath, a top creator, will he look away? I may believe other people, but His Majesty ’s smile is apparent only when he gets something good. I have seen it many times when studying the Runes of Truth ...

Zeiss looked at the proud Wilder with a touch of sympathy on his face, a little sympathy for this guy's IQ ...

The auction is still going on. The previous auctions are all things that are not very valuable. The auction will last for three days. This is less than half an hour. Naturally, things are not expensive. The most expensive thing is only Lin Yun. The one I took.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's face once again showed a look of interest.

"This is an eyeball of a cataclysmic evil dragon. The eye of catastrophe can be directly used as the core material of a true spirit magic weapon to make a true spirit magic weapon. After the successful production, although the lethality is not strong, but his role is , But far more valuable than ordinary magic weapons.

The starting price is 300,000 purple gold coins. "

At that time, when looking at the auction book, Lin Yun was a little surprised. The eye of the catastrophe, if not unexpected, was the one of the Mercury Tower, and the eye of doom that was fused with Shawn was a pair, originally I just wanted to find the opportunity to get this Disaster Eye from the mercury tower.

At the time, Lin Yun was not strong enough, and the Mercury Tower did not dig out the eye of the disaster. This matter was stranded, plus a bunch of things later, this matter has been put there.

I didn't expect it to appear at the Starry Sky Auction, which means that the people of the Mercury Tower have also come here.

After feeling the breath of the disaster eye, Lin Yun thoroughly confirmed that it was exactly the same as speculation.

One can be regarded as a semi-finished product, but there are not many people interested. The main reason is that even if it can be used as a semi-finished product, it is still not a real spirit device ...

If you want to truly exert the power of the Eye of Disaster, you need to do a lot of follow-up things, you need a lot of cherished materials, and you need to be at least one of the creators. Make sure you can make success.

If the production fails, even if this eye of disaster is completely ruined, with so much energy, it is better to create a real spirit magic weapon for himself.

One minute after the start of the shoot, the price just rose to 360,000 purple gold coins.

"500,000 Zijin coins."

Zhe Linyun started to participate in the bidding. After shouting the price, she glanced in the direction of the Rodney family.

Suddenly, Wilder, who was just ready to bargain, stopped and sneered and made a disdainful expression on Lin Yun.

Stupid, the same little conspiracy, I will not be fooled for the first time, am I going to be fooled for the second time, this idiot must be waiting for me to directly bargain a million.

Ha ha……

I was so naive.

After Lin Yun shouted the price, no one shouted. One required a lot of energy and material, and it may not be able to be made into a true magic weapon. It is more likely that it will not be able to exert its maximum power. Few people are interested.

Lin Linyun squinted his eyes, looked at the disdainful expression of Wilder's face, "I have seen through your plot," and revealed a regretful smile.

Faluo, who was sitting next to Lin Yun, had a serious face and a smile. When he looked at Wilder, he could not help but feel a little sympathy.

This guy is so deceiving. Master Merlin really wants this eye of disaster, stupid, and this is for Master Sean. No matter how much money, it must be photographed.

The idiot of the Rodney family thought that Lord Merlin was going to pit them? Do not participate in the auction at all ~ ~ It's a pitiful stupid thing, more sympathetic to their wisdom than those stupid marmots outside the city ...

It took only half a million purple gold coins to get this Eye of Disaster. Lin Yun was in a very good mood. He threw this Eye of Disaster into the half plane and fell into the hard work of training. Lord Sean's head.

Shawn, who was about to be angry, looked down, and immediately noticed that a fist-sized eyeball was glaring at him. Instantly, Shawn's mouth reached the corner of his ear, and he laughed loudly, holding the eye of disaster. People stood up and ran away ...

The auction is still going on. Most of the items to be auctioned next are not needed by Lin Yun. They are necessary and optional types. These things began to compete with Wilder.

As long as Lin Yun bids, Wilder will definitely bid, but as long as it is high, Wilder will not bid, Lin Yun will not bid, and both East and West will get some.

But most of the low prices were taken by Wilder, and the ones with too high bids were taken by Lin Yun.

As long as the price is higher than the normal level, after Wilder bids, he waits for Lin Yun to bid again. As long as Lin Yun's price is half of the normal auction price, Wilder will not bid.

宣传 Promote again, the younger brother ’s public account, search for the public account “Zhuang Bifan” on WeChat! (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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