After entering the auction for one day, Wilder pitted Lin Yun seven or eight times, and his mood became better. Looking at Lin Yun's eyes, he took a little pride that only the winners had.

Andalusian stupid, I have seen through all your little tricks and want to pit me, as long as two or three times, I know all your little tricks.

Hey, I've been pitted four times in a row, now I'm thinking about how to pit me back once, it doesn't matter, the game has just begun, I will give you a chance ...

However, the cheeky cheek is quite thick. I've been pitted so many times, and I'm not discouraged at all. I've always been smiling. Sure enough, this idiot is probably used to this kind of thing ...

Wilder was holding a wine glass with a pleasant smile on his face. It seemed that the goddess of victory had already stood behind him. Lin Yun was completely vulnerable.

Lin Yun's face still had a smile on it, and he didn't care.

Faro next to him, without a word, could see clearly.

According to the habit of Lord Merlin, now the rhythm has been completely mastered by him. The idiots of the Rodney family, I am afraid that they have completely seen through Lord Merlin ...

However, the previous things, the total loss of Zijin coins, is only five or six hundred thousand, Master Merlin will not suffer, wait for a good show ...

After the auction of a thing is over, a part that appears black again appears to be a part of a large magic weapon, and it is an unimportant part. The dark atmosphere that permeates it, and Not too powerful, but very pure.

"This thing is said to be part of a certain magic weapon made by a powerful destroying black dragon from the Nesser dynasty. The material is very hard, and it has very pure dark power attached to it.

For studying the history of the Nesser dynasty and the five-colored dragon, for studying the magic weapon. It has very precious research value, and the pure dark power attached to this part. It also has very strong research value.

The starting price is 800,000 purple gold coins. "

Lin Yun squinted and looked at the sculpted thing, less than half a meter long, like twisting a weird steel ring into a weird shape, and then darkened by flames.

Chapter of the beginning!

One of the components of the Book of Death!

When Lin Yun was first seen in the illustrated book, Lin Yun was completely certain that nothing but the beginning chapter could have that weird shape, and that weirdness was nothing in the memory. difference.

Among the oldest legends. The origin of the world is darkness. In the endless darkness, planes have been bred. Until the birth of light has torn the corner of darkness, then countless lives have emerged, and the world has begun to evolve. This endless plane.

The beginning chapter does not have any power itself, and it is useless to study it anymore, because of this thing. It needs to be integrated into the Book of Death to begin to function under the power of the Book of Death.

As soon as the beginning chapter was taken out, Lin Yun felt that the book of death was shaking. Can't wait to fuse the beginning chapter.

It is much stronger than when the Chapter of Elements was sensed at the beginning, and the meaning of the Chapter of Death to the Book of Death is greater than the components obtained before.

However, even if he couldn't wait to auction it immediately and integrate it into the book of death, Lin Yun still remained calm and didn't even bid.

A person who is only interested in research is only those who are crazy about research. There are also some dark mages, except for these people. No one is bidding.

After all, Ken offered it for auction. There are only two possibilities. Either the things that can be studied have been thoroughly researched, or they are of little value, so as a good gimmick, they are offered for auction at a high price.

At every star auction, there are many similar things, so not many people are interested.

In three minutes, the auction price slowly rose to 960,000.

Wilder was a little dissatisfied when he saw the increase in things. Although the starting price was quite high, the increase was very small. In the end, it reached 1.3 million, even if it was the limit.

Damn it, no, this thing was sold by our family for auction, and it was the one with the highest starting price, how could it be 960,000.

I have to make the price of this thing go up, but what if I do n’t bid for anything other than the price?

Wilder glanced at the distance and there was no bid. Lin Yun, who seemed to have no interest, turned his eyes and smiled.


After shouting the price, Wilder immediately made a provocative gesture to Lin Yun.

Sure enough, after Wilder called out the price, Lin Yun seemed to have been invited to fight, and immediately started to make an offer.

"1.6 million!"

Wilder was overjoyed and continued to bargain.

"1.8 million."

"1.9 million!"

"two millions!"

In less than five seconds, the price soared from 1.5 million to 2 million. After Wilder called for 2 million, he was ready to continue to increase the price, but suddenly found that Lin Yun stopped and did not shout. Now ...

Instantly, a little cold sweat came from Wilder's face.

For a broken part that has only a little research value, and may not even have any research value, no one will increase the price again. The only one willing to increase the price is Lin Yun.

If Lin Yun didn't raise the price, Wilder would be equivalent to spending a lot of money to buy back what he sent out for auction.

Although the Starry Sky auction will not mind this kind of thing, because they only charge 10% of the handling fee, it doesn't matter who buys it, even if they send it back to the auctioneer to buy it back, the Starry Sky Auction House won't care. It must be paid.

Besides, at the annual auction, this kind of own thing drives up the price by itself, and finally it is thrown into its own hands. There are cases of this joke every year ...

At the time of the auction, no one knew who the seller was, but after the auction, it was not necessarily the case. Every year, some people dug out people who bought their own stuff, and then laughed fiercely for ten years. It won't fade until the next auction ...

Of course, there are also those that drive up prices and sell their own items at high prices. What I got was praise, and no one thought it was bad. According to the concept of the Kingdom of Odin, being able to sell your things for ten times the price is no matter what method you use.

"Two million for the first time ..."

The auctioneer below has begun to count down. Wilder's face has become unsightly. It seems that after the auction is over, it will become the biggest joke of this auction, and it is still a big joke outside the kingdom of Odin ...

"The second time for two million ..."

at this time. Lin Yun bid.

"2.1 million."

Lin Yun looked at Wilder with a smile, and looked at Wilder's ugly face. Lin Yun suddenly understood that the starting chapter was auctioned by the Rodney family. If Wilder took another shot, Going back, the Rodney family's face was completely lost.

Ten thousand purple gold coins were added, but this also showed that Lin Yun really wanted this thing, not to be angry with Wilder.

Now everyone sees that Lin Yun really wants it, and Wilder naturally sees it. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to add a purple gold coin, he could not be sure that Lin Yun really wanted it. When he is ready to climb out of the cliff, he will kick him down again ...

What if this is a conspiracy?

What if ...

In case he is really playing with him, his face is not only lost, but even his face is completely lost, and IQ will be laughed at ...

Wilder's face was ugly, his face was dark, and he glared at Lin Yun with a gritted tooth. He did not dare to add a purple coin.

Below, the countdown to the auctioneer is over. Lin Yun captured the beginning chapter.

2.1 million, ha. It's almost like a free gift, if not for the Rodney family. Looking for it on my own, for another thousand years, I couldn't find the beginning chapter in the treasure house of the Rodney family.

When the Rodney family put it up for auction, even if the price competed to 200 million, Lin Yun would buy it without hesitation. Unfortunately, it was only 2.1 million in the end ...

Lin Yun got the starting chapter, completely satisfied, and waved at Wilder.


Seeing Lin Yun's movement, Wilder's face turned black and dripped out of black water instantly, and his eyes began to explode. If he didn't figure it out at this time, it was really an idiot.

Damn, this **** guy definitely knows what the part is, it definitely knows the value of that part, it is definitely not just an abandoned part, it must be something that has a greater effect.

Two hundred and ten thousand, only two hundred and ten thousand, depending on his appearance, it is definitely a great advantage. A treasure was just sent to this **** Malfay Merlin.

Thinking of this, Wilder stared back at the elder.

"Don't you explain to me why our family's research is completely worthless to that thing? Some studies should be thoroughly researched. Then tell me, what exactly is this thing?

Do n’t tell me that it ’s worthless. You did n’t see that **** Malfam Merlin, you just dragged your pants to dance and show off. He was humiliating me, humiliating our Rodney family! "

The elder, sweating coldly, looked at the angry Wilder and quickly began to explain.

"Homeowner, don't get angry, this is a conspiracy, it must be the **** Malfammelin's conspiracy.

Not surprisingly, it must be that he knew in advance that this thing was taken out by our family, so he only did so, and added the last 10,000 gold coins, just to let our family buy their own things, and it was even more embarrassing.

But the owner didn't fall for that **** Malfay Merlin, so he could only swallow the unpleasant bone by himself, gave it to us with a smile, and then showed that the thing was valuable, and we were tricked by him.

In fact, the real thing is that we are making big money, not being fooled, and making a fortune, this is his conspiracy! "

Wilder glanced suspiciously at the elder, then looked at Lin Yun's appearance, and then sneered.

"Yes, you're right, that **** guy, who lost to me so many times before, this time he wanted to pit me, but he didn't expect me to be fooled in the end, he pretended to win, huh, really stupid guy Regardless of him, anyway, the purple gold coins are in the pockets of our Rodney family. "

Lin Yun didn't care what Wilder thought or what others thought. The beginning chapter is the only thing that must be obtained at this auction. The others are not necessary.

Only the price of 2.1 million. It was a little unexpected, you know, when the chapter of the beginning of the future appeared. That was when Bain had risen, at that time. There are many people who can tell that the beginning chapter is extraordinary.

At that auction, the final transaction price was 180 million purple gold coins plus three resource-rich planes. The person who finally got the hand was Bain, and for this, Bain owed the favor of three people.

And those three people didn't honor this relationship until they died, but it was because of the unrecognized relationship, their family. In the time of Bain, no one dared to provoke them no matter what, who knows how they will use this kind of friendship, you know, Bain was already strong at that time, the whole Northrend world was shrouded in his projection .

Two thousand and one thousand purple gold coins are not as valuable as the 200,000 purple gold coins of the peak era ...

If it weren't for the auction now, Lin Yun could not wait to incorporate the chapter of the beginning into the book of death.

In the next auction, there is nothing worth seeing. Lin Yun no longer bargained, but let Faro see what is worth buying, just bargain.

Lots of strange things were auctioned out. There is even a living forest elf, an ancient creature that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years in Northrend ...

Most of the time has passed, Lin Yun has been watching quietly. These auction items are almost the same as the descriptions in the book. Only a few of them have a little problem, but the difference is not large. For example, the forest elf, in fact, It's a hybrid of forest elves and prairie elves. But most people don't see it ...

There is also a metal ore, which is a little different from the introduction. But the two metals are of similar value and usage. Not much difference.

It wasn't until Lin Yun came up with a magic reactor that seemed to consist of hundreds of parts that Lin Yun became interested.

This thing is the result of Lin Yun's previous experimental truth rune research, an immature work for practice, but also stronger than all magic reaction furnaces that can be found on the market today.

Because it can be directly used for the Tianjie Alchemist, as the magic reactor of the Tianjie Alchemist, or what is the magic reactor of the large alchemist, according to calculations, it can support the energy supply of a 300-meter-large large-scale alchemy instrument.

The reason Lin Yun was interested was not because he sent it for auction by himself, but because he saw that Wilder was very interested in this magic reactor ...

"This magic reactor is from a powerful creator. It is said that the creator is only one step away from the seal. This magic reactor is a masterpiece of inspiration, not only has a powerful magic output, but also the ability to explode. Enough for Tier III Alchemy Puppets to use.

The most important thing is that the fuel required in the magic reactor can be constantly adjusted. You can use the magic crystal as fuel. Only two forty-level magic crystals are needed to make a forty-three alchemy urn. Fight for more than three months in a row!

A terrible masterpiece, of course, this is not the best place for this magic reactor, this magic reactor can be installed anywhere in the alchemy urn, and can even be used as a special magic weapon!

The genius's idea, this is definitely a brand-new breakthrough of the magic reactor!

Starting price 2.8 million! The price increase is at least 100,000 each time, and the auction starts now! "

The auctioneer's simple explanation made many people crazy. One of the magic reactors is the alchemy tincture, or even the core technology of some large-scale alchemy equipment. Such things rarely appear outside.

Even if it appears, it must be matched with alchemy tincture or some large-scale alchemy equipment. The price is not sold according to parts, but sky-high.

If this magic reaction furnace is paired with a heaven-level alchemy urn and the bid is 300 million, there will definitely be a lot of people rushing for it.

If it is matched with some large-scale alchemy equipment, the price is even more expensive than it can be. Because there is such a powerful magic reactor, some of them cannot be made because of the magic reactor.

Now it is just a magic reactor, but it is even more precious. For so many years, the magic reactor appeared in the sky auction for more than 800 years.

In addition, the technical content of this magic reactor is far beyond the alchemy urns that can now appear on the market. Buy it back for research. As long as you can study the technology in it, the imitation magic reactor can be equipped with at least a 39th level. After all, the most important reason for limiting the technological advancement of Alchemists is the magic reactor!

And this magic reactor can be installed anywhere in the alchemy 傀儡 ~ ~ It can even be used as an additional magic reactor, if it is mounted on the weapon system, let the weapon system have a magic reactor to provide energy, alchemy I can at least multiply my strength.

As long as anyone who knows the technology of alchemy is almost crazy, red eyes are shining one by one. This is not just a magic reactor, but an entrance ticket to Jinshan Canshan!

Looking at everyone's reactions, Lin Yun smiled with narrowed eyes. This magic reactor is indeed very strong, but at this stage, even if Lin Yun has no plans to mass-produce, the cost is too high, this is just a practice Just a test product.

There are two necessary materials. One is the demonized liquid tin that is not produced by Northrend World at all. It can only be produced in the middle age of the abyss, and it is only possible under the abyss fifty layers.

One is that Northrend ’s output is so low that it can be ignored. The price of Northrend ’s world is comparable to the top-of-the-line potion of the same weight in gold-plated roses. The weight of a potion is replaced by Eternal dark gold, at most the size of a fingernail ... (To be continued.)

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