The output of the giant open-pit mine in the abyss held by Zhe Linyun in a month is comparable to the output of the entire Northrend world for a whole year.

Even if someone really can break the technology of this magic reactor, they can only stare. However, if you want to crack the technology, it is a joke. After the magic reactor is disassembled, it will immediately destroy all the structures ...

Lin Yun knows this, but others do n’t know. They only saw a contact magic reactor, like a beautiful woman with her clothes undressed, standing there swaying, it is impossible to make people not generate bad ideas. ...

The vast majority of people want to buy it back for research, but there are also very few people who use this magic reactor directly.

For example, a wild, red-eyed Wilder ...

"Elder, how many purple gold coins do we have now, this thing will definitely sell a sky-high price. Fortunately, the starry sky auction did not include this thing in the finale. Otherwise, we must not have enough purple gold coins to get this magic reaction. Stove.

I have to take pictures. No matter how many purple gold coins, I have to take this thing. It can be carried as a special magic weapon and can be installed anywhere in the alchemy 傀儡.

Then, this magic reactor can be carried on my body, my steel body, and this magic reactor can be equipped with several powerful weapons, which can definitely increase my power more than double! "

Wilder's eyes glowed with red light, and half of his body had become a steel body. His left hand opened the robe on his right arm, exposing the steel body like an alchemy puppet inside. With Wilder's action, steel It began to deform, and quickly transformed into a bracket linked to the arm. When the magic reactor was obtained, it could be installed directly.

The moment the auction started, someone immediately raised the price to 4 million in an attempt to make others give up, but within a second, someone immediately raised the price to 4.3 million.

In less than five seconds, the price of this magic reactor rose to five million.

Lin Linyun watched quietly, but his attention was on Wilder, especially after seeing that Wilder's right half of his body had become steel, he immediately understood what Wilder wanted to do.

This magic reactor is really suitable for Wilder. The iron body is equipped with a magic reactor. If his strength can be matched well, it can increase at least three times.

Then for this magic reactor, he is determined to get it.

Zhe Linyun watched the other people's calls, and now at least 280 people are increasing their prices.

"Ten million."

Instantly, Lin Yun increased the price to 10 million, and the price of 10 million made half of the people completely give up the bid, but there were nearly 200 people. It seemed that the psychological price was much higher than 10 million purple gold coins. .

As Lin Yun raised the price, Wilder couldn't sit still, with red eyes, and glared at Lin Yun fiercely, and then looked at those who participated in the bidding, and his vision was not very friendly.

Damn, these idiots, do n’t you know that since the creator dared to sell it, you can be absolutely assured that no one can research the technology inside it. The other party sells such a magic reaction furnace. There must be no way to research anything too. Something of value.

Even so, these idiots are still holding on to luck, and that Malfay Merlin, **** it, he must also be buying them for research. This guy is also a idiot. He is the creator himself. Do n’t you know the secret means of the creator? Even if it is cracked, it will definitely not be researched.

This **** guy will definitely compete with me to the end, plus other idiots, the price of this thing will definitely be very high ...

Wilder gritted his teeth and looked around, glaring at the others, very sure that there were only a few people who were preparing to use it, and they certainly could not compete in the end.

I took a breath, and Wilder gritted his teeth and called out his offer.

"thirty million!"

The price of 30 million yuan has exceeded the psychological price of most people. In a short time, there are only a dozen people who are still preparing to bid, but the price of each increase is only 2 300,000 yuan.

Lin Yun stared blankly at Wilder's vow, and even looked at him as if he was about to kill, Lin Yun sneered.

"Forty million."

Wilder's dark right eye, the scarlet light flickered, and he did not hesitate to quote again.

"Fifty million."

Lin Linyun seemed to hesitate for a moment, and Farrow on the side was a little weird. Seeing this scene, Wilder's face suddenly showed a smile.

"Maffamelin, this is the kingdom of Odin. If there is no purple gold, let's roll back to the remote and small place like your Andalusian kingdom as soon as possible."

Lin Yun stopped shouting, and Farrow also held Lin Yun, what seemed to be saying, Lin Yun kept shaking his head, Wilder saw this scene, his face filled with a smile of victory. Those who are still increasing their prices by hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands can simply be ignored.

The meaning of this magic reactor is far from being meaningful to everyone here. It is transformed into a body of steel. Not only can the Rodney family's iron spells be released at will, but also Only some alchemy puppets have the ability, for example, to carry a weapon system ...

The reason why Wilder didn't work at all, just because the weapon system it carried was not as powerful as his steel spell.

Half a minute later, the price rose to 55.8 million. This price was still the price after two of them negotiated. Wilder, after raising the price to 60 million, all competitors Quit the competition.

Twenty-six million, a magic reaction furnace, this is no longer what sane people would do.

The auctioneer has already started the countdown. At the second count of 60 million, Lin Yun stood up.

"89.5 million!"

Lin Yun held up her hand and looked desperate, and Faro stood behind Lin Yun with some anxiety.

Uncle Wilder's face changed slightly, but an instant smile appeared.

Stupid idiot, thought you could scare me with a price of almost 30 million in one breath? This price is probably all his purple gold coins. If you look at Faro's model, this must be the case.

"Maffa Merlin, don't you have any purple gold coins? It's so stingy, there are still odds.

$ 90 million! "

Wilder shouted the final price, and Lin Yun sat back slowly, eyes closed slightly, contented.

A magic reaction furnace made during the practice of the hand turned out to be sold at a price of 90 million, which is more than 30 times higher than the auction price, which is definitely the most exaggerated thing at this auction.

When the pit reached Wilder, Lin Yun no longer offered to bid, and Wilder naturally got the magic reactor. Faro, who had been a little worried behind Lin Yun, was completely relieved.

When looking at Wilder, he could not help but feel a little sympathy.

I ’m really a pitiful guy. Master Meilin did an exercise work. This guy actually spent 90 million to buy it back. This idiot is not going to use this magic reactor directly?

If this idiot later uses the magic reactor made by Master Merlin to turn against Master Merlin, then there is a good show, no, the ending is already doomed.

蠢 This idiot will definitely be killed directly by the magic reactor ...

Faluo sat behind Lin Yun, lowering his head and not talking, for fear he couldn't help laughing.

I took the work of the alchemist, and in turn dealt with the alchemist, this kind of thing has not happened before, such a vicious incident occurred a long time ago.

The death of a creator under his own work completely ignited the tide of reform of the alchemist. Although the backdoor was added to the work, if he was found stingy, he would still lose his reputation.

But now all alchemists will add a program to the magic tool or alchemy 制造 that they make, that is, they can never pay the maker himself.

When causes damage to the alchemist itself, the magic weapon or alchemy 傀儡 will be directly taken over by the alchemist, which is known to everyone.

Some time ago, a giant was attacked, and it was a coincidence that the magic weapon the opponent took was made by the giant, and then there was no more ...

The auction is still going on. In the subsequent auctions, Lin Yun didn't make a lot of shots, because the bunch of things in the final auction are almost all things like true magic artifacts. Such finished products do not need gold-plated roses All the magic tools you use are tailor-made.

In the later auctions, only some of the best materials or rare things, Lin Yun will bid, but the bid is too high, and it will be abandoned directly.

The three-day auction soon ended, and everyone began to stand one after another. Wilder was full of spirits. He tied the magic reactor to his right arm and cooperated with the body of steel. Now the power can at least be improved. Double.

Even when he walked out of the auction venue, Wilder did not hide his half body that became a steel body, and lit up the magic reaction furnace, which suddenly surprised many people. Others took it back just to study, or Is it some large alchemy equipment or alchemy puppet?

I think that Wilder can directly use a magic reactor to improve his strength, but there is no one.

Although he spent 90 million purple gold coins, no one thinks that Wilder's money is not worth it ...

I looked at the expressions of the people around me, and even came to say hello to the Rodney family, and praised Wilder's eyes specially.

"The owner of Wilder really has vision. With this magic reaction furnace, your strength can be improved at least several times. This can't be bought with 90 million purple gold coins.

Where is it like us, the bidding is just thinking about how to go back to research, I did not expect that Wilder's owner has come before us, it is really amazing ... "

Many of them are good with the Rodney family, or the forces attached to the Rodney family, have come up to shoot Wilder's flattering, so that the smile on Wilder's face has not disappeared.

Wilder was surrounded by a group of people, not far from the auction hall, and Lin Yun came out of the auction house at this time.

No sooner than two steps came out, Zeiss hurried over from behind.

"Lord Mafa, please wait."

哦 "Oh, Zeiss, is there anything?"

There was a hint of embarrassment on Zeiss' face, and hesitated before speaking slowly.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Mafia. Your magic reactor sold the sky-high price of 90 million purple gold coins. I always thought that kind of structure, plus the idea of ​​forming an external energy supply system, even if there is a theory, do It will take at least hundreds of years to produce results.

I did not expect His Majesty to make the finished product so soon, it is amazing ...

This, it stands to reason, I should not ask this question. After all, you have copied the mystery of the rune of truth and handed it to the Star Academy, but I am really curious, I have started from seeing that magic reactor, thinking about it till now And still no suitable solution was found.

This one……"

Zeiss' face was awkward, and he couldn't explain it a bit. This problem is already an inquiry into the research secrets of others. Among the alchemists, it is the most taboo thing.

Even if you research and imitate it yourself and crack the technology, that is your ability, but if you ask directly, it is a bit shameless ...

"Her Mafia, don't get me wrong. I'm not inquiring about your technology. In this way, I'll tell you what I think. You see the right direction ..."

Before Zeiss said, Lin Yun laughed.

"What's this, that magic reactor is an experimental work of hand training, there is no way to mass-produce.

And strictly speaking, it can also be regarded as a failed work, because it uses demonized liquid tin and eternal dark gold, and the amount required is quite large. Without these two things, this magic reaction furnace cannot be made at all. .

I made one, and used up all the enchanted liquid tin I got, and used most of the eternal dark gold inventory ... "

When Zeiss heard this, instead of being disappointed, he showed a hint of surprise.

"The genius's idea, with the strong stability of eternal dark gold, coupled with the stable conductive framework of demonized liquid tin, the previous manufacturing difficulties will be reduced by half.

Although the cost is very high, the theory has finally been verified. This is a great achievement ... "

Zeiss himself is a creator and a research madman. Whether he can be turned into benefits or not, he only cares whether the theory can be verified. This is the most important ...

After chatting with Zeiss for a while, Lin Yun took Faroe back to the gilded rose. The moonlight gems and the beginning chapter that I got before must be dealt with. This is the most important thing.

After the auction, a lot of information began to leak out. For example, the initial chapter of Lin Yun's purchase was owned by the Rodney family, but the magic reactor bought by the Rodney family was gilded rose ...

It even came out that the magic reactor was just a test product made in a laboratory, just a hands-on work to verify the theory, and the maker was the master of the gilded rose, Malfay Merlin ...

The news began to spread quickly, and Lin Yun had returned to the gold-plated rose and entered the half plane for the first time.

Using the alchemy device, the giant moonlight essence crystal is cut open little by little, and the cut moonlight essence crystal can be used as the best raw material. The 33-cm diameter inside is a whole body. The moonlight gem of the standard ball was taken out by Lin Yun.

Take out the moonlight gem, Lin Yun instantly appeared in the high altitude of the half plane, mobilize the power of the half plane, and slowly pull the moonlight gem.

As the power of the half plane reached agreement with the moonlight gem, the moonlight gem took off autonomously, and then the light spread rapidly, finally turning into a huge full moon white moon hanging in the sky.

At this moment, it was exactly the night of the half plane, and the soft moonlight began to sprinkle the entire half plane, so that a faint light appeared in the dark half plane.

In an instant, Lin Yun felt that the evolution of the light rules and the dark rules in the half plane had been originally slowed, and instantly improved a lot.

The dark rules, which were like some idle fragments, have become more and more. It will not take long for the prototype of the dark rules to evolve at least.

有 The moon at night and the sun during the day are the things that a truly complete world should have.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhe Linyun's mouth. As guessed, a moonlight gem of this size could indeed be used as a guide to make the moon appear in the half plane.

With the passage of time, the moon in the half plane has definitely evolved first, and it is the real moon, unlike the sun, which is a substitute for the fire embers.

完成 It was completed when the moon evolved, and the remaining thing was the natural evolution of the half plane. Lin Yun once again took out the chapter of the beginning, and the pure and incredible dark power permeated the surface of the chapter of the beginning.

He then took out the book of death, and there was a resonance between the chapter of the beginning and the book of death. Without Lin Yun's manipulation at all, the chapter of the beginning was actively incorporated into the book of death.

The chapter of the beginning cannot rely on the book of death and cannot exert its power, and the book of death cannot use the power of darkness without the chapter of the beginning.

As the chapter of the beginning is incorporated into the book of death, the book of death is automatically opened. In addition to the chapter of the sage, the chapter of truth, the chapter of the elements, and the chapter of the Sunrao, a page emerges later, the beginning Chapter.

The page of the beginning chapter is pure darkness. There seem to be countless possibilities in it, but it seems that there is only pure darkness. Darkness is to the purest level. There is no power of darkness, everything is like nothingness and thoroughness. Nothingness, nothing exists ...

Lin Yun sensed the power of the Chapter of Initiation, inspired the Book of Death, and for a while, everything around him was covered by darkness. He could not see anything, could not hear anything, could not feel anything, only pure Darkness.

The heartbeat sounded like thunder, and the sound of blood flowing, also became like a flood rushing, with every breath, the sound was like the storm of the last days. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

[Dream has sailed] The sailing update group is satisfied by the end of 2015

The wind and rain struck the sails, and my heart set sail to the sky.

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