But after urging the beginning chapter, through the darkness, you can feel everything around you.

The range shrouded in darkness is less than two kilometers in diameter, but the off-duty just happened to be shrouded in darkness, for a few seconds, it was like crazy, and slaughtered around with a slaughter.

I dissipated the power of the chapter of the beginning, and I was completely absent from the shift. My face was very pale, as if I had encountered something terrible.

"May ... Master Meilin, what happened just now, why can't I feel anything around me, even I can hardly feel it myself, the sound of my heartbeat is too loud, my heart almost explodes ..."

Zhe Linyun threw a few bottles of life potion off the class and sent the off class away. Seeing the beginning chapter, thoughtfully.

That power, like a dark canopy, seems to be not only a perfect cover, but also the power of fear.

In addition to this, the chapter that has been found so far also has the ability to enhance the power of dark spells and help understand the rules of darkness.

In that kind of pure darkness, it is the most perfect place to comprehend the dark rules. Even in the half plane, the dark rules are not as good as there. If the starting chapter is matched with the half plane, then the dark rules will be better than pure. Dark mage is easier, and many times easier ...

Zhe Linyun is studying the beginning chapter in the half plane, but outside, it has begun to spread wildly.

The Rodney family has become a big joke. Wilder, the new owner, took over the gilded roses after taking office, but he failed to say one after another. This time, he lost one at the Starry Auction. Big face, with the sky-high price of 90 million purple gold coins, I bought a magic reactor, a magic reactor made of gold-plated roses, and it was a test product made by Lin Yun during his practice ...

Even if it can be researched, there is no possibility of using the technology. As for direct use, don't even think about it. Everyone knows that this magic reactor is made by Lin Yun, and everyone knows that Wilder will use this thing to improve After you have the strength, you will deal with ...

I was equivalent to Wilder spending ninety million to buy a piece of scrap iron from the enemy ...

The Rodney family was completely reduced to laughter ...

"Stupid, stupid, who did the intelligence, **** it, this **** magic reactor is actually made by that guy of Maffah Merlin. Why do I only know now, who can tell me why ..."

Wilder slammed the magic reactor in his hands to the ground with flames in his eyes and twisted his face.

The news that Wilder lost his face showed that it spread in the city of Neverwinter, and then spread. The news that the Rodney family received was finally confirmed after several confirmations. The magic reactor was made from gold-plated. Made by Rose Stream, and only Lin Yun has this ability in gilded roses ...

The magic reaction furnace, worth 90 million purple gold coins, was cracked and cracked. Looking at the crack, Wilder did not feel any distress. Instead, he was even more furious and dismantled the violent force of the magic reaction furnace. I immediately saw the core of the magic reactor, with Lin Yun's unique magic mark. This is the means by which the alchemist left a name for his puppet work. No one can pretend ...

Seeing this mark, Wilder completely lost his mind, the magic power broke out, the right half of the body turned into steel, the horrible magic surge, countless thick steel thorns burst out, and instantly strangled the entire building into ruins.

A few people who did not dodge nearby were knocked out by Wilder's magic. In the ruins, Wilder slowly came out, and on the right half of the body, a layer of curved steel plates slowly Retracted.

Wilder stood outside the ruins, with flames in his eyes, and the magical power on his body almost turned into flames and burned.

"In my name, I will invite the **** fellow of Malfay Merlin, and challenge Malfay Merlin in the name of the Earl family of the Kingdom of Odin.

If he does n’t accept it, he will start a full-scale war with the gilded rose. Total war, I don't care what other forces think, I will kill the **** guy now, I want him to die, he wants to die! "

Wilder's angry roar has completely lost his mind.

Grandma's long face was shocked, and she opened her mouth, but didn't say a word. Looking at the wild Wilder, the elder's heart moved, and suddenly felt that this method was a good method.

玛 That Mafam Merlin is said to be just a second-tier powerhouse. Although he is stronger than the average mage, it is not likely to be comparable to Wilder.

Yeah, that's it. Starting this duel with the oldest duel rules in the kingdom, that Malfay Merlin would never dare refuse.

Although this is only a kingdom that has been around for a long time, it is now almost an absolute rule that only a few younger generations will use. But because everyone ’s power is not much different, letting young people fight is the best choice, winning or losing. Not big.

But this Malfama Merlin and gilded rose, but from the Kingdom of Andalusia, Wilder settles the dispute with the oldest tradition in the kingdom, then this is the rule that all the families of the Kingdom of Odin must abide by.

Although the duel at home level has not appeared for more than a thousand years, it is because everyone is the power of the Kingdom of Odin, and the relationship between them is inextricably intertwined. To such a point, the impact is very great.

The gilded rose is the force of Andalusia. They came here and wanted to integrate into the Kingdom of Odin. It was absolutely impossible without a long time of effort. This duel, the other forces, must be joke, no one would Stand up and say a word for the gilded rose, and you won't care about His Excellency ...

As long as Lord Wilder kills that Malfay Merlin in the duel, then the later things will be easy, even if the gilded rose cannot be annexed, it can be driven out of the kingdom of Odin ...

However, as the winning party, you will definitely get a lot of benefits ...

Thinking of this, the elder gave up to persuade Wilder to lose his senses and be furious ...

The next day, the elder personally took the Rodney family's post to find the gilded roses, and even invited a heavenly strong who possessed the marquis of the kingdom of Odin as a witness.

The battle post was handed over to Faro, and the elder took him away.

The time of the duel is just three days later. This is the oldest duel rule. Only two people know the place, and only two people can appear. No one can help. No matter what method is used, the last one who comes back alive is the winner. Anyone who violates the rules is destined to be cast aside by everyone. We must know that the most powerful forces in the Kingdom of Odin were almost all developed by the earliest aristocrats.

Even now, some aristocratic titles with famous names are some powerful forces standing in the first sequence, occupying more than 90% of the strongest forces. It is only later that the Rodney family developed. It was because of the growing power that he gained the title of Earl's family.

When Lin Yun came out of the half plane, it was already the third day. Looking at the battle poster in his hand, he frowned slightly. After listening to Faroe's complete ancient tradition, Lin Yun put away the battle. Post, opening the door of space appears where the duel is.

In these half-days, I have sorted out my experiences, sorted out the spells on the Book of Mantras, and put out some powerful spells I remembered before to practice. The strength has reached the extreme that I can now play, and I can continue to Ah Gallon was trained there.

I didn't expect Wilder to jump out at this time, I don't know if his head was broken, and he dared to use this ancient duel rule.

Lin Linyun was naturally happy to solve the problem directly. As long as Wilder can be killed, the Rodney family can't continue to find trouble.

Lin Yun came out of the door of space. A few kilometers away, Wilder floated in the air, staring at Lin Yun with cold eyes, and the right half of his cheek had been completely metalized.

I glanced around. It was a very ordinary and desolate place. There were no people around at least 20-30 kilometers. There were only some beasts on the ground. However, after feeling the breath here, the beasts were all crazy. Run away in the distance.

"Mafmelin, the shame you brought to me, to wash with your blood, I can't wait to see your head pierced by steel, your soul is torn to pieces!"

Wilder floated in the air, exclaimed an angry roar, horrible magic surged, and there were countless silver round metal **** floating around him.

With the emergence of Lin Yun, those silver metal **** began to change shape and become thick steel spikes. Instantly, hundreds of steel spikes disappeared in place. Ripples appeared in the space in front of them. It was like a huge shock wave rushing from the sky towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun sang a spell quickly, with shields appearing on both sides of Lin Yun like big hands, and a layer of very condensed flames flowed on the big hands. This is a branch of the rules of flame, a spell of the flame system. Realize what you can reach at about the same time.

The iron thorns penetrated the air so fast that when the sound was still a kilometer away, they had already hit Lin Yun's Flame Guardian. The two big flame hands seemed to have an invisible flame magic. Guarding Lin Yun, constantly changing directions around Lin Yun, blocking all the steel thorns.

The stern steel thorns pierced into the Flame Guardian, the penetrating power of horror. After the steel was forcibly melted, the molten iron molten iron also penetrated the Flame Guard, dripping onto the surface of Lin Yun's fusion shield.

A drop of molten iron dripped along the fusion shield of Lin Yun and thought of the ground. Those molten irons that looked as transparent as water were all manifestations that the temperature was too high for a horror. Only after dropping more than ten meters, it became Bright red after being burned by flames.

The molten iron fell into the forest below, and instantly lit a giant tree.

After the molten iron ignited the trees, they turned into small silver metal **** and flew back to Wilder's side.

There are countless steel thorns in the air. At a horror speed that exceeds the speed of sound, it is like a broken magic arrow shot by thousands of marksmen, and they are continuously firing at Lin Yun.

Zhe Linyun frowned, holding the dragon's staff in her right hand, opening the book of death with her left hand, and a giant roulette vanity behind him emerged, and countless perfect basic rule runes were flowing in the roulette.

Countless runes of the four series of rules rushed out, condensing into a series of four series of detonation bombs, those four series of detonation torrents, with a curved white air wave tail, rushed toward Wilder.

Suddenly, Lin Yun suffered less than half of the torrent of steel thorns, and countless steel thorns condensed around Wilder's body, like a huge steel hedgehog.

All of a sudden, all the steel thorns erupted, including some angles. Lin Yun's four series of explosive shells were all forcibly blasted by these steel thorns.

The explosions of 轰 轰 轰 rang in the sky constantly, and the waves of blasts exploded by the four series of detonation bombs turned into giant giant giant destruction **** appearing in the air.

Although these blasting destruction shock waves are not weak, they can no longer get Wilder. Wilder floats in the air, and a huge metal ball condenses around him to wrap him inside.

The scourge of devastating air washed over, like scraping off layers of metal debris on the surface of the giant metal ball, but more silver metal was added in, and the metal ball was intact.

Before the Qiqi waves had completely dissipated, the metal ball cracked a gap, and Wilder sneered sarcastically.

"Maffa Merlin, stupid guy, is this your strength? It's so disappointing, you probably don't understand, what exactly is the gap between you and a Tian Tier 4 strong man?

Tier 4 is not the first 3 levels of your Titian. This is a brand new start, stupid. Now let you know why the iron spells based on the Rodney family in the Kingdom of Odin are so many people. fear! "

Suddenly, dust like a sandstorm appeared around Lin Yun's body, and those dusts quickly condensed into steel spikes flashing with cold light.

Thousands of steel spikes rushed to Lin Yun from all directions, up, down, left, and right, and Lin Yun's Flame Demon Guardian became a hedgehog. The steel thorns penetrated by the Flame Demon Guard were instantly melted by the terrible high temperature. Turned into a piece of molten iron, and then infiltrated from the back of the Flame Demon Guardian.

The hot metal that emits the horror temperature is instantly washed away from the fusion shield of Lin Yun like a river. The heat of horror makes the magic consumed by the fusion shield increase rapidly, but the consumption of magic is not a problem. The terrible thing is These molten irons solidify rapidly.

In a second, it turned into an iron ball and wrapped Lin Yun together with the fusion shield. The iron ball was permeated with Wilder's power, which is equivalent to completely isolating Lin Yun from the outside world.

Xun Yanmon guardian lost Lin Yun's control, but still voluntarily resisted the steel thorns and melted more molten iron into the four-meter-high iron ball.

On the ground, there was also a large piece of steel that turned into a ball and rushed into the sky, and quickly merged into the large iron ball wrapped in Lin Yun.

In just a few seconds, the iron ball has grown from more than four meters in diameter to more than eight meters in diameter, and it continues to increase the degree of hòu.

Wilder held his right arm, holding a steel staff, and looked at the huge iron ball that was changing hòu with a smile on his face.

"Maffamelin, my steel spell, within the same level, I can hardly find an opponent, can die in infinite steel, it is considered worthy."

Speaking, Wilder began to sing swift spells, and ruled runes fell on the steel giant **** that had become ten meters in diameter. The steel giant **** slowly turned, and the steel squeezing sound like a molar. It was reported that a spiral pattern appeared on the surface of the steel giant ball.

The steel follows these lines and is constantly squeezing towards the inside. This is the funeral of the earth spell. It releases a swamp with a terrible swallowing ability, swallows the opponent, and buryes it all the way to the depths of the earth. In an instant, people will be crushed to death in the depths of the earth.

Using steel spells, I lost a lot of restrictions, and the squeezing power of steel is more powerful than the squeezing power of land!

Under the control of Wilder, the ten-meter-large ball is absolutely comparable to the pressure emanating from the ground hundreds of meters deep.

The steel ball was squeezed slowly, but suddenly, Wilder's brow frowned. It seemed to feel that the steel power under control was somewhat out of control. The steel elements that were not very active were suddenly in the deepest part of the steel giant ball. Become active and out of control.

Within a few seconds, the surface of the steel giant ball became red, Wilder was shocked, and madly controlled the attachment of steel, constantly strengthening the force of the squeeze, but it became more and more difficult to control, the most superficial place , Steel has begun to melt.

Boom ...

There was a loud noise, and countless pieces of steel that had burned bright red exploded to pieces. The surface of the body was permeated with a reddish light, and Lin Yun, a flame rune imprint, appeared in midair.

The exploding flame turned hundreds of meters around Lin Yun into a sea of ​​flames, and released Lin Yun, the incarnation of the flame element. This ordinary flame can be superimposed and manipulated indefinitely, regardless of temperature. No matter how high, he will not be harmed.

But unfortunately, those steels can't withstand such high temperatures.

A large amount of iron and steel was burned into molten iron, and many were directly burned and gasified.

Lin Linyun floated in the air, looking at the ugly Wilder in the distance.

"Wild, is this the steel spell that your family is famous for? It's so disappointing, just ordinary steel and magic iron, strong hardness, strong puncture power, is indeed stronger than the rock spell.

Unfortunately, as long as there is a high enough temperature, all the steel you control is burned into molten iron, or even directly gasified, so that the activity of steel is increased by hundreds of times than normal, and your steel spell will be scrapped. "

Wilder's face is ugly. This is a flaw in the Rodney family's iron and steel spells. As long as the temperature is high, the controlled steel will become difficult to control. The higher the temperature, the more difficult the control will be. Out of control, the steel that is directly gasified cannot be controlled at all. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

[Dream has sailed] The sailing update group is satisfied by the end of 2015

The wind and rain struck the sails, and my heart set sail to the sky.

2015 has entered the countdown phase, and the bells for the new year are getting closer.

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