A few days later, in another city, the news that the Carter family became an affiliated family of gold-plated roses began to spread, and there were even places where Walker offered a reward. There was no name of Walker. There was only one portrait. Here as a robber wanted ...

Seeing the amount of the reward, Walker's eyes are a black, five million purple gold rewards, even if there is any news, you can get 50,000 purple gold coins ...

I left the city hurriedly and sneaked into the nearby town, but in the town, a reward was also posted. No matter ordinary people or anyone, as long as there was a message of whereabouts, they could immediately receive fifty thousand purple gold coins ...

Walker carefully hid in the wild, no one dare to enter the city, while his face is angry, with more despair ...

Everything is back on track. The gold-plated roses directly took the Carter family as an affiliated family. The security of all branches instantly became the best store in the city. No one dared to start after Rose.

I wanted to learn from the city of Rig before, and robbery while being chaotic, these disappeared quietly today, no one has ever seen them again.

The sales of universal cores are rising steadily. The universal cores released by gold-plated roses within a month are 10,000 more than planned, but the extra 10,000 is still not as good as demand. Gold-plated roses Outside the street, there are already many families and factions here, waiting for the new universal core of gold-plated roses to be put on the shelves, the first time to purchase.

At the beginning, I got some alchemy shops with a universal core three days in advance. In a month, they were equipped with universal magic tools, and there were not many sales, but even the business with the entire store was in a short period of time. Within a month, it doubled, and the profits made soared nearly three times.

This is the benefit of being one step ahead of alchemy items. For the same price, it only needs a little better, it is a completely different thing, alchemy potion. With the same potion, a tenth increase in quality may double the price.

There is a good thing in the store that surpasses other stores, and the overall sales of the store will be increased, which is the general situation in the alchemy industry. Hang up, starve to death.

As the profits of the universal core of gold-plated roses rose madly, chasing the profits of gold alchemy, the Rodney family ushered in the first visitor after a few months of silence.

"Lord Reynolds, welcome to the Rodney Family."

There was a smile on Wilder's face, and the blown metal right arm had grown back, and his injuries were fully recovered. Standing there, he took a pride unique to the Rodney family. Although polite, he could hear Wilder's pride.

Opposite Wilder was a mage in a white robe with a black headband on his head, turquoise eyes, chocolate-colored skin, and a meticulous cheek on his cheek.

With a smile, Reynolds followed Wilder into the Rodney family hall.

Wilder followed Reynolds with a smile, his eyes flashing.

怎么 Why did this guy from Reynolds come to our Rodney family? It seems that this cunning guy has been promoted to No. 2 in Roosevelt Merchants Union in the Kingdom of Odin?

In charge of everything the Roosevelt Merchant Union has in the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin. My family has nothing to do with the Roosevelt Merchant Union. What does this guy do?

The Clan family hasn't found any new planes or resources anymore. Why does this fox hunter who can only smell the smell of purple gold coins come?

These vampires of the Kingston Kingdom. Without huge benefits, they may not even look at the Rodney family. The alchemy potions that our family mainly operates have nothing worthy of cooperation with the Roosevelt Merchants Union. The main source of wealth of the Roosevelt Merchants Union is the magic weapon ... ...

Wilder was confused, and did not understand how the Roosevelt Merchants Union, which had little overlap with the Rodney family, could find him.

The Kingdom of Kingston is different from the Kingdom of Andalusia and Odin. The Kingdom of Ston was established in the most barren place on the land of Northrend World. When the Kingdom was established, there was no royal family at all. At the beginning, it was a small kingdom established by several business alliances. Finally, it annexed the surrounding kingdoms. Several small kingdoms have become one of the three big kingdoms now.

The rights of the Kingdom of Ston are all in the hands of the parliament, and each member of the parliament is the leader of a chamber of commerce. On the surface, the kingdom of Ston is divided into the upper house and the lower house, but the lower house is a group of ordinary commercial unions. Although the profits of the things they operate are not small, they are all food, clothes, low-level magic lamps and the like for ordinary people, all of which are for ordinary people.

The members of the House of Commons are not as good as the members of a House of Lords. They really have the right to speak of the Kingdom of Ston, which is the House of Lords. These are powerful mage forces, mastering all the things used by mages, swordsmen, and shooters. Almost all the alchemy items are operated by members of the House of Lords. The scattered dozens of business alliances have divided all the high-profit alchemy item industry chains.

From the most basic materials to the final store sales, all of these places are under the control of these business associations, so even if the whole counts, the land of the Kingdom of Ston is much more barren than Andalusia, but the whole is far more than Andalusia. Wealthy, with gold coins, the overall strength will gradually strengthen, coupled with the Kingdom of Ston is the origin of many special materials, these business alliances are richer than one.

Even if you are yourself, there will be a clear price. This sentence is a popular saying in the Kingdom of Ston, that everything, everyone, will have a clear value. As long as the value is sufficient, let alone your relatives and friends, you can sell it yourself, provided the price is sufficient.

The leader of the Roosevelt Merchants Union is a member of the House of Lords of the Kingdom of Ston. The main business is the magic weapon. Reynolds can rank among the top five in the Roosevelt Merchants League. Otherwise, he will not be in charge of the Roosevelt Merchants League. Everything in the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin.

人物 This kind of person appears in person and does not have enough benefits.

Wilder was confused, and the other elders of the Rodney family were also a little puzzled and had no idea what Reynolds would do.

Wilder cautiously did not speak, and followed Reynolds for more than half an hour, and did not enter the topic.

After Wilder was almost killed last time. The arrogance weakened a little and became more cautious. Anyway, there was nothing to cooperate with the Roosevelt Merchants Union, the other side did not say. It ’s always consuming, as an ordinary guest, talk slowly ...

After three hours of casual conversation, Reynolds couldn't help it.

Damn bastard, doesn't it mean Wilder is an impulsive genius. Irritable and irritable, why was he able to chat with me for three hours, didn't he think that my visit was not just a casual visit?

Oh my god, this guy doesn't really feel nothing, right? Forget it, let me say it directly, and let this guy ask me, I'm afraid there is no hope until tomorrow.

Reynolds sighed in a sigh, and immediately felt that Wilder was an idiot. Except for his good talent, he really had no brain.

阁下 "Herald Wilder. This time I came to cooperate with the Rodney family."

Reynolds couldn't wait any longer. Although Wilder was the current owner of the Rodney family, but for ten days and a half months, the family can still run smoothly regardless of the family's affairs. I am afraid that there will be bad rumors.

Wilder is a little confused, what is the good cooperation with the Roosevelt Merchants Union, from materials to alchemy products, nowhere can there be the same place to cooperate.

"Lord Reynolds, is the Roosevelt Merchants League ready to enter the market for alchemy potions?"

I heard the words of Wilder. Reynolds sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, this guy is an idiot, and he will ask me such an idiot, how could the Roosevelt Merchants Union intervene in the alchemy market. In the business alliance of the Kingdom of Ston, all the shares have been divided up and cleaned up. Roosevelt wants to participate in the alchemy market and must build a complete industrial chain ...

Hey, the Rodney family would choose such an idiot to be the owner, but it is just right. This kind of idiot, if it stimulates a few words, he will lose his mind completely and become our current collaborator, it is really appropriate ...

"Herald Wilder is joking. The Roosevelt Merchants Union will not be involved in the alchemy market. This time, there are other things to cooperate with the Rodney family.

I heard that an Andalusian alchemy store opened a branch in the Kingdom of Odin, and also used the mean method to grab the market share of the Rodney family. It has long been seen that the gilded roses are not pleasing to the eye. This time, they turned out Use overbearing means to prepare to occupy the magic weapon market and control the sales shops of magic weapons.

We at Roosevelt Merchants Union ca n’t keep watching, so this time I came to Lord Wilder and wanted to work with the Rodney family to drive the gilded roses out of the Kingdom of Odin. "

Reynolds' confident smile seemed to require only a little effort to completely defeat the gilded rose.

Wilder looked horrified, looked at Reynolds in shock, heard the name of the gilded rose, and his body was involuntarily metalized ...

Aunty, I know that this **** guy can only smell the stupid smell of purple gold coins, and there must be no good things to come to us. Sure enough, this **** is more than good things, it is all about killing us!

Damn guy, do you want me to really die, or do you want the Rodney family to be completely destroyed?

No wonder he was willing to talk with me for several hours. It turned out that they were going to use our Rodney family to charge and fight against the gilded roses. They were here to pick the fruits of victory.

I remember, the universal core is definitely for the universal core of gold-plated roses. The stupid guy wants to use our Rodney family and wants us to die. The intention is really sinister.

Behind the Mafammelin is the big star warrior master, can we provoke the kind of strong that is so unpredictable?

The ancestors were almost shot dead by the star warlock, and they were ordered to dive in the forbidden area for a hundred years, but they were not allowed to come out for a hundred years. Now to deal with the gilded rose, I was killed. The ancestors can only watch Now, the ancestors dared to take the shot, and the Lord Star Warlock must have shot the ancestors together ...

Damn Reynolds, this vampire who should have been burned to death by the light, he dared to say it!

Wilder looked at Reynolds coldly, his eyes turned black, his pupils turned bloody, and he felt the strength of both sides. Wilder wondered if he would kill Reynolds directly here, and the province would bring disaster to the Rodney family.

"Lord Reynolds, do you know anyone else here?"

Wilder asked enthusiastically, Reynolds froze slightly. Thinking this was asking whether the cooperation meant Roosevelt Merchants League or his personal meaning, he nodded with a smile.

"This matter was passed by the Chairman of the Chair personally."

He is really a young genius. He should be less than fifty years old. He is already a power of the fourth rank of Heaven Order, which is really amazing. But in the end, it ’s just a young man. I just mentioned the gilded rose a little, and he could n’t control himself. It ’s so good to see this murderous spirit. As long as he is a little bit provocative, he will definitely cooperate with us to deal with the gilded rose .

As long as the gold-plated rose is annexed, the universal core is our Roosevelt Merchants Union. Of course, the more important thing is the material. The stupid idiots only see the universal core. But no one saw that the material was not a mixed alloy at all, but a completely new kind of separate material.

The gold-plated rose is really lucky. After discovering such a powerful material, after the annexation of the gold-plated rose, the source of this new material will fall into our Roosevelt Merchants Union. By then, the entire magic weapon market will be unified by us. No, it's not just a magic weapon market. Using the universal core to open the portal, we can continue to get involved in the market of alchemy maggots and magic tools. With the exception of alchemy potions, we can all get involved ...

庞大 What a huge benefit it should be. At that time, our position in the House of Lords of the Roosevelt Merchants Union will definitely reach the top five. No, it may even be the top three. As long as the business is good, decades later. Maybe the Roosevelt Business League will become the most powerful business alliance in the Kingdom of Ston!

As a price, it is only necessary to send the alchemy potion of the gold-plated rose to the Rodney family, and let them walk at the front desk, in the name of the Rodney family. In this case, the people of the Kingdom of Odin will have no opinion, and the Roosevelt Merchant Union will It won't be exposed, we just need to work hard in the back ...

Reynolds had a smile on his face, and said the price directly.

"We at the Roosevelt Merchants Union will help your Rodney family annex the gold-plated roses. As a cost, the universal core of the gold-plated roses belongs to our Roosevelt Merchants Union, and all the alchemy potions, even those shops, everything else, are You Rodney family.

As a cooperation sincerity, we will first give you five top-level true magic artifacts, and even send five Heaven-ranked strongmen to assist ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ four of Heaven-ranked one and one of Heaven-ranked three.

Of course, if His Excellency is not satisfied, you can also provide conditions, and everything can be discussed ... "

Reynolds was confident, but the wilder on the opposite side kept changing his face, and finally his breath calmed down, looking at Reynolds' eyes a bit complicated.

Reynolds came here and somebody knew it. If it was only his own meaning, then I will kill him now, and if he wants to die, he will also pull our Rodney family.

Aunt, go and die if you want to, why do you have to take our Rodney family ...

肯定 He certainly didn't know that Mafia Merlin was standing behind the Master Star Warrior, maybe Mafam Merlin had become a disciple of Dastar Warlock.

Alas, that is, he doesn't know what to do with me. If he wants to die, let him go. Anyway, as long as he is covered with gold-plated roses, everything has nothing to do with us, and I won't intervene.

"Lord Reynolds, please come back, our Rodney family is not interested in this matter."

He said, Wilder stood up and made a stance of delivering passengers directly. Reynolds immediately hesitated, totally unable to understand what was happening.

"Herald Reynolds, your message is a bit wrong. There is only a small misunderstanding between our Rodney family and the gilded rose. After explaining it clearly, there is nothing. We have no interest in participating in this matter.

I haven't seen you today, please go back. I still have something to do, so I won't give it away. "

After he said that, Wilder left in a hurry just like his **** burned, and the smile on Reynolds's face froze completely. He didn't understand what was going on.

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