I found a family who had a holiday with Lin Yun before, but they are not suitable to come forward to deal with the gilded roses, and the power is not a level ...

Twenty-three days later, in a wild cave, Reynolds with a white robe and a black headband appeared with a smile.

"Sir Walker, don't be thrilled. I'm here to help you achieve your wish. I heard that you were persecuted with gilded roses ..."

Walker is really miserable recently. As a pure flame mage, he can hide the appearance of spells. Although he can learn, he can't even one, and now he dare not appear in the city.

As long as it appears in the city, it will be recognized within a few minutes, and then quietly sold the news. During this time, there were more than a dozen ordinary people who retaliated for just selling Walker's whereabouts.

In addition to the people who chased him for a reward, there are many tracking teams that were previously blocked by people who bought and sold him. Maybe an ordinary person around him will sell his news or may be in the city. A few hundred meters apart, someone recognized him ...

In order to avoid it, Walker could only nest in the wild, and did not dare to go to any small town. It was a bit miserable ...

After being fooled by Reynolds for a few moments, Walker followed Reynolds to leave this broken cave ...

On the second day, a large swordsman who came to trouble with gold-plated roses was expelled, but on the third day, the body of the large swordsman appeared outside the city. Observing the injuries, he was obviously killed by the alchemist.

On the fourth day, rumors spread and various rumors began to emerge.

金 Gold-plated roses are powerful and very overbearing. Those who dare to mess with the gold-plated roses are directly killed ...

I persecuted the Carter family to surrender. If they did not submit, they would destroy the Carter family. The Carter family's rebels were regarded as robbers and even issued a large reward.

A small alchemy shop. Because there were no goods of gilded roses, the people in the shop were dead in less than three days ...

I dared to sell the raw material supplier to the opponent of the gilded rose, and died in his own home ...

There are rumors of nose and eyes. More and more, and the speed of dissemination is getting faster and faster, almost in a day, centered around the city without winter, such rumors began to appear in dozens of towns around.

Until a dismal little aristocrat released the news. An employee who accidentally provoked the gilded rose hoped that the gilded rose would let him go alive.

Suddenly, the dominance and strength of the gold-plated rose became a fixed impression. In addition to the good goods of the gold-plated rose before, it also had an overbearing and spicy image.

The business of gilded roses has been affected. Many people are trembling when they come to the gilded roses shop. They are afraid that they will get gilded roses. If there are some things that are only gilded roses, I am afraid they will not appear in the gilded roses store. Now ...

Three days. Various rumors were circulating, and then an Earl of Odin Kingdom privately expressed dissatisfaction with the domineering style of gilded roses at a banquet.

But it's just dissatisfaction. It seems that in a few days, everyone is afraid of the gold-plated roses, and the power of the gold-plated roses has increased rapidly ...

Whether it's the gold-plated rose's main store in Neverwinter City or more than 20 branches, all the troubles are gone for a few days.

Originally, because of the incident in Rig City, many shops in the towns and cities had the idea of ​​gilded roses. In particular, some mages and swordsmen who are not very good in their hearts always want to take advantage of the gold-plated roses. After all, gold-plated roses want to open a branch, and they must always improve the relationship in the city.

But these days. There is no one who is looking for trouble. Those who are always thinking about the benefits like the ground floor, now when they pass by the gilded rose shop, they would rather go a little longer.

Because of these days, in the town where the branch is located, more than a dozen places have been found to have died tragically outside the city. And these loquats have one thing in common, all trying to get some benefits from the gilded rose.

Although there is no evidence that this was done with gold-plated roses, and the methods of these people's tragic deaths are different, but rumors have spread that it seems that everyone knows that this is the gold-plated roses that have killed those magpies. OK, it's just a connection with a bandit outside.

But now the gold-plated roses are on the black list of the bandits in the Kingdom of Odin, but they are on the blacklist. As long as they are the caravan of gold-plated roses, there is no one to protect them. These bandits can only stare at saliva, who Dare to play the idea of ​​the gilded rose caravan.

The two robber groups that were completely destroyed in the front and the base camp were razed to the ground. This **** lesson is enough to warn other bandit groups, because as long as the bandits are found to attack the caravan, the gold-plated roses can justify the annihilation, even if it is People who see the gold-plated roses no longer be pleasing to the eye have deep hatred, and can only pinch their noses in this matter.

The puppet bandit attack and the contradictory attacks between certain families are completely different concepts.

No one in the bandit dared to provoke the gilded rose, and no one with weak strength dared to provoke it. It seems that even some aristocrats in the Kingdom of Odin only expressed their dissatisfaction with the domineering style of the gilded rose on some occasions, but no one dared to do it. What, just dare to say a few words behind it.

Most powerful forces have no contradiction with gold-plated roses. There are even some cooperation. Many large families now have procurement plans for gold-plated roses. Especially after the release of the universal core, the partners of gold-plated roses have skyrocketed. Several times.

Relying on the universal core, these days, almost all gold-plated rose collaborators have increased their earnings by more than 50% compared with the previous ones, and some are exaggerated, and their earnings have doubled in a short period of time.

金 The power of gold-plated roses is getting heavier, which is a good thing that partners value, because the stronger the gold-plated roses, the better, as long as they continue to supply them, the stronger the gold-plated roses, the more guaranteed their business.

After hearing this news, Faro didn't think so much. After all, he just died of some insignificant landforms, and most of these landforms were not good products. He had done too many bad things. He can live to this day, but no one has. Just deal with them, and now they provoke the existence that they ca n’t provoke. If they are killed, they will be killed.

Faro knew that these things were not done with gilt roses, and he didn't care. Besides, is it because the dregs of some people have been killed, the gold-plated roses have to stand up to dispel rumors? That gilded rose is too idle.

Besides, the gilded roses were originally from outside the country, and their power in the Kingdom of Odin was not strong. Now that I have a little bit of power, this is a good thing. The troublesome things that have been reported these days seem to be less than half in an instant, and what do I care about.

However, according to Lin Yun's previous instructions, in the regular report at regular intervals. Faro still reported this to Lin Yun.

Recently, Lin Yun has been studying the runes of truth in the half-plane, comprehending the rules, and the understanding of the rules has almost reached the current limit. In addition to the training of the star warlock Agalon, the advanced level 4 is time It ’s a problem, maybe one month will break through the advanced level, and maybe a few minutes later I will have a new understanding and advance.

He finished studying the runes of truth, picked up the report submitted by Farrow, and looked at it for a while. Lin Yun's brow frowned.

Most of them are fine, but the power of gold-plated roses is getting stronger. In such a short period of time, it becomes like this.

There were few words in the report, and there was no point, but Lin Yun was keen to find out what was wrong.

I left the half plane, found Faro, and listened to Faro himself to say it in detail. Lin Yun's face sank a little.

"It's not that the popularity of gold-plated roses has increased, but that everyone is afraid of gold-plated roses, giving them a domineering label.

金 Gold-plated rose is still an alien strength, and it is just an alchemy shop. This is someone who wants to kill the gilded rose, so that the gilded rose is dissatisfied by the local forces of the Kingdom of Odin.

There are still alchemy potions and universal cores suppressed. There is no big problem, but if you continue, things will be troublesome. There must be some people behind the scenes. "

Farrow was stunned. This will also feel something wrong. The changes these days are so fast that Faro himself feels incredible, and even gave birth to the illusion that the gilded rose has completely taken root in the Kingdom of Odin.

林 Just as Lin Yun was still clear, a heavy news exploded.

An alchemy shop in a small town near the city of Neverwinter was destroyed. From the alchemist to the shop owner, all died in the shop.

This is just a small shop. The owner of the shop is only an eight-level title wizard. The shop also has only one storefront. The scope of business is only magic tools, and there are only a few magic tools. There are only three alchemists in the shop. The main reason is because the owner of this shop is a giant master who can make psychic artifacts.

This kind of small shop was destroyed by people, and there will not be such a big response. The main point is why it was destroyed. The alchemist in a shop survived by chance, shaking out the reason and the killer of the shop.

The killer was a gold-plated rose, which was destroyed because they bought twenty universal cores from the gold-plated roses, but these twenty universal cores were all scrapped. In order to ensure reputation, the gold-plated roses wanted to repurchase these million cores. After using the core to buy the scrapped universal core back, the store was destroyed immediately. Only one alchemist survived because of his special constitution.

All of a sudden, throughout the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin, this heavy news began to spread in dozens of towns, and the gilded rose seemed to be the last to know.

After hearing the news reported by his men, Lin Yun's face was dull.

查出 "Identified who is making a ghost and who is behind us to discredit our gilded roses."

罗 Faro's forehead was sweating coldly, his face was ugly, and the lowest alchemy shop was destroyed. The frequency of this kind of thing is too high.

Even in the best winterless city in law and order, there are at least hundreds of people who die every year. The lowest level of alchemy shops, which open and close each year, is not a thousand or eighty, and the shop is robbed. , Not to mention such small shops, even those second in size to the gilded roses, almost all have suffered robberies.

Now a small shop on the ground floor is destroyed, and it spreads to towns within tens of thousands of kilometers overnight, and the details are clearly described.

This kind of thing, if there isn't a powerful force behind it, it's a ghost, and it's specifically for the gilded roses!

报 Scrap products appear in the universal core of gold-plated roses, and there are only twenty at a time. In order to avoid leaking news, people's alchemy shops were destroyed, and after taking away twenty scrap products!

I have this rhetoric. Whether it is scrapped or not, it is not important anymore. Coupled with the rumors and rumors these days, anyone will instinctively believe that this is a gold-plated rose.

万 The universal core of gold-plated roses. I am afraid that sales will plummet, and many people will take advantage of this opportunity to rob.

Zhe Linyun sat inside the gold-plated rose and wondered, who is actually smearing the gold-plated rose. Is there such a force that it is necessary to use this method to smear the gold-plated rose?

怎么 It seems that these are some conspiracy methods that can't be on the table. Really powerful forces, I'm afraid they have already been rolled over. This method, no matter how, can make gold-plated roses a little trouble, at most it is a loss of profits, but can not shake the root of gold-plated roses, or rather, just Problems with the universal core of the gilded rose ...

Yes, universal core. Is the universal core!

The other party smeared the gold-plated rose, and even used the universal core to make a breakthrough point, which must be for the universal core.

Universal core technology is not really top-notch. If you just find a creator who is good at it, you may be able to understand the technology, but the core is the material.

There is no new material, it can not be produced at all. With this technology, what is made is also waste. In addition, all technology is embedded in the material. This new material adds a diluted black substance that automatically attracts magic. There is no need to keep it secret because the universal core cannot be cracked at all.

All magic inspection methods are unable to detect the structure inside. Only like me, using a method such as an optical microscope that does not use magic to detect at all, is it possible to crack the technology in the universal core.

But he cracked the technology, no material, and useless ...

I'm afraid the other party has already found it. This is a brand new material. They desperately smear the gold-plated roses and take the universal core as a breakthrough. I am afraid that they have simply abandoned the universal core. The ultimate goal should be new materials.

There was a sneer in the corner of Zhe Linyun's mouth, and when he found this, he narrowed down enough.

The focus is on materials, not universal cores. The other party must also be involved in the operation of alchemy items, and the most profitable is the magic weapon!

Operates magic weapons, and there is still such a large force. There are not many in Odin Kingdom. The other party has done so much. It is impossible to have no clues. As long as you find clues, some of the main magic weapon operations forces are excluded. , You know who's doing the ghost.

As for the evidence that cannot be produced, I am afraid that it is because there is no material. If you want to make a fake, you cannot do it. The new material is not an alloy of several materials fused together, but a new single material fused by a fusion agent.

Simply put, it is a new substance that directly changes the molecular shape. I want to make the same thing by analyzing the materials of the universal core, and it will not be possible in thousands of years.

The black substance itself is not something that ordinary people can get, and although the production of the fusion agent is not very troublesome, any creator can easily make it. If there is a special material in the abyss, a master can easily do it. Made loose.

It's a pity that it will take almost five thousand years for the initial formulation of the fusion agent to appear ...

Lin Yun sat firmly on the Diaoyutai platform, regardless of the ups and downs outside. Since that happened, more and more people have come to unsubscribe from the universal core with gold-plated roses. People who came before to buy the universal core have bought it sporadically. At most, many of them are returning one after another.

Twenty-three days later, a former collaborator also returned and returned all the more than one hundred universal cores bought.

"What **** universal cores do you sell, all of them are waste. After spending so many purple gold coins and buying back a bunch of waste, why don't you return it! Isn't it possible for people to say fake goods?"

Zhe Linyun stepped out from behind the gilded rose, and saw a group of people quarreling inside the gilded rose, and many people were watching.

罗 Farrow's face was ugly.

"These unused universal cores can be returned to you at the original price you bought, but these are already used ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ cannot fit other magic tools, these are not refundable ... ... "

Zhe Linyun came over from behind, and glanced at the guy who was screaming to return the goods. I felt a little bit in my heart. It seemed to be a magical alchemy shop.

"Faro, return them. Every universal core has a number. As long as it is verified that it is made and sold by our gold-plated roses, whether it is used or unused, or even damaged, all will be given to them according to the purchase. The price has returned.

Whoever retired should be registered. "

怎么 "Why? Do you guys find fake gold-plated roses for sale? Are you still not allowed to return them? They are registered now, and they will get revenge later."

Zhe Linyun glanced lightly at the owner, and the horror breath directly suppressed his soul through his eyes. For a moment, the owner's complexion became pale.

"As for you, you are not qualified to avenge a gilded rose."

The shopkeeper wanted to say something in a hard temper, but couldn't say a word.

Zhe Linyun turned back to the gilded rose's back room, frowning and thinking.

After a while, Farrow walked ugly.

"Master Meilin, things seem to be getting more and more troubled. The rumor that the core of the universal is a cover is increasing, and there are more and more people returning goods, and there are even several gold-plated rose shops.

Before, there were two aristocrats from the Kingdom of Odin who also returned the universal core they bought. One of the counts and three Viscounts expressed their dissatisfaction with the gilded roses in public ... "

Sui Linyun's sudden interruption of Faro's report. (To be continued.)

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