End of the Magic Era

Chapter 794: Storm Fortress

Standing outside the Poison Fog Valley, I can't see anything inside, but after entering, these black mists seem to become quite transparent, at least a few hundred meters away.

The barren valley was deserted, there was no notice of silence, only some sparse grasses were growing in it, and the rest were only stones.

I walked into the valley for a long distance, but still found nothing valuable, but Lin Yun's face was a little unsightly.

The more you walk in, the greater the power of the poisonous mist, the stronger the toxicity. Here he can barely resist, but through the shield, he can clearly feel that those poisonous mists and a group of bloodthirsty Like the ants, they infiltrated into his shield frantically, and the power of magic is just barely able to resist.

Looking at the off-duty, the skin has become like a red prawn, and the body is constantly scorching heat, which is resisting these terrible poisons.

Lin Yun was shocked by the incredible physical strength of the off-duty class.

Looking at Lena next to her, there were already some faint black silk threads on her skin, which was a sign of being eroded by poison.

"Go! Leave here first!"

Immediately, Lin Yun ordered to return. Lena was a Frost Dragon, and she had just broken through to the 39th level some time ago. She couldn't resist this kind of poison, was eroded by poisonous mist, and thought of walking inside for a long time. For one thing, they are irresistible.

Everyone quit the Poison Mist Valley quickly. When leaving Poison Mist Valley, they still did not encounter any obstacles, as if it were just an ordinary valley.

Exiting Poisonous Mist Valley, Lin Yun's brows twisted together, and he quickly took out a bottle of detoxifying medicine and gave it to Lena. The medicine on Lena's clothes, the thin black line on her arm seemed to be alive, struggling. After a moment, it turned into a hint of black mist and rushed out of Lena's arm.

Jintong's antidote is unlikely to have any effect on this kind of poison. Taking Lena's resistance to the poison, after taking the poison, she just pushed the poison out of the body, and did not remove the poison at all. Others People, as long as they are poisoned, I am afraid that Mapha is big ...,

He thought for a moment, Lin Yun shook his head, and just turned around and walked two steps, Lin Yun stopped suddenly, his eyes locked on the weeds beside the poisonous fog valley.

There was a flash of light in my mind. As a frost dragon, Lena couldn't resist the invasion of that kind of poison. Just now she saw some withered grass in Poisonous Mist Li!

Although those withered grasses have withered, they have not turned into ashes, at least one problem is explained!

There is almost no wind in the poisonous mist valley. Anything entering there will be quickly eroded and decayed by the poison. Those poisonous mists are like hungry and bloodthirsty ants, and they will not let go of anything that can be eroded.

The hay did not turn into ashes, it seems that it has only withered for a long time. It is estimated that within a few years, those hay will definitely be able to grow in the valley of poisonous mist, even at the most marginal places!

This concludes that those hay can resist those weird poisonous mists! At least to a certain extent, it can resist the poisonous mist in the valley of poisonous mist! Nuisance

Now, seeing the sparse weeds outside the Poison Fog Valley, Lin Yun saw a few mixed traces in the weeds at a glance. It was no different from the weeds, but it was the same as the ones I saw in the Poison Fog Valley just now. Withered grass is exactly the same!

I walked up to the weeds, and Lin Yun cast four masters' hands, controlled them, and dug out two medicinal materials similar to weeds.

The roots of the two medicinal plants were not damaged in any way. Immediately after being dug out, Lin Yun put them into two glass bottles, and even kept the environment, temperature, and air exactly like the surroundings.

Many medicinal materials growing in special environments may die immediately after leaving the special environment. Just like the Chiyan Golden Lotus growing beside the magma river, as soon as the temperature is reduced to a certain level, it will spontaneously ignite into ash, and it cannot be dug out. used.

Any medicinal material has a special preservation method. When you do not understand it, you must ensure the activity of the medicinal material, so that the place where the medicinal material is stored maintains the same environment as the place where the medicinal material grows.

Suddenly, Lin Yun has never seen this medicinal material that looks like weeds! This is why Lin Yun is so careful.

说 If you say it, a creator does not even know a weed, I am afraid it will definitely make people listen as a joke.

药 This medicinal material is very different from the surrounding weeds, and only the creator, Lin Yun, can acutely find the difference.

Otherwise, for so many years, the people of the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower could not have been found.

In fact, the people in the high-cloud tower and the black tower have really looked for someone, but unfortunately only a giant master who is good at potions, did not find that there are different weeds in the patch of weeds ...,

Zhe Linyun looked at the two medicinal herbs in her hand and suddenly remembered a story.

There is a detoxifying medicinal herb next to the hole where the snake lives.

This matter is not without reason. Some venomous snakes will spray their venom around them to warn other predators. Over time, some plants absorb the venom of venomous snakes, and they will mutate and give birth to understanding the venom. Effect.

And these weeds grow here, and the seeds fall with the wind, there may be some growing on the edge of the poisonous mist valley, and occasionally some weeds that have absorbed the poisonous mist but have not died, even if the probability is very low, over the years, Variations also occur.

The best proof is that the weeds in the areas where the poisonous mist is permeated, although these weeds called medicinal materials have a small amount of resistance, they definitely have the ability to resist the poison, but it is not yet certain that these herbs have their own resistance to poison The ability is still assimilated by poison, and it has poison itself.

After returning to the Storm Fortress, Lin Yun immediately took out simple alchemy equipment and began to inspect the two medicinal plants.

I soon came to the conclusion that this medicinal material that has never been seen is not toxic in itself, but has a strong anti-toxicity. If it is used as a medicinal material, it has a detoxifying effect.

Specific, but not a thorough research at this meeting, a medicinal material that has never been seen before. It is not so easy to use it to configure medicine ...,

The next day, the sky just became bright, and the storm fortress became lively. More forces came to the storm fortress. Large and small forces, in just half a day, had already come a dozen.

Yesterday was just a little busy street, and immediately became a little crowded. Looking around, it was full of dense people.

Mounts and carriages and other things can no longer appear on the main street. On both sides of the street, one by one, crowded with people selling goods.

No one knows that the low-key mage who stands next to him may be a wizard ...

Those gray stones that look like broken stones may be advanced materials that will only appear in auction rooms in Northrend World, "...

Anyone who doesn't look good on the street, may be a big swordsman, maybe the mage wearing dirty robes with the same hair as a bird's nest is a titled wizard ...,

The storm fortress immediately appeared the most prosperous period in history. All kinds of transactions were continuously carried out, and there was no ordinary person who traded. Only a dozen of the magic wizards appeared on the street.

There are big swordsmen and wizards on the street, and there are more and more regrets ...

In the huge parlor living room in the center of the 中心 Storm Fortress, most of the tables and chairs have been removed, leaving only two rows of tables filled with various fruits and drinks.

The leaders of various forces, large and small, are gathered here at this moment, talking and laughing, and constantly greeting people they know.

Zhe Lin clouded a glass of light wine suitable for the Master to drink, and smiled and followed everyone who said hello.

"Good day, His Excellency Malfay Maelim ..."

"Good day, Your Excellency ...,"

"Good day, His Excellency Mafam Merlin, did you have a good rest last night? Are there any places that are not entertaining, please tell me, after all, you are a guest here at our tower ..."

"You're very kind, His Excellency Weiss, it's very bad ..."

As long as they have met, they are saying hello to Lin Yun. After all, the Meilin family has been in the limelight recently. People who have been in the flames for a period of time know that even the more flexible minds, even the Heita avoid the Meilin family. Three points, other people naturally dare not offend ...

"Her Mafia, ah, it's great to see you. I was thinking about it just now. In this case, will Mafia come? ~ Www.ltnovel.com ~ I didn't expect to see you. ..., "

Gao Linyun turned his head, and a thin young man came over with a glass of wine, his body was slightly awkward, and his words were very enthusiastic.

Zhe Linyun smiled.

哦 "Oh, it was Henry Morgan the Wizard. It's been a long time since you came. Are you here on behalf of your Morgan family?"

Morgan nodded quickly and explained it quickly.

阁下 "Mr. Mafa, I went to the Enchanted Fortress before, and wanted to come with the members of the Merlin family, but when I went, Mafia had already set off with someone, and I arrived today.

Gao Linyun nodded. The Morgan family where Henry Morgan was a part of the Merlin family. Many of the Merlin family's supplies at the Enchanted Fortress were run by the Morgan family.

The staff of the Meilin family was very tense, and it was impossible to extract much staff to fury the flames to supply the necessities for the members of the battle. A large part of this task fell on the Morgan family.

I can talk to Lin Yun, Henry Morgan is very moving.

During this time, Henry Morgan has been supplied by the Enemy Fortress. He naturally understands a lot of things, especially seeing the world-wide changes of the Merlin family for more than a month. Bringing it, even Commander Thorne Merlin bowed his head in front of His Excellency Mafah, how could he not make a good relationship. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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