End of the Magic Era

Chapter 795: You and you

Lin Yun's impression of Henry Cogan is not bad, very hard-working, and sincere. The Merlin family was not very good in the angry flames in the past few months. The situation of the Morgan family was not very good, and they were often troubled. .

When Henry Morgan came to deliver supplies, there was never a delay. Every time was very punctual, which made Lin Yun's image of him very good, especially Henry Morgan led the team in person every time. These days are also special I gave some extra fruits unique to Northrend World, which made my mouth almost forget about the fruity taste of Lin Yundasheng.

You should know that although the resources of the Angry Flame Plane are abundant, most of them are minerals. The food is not very rich and the environment is not peaceful. Most of the food and fruits and vegetables common in Northrend are not grown here. The only way is to keep replenishing the rear.

And the cost of each replenishment is not small. The necessary food occupies the sensation part. Vegetables and meat occupies a small part. Fruits such as these will not die if they are not eaten, and they are not easy to keep fresh in the angry flames. It is very troublesome to bring it.

In the Enchanted Fortress, almost everyone has never seen the sweet fruit of Northrend World since coming to the Enchanted Fortress ...

Lin Yun, who was in a good mood, naturally pointed out Henry Morgan when he saw it occasionally, which made Henry Morgan a treasure, and he respected Lin Yun more, and did not send anything precious, just every time he came When he brought Lin Yun some fruits that were unique to Northrend World, Lin Yun made a good impression on him.

I chatted a little with Henry Morgan, and someone next greeted Lin Yun again.

"His Excellency Mafam Merlin ..."

Henry Morgan walked away with interest, Lin Yun followed up with the people next to him ...

There are more and more people at the buffet reception, and many people of small and medium-sized forces have seized this opportunity to come here and continue to make good friends with each other or discuss cooperation, or exchange views on the general attack ...

The formal negotiation has not yet started. The biggest purpose of this reception is to let everyone get in touch first, and they have a bottom in mind. When the time comes, the formal negotiation can be carried out faster.

The atmosphere is very harmonious. People who have contradictions in the past are also very restrained here. After all, this time is about the interests of everyone. The appearance of the glory is to be maintained or it will be looked down upon by everyone.

Halfway through the banquet, there was a sudden rage.

"Damn bastard, I've given you a chance, don't you know how to do it? Are you determined to fight our Charlotte family!"

As a magic wave exploded, a scream came from the crowd. Instantly, a large area was opened there, and everyone was standing beside him with cold eyes.

Lin Yun was discussing the matter of the Valley of Poisonous Mist in Weiss. Suddenly his brows were broken and he wrinkled involuntarily. He looked up and immediately saw Henry Morgan fell to the ground with some blood stains on his body. A vine bound him. .

A pale man beside him was sullen, with a magic whip condensing in the air, constantly pumping Henry Morgan.

"Damn bastard, I've given you a chance to provide supplies for our Charlotte family. You are unwilling to dare to insult me, a garbage wizard, dare to offend a titled wizard. Majesty, I will give you another chance, say! "

There was a look of displeasure on Davis's face. The host of today's reception was Heta, who came with heads and faces, and there was such a person here who was crazy like a savage.

Followed by, Weis saw Lin Yun's frown frown, and seemed unhappy.

"Her Mafia, do you know that idiot?"

Lin Linyun thought for a moment and nodded.

有点 "I'm a bit impressed, the one standing there, I forgot what his name was, but the one who fell to the ground was the family who provided supplies for our Merlin family ..."

Lin Yun stood up and walked towards the other side. Seeing that Kans Charlotte was about to continue beating Henry Morgan, Lin Yun snapped his fingers.


With a loud bang, the magic whip condensed in mid-air disappeared instantly, and Kans Charlotte was slightly surprised, looking at Lin Yun.

"It's you, **** bastard, dare you get involved in our Charlotte family?"

The crowd walked out of the way, Lin Yun walked slowly and glanced at Henry Morgan, who fell to the ground. Instantly, the vampire vines bound to Henry Morgan quickly withered into ashes.

Henry Morgan's expression on his face, he quickly struggled to stand up from the ground, but his face was pale, as if it would fall at any time.

Lin Yun took out a bottle of life potion and handed it to Henry Morgan.

"Drink it."

Henry Morgan did not hesitate to pour the potion of life, and within a short time, the injury on his body began to recover quickly, the wound returned to normal speed with the naked eye, and the blood idiots fell down, even because of blood loss. His pale face returned to normal.

There was a sound of cold air around me.

"My God, the effect of this life potion is really a big deal. The serious injury just now can be recovered instantly, at least it is the master hand ..."

不可能 "It's impossible, I have personally taken the life potion configured by the Russ Master. It has no such good effect at all. At most, it can restore the injury, but it is impossible to replenish the lost blood ..."

"Master Russ? That's a master of potions."

"My God, is this young man a creator ..."

As soon as the name of the wandering creator came out, everyone was quiet, and looking at Kans Charlotte was a little strange.

A creator turned to the good luck guy and watched a good show. As long as the young creator spoke, some people were willing to clean up the Charlotte family.

虽然 Although the Charlotte family is not weak, but a young man of the Charlotte family, when they are cleaned up, the Charlotte family will not respond much.

Kans Charlotte glared at Lin Yun, a little confused, and looked around vigilantly, wondering who had secretly shot.

Lin Yun did not pay attention to Kans Charlotte, but looked at Henry Morgan.

"He just pumped you a few times? How long do vampire vines bind you?"

Henry Morgan was a little hesitant and should not cause trouble for His Majesty ...

He could not see Lin Yun's brow frown slightly, but Henry Morgan immediately said it honestly.

"Three times, bound by the blood vine of the county for a minute ..."

Lin Yun nodded and looked at Kans Charlotte.

Kans Charlotte stared at Lin Yun with open eyes and scolded.

"Mafmelin, you asshole, dare to block things from our Charlotte family, you're finished ..."

下一 But the next moment, Lin Yun didn't see any movement. A thick black whip with thick arms suddenly appeared in front of Kans Charlotte.

With no warning whip, he yanked **** Kans Charlotte's left side.

Kans Charlotte was shocked, and he did not hesitate to call out the magic shield, but his magic shield was like paper, but it was symbolically blocked, and he was severely smashed by the whip.

Kans Charlotte's body was also pumped up into the sky. With the scream of Kans Charlotte, another dark black whip appeared in the air again, which severely knocked Kans Charlotte Special pump flew to the other side.

As soon as I flew out two or three meters, I was dropped by the magic wand and fell to the ground.

For a moment, the scene was quiet and everyone was stunned.

Kans Charlotte screamed loudly, her left arm was broken, three **** whip marks were on her back, and her robes were cracked.

And this is not the end, Kans Charlotte fell to the ground, and the scream did not continue to yell, a **** vine like a blood invasion came out of the ground, and quickly dropped Kans Charlotte Te tied up.

A barb stabbed into Kans Charlotte's body, madly devouring the blood in his body, and the **** vine agitated continuously, like a giant python swallowing.

"Ah ... asshole, come and save me ..."

Kans Charlotte screamed in horror. He felt that the blood in his body was flowing rapidly, and his vitality was constantly weakening.

There was a chill in the eyes of the people around me.

No wonder I have to ask before, this is too cruel, too fast, there is no time to respond ...

The same magic wand, the counterpart is just a translucent phantom ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ You are not only twice as thick as others, but also condensed like the real one, a whip breaks the magic shield, this What a strength ...

Although the magic shield takes almost no time to start, it is the weakest shield, but it is not so weak?

There is that vine. It ’s a blood-sucking vine. You make a **** vine that is twice as thick. For a minute, look at that guy ’s thin skin, pale face, and for a minute, I ’m afraid it is sucked into a dead body ...

Behind the crowd, the two rushed in and saw Kans Charlotte, bound by the **** vine, and one of them shouted at Lin Yun.

"Damn bastard, I command you, let go of Kans at once, and I will give you three seconds, otherwise, you will understand the consequences of offending our Charlotte family!"

Lin Linyun ignored the roaring guy and silently looked at a magic timer in his hand. The time had passed ten seconds ...

"Damn bastard, are you deaf? Haven't you heard me? Immediately let go of Kans, I will give you a chance to break your arm, otherwise, I will let you know what it means to die!

Hey, you and your family, all of us will be madly retaliated by our Charlotte family. Do n’t blame Kans, do n’t blame me for not giving you a chance. It ’s not something we can solve by ourselves! "(To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group God Beast Plus Jade @ Motor Accumulation Cloud] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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