End of the Magic Era

Chapter 796: Sneak attack

He said, the power of being the eighth title magic guide ten peak spread out, the turbulent magic turned into a strong wind, sounding Lin Yun.

But when this tide of magic came to Lin Yun's body one meter, it seemed as if it suddenly dissipated, not even one corner of Lin Yun's robe ...

Lin Linyun ignored this person, but just watched the time on the magic timer and said that one minute, not one second ...

"Damn bastard, have you forgotten what this place is, you dare to do it here without paying attention to everyone at all, I will teach you today for your family ..."

I squinted to see that the eighth-level magic wizard on the opposite side was about to shoot, and people around left a large area open.

Davis stepped out and frowned at the eighth-level title wizard.

"Hello Doron, this is the first thing for the members of your Charlotte family to start with. Do you forget what this place is? The reception hosted by the Heta, can anyone from your Charlotte family take any shots? Does it hurt? "

Thurse also followed, speaking with dissatisfaction.

"Doron Charlotte, do you think all of us here are blind? The members of your Charlotte family are too much to dare to hurt people at the reception. Since you shot first, then Lord Mafa will go back, There is nothing wrong with it. "

As Weiss and Thurs spoke, others around him followed.

"That is, His Majesty did not return a little more, and said that three whip is three whip, there is not a single whip, it is said that it will not be more in one minute ..."

Doron Charlotte's complexion kept changing. I didn't expect His Excellency Weiss and Hiss, and others to help this Malfammelin speak ...

He hesitated for a moment, and a minute passed, and the **** vine that bound Kans Charlotte loosened him, quickly dived into the ground and disappeared.

"Look, I'll just say, for a minute, Your Majesty, Ma'am, I'm sure there won't be more than a second."

"This is all right, everyone is the same, no one owes anyone else, just let it go. You guys in the Charlotte family will do it first.

Kans Charlotte fell pale and scary on the ground. He lost too much blood, and it was difficult for him to stand unless someone beside him helped him.

He took two bottles of healing potion in succession, and Kans Charlotte glared at Lin Yun like a mania.

"Doron killed him, killed him, **** bastard, even to me like this, I want to make him pay, I want to let the Merlin family give their lives ..."

Dodolon hesitated and gritted his teeth. Today, so many people watched their withdrawal shrinking to the reputation of the Charlotte family, but after all, no one wants their partner to be a weak person.

Regardless, even if you don't kill him, you still have to learn a painful lesson! The reputation of the Charlotte family must not be humiliated!

As soon as I thought about it, Doron's body had a fierce magic wave, just like a sudden wind, and the spell condensed out instantly.

下一 But the next moment, Lin Yun raised his eyelids, the magic on his body was the same as the flame that had been suppressed for a long time.

Boom ...

There was a loud noise, and behind Lin Yun, a giant roulette phantom appeared. Numerous runes flowed in the roulette phantom, and the dragon staff suddenly appeared on Lin Yun's right hand.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's body suddenly rose, and instantly turned into a flame element burning with a dark red flame, and the surrounding open space instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

In the blink of an eye, the other party has just condensed a flash spell, and Lin Yun has completed a series of actions ...

The next moment, Lin Yun cast the incarnation of the flame element, disappeared in place instantly, and appeared in front of Doron Charlotte in an instant. The dragon's staff lit with a dazzling fire.

Numerous runes spewed out of the roulette behind the shadow of Lin Linyun. One day the fire exploded in front of Doron Charlotte, and the spear of Vulcan just smashed by Doron was instantly smashed into pieces.

The more terrible things are still behind. When Doron Charlotte only had time to support the rune shield, the countless runes ejected from the roulette shadow behind Lin Yun combined into dozens of spells ...

Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Exploding Fireball, Vulcan Spear ...

Dozens of spells burst out at one point at the same time, Doron's rune shield was twisted and kneaded like a piece of paper, and then torn into pieces. The remaining spells blasted on Doron's body, causing Doron's The body exploded and flew out.

Doron, who was burning with flames, was like a cannonball, and it flew more than ten meters away. There was a spear of vulcan in his abdomen, his robe was torn and his skin was covered with burnt marks.

Duolong who fell on the ground, his mouth full of blood, his eyes were unbelievable, and his body was convulsing constantly with severe pain.

Everyone was shocked ...

That is a strong man with the title of the eighth-level magic wizard, and was hit hard in an instant!

And looking at the speed of the casting just now, most people didn't see what was going on at all. They just saw Lin Yun cast the incarnation of the flame element, then cast a flame flash again, and finally cast the flame spell. Kneeling ...

Only people at the level of Thurs and Wes could barely see what was happening, and both of them were sweating on the foreheads.

I still seem to underestimate His Mafia ...

The people of the Charlotte family were stunned, but this time, they never dared to say anything.

The people of the Charlotte family flocked up, and took the seriously injured Doron and Kans, who was standing steadily. As he saw the terrible beast, he kept walking outside the reception hall, while walking, still Put ruthless words on one side ...

"Wait, you dare to hurt people outside the Charlotte family, you're finished ..."

"Our Charlotte family won't give up, just wait ..."

The people of the Charlotte family were really a little scared. They walked and talked hard, and Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly. When they looked at them, they were all closed as if they had been banned. Without saying a word, leaving in a hurry ...

The members of the Charlotte family left, and the rest became more enthusiastic about Lin Yun, greetings and relationships ... "

It turned out that the commander of the Merlin family, Mafam Merlin, was a ruthless character. Now that I saw it, I immediately understood that it was not only a ruthless character, but also a creator. No wonder Heta and Watson's family had Recently, attitudes have changed dramatically ...

When the Charlotte family members left in a hurry, and returned to the Charlotte family, Kans Charlotte found the Charlotte family commander Brown Charlotte.

"Can't just leave it that way, that **** idiot, Malfay Merlin, dared to treat me like this, so that our Charlotte family lost such a big face, I want revenge, I want him to die!"

Kans Charlotte took the potion of life, and the injury was almost recovered, but the lost blood was not so quickly recovered. At this moment, he stood up with his fist, but shook it, and almost fell.

Brown Charlotte's face was worried.

"Master Kans, let's plan this slowly. You saw it today. That Malfay Merlin knocked you down easily, and almost destroyed Doron almost instantly. If it was not treated in time, Doron would be afraid. He was dead, his ribs were broken, his skin was burned extensively, and his spine was damaged. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Do n’t know, Doron is the peak of the eighth-ranked wizard. His strength, Master Kans, should be known. Mamma Merlin is not simple. It is very difficult to deal with. We must not be too impatient ... "

Kans Charlotte's eyes were red and he glared at Brown Charlotte.

"What! What did you say, he easily knocked me down? That was a shameful assault! The assault! This **** guy was a sneak attack. If it was not a sneak attack, how could he be my opponent, do you think I didn't know Frozen? He However, it is a new wizard, and it hasn't been long before the advanced wizard has been, at most, a second-level title wizard.

This **** idiot, but because of the money, the garbage was received by the Merlin family, relying on money to become the commander of the Merlin family, do you think I don't know, this commander is just a short, real The commander is another person.

可 I have never seen a family with two commanders. He is just (a shameful assailant.

As for Doron, it has not been attacked by Mafam Merlin. Do you think I haven't seen it? This **** guy actually used the element of fire to perform a flash of flash attack ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Dolon's stupid man was still hesitant, Malfay Merlin can succeed.

I was really ashamed. A mighty strongman with the rank of the eighth title magic wizard was attacked by a new title magic wizard, which not only succeeded, but was also seriously injured.

If it was a real battle, how could that **** of Malfay Merlin be my opponent, what was he after I had traveled so many years in the dead war? A speculator who sacrifice money to bribe a stupid high-level family member, with the speculation of a businessman in his bones, will do nothing but sneak attack.

If I do it again, I will tear him to pieces with my spells! "

Kans Charlotte swayed a little, and sat down a little dizzily, and the angry roar stopped.

Brown Charlotte smiled bitterly, with a little hesitation on his face.

"Master Kans, I don't think Mafia Merlin is so simple. Although this time it was a sneak attack, I have inquired that Mafia Merlin was not in the angry flames before. Suppressed, but after Mafam Merlin's return, the attitude of the Heta and Watson families to the Merlin family changed.

It is said that because of this Malfay Merlin, and I have also heard that the Fire 30 tribe was defeated, this Malfay Merlin has exerted a lot of strength, his strength will never be weak, we still calm down and find opportunities Besides ... (to be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group God Beast Plus Jade @ Motor Accumulation Cloud] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Power. )

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