End of the Magic Era

Chapter 802: Lightning Spear

The off-duty class had long been angered, and the first one rushed up. The sneak attack just made the off-duty adult's chance of killing 39th-level Warcraft for the first time lost, which is simply unforgivable.

The off-duty waved the massacre, and a sweep of the front of the Caucasus combat mage, the moment when the spear and the massacre collided, a large area of ​​Mars drifted away. This Caucasus combat mage's battle-proven skills have not yet had a chance to be cast, it feels To a rush of dragons.

The huge force hit the body of this Caucasian combat mage, and instantly flew this guy out of the tens of meters. If not, the combat skills of this Caucasian combat mage are very good, and most of the power is unloaded. It smashed ...

As offense began to attack, Lena, Anderfa and Alchemist also shot together.

Frost spells, four-line spells, and a torrent of spells. Three people merged together into a chaotic wave of spells, and these Caucasian combat mages were crushed by one person ...

These Caucasian combat mages are more powerful than mages of the same level. In the case of one-on-one, the mages are basically killed. However, the strongest of these Caucasian combat mages is only the fourth-level title wizard, the weakest. But it is a first-level title wizard.

The off-duty is already a fifth-level sword master, but he was born a fierce dragon blood orc, fused with the blood of a three-headed golden dragon, and took a bath in the blood of the demon. The body is already strong and far beyond the level. And the restrictions of race, the power is so strong that holding a few thousand pounds of weapons feels too light.

Pure power can crush everyone who is lower than him. That power is no longer a skill that can make up for it. No matter how strong a skill is, it cannot shake a hundred times stronger power.

And Lena, a frost dragon, her father is a heavenly frost dragon. As the 39th level of the Frost Dragon, the shape of the Frost Dragon does not need to be changed.

After the alchemy urn was replaced by Lin Yun with precious parts made of precious materials. The strength that has been exerted has been raised again, and now it is comparable to a 39-level Warcraft. Even stronger, it can be called a mobile magic crystal turret. You must know that this alchemy urn is itself a heavenly order!

Lin Yun replaced a source of magic power, the power system became stronger, but the body parts limited its use.

As for the Ander method, the Wheel of Thousands is now almost a high-level true magic weapon. As Lin Yun breaks through the title wizard, the water rises. The ability to cast is stronger than the alchemist!

In this case, several people shot at the same time to deal with more than twenty Caucasus combat mage, there is really no technical content at all.

Pure spell rolling, a face-to-face, more than twenty Caucasus combat mage wearing heavy armor was blown out by the spell.

Unless this group of Caucasian battle mage is terribly resistant to spells, the body surface even has a special anti-demon pattern, and the body is as strong as the orc, plus the heavy armor of at least a hundred pounds, let this The group of Caucasian battle mage's resistance to spells is so incredible that they are now a pile of corpses.

Less than ten seconds. The last Caucasian combat mage who still wanted to stand up and fight was planted in the soil with a hammer from off class, and the battle was over ...

Kempes had horror in his eyes and never thought of it. The group of Mafam Merlin turned out to be so strong, more than twenty Caucasian combat mage!

Even without a little symbolic resistance, he lost all his combat power ...

Damn, how is this possible!

These more than twenty Caucasus battle mages are the elite of the Caucasus! All are titled Magister Level!

You know, more than twenty Caucasus combat mages, facing a 500-man mage army, can be inserted into the opponent's team just like the sword, and they can even guarantee that the 500 can be saved without losing one of their own. Human Mage Corps killed half!

You know, the layout of the general mage legion in the rage plane is five hundred people. Five or less title magic wizards, fifty magic wizards. All the rest are divisions.

This equipment will bring out the combat effectiveness. Definitely stronger than a titled magic wizard with a rank of six or seven. During the legion war, the number of mages reached a certain level. Even the low-level mages will exert terrible fighting power.

However, this kind of warfare on the Raging Flame plane is only similar to a small team of more than 20 people from the Caucasus Mage.

The one in front of it was the elite of the Caucasus combat mage. A month ago, this squad also collided with a force of more than 700 men from the south.

The ending is this team of more than twenty Caucasus battle mages, none of which have fallen, but suffered different degrees of injury, while the mage army of more than 700 people was killed by more than 300. The rest fled before the battle ended ...

This is also the reason to bring these people this time. Although Kempes is proud, he is not stupid. As the most talented person in the Caucasian combat mage, it is not surprising that he is the next Caucasus king. This is naturally the pride of his capital. In his hand, the ordinary eight-level title wizard is really similar to a broiler, and the battle can be resolved in up to three minutes.

This time it involved a big deal, so I brought this team of elites by the way, but I didn't expect that things would come to this stage ...

Damn, what's their strength? The real battle hasn't started yet. I wanted to save a bit of energy and now I have to take a shot. I'll kill this Mafammelin first, and then kill all the others ... ...

As long as they are not heaven-level, no one in this group of broiler mages will be my opponent ...

Thinking of this, Kempes screamed angrily, his muscles began to swell, the body's magic flowed, and a hint of light flashed on the lightning-like spear.

Kempes slightly arched and made a charge posture, and the ground under his feet made a muffled sound. The ground several meters wide was instantly filled with dense cracks, and the ground collapsed half a meter deep. The pressure of terror surrounded Around Kempes.

Suddenly, the ground about ten meters away exploded, and Kempes' body disappeared instantly.

The next second, Kempes appeared holding Lin's body in front of Lin Yun, and the lightning spear in his hand stabbed at Lin Yun fiercely.

Lin Yun frowned slightly, manipulating the flame to form a phantom of the flame element, and his body turned into a ball of fire, disappearing as soon as Kempes appeared.

When Lin Yun cast the flame flashing and disappearing in the dark, the top of the lightning spear in Kempes' hand held a dazzling thunder, and suddenly there were more than a dozen afterimages of the lightning spear in the air. In a blink of an eye, the lightning spear There were more than a dozen **** on that phantom.

A loud noise ...

The remnants of the flame phantom exploded, and a large area of ​​flames flew, and Kempes' body turned into an afterimage again, chasing Lin Yun away.

Lin Yun wields the dragon's staff, sending out dozens of low-level spells instantly, and a large area of ​​fire and frost pounces on Kempes like a heavy rain.

But Kempes seemed to not see it, holding the lightning spear, the tip of the spear flashing with thunder, and rushing forward carrying dozens of low-level spells.

The spell exploded on the surface of Kempes, and the dark armor surface suddenly appeared a pattern of light emitting slightly, while Kempes' body surface also had a number of magic patterns lit up, Kempes was almost nothing. Only black marks on the heavy armor.

The spear that flashed the thunder ripped a large piece of flame and frost, like a thunder, and continued to rush to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun waved his hand to release a lava shield, and his body had once again turned into a flame that flashed more than 20 meters away in the sea of ​​fire.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a clear sight of Kempes' spear easily tearing the lava shield.

The Caucasus battle mage is mainly based on physical combat, supplemented by magic. The flashing thunder light at the top of the spear is the ultimate magic element. The spells blessed on the spear are all sharp and magical spells.

With the spell, the Caucasus battle mage wants to tear off the opponent's magic shield, which is very easy. Coupled with that powerful spell resistance, this is why the Caucasus battle mage has become a mage nemesis.

The Kempes in front of him is indeed very powerful, wearing a heavy armor of at least two hundred pounds and holding at least fifty to sixty pounds of lightning spear in his hand, but the speed is still so fast. This is indeed a Caucasian combat mage. Rare genius here.

In line with the fighting method of the Caucasus battle mage, this speed will exert terrible lethality. Mages of the same level are broilers in his hands, without exaggeration. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

This speed has exceeded the speed of most mage dodges, if it is impossible to dodge, the protection spell will be difficult to resist his lightning spear.

That spear is also unique to the Caucasus combat mage. This material is very scarce. The origin is in the Caucasus highlands. At the top of the peaks that are often subject to lightning strikes, this special lightning strike ore will appear. After being stimulated, it will carry a strong tear effect. The best thing is to tear the mage's shield.

It is just that it is not easy to mine this kind of material. The best quality ore can only be found at the top of the mountain, but there will be the risk of being struck by lightning. Every year the Caucasus will pay a lot of money for this.

After experimenting just now, Lin Yun knew that Kempes must have added a lot of lightning strike ore to the lightning spear, and it was so easy to tear the frost shield. The general protection did not work at all.

For an orthodox mage, the shield loses its effect and is no different from being dead ...

He didn't hit Lin Yun twice in a row, Kempes looked a little irritable, quickly chanted the spell, and a brilliance emerged on him. (To be continued)

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