End of the Magic Era

Chapter 803: Count your luck

Acceleration, sharp thinking, giant power, rock armor ...

A series of auxiliary spells were cast, and the lightning spear in his hand became illusory, slowly disappearing, and it seemed as if there was only a continuous lightning bolt in his hand.

With an afterglow, Kempes disappeared again.

Lin Yun frowned, and once again displayed the flame flashing and disappeared in place. The next moment, Kempes appeared there holding a lightning bolt. The lightning bolt seemed to be two or three meters long out of thin air, and instantly stabbed one at the place where Lin Yun had just been Big hole.

The earth blew up, and a large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared.

Being chased by Kempes for four or five times, Lin Yun knew that with this guy's physical strength, even if he fights for another hour, there will be no change.

This fast and terrifying Caucasus battle mage is the most terrible. The former king of the Caucasus, Jason Wagland, is the speed type war mage. Jason Wagland's record has once spanned a few seconds in a blink of an eye. A kilometer distance pierced the head of a heavenly mage instantly.

It shattered more than a dozen layers of protection for the opponent, and almost did not consume time. This terrible speed is a nightmare for almost all mages.

"Damn bastard, can you just jump up and down, where is your dignity? What is your dignity as a mage? Fight me!"

Kempes growled angrily. His speed was fast and his strength was strong, but he couldn't attack Lin Yun at all.

Lin Yun has been determined several times in a row, and Kempes is learning Jason Waagland's fighting style and constantly strengthening his speed. Strengthening the ability to shred each other's protection is indeed very strong. But not invincible ...

"as you wish……"

Lin Yun stopped, and a huge roulette behind him appeared. Infinite runes spit out in the shadow of the roulette wheel, and the top of the dragon's staff bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

The dark red flame turned into a huge pillar of fire. In the flame, Kempes's body suddenly appeared, and the top of the lightning spear burst into a dazzling thunder. The pillar of fire was ripped apart, and the spear was still facing firmly. Lin Yun stabbed.

Lin Yun was motionless, as if he really didn't dodge again, Kempes was overjoyed. Instantly put all his magic power into the lightning spear, and all the magic power to protect his body into the lightning spear.

Suddenly, the lightning in Kempes' hands suddenly skyrocketed to a length of seven or eight meters. The lightning struck Lin Yun's shield fiercely like a stinging spear.

The lava shield in front of Lin Yun was torn instantly, but there was a rune shield with countless runes flowing behind it. The infinite runes on the rune shield turned wildly. The rune rushed towards the center of the rune shield, and at the center, a mysterious rune bloomed with dazzling light.

That flash of lightning was constantly twisting. Collision with the Rune Shield frantically, as if thousands of blacksmiths were forging with the hammer at the same time.

The deafening sound made the surrounding earth constantly tremble.

After more than a second, the intensity of the lightning strike began to drop rapidly. The lightning that extended seven or eight meters also retracted.

Kempes exclaimed with horror on his face.

"How could it be! How could it stop my lightning spear from tearing!"

Lightning tore, Caucasus battle mage's strongest ability to tear shields. Legend has it that Jason Waglan was able to tear open a ten-mile-long crack in the space when he applied this skill. No one can resist this tearing force.

Lin Yun sneered.

"It's naive. Do you really think I can't stop it before dodging? The Caucasus Mage is powerful. But it's not invincible. Don't you know the rune shield?"

The defense ability of the rune shield does not have much to do with the level. The number of runes that affects the defense ability of the rune shield is the most.

Lin Yun's number of runes has already been hundreds of thousands in the division stage, far more than ten times a hundred times the same level of spells. After breaking through to the title wizard stage, the number of runes has already exceeded one million. The number, combined with the great increase in the ability to use after breaking the title of the Magister, immediately increased the protection of the rune shield to an extremely terrible level.

At the stage of the title magic wizard, almost no one can tear up Lin Yun's rune shield. Except for the strongest peak of the nine-level title magic wizard, Lin Yun no longer needs to worry about his rune shield being broken. .

Caucasus battle mage's means of tearing the shield, that is, relying on a combination of powerful power and a powerful magic power that erupted in an instant, will appear that invincible powerful power.

If the shield cannot be torn instantly, it can be said that the shield cannot be shattered.

Kempes gritted his teeth and couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The rune shield was no longer a normal rune shield, but a shield composed entirely of runes!

Shaking his steps, Kempes waved his lightning spear and swept over towards Lin Yun.

The lightning in his hand skyrocketed, and it was drawn to Lin Yun's rune shield fiercely. At the moment of hitting the rune shield, the lightning suddenly bended, and the lightning circled behind Lin Yun, and a black spear appeared. With the lightning, he moved fiercely towards Lin Yun's back Pumped over.

The power of the rune shield has hit the front section, and the lightning spear that suddenly appeared in the rear is drawn, and the lava shield arranged by Lin Yun behind him is smashed, and then smashed into Lin Yun's back fiercely. on.

But suddenly, Lin Yun's body twisted a bit, and the drawn Lin Yun turned into a phantom that slowly dissipated.

Kempes was startled and hesitated to escape without hesitation. The lightning spear was hooked by a lightning and returned to his hand.

"Are you still gone?"

Lin Yun's figure appeared more than ten meters away and looked at Kempes coldly.

Kempes had sweated on his forehead, but there was nothing to fear.

When did this **** guy show up there, why didn't I feel it at all, **** it, has it always been a mirror image of me who just fought me?

Damn, no, this guy is much stronger than he thought, faster than me. I'm afraid he can't kill him today, it's his luck, but since he has a way to detoxify, he will definitely continue to come here. .

Damn bastard, you wait for me. Next time, I won't be so careless. By that time, it will be your death. Today is too long. If you continue to do this, the poison here will start to erode me. ...

"Asshole, you're lucky today. Next time, you must not have that luck ..."

With that said, Kempes stomped and was about to escape.

However, at the moment when the foot was exerting power, Kempes' body was a cricket, and the ground under him did not know when it became a swamp quagmire.

With the exertion of force, the calf immediately fell into the quagmire and looked away. The surrounding tens of meters turned into a swamp.

The force at the foot just let the swamp create a wave, and it didn't jump out at all. Even a huge suction came from below. It seems that there has been a huge World of Warcraft opening its mouth and devouring it constantly.

The surrounding earth seemed to be collapsing, and continually merged into the swamp. Kempes' face was terrified, and he couldn't understand how to be trapped in the swamp.

Lin Yun sneered, this is not a normal swamp spell, but a seventh-level spell recorded in the Book of Mantras devours the quagmire, and it is impossible for the dragon to come out casually even if he enters, let alone his Caucasian combat mage. .

This guy's speed is fast, but his speed is basically power. Relying on the power to achieve fast and terrible speed, this is completely different from Jason Wagrain, Jason Wagram is the real Speed, not the speed of forcing by force.

This kind of speed, which is achieved with the help of powerful forces, is only suitable for charge, it is not flexible at all, and there are more deadly places.

Just like now, his power is powerful, but he did not find the devouring quagmire, and even because of his power, he fell into the thigh, which completely cut off the possibility of leaving.

If only his feet got into it, he could escape with his strength, but it was his strength that hurt him. He was used to stepping on the ground with his feet to increase the speed every time he exerted power.

This time, instead of stepping on the ground, they swallowed the quagmire ...

In order to release this devouring quagmire, Lin Yun released a mirror, and even applied the rune shield to the mirror.

A few seconds of negligence allowed Lin Yun to release this devouring mire in silence.

Seeing that half of Kempes' body had been engulfed in the quagmire, as he struggled, the whole quagmire seemed to set off waves of mud, and any power transmitted by his legs would be evenly spread to The tens of meters of devouring the quagmire can't help it.

The shadow of the roulette wheel behind Lin Yun turned slowly, and a blue flame rushed down in the sky. The flame hit Kempes' head and exploded.

Boom ...

Two loud noises sounded ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Kempes' body was just a little more scorched black, and it didn't seem to be hurt much at all.

However, explosive inflammation originally did not rely on flames to inflict damage, but on the power of explosion. Two explosions caused Kempes' body to sink down again.

The thing that made Kempes despair was still behind, and there were still three explosions in the sky ...

Boom ...

Two more violent explosions sounded, Kempes's chest had not been swallowed into the quagmire, and there were two explosive inflammations behind him, and he even saw that behind the two explosive inflammations, There are five ...

Kempes was terrified and totally unexpected. He was an eighth-level magic wizard-level Caucasus combat mage, recognized as the future king of the Caucasus, and he would die in a swamp ... (To be continued ...)


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