End of the Magic Era

Chapter 807: Stupid hopeless

Chapter 807 Stupid Hopeless

Especially at the top of the mountain, the Caucasus battle mage under the fifth-level title magician, less than a day up, will be hacked alive by the thunder. The fastest time, just ten minutes, there will be a fourth-level magic wizard dead. There, the bodies were turned into coke.

Even if it is not at the top of the mountain, it is also in great danger. Maybe there will be a thick thunder on the mountainside. Every year, many people will die because of mining the lightning strike ore.

For half a year ... this ...

Kempes looked with despair on his face and looked at his teacher.

Chandariel gave a sharp glance at Kempes. At this time, how could it be possible to disobey the order of the Prophet Droyer. If he went to the king, the punishment would only be heavier than this, and there would be no slight relief.

"Kempes, Didn't you hear the words of the Prophet Droy, don't you think the punishment is not enough?"

Kempes looked bitter, and quickly lowered his head.

"Kempes pleads ..."

He made a nod and continued to look at Darryl.

"Darryl, you go back, guard the camp, there is no order, you are not allowed to come out at will, and those who are carried by Kempes are sent to Lightning Peak for mining, and everyone must dig a lightning strike at Lightning Peak for one year. No one is allowed to leave without digging enough 10,000 pounds of ore. "

There was a majestic voice in Baldroy. No one dared to refute it. Although this Caucasian prophet didn't care much about things, he rarely gave any orders directly, but no one dared to obey what he said.

Because as long as you do not obey, you will inevitably be angered by the king. At that time, it will not only be such a little punishment, you may be exiled ...

He was dying away with only a few people left, only Drouy was still here.

He took out a box and gave it to the apparently injured off-duty.

"This is a kind of thunder grass from the Caucasus High Real Estate. This is the rebirth of buzz grass after thunderstrike nirvana. It contains huge vitality. There are three thunder grasses in the box. You only need to crush one and apply it to the wound. It will heal in three days and there will be no trace of sequelae. "

An off-duty dumb boy took the box with an eyebrow and smiled, holding it in his arms as if hiding the baby, and made Anda sneer disdainfully, even Lena rolled her eyes.

Zhe Linyun was also a little speechless, and did not expect Droy to play such a hand.

阁下 "Sir, I'm really sorry for today's incident. Please forgive me, Droi will go to your door and apologize."

Droy did a full gesture, and set his posture very low, Lin Yun could not get angry. From the situation of punishing those people just now, it was very painful and painful for Kempes to mine. Dangerous, not to mention other Caucasus combat mage.

Baldroy bowed gently, gracefully, full of wise man, nothing like the Caucasian war mage who had been barbaric.

After Rodriguez left, he took a box and asked Lin Yun a silly question.

"Master Meilin, this is the old guy who gave me just now, won't you take it?"

Lin Linyun gave the off-duty glance fiercely, couldn't help going up and kicked off-duty, and did not glance at the power of Lin Yun, put him on off-duty, no different from tickling.

I squinted to see that the off-duty didn't even shake, Lin Yun recruited Theodorus, suspended the off-duty meal, and listened to the screams coming from behind him, Lin Yun slowly exhaled.

"Master Meilin, take it if you want, leave it off, all for you ..."

As soon as he heard this, Anderfa laughed gleefully.

"This stupid really hasn't grown a bit ..."

Lin Linyun shouted back.

"Theodorus, give me three hours! Give me a second less!"

Faithful Theodorus naturally executed Lin Yun's order. A ball of flames tied off the off-duty feet, suspended the off-duty and followed Lin Yun's body, and a flame whip, constantly pumping on the off-duty.

Zulin Lin walked out of the Poison Mist Valley inexplicably, and somehow followed a battle with a Caucasus battle mage. He is not angry now. Is this dumb off-duty just after the upgrade just to build muscle? Even the brain is almost becoming muscle.

Lin Yun went back first, Lena and Anfa followed behind, watching the suspension of the class while being hung in the air.

An Anda grinned at the screaming off-duty and laughed loudly.

"Isn't this idiot really stupid? Theodos pumped it up. This guy's face didn't have any marks on it, and it was so bad. He must know that he would dare to resist, and he would be beaten by Merlin pause……"

Suddenly the movement of Theodorus suddenly stunned, the next moment, the speed of the flame whip suddenly suddenly nearly doubled, and after a short time, the skin of the off-duty became red.

Alas, the screams of this guy are getting more and more miserable, and Lena, who was so cold, couldn't listen anymore, and turned away.

This idiot, with his physical strength, hurts at most, there is no harm at all, and it is so terrible.

An Anda glanced at the off-duty and beat him, still holding the wooden box in her arms, muttering a stupid hopelessness, and followed Lena away.

I squinted to see that there was no one around me, and then he closed his mouth and grinned.

"Master Theodorus, the old man said that there are three thundering plants in it, I will share one with you, you can let me go, we will go back for three hours, Master Merlin must not know ..."

Crackling ...

He responded with a more rapid thrash and screamed from work.

"Damn, Theodorus, Lord Off-duty. This is for you, ah ... you're dead, ah ... When the off-duty breaks through to Heaven, the first thing is to find you duel, ah, wrong I'm strangling you ... Ah ... "

Zhe Linyun returned to the Storm Fortress, and everything was still the same. The discussions between those guys still had no result. The total attack had not yet begun. Some idiots started arguing about post-war share of the loot.

By late at night, Lin Yun suddenly came here with a visitor.

Seeing Drouy's old face full of respect, Lin Yun's head grew large.

"Mr. Mafa, these are our Caucasian tribes' apology for the previous events. I hope you will not refuse. I come to the door with an apology of 12 points to apologize.

If it ’s not the Auckland mage who misunderstood our Caucasian combat mage, I will definitely come to the door during the day to apologize. You know, this time the general attack of the angry flame plane, although we are also involved in the Caucasus, however, I believe you should understand, In order not to bother you, this is the only time to come, I hope you can understand. "

I looked at the boxes stacked on a hill, Lin Yun was a bit weak.

With a respectful stance, Gidero lowered his attitude, and he was very conscious of people's hearts. Everyone here at Lin Yun had a gift of reparation.

休 Stupid to leave class is to remember whether to eat or not, when he heard that he had his own gift, he rushed up first and left with a few gifts and smiled.

Pu Lena also has a few special gifts that are especially suitable for her. The top of Xuefeng is irradiated with strong ice that will not change for thousands of years. It is used as the auxiliary material for frost spells. It can increase the power of magic by 30%.

There are also some small gifts that are very hearty, and Lena put them away.

In addition, Lin Yun's alchemy tincture also has a medicinal solution that increases the wear resistance of the parts, and a cold oil that lubricates between the parts. It can still maintain a low temperature when facing flames, which is enough to allow the alchemy tincture to fight. Time has doubled.

Moreover, there is Anderfa. At the moment, he is carrying a cigarette bag, and comfortably swallows clouds and vomits. It is a kind of tobacco. Rarely, it can be used by magic avatars, which can increase the degree of condensed magic avatars. , A little bit to improve the magical effect of the magic incarnation.

You must know that as long as it is something that has an effect on the incarnation of a magic weapon, it is a treasure that is extremely precious.

And the most gifted to Lin Yun, it seems to know that Lin Yun is a powerful creator. All the gifts to Lin Yun are precious materials, all kinds of rare ore, rare medicinal materials, the top lightning strike ore that the Caucasus will never flow out. There are three big heads.

"Her Mafia, I really want to know what else you saw in the relic that received the chapter of the king, and where exactly that relic is. Please rest assured that every word you say is confidential. I absolutely It will not be rumored, witnessed by Her Majesty Wagram! "

Lin Yun sighed, he was a little hesitant, and he wouldn't say a word about the things in the ruins. Now he saw Drouy waiting respectfully, and he sent so many thoughtful gifts, and said nothing. It is just too unfriendly.

"Well, there are actually things that tell you nothing.

It may be the place where the King of the Caucasus once stayed. There are some traditions left by the King of Caucasus ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and some books left by the King of Caucasus, but they are not precious things ...

There are also some Warcraft that should be experimental by the King of Caucasus. You have seen the chapter of the elements ... "

Zhe Linyun told Droy all that he could say. About the King of the Caucasus and His Majesty the Long Legs, he didn't say a word at all, and added a sentence at the end.

其实 "In fact, I just got the chapter of the elements and the meditative thoughts from it. It is impossible to give you the chapter of the elements. As for the element tide, if you want it, there is nothing for you ..."

Gao Deluo's face moved, and his old face seemed to glow with light. After listening, he bowed deeply to Lin Yun.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Mafah, for telling me this. I am very grateful. As for what you have obtained, it is your great Majesty Wagland who has chosen you. It has nothing to do with us. We dare not ask you for it. Something. "

Qi Linyun really didn't know what to say. This guy was too considerate of others. He couldn't pick out any problems when talking and doing things.

Squinting his eyes he looked hesitant, and seemed afraid to say anything.

Qi Linyun asked casually.

"Do you have anything else to say, Your Excellency Droi?"

Droyi's face was embarrassed, and he froze for a few seconds before he said embarrassedly.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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