End of the Magic Era

Chapter 808: Mysterious baby

"Her Mafia, do you know that Her Majesty's everything is precious to our Caucasus Mage. This time, I knew a place where Her Majesty Waglan had stayed. No matter what, Want to know where, this time the Rage Flame attack, the Caucasus battle mage will fully cooperate with you, everything, any benefits, all are yours.

You know, this time the flames of the rage plane attacked, how many forces have gathered, the two kingdoms have joined together because of this. If this is not an accident, it is the last chance to divide the flames of the rage plane. Each force controls Place, this time it will be completely finalized.

It is relatively easy to grab the place from the angry flame orc, but after this time, if you want to control more land and resources, you must fight with other forces. By then, the benefits may not have been consumed much. It's not worth the money.

Therefore, the benefits obtained this time can basically determine the sphere of influence in the future. Even the benefits obtained this time may be greater than those obtained in previous decades and hundreds of years.

I just hope you can tell me where the ruins are, and all the benefits the Caucasus Mage received this time are all yours! "

Droey made a heavy bet once, and Lin Yun was also very surprised. This guy made enough bets.

Indeed, as Drouy said, he is still fighting against the angry flame orcs. Except for the radiant fortress, no one's location is fixed. When the angry flame orcs are completely defeated, this site may be There are no major changes.

This general offensive brought together unprecedentedly powerful forces. The possibility of the complete defeat of the angry flame orcs is very high, and the benefits obtained after the war. It is indeed possible to outweigh the benefits gained in previous decades. This battle is very important. Related to the final division of resources and resources.

With the strength of the Caucasus battle mage, it is definitely comparable to a large force. They joined the total attack, and the final benefit was definitely an astronomical figure.

Now give it all to him, and let the Caucasus combat mage work for him. This is not something most people can think of.

However, compared with the benefits of the Raging Flame Plane, Lin Yun values ​​the interests of the Turan Mountains more. The Raging Flame Plane has many forces. And here is also the Merlin family, which is actually not much.

On the other side of the Turan Mountains, there are more unknowns that have not yet been tapped. There are countless benefits there. The benefits there are all top-level, almost all of which were left by the top powerhouses, or they have long legs. Your Majesty is concerned.

Here, it is just a piece of land, and all excavated are resources. It can't be compared at all.

For a family, resources may be more important, but the Turan Mountains are much more important for Lin Yun.

This position is absolutely impossible to give to others.

"Her Excellency Drouy. Your request is a bit difficult for a strong man."

When Droy heard that Lin Yun didn't care about the interests at all, he refused without hesitation. Immediately pleading.

"Her Mafia, I think you misunderstood. I, as well as our Caucasus. Definitely not for the benefit, we only hope to find Her Majesty Wagrand's relics, and to find His Majesty's imprint. This is only in memory, not For the benefit.

What does Her Majesty Wagram mean to me and all of our Caucasian combat mages, I believe you must know. For so many years, we have been pursuing His Majesty's tracks, but there is basically no gain. Even a handwritten book by His Majesty Wagland was destroyed by the Thunder that came down accidentally a few years ago.

Without a sustenance, all valuable treasures of His Majesty Wagrand were lost, which was a disaster for all Caucasus combat mage.

I just want to find the relics of Her Majesty Waglan, so that all Caucasus war mages know that Her Majesty Waglan has always been with us. In addition to these, I swear in the name of Her Majesty Waglan, any other interests, we will count It was found, and it would never move the slightest. "

Lin Yun sighed.

"Her Droi, do you think I'm going to die and hide it? Because I'm not telling you anything, telling you the location, unless you have more than the combat power of the sky order, and you have the strength to fight the two sky orders, Otherwise, there is absolutely no way for you to find the relics of the King of Caucasus from there. "

Droey exclaimed, "What? This ... how is this possible ..."

Lin Yun froze.

"What is impossible? Why do you think I only got the chapter of the element and the meditative idea, but nothing else? That's because I have no time at all and escaped all the way, almost died in it.

Who should you know about Bells? There is a soul of Bells, a real heavenly creature ...

There is also the projection of Galax. Galax, you do n’t know who it is, so you should know the distant Lord on the 17th floor. There is also the projection of the barren lord.

I almost died under its hands at the time. The 38th-level Warcraft was just dipped in the withering fire of a barren lord and was instantly burned to death. It was as simple as pinching an ant, if not for its attention at the time. It's not on me at all, I can't stand here to talk to you at all now.

So, it ’s not that I do n’t tell you, but that you do n’t have the strength of Heavenly Order, and you ca n’t even approach it, let alone explore the ruins. "

Deloitte opened his mouth, stunned, and for a long while, he grinned sadly and said goodbye to Lin Yun.

Drouy still has the most basic judgment ability. He knows that Lin Yun has not lied. Then, the Caucasus really has no ability to explore.

Bells, how could he not know that the son of the famous and long-legged Majesty of the Third Dynasty, a peerless genius, was no less inferior to his father.

You must know that His Majesty's Long Legs is as famous as His Majesty Waglan's. The two are close friends for decades and their strengths are almost the same. In the last days, it is said that His Majesty's Majesty's Majesty's long legged In the battle, the winner is His Majesty with long legs.

Bells is known in the records as a genius who is not inferior to His Majesty's Long Legs. Now even if there is only one soul left, it is not comparable to those who have just entered the heavenly order.

There is also the barren lord, the lord of the seventeenth floor of the abyss. This name alone is enough to explain everything, even if it is only a trace of projection, even the weakest projection, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Droy returned to the camp of the Caucasus combat mage with frustration, and burrowed into a separate tent in the deepest part. Droy hesitated for a while, and took a crystal and put it on the table.

This matter is so important that it must be told to the king, and the danger there is not something they can control, but they can only sue the king first ...

Since His Majesty Waglan, no one in the Caucasus's battle mage has ever been the King of Caucasus.

Because this title belongs only to Wagram, all subsequent Caucasus kings were all made kings. This is the respect of all Caucasus kings to His Majesty Wagram.

Thinking of this king, Drouy could not help frowning.

Because this king is too mysterious.

At that time, a team of mining workers descended from a lightning strike peak. On a snowy night, they picked up a baby. There was no mark on the baby, only one package wrapped him.

These workers are all citizens of the Caucasus. Those who are not talented enough to become real Caucasus combat mages, but who are physically strong, will become important Caucasus miners.

A baby appeared on a snowy night, and naturally nobody could turn a blind eye, as did the miners, who brought the baby back.

But the next day, when a dozen miners were mining a lightning strike ore, they were chopped into coke by a rough thunder that fell from the sky, and the original wrapping of the baby disappeared. In its place, some worn animal skins.

Those who want to investigate the baby's origin will naturally not be able to find out, even if they have checked the families who have recently given birth to children, no family has lost children.

This matter will not be left, and no one thinks that an abandoned baby can have any effect. The Caucasian will not take a bite to give this baby a sip.

Over time, the baby showed a powerful talent, and he could communicate fluently with people at the age of three, and knew all the common words at the age of four, and he could lift a hundred pounds at the age of five.

He is at least ten times more talented than the most talented child in the entire Caucasus, and his physical talent has broken the record of the Caucasian for thousands of years.

Droy began to teach his magic when he was five years old.

But after only imparting the basic knowledge of the king for one year and teaching him how to meditate, this little genius disappeared.

A few months later ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ came back again, already a first-level mage, a seven-year-old mage, completely sensational senior Esso.

After that, he never came to consult with Drouy. He has been practicing meditation himself. Every year, he disappears for several months.

Later, every few years, it will disappear for several months, and after each return, the strength has made great progress.

By the time he was twenty-nine years old, he had advanced to the rank of Magister.

By the age of thirty-five, everyone couldn't see how strong he was. When he was thirty-six, the previous king had fallen. When competing for the king's position, he usually showed little performance. Very In a low-key, he easily defeated all competitors, and rightfully took the position of king.

After becoming a king, it is still very low-key, it seems to always be hidden in the dark, very few words, but every time it is decisive. (To be continued ...)


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