End of the Magic Era

Chapter 823: get out

Ps: I want to hear more of your voices and want to receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to the "Throne of the Throne"! The Golden Pearl is more important to the Charlotte family. This half of the veins are bare minerals on the surface, which can almost be regarded as the backbone of the Charlotte family business.

Occupying a plane completely is enough to ensure that a family will prosper, even if it is at its most decline, it will not be destroyed. Just go through that period of decline, and when a person in the family can do something, it will happen again. Rise.

The plane coordinates of the Jinzhu plane have always been confidential in the Charlotte family. None of the guards guarding the Jinzhu plane knows the coordinates of the Jinzhu plane. Workers, slaves responsible for mining Li Li, all of them are a lifetime, don't even think about leaving from there.

Although the Golden Pearl Plane is not suitable for living, and the environment is very bad, but the loss of the resources there is enough to make the Charlotte family slow for several years.

Just as the Raging Flame Plane is so important, both the Kingdom and the Odin Kingdom are salivating here. This is because this Plane is not only huge in land, rich in resources, but also more suitable for human habitation. The value of this Plane is more valuable than that of the Kingdom. The value of its output in one year is even higher.

了 This kind of thing happened, the other side can kill the Jinzhu plane silently and destroy the ground, it must be that the other party has made all the necessary preparations, and it must not be the accidentally discovered gold pearl plane.

Then there is only one possibility. The Charlotte family had internal traitors, and the plane coordinates of the Golden Pearl plane were leaked ...

In the meantime, there are only a few people who know the coordinates of the Golden Pearl Plane in the Charlotte family.

Every night, everyone who might know the coordinates of the Jinzhu plane. All were summoned back.

大 The big devil disguised as the incarnation of a magic weapon was also invited out and verified one by one. As long as I am a little sorry for the Charlotte family, they will be immediately killed by the great devil.

Kans Charlotte was naturally a member called back. Seeing that the family was so active, I heard that the Jinzhu plane was completely captured, and almost fainted ...

The **** Caucasus war mage, aren't these savages saying they will come slowly? Didn't you say that you would mine ore by yourself in some remote places?

How did the Jinzhu plane be captured within a day, and even the guards left by the Charlotte family were all killed ...

It's over, it's over ...

He squinted and looked at a scream from the ancestral land ahead. Kans Charlotte's face was all white. If he went in at this time, he would die.

Suddenly, Kans Charlotte made a decision and confessed himself.

He quietly found his father, and Kans Charlotte didn't say a word, and fell to his knees on the floor.

"Father, the plane coordinates of the Jinzhu plane were leaked out by me ..."

刚 As soon as Kans Charlotte's words fell, Novi Charlotte slaped Kans Charlotte up and out.

说 "Say. What the **** is going on."

Slap slaps, but Kans's heart relaxes, and a nose blows to Norwell's feet with tears. Holding Norway's leg, he whispered everything completely.

"... Father, you don't know the Merlin Merlin of the Merlin family. It's too much. I really can't help it. I just wanted to hire a Caucasian combat mage ...

Alas ... I originally planned to let the Caucasus Mage kill Mafammelin. We were ready. They have no use for coordinates, but I didn't expect it. This group of barbarians would be like this ... "

When Kans Charlotte finished speaking, Norway's face turned completely dark. Staring at Kans, his face was full of anger. More are helpless ...

"You stupid, even if you make a deal with a battle mage in the Caucasus, the price paid is the plane coordinates of the Golden Pearl Plane. Has your brain been eaten by a marmot?

Damn, are those greedy, stupid, but powerful and terrible barbarians who can be traded? Do you think they are so foolish?

You send a piece of fat to their mouths, how could they not eat it first, **** it, do you know how powerful those greedy savages are, you think they have been robbed of the golden bead plane, we still Is there a chance to grab it back?

Stupid! idiot! When the Caucasus battle mage was the most powerful, the entire kingdom could not stop them. Now even if it is a bit declining, it is far from our Charlotte family. Can we talk to those stupid savages? "

Nuowei was sitting on a chair with a look of discouragement. The Caucasus Mage was not in a position to fight them. If he wanted to regain the Golden Pearl plane, he could only hit it hard.

Moreover, the coordinates of the plane have been leaked, and the recapture has no previous meaning. The barbarians will keep harassing, and even if they can be robbed, it will not have much meaning.

He thought about it, but there was only a deep defeat. Looking at Kans, he wanted to strangle the son directly.

Kan Kan cried with a snot and a tear, seeing his father look like this, suddenly panic.

"Father, it's all so blame Malfoy Merlin. I totally look down on our Charlotte family and oppose our Charlotte family everywhere. If we don't kill him, wouldn't the Merlin family ride on the head of our Charlotte family? On.

I do n’t want to see this happen now, but our losses must not be borne by us, yes, it ’s the Merlin family, the Marfa Merlin, maybe, no, it must be the Marfa Merlin. Partner us with those barbarians.

My father, we have no way to deal with those barbarians in the Caucasus. Is there no way to deal with the Merlin family and that **** Malfay Merlin?

Our loss can allow the Meilin family to accompany us double. This time, we may not only make up for the loss, but also make a lot of money, but also suppress the Meilin family. Isn't this the best of both worlds? "

Pankans sweated coldly, quickly uttered a plan, and then looked at his father uneasily.

Suddenly, the look of Nuowei's expression was slightly viable.

Yeah, the Caucasus battle mage is not easy to mess with, and the barbarians wouldn't make sense at all. The flesh in their mouths wants them to spit it out. There is only one way to go to war, but the Merlin family is different.

In the final analysis, this is because of the Merlin family. Now find a reason for the Merlin family to compensate, but they can't do it. Unless the Merlin family wants to go to war with our Charlotte family.

But why did the Merlins have the courage to go to war with our Charlottes? With only a little persecution, they will certainly obediently compensate us for one plane.

I heard that the Meilin family had previously discovered a new plane. The environment is better than the golden bead plane. Although the mineral resources are not as many as the golden bead plane, there are more resources for cherishing magic plants ...

If we can grab it back, our losses will be fully compensated, even under the circumstances of suppressing the Merlin family. Take advantage of some of the major businesses of the Merlin family ...

Thinking of this, Norwell also feels that this method can be used. Although the Charlotte family is not as good as the cloud tower and black tower, it is also the kingdom's second power. A Merlin family, can you dare to resist?

Although Yun agreed with the plan in his heart, Norwell did not give Kans a good look, but waved to seal Kans's magic.

来 "Come here, take Kans to the black jail and reflect for a while."

Kankan trembled and his lips were white. But forcing him not to ask for mercy, what is the black jail of the Charlotte family, all of the Charlotte family heard it. Can't help shivering.

There is a place where the Charlotte family's enemies and traitors often live. After entering, don't even want to live out. Even the vast majority of people who entered the black jail were finally driven crazy.

I'm there, it's hard to die. All the jailers inside are mentally distorted metamorphosis. They are best at torturing people, but they have medicine. Until you get the news you want, you won't die at all. This is the most terrible.

Kans slumped to the ground and opened his mouth. Like the dying swimming fish, it is also clear that compared with the fault of leaking the coordinates of his family plane, immortality is already regarded as selfishness, and he will not suffer much torture if he stays in the black jail for a period of time. This is the lightest ending ...

斯 Kans, who could not stand the battle, was dragged away. Early in the morning, some rumors began to circulate in the storm fortress.

坐标 The coordinates of the Golden Pearl Plane of the Charlotte family were lost, and they were completely captured overnight ...

Merlin Merlin of the Merlin family used no means of conspiracy ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ deceived the coordinates of the Jinzhu plane ...

Rumors spread, almost everyone had a preconceived impression, the Charlotte family planted a big heel, the Merlin family played a good trick, and easily grabbed a rich mineral resources ...

In the early morning, many people were walking outside the camp of the Meilin family, and even some people came to the business of mineral resources cooperation of the Meilin family ...

Those who came to seek cooperation and wanted to take advantage of them were also confused. Lin Yun was a little confused. His feet in the alchemy laboratory were not touched, but were interrupted one after another. All the people who came were trying to talk to the Merlin family. Cooperation mines are intentional.

Did the Meilin family discover any new magic veins? Or did you find any super-large veins?

When Lin Yun was still a little confused, someone came again.

"Maffa Merlin, get out of me!"

A roar blew loudly over the camp of the Merlin family. Lin Yun went out to take a look. An eighth-level magic wizard wearing a robe with the Charlotte family logo on the robe came in with a wave.

Behind him was a group of wizards of the Charlotte family, all of whom were magic wizards. Everyone was experiencing strong magic fluctuations. At first glance, they were not ready to speak. (My novel The Throne of Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend. Public account "qdread" and follow, speed up!) (To be continued) []

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