End of the Magic Era

Chapter 824: Fence up

ps: I want to hear more of your voices, and want to receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to the "Throne of the Throne"! With a cold face, Wisky rushed into the Merlin family's camp with an angry light in his eyes, and immediately drank when he saw Lin Yun.

"Maffa Merlin, today your Merlin family must give us an account of the Charlotte family!"

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, glancing at Wisky, and then looking at more and more people outside the camp, without speaking.

Wisky raised his head, pointed at Lin Yun's nose, and roared loudly.

"Maffamelin, you despicable thief, liar, you have completely lost the face of the Merlin family. You have deceived the coordinates of our Charlotte family's golden bead plane from Master Kans in such a mean and dirty way. Are you trying to cause public outrage? Your Merlin family must give us an account and compensation today! "

"Damn bastard, do you know how heavy Jin Zhuwei is against our Charlotte family? Or just because of your meanness, how much loss did our Charlotte family suffer, and every day's loss is an astronomical figure , The huge number of your Mafamaline has never thought of, replaced with gold coins, can drown you! "

"Conspiracy, this is an outright conspiracy of your Merlin family, **** bastard, are you trying to kill the Charlotte family for thousands of years? If you do n’t give our Charlotte family a satisfactory account today, then, wait Ripped to pieces by our magic! "

Visky rebuked impassionedly, and a group of wizards behind him sullenly operated the magic power, and the huge magic wave spread like a tide to the surroundings.

The first to leave the class laughed and laughed, with the IQ off the class, they can see that this group of **** are here to slap people.

"You **** bastards. You want to come to blame us for everything. You have lost the plane coordinates of the Charlotte family. Why blame Master Merlin. It's stupid ..."

Visky glanced up at his eyes, his body full of magic. Turned into an invisible flame, swirling around him, staring out of class with a murderous eye.

"Maffamelin, I now give you the last chance of the Merlin family. You deceived the coordinates of the Golden Pearl plane of our Charlotte family. We can never blame it, but you must give us corresponding compensation. I can treat this as you. A joke with Master Kans.

You should know that deceitful use of other means to defraud other family plane coordinates. This is something that can cause public outrage. Our Charlotte family doesn't want to make unnecessary sacrifice and fight, we just want to get our losses back.

That's why I came here today to talk to your Merlin family, but if you are obsessed, don't think our Charlotte family is bullying! "

Wiskey had his head on his face, and he nodded his head, looking at the crowd outside.

"The general attack of the Raging Flame plane is about to begin. At this time, there should be no internal conflict. The Charlotte family knows the big picture."

"Yeah, I used to think that the Charlotte family's Wisky had a bad temper. I didn't expect to talk with the Merlin family now ..."

Wisky was suppressing his anger and playing drums in his heart. It was not that he could not be intimidated by tough means directly. If it was too big, it would be the Charlotte family.

At this time, Lin Yun finally understood and understood the cause and effect of the incident. The idiot of Kans Charlotte used the coordinates of the plane of the golden pearl as the cost, and invited the Caucasian war mage to kill him.

Now it is impossible to catch the golden rooster worth ten thousand dollars, but it has lost the bait wine bug that has been hardly cultivated.

This is when the people make up for the loss of the Charlotte family ...

Wisky argued with the Merlins. Weisky insisted that Lin Yun used despicable means to deceive the coordinates of the Golden Pearl plane. The Merlin family did not admit it ...

Noisy for a while. Lin Yun spoke for the first time after trying to understand the problem.

"Is Vesky? Never mind, it doesn't matter. I'll ask you a question. You said that I used a mean method to deceive the coordinates of the Golden Bead Plane from Kans Charlotte, then I ask you, In whose hands is the Jinzhu plane now? In the hands of our Merlin family or in my hands? "

Visky's generous but dignified "speaking" couldn't continue anymore, his face changed continuously.

Damn bastard, this question can't be answered, can it be said that the Golden Pearl plane is now in the hands of the Caucasus battle mage?

Damn, the power of those **** savages is not something our Charlotte family can resist. Now we can only quickly suppress the Merlin family and let the Merlin family pay for our losses.

He must not be allowed to continue talking. This time when he came to the Merlin family, it was a bit confusing. If anyone knew that our Charlotte family used the coordinates of the Golden Pearl plane to hire a Caucasian combat mage to kill, the killing was unsuccessful. What would the Merlin family think of us.

At that time, the faces of the Charlotte family will be completely lost. Maybe the forces that cooperate with the Charlotte family will not dare to cooperate with us anymore.

Thinking about it from another perspective, the reputation of our Charlotte family may be completely ruined. At that time, if we want the Merlin family to help us make up for this loss, it is even worse than looting ...

No, I ca n’t continue this way. Word persecution has no effect. If you continue, it will be completely upset. By then, everyone knows that the truth of the matter has passed, and the faces of the Charlotte family have been completely lost ...

Thinking of this, Wisky gritted his teeth, and his whole body surging magic waved at the Merlin family's camp.

"Fence me!"

Suddenly, the group of wizards brought by Wisky and two titled wizards surrounded the camp of the Merlin family.

"Maffamelin, I'll give you three minutes. If you don't give us a satisfactory compensation and account for the Charlotte family, you, the mean thief, and those of your Merlin family, you don't need to see the sun tomorrow !!

I came here to negotiate with you with great sincerity. What is your attitude? If you want to go to war, the Charlotte family will go to war with your Merlin family! By then, it will not be such a small issue of compensation! "

Wisky took the lead. Hold your head up, take out your spiritual wood staff, and stare at Lin Yun coldly. The wizards of the Charlotte family around them also began to mobilize the magic. With a single order from Wisky, the Merlin family's camp was razed to the ground.

All of a sudden, the people in the Merlin family camp came out one by one. Fifty wizards looked at these people expressionlessly. There was a hockey ball floating around Lena's side, and the class was carrying slaughter Came out.

"Come here, you garbage, Uncle Uncle promises not to kill you ..."

A battle is about to begin. People watching the crowd outside the camp all backed up some distance in unison, and even more people went to the tower to blame.

Right now the general offensive of the Raging Flame plane is about to begin. This is a fight, it is too bad for morale ...

In this case, Lin Yun sneered, holding his arm, and shouted outside the camp.

"Lord Droghey, you're almost watching the fun, come and talk to the idiot of the Charlotte family."

Droy heard Lin Yun's voice. An awkward look suddenly appeared.

When I was standing in the back, I hid in an inconspicuous place, and the front was blocked strictly. Even the magic did not dare to use it, just to observe through the gap of the crowd.

When it's over, I'm afraid this Malfay Merlin has already found me here. I was just thinking about watching the fun ...

The idiots of the Charlotte family actually wanted to blackmail Malfay Merlin. They went to the Valley of Poisonous Mist to breathe fresh air ...

They are giving me another chance. Great opportunity. The stupid stuff of the Charlotte family rushes around. The strength of the Merlin family may not be able to cope with it. When Mafia Merlin cannot stand it. I was standing up to help him make a siege and passed the stupid stuff of the Charlotte family ...

This is no longer a love affair. Let me express my sincerity again, those idiots of Kempes were punished. The thorn in Malfay Merlin's heart was naturally eliminated. The original grudge was not a trivial matter, and it was naturally repaid ...

At that time, not only will the good talents of Malfama Merlin be terrified, the future must be the power of the heavenly order, and he can also complete the task of the king ...

Damn, how did he find me?

I have hid behind this crowd, all the magic has converged, and there are other magic interferences next to him, he can find me, it is really unfathomable ...

Drouy was a little reluctant. It would be called by name, and he could only come out daringly, with an awkward smile on his face.

As a prophet of a Caucasian combat mage, this situation is quite awkward ...

But Wisky, who had been prepared to intimidate, flashed a stun in his face.

Damn, what's going on? Didn't Kans' idiot say that he had hired a Caucasus combat mage to assassinate Malfamelin?

Shouldn't these powerful savages have a bad relationship with Mafammelin? what's going on?

How could Malfay Merlin call out the Prophet Droy ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ How did the Prophet Droy stand up?

Weiski suddenly didn't understand, especially when he saw Drouy's "skin with a smile on his skin," but it seemed a weird smile.

Offend the prophet Drouy, stop joking ...

The Jinzhu plane was completely captured overnight by the Caucasus battle mage. The Charlotte family did not dare to go to the trouble of the Caucasus battle mage, not even the symbolic protest ...

One plane was captured overnight, even if it was just a small plane with a bad environment and a small place, it was a good plane!

All those who defend the plane are the elite and strong of the family. You must know that the small plane is not particularly stable. There are often some alien space creatures appearing. Those fierce alien plane creatures are the worst. They are all at the division level, and when they appear, they are a large group, one by one, without exception, all can be dealt with by the title wizard. (My novel Throne of the Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend, search Public account "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued)

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