End of the Magic Era

Chapter 827: gap

Because we, the Kingdom of Andalusia, and the Kingdom of Odin, have only one winner and loser, they will completely withdraw from the plane of rage, no matter how much land they control, how many resources they control, how many strongholds, after defeat, they will Completely lost.

The winner, only one, will gain everything, and the loser will lose everything.

Therefore, I hope you all understand that this is a gamble that is about everyone's interests. If you win, everyone will get more, far more than what you have now, and if you fail, everyone will forever quit the rage plane together. Lose everything. "

As soon as the words of the Cang Lan Sword Master were finished, a small power leader sitting at the small table behind stood up.

"No! We will never agree. Why does the Kingdom promise us to replace the gambling of the Kingdom of Odin? Your family has a great career, and you can of course not care about gambling, because as long as you win, you will get the most benefits. Lose It's just throwing away the benefits from the angry flame plane.

But if we lose, we may have nothing. Besides, how strong the kingdom of Odin is, everyone knows, knowing that it is impossible to bet on winning, and to bet, then whoever you want to, bet on it. Anyway, I can never agree, you bet on you, it has nothing to do with us! "

This person finished speaking. Canglan Sword Master sneered.

The others did not expect a response, but only a few people with small forces should drink it, while others looked at it with the eyes of an idiot.

Even Star Sage Joe, who has been silent on the big round table. Can't help but glance over there, with a sympathy in their eyes that can't bear to hurt the idiot.

A group of people looked up. Apparently all surprised by this guy's IQ.

It's all this time, and you can still say such things. Is this stupid IQ even lower than Slime?

The Kingdom of Odin has been united, and you can still say such things as yourself, do you think it is not easy for the other party to clean up without ordering you?

At this time, the only option is to unite and win the kingdom of Odin in this gamble. Otherwise, the person who placed the order may not be left with even the bone fragments.

Damn, but the strength of the Kingdom of Odin is much stronger than the Kingdom of Andalusia.

Regardless of the overall national strength, the number of strong men, the ranks of the strong men are all aspects of the suppression of the Kingdom of Andalusia. FqsW.OM

There are several sky-ranking powerhouses in the Kingdom of Odin that can be counted on the bright side, and even those who have appeared recently. Not to mention that the number of title wizards far exceeds that of the Andalusian kingdom.

In the Kingdom of Odin, none of the sky-ranked powerhouses sat directly in the town, and they were not at all top-level forces. Let's look at the Kingdom of Andalusia. The two strongest power towers and black towers are the strongest. The strongest on the bright side are Star Sage Joey and Heron, and these two are just one foot into the Heavenly Order, not yet advanced to Heavenly Order.

This is the gap!

We must know that the Kingdom of Odin is not only the kingdom known as the world's strongest Northrend, but also recognized as the world's first strong country. The strength of the country is not comparable to other kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Odin claims to be a descendant of the Third Dynasty. Although many people are not convinced in this matter, many people think that it is the royal family of Odin Kingdom who put gold on his face.

But no one will deny the fact. That is the current capital of the Kingdom of Odin, the court of the Third Dynasty!

After the fall of the Third Dynasty. Many things have been destroyed, but there are still many things left. As the third dynasty's royal court, the legacy and various rare treasures are left. No one knows how many are not destroyed, how many It was inherited by the current Kingdom of Odin.

The Kingdom of Odin has inherited the largest legacy of the Third Dynasty. It is absolutely undeniable that even the Kingdom of Odin himself has not explained anything.

Because of this, the strength of the Kingdom of Odin is much stronger than that of Andalusia, and it is also stronger than that of the major kingdoms.

Because of this, the plane and resources occupied by the Kingdom of Odin will be more. The Raging Flame plane is very important for the Kingdom of Odin, but as one that has not been conquered, even the Kingdom of Andalusia has been inserted. The first-hand plane is far less important than other planes that have been conquered and controlled by the Kingdom of Odin.

Most of the power of the Kingdom of Odin was dragged elsewhere, and even the top forces of the Kingdom of Odin did not have much power to participate in the conquest and battle of the Raging Flame Plane.

The forces that can come to conquer the Flame Plane are actually not the top forces in the Kingdom of Odin, and the strength here is far from strong enough to make the Kingdom of Andalusia despair.

It is for this reason that the Kingdom of Andalusia has a chance to bet on gambling. The Clan Lan Jiansheng decisively decisive action, and at a glance saw the future crisis and the current opportunity.

If you wait until the Fury Plane is completely conquered, then the Kingdom of Andalusia and the Kingdom of Odin will be in charge of the Fury Plane together, and war will inevitably occur because of the control of the Fury Plane.

Now the power of the Kingdom of Andalusia does not seem to be much worse than that of the Kingdom of Odin on the Raging Flame Plane, but you must know that most of the power that the Kingdom of Andalusia can extract now has been invested in the Raging Flame Plane.

During this time, most of the power of the Kingdom of Odin could not be transferred, and the stronger forces did not have time to participate in the overall attack of the Raging Flame plane.

However, it does not mean that the Kingdom of Odin will not be able to draw much power.

It can be expected that after the Raging Flame Plane is completely conquered and the Raging Flame Orcs are completely wiped out, the battle between the last two kingdoms will necessarily end with the defeat of the Kingdom of Andalusia.

Bet on everything and the future of the Raging Flames plane, this is the best opportunity for the Kingdom of Andalusia.

Failure, and sooner or later, there will be no regrets. It seems that it can still be regarded as a strong man's broken wrist, reducing some huge future losses.

Won. That was a great victory, and the forces of the Kingdom of Odin all withdrew from the flames. The gains for everyone will far exceed expectations, and there will be no waves for a long time to come.

This is the most important thing. If the gains have not been eaten, they are snatched by others, so why work hard to conquer the flames.

Although the hope of gambling is not great, there is some hope in the end, it is better than a complete defeat.

Except for the leaders of a few small forces. The great forces, and most people, think that Cang Lan Sword Master is the best way.

People with a little vision have already seen that the situation is very bad for the Kingdom of Andalusia.

"Now the people of the Kingdom of Odin are united. If we are not united, we are doomed to die very miserably. Do you still think naively that if the Kingdom of Odin first took the Holy Mountain of the Rage Flame, Is there a foothold for all of you here? Do you think you can keep the place you are in? "

A little boss stood up and firmly supported Prince Canglan.

The first person stood up. Someone else responded immediately.

"Yes, I believe everyone knows the strength of the Kingdom of Odin. If we don't unite and win this big bet, all of our gains here will certainly be lost."

"That is, whoever opposes now and only cares about themselves, then don't blame us all for not wanting. Whoever opposes, immediately get out of the flames. Don't drag everyone back."

Soon, most people firmly supported this big bet. Others who do n’t want to, also understand. If they objected, there was no need to wait for the people of the Kingdom of Odin to take action, and now they would lose everything.

Lin Yun sat there without saying a word, listening quietly, couldn't help but glance at the Canglan Sword Master, and his heart was also amazed.

With this decisive ability and wisdom, it is no wonder that it will be so trusted by the current king. It is the best choice to gamble. The war that is destined to be transformed into the current total attack, so that the doomed failure becomes the possession. Chances are, this is indeed the best choice.

It is impossible for the Kingdom of Odin not to accept this time of gambling, because it is good for them, their power is stronger, the probability of winning is greater, and the full control of the angry flame plane may become smoother and more perfect than originally planned .

This is a conspiracy that the Kingdom of Odin cannot fail to accept.

Soon, in the fierce discussions, both those who understand and those who don't understand, know that this is an opportunity, at least an opportunity where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

If you lose, everyone can save your strength and exit the flames. If you do n’t gamble, the kingdom of Odin will free up and slowly calculate the accounts ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the foundations that each of these forces work hard to run will definitely turn into water. Even the manpower will be severely lost.

Win, that is the benefit of Tianda, far more than expected.

Therefore, the gambling proposal was approved in full in just ten minutes.

But then discuss the general attack, when the various forces want to come up with how much power, the huge conference room becomes a vegetable market, a group of mage masters who are always high above them, holding their sleeves like bargaining old grocery shopping women, fiercely The foam was flying.

"The northern angry flame orc has the strongest strength. We can't give up all our strength when we participate in the general attack? Who knows which mean angry flame orcs will sneak around us and sneak in behind us. This kind of thing hasn't happened before. "

"That is, we can dispatch ten wizards and fifty divisions. It is already the limit. There can be no more. No more can guarantee the security of our fortress."

"I have only heard before that your family sent 30 magic wizards secretly, and you only brought out ten. What kind of intention do you have is that we want us to sacrifice a little bit, so you can pick it up at the last time. The fruit of victory, right? "

"Our family can only take out three hundred divisions, and no more. We must know that this is the fact that our family has deployed guards from all over the place. The guarding power of the family has become empty, and there can be no more ..."

"Oh, our family had lost too much before. Now we have twenty wizards, one titled wizard. It is already full of power ..."

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