End of the Magic Era

Chapter 828: integral

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There was a mess in the conference room, and when everyone talked about how much power they gave out, everyone shirk from it.

It's not that the family has suffered a lot of losses, so there is only so much family left, or that there is so much power except the guards can take out, or that it is all the power of the Northrend World ...

Everyone is at odds with each other, and when they see the benefits, they all want to jump on the whole person. However, the forces invested in the war have the idea of ​​saving their strength as much as possible.

After ten consecutive minutes of quarreling, there was no result. Even when they were short of each other, many people almost fought on the spot.

There were only seven major forces sitting at the largest round table in the center, and no one spoke.

For a long while, Canglan Sword Master, who had no face to speak, opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Heron with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Heron glanced around casually, seeing Lin Yun leaning on a chair in a sleepy look, could not help showing a smile, and Joey nodded slightly.

At this moment, Heron reached out her finger and tapped twice on the round table.

Uh ...

A wave of magic wave flickered, and two crisp sounds were like a breeze passing by. Everyone who passed by seemed to sound a thunder.


Suddenly, Lin Yun opened his eyes and yawned boringly. Knowing that the drama is coming up.

The two knocks by Heron were not what ordinary people could do. Already involved in the power of the rules, a trace of magic. Sound is the medium of transmission.

Let everyone's magic resonate for a short time, the lower the strength, the stronger the impact.

At the division level, at this time, they all have painful faces, and the sound is really the same as the explosion of a thunder blast in their ears. The magic resonance is instantaneous. If Heron had no intention to kill, they would all be dead.

And those of the Magister level. He also closed his mouth involuntarily, his face was a little pale, and only with the title wizard can he not see much impact.

However, the lower-ranked title wizards also closed their mouths and were busy calming down the magic that caused ripples. The stronger the people, the less impact they have.

The true face does not change, there is only a group of people sitting on the large central table. Here are all the powerful men with five or more titles.

Lin Yun didn't seem to have any influence. He even yawned as if he had just woke up. Joey's eyes were a little surprised and even a smile.

Heron's eyes flashed. Lin Yun glanced more.

And the Canglan Swordmaster, who has been silent, took the initiative to look at Lin Yun.

For a moment, the strongest star sage Joey, Heta Speaker Heron. There is also Canglan Sword Master, who knows the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the conference room.

There was silence for three or four seconds. The quiet wind in the conference room seemed to have stopped.

At this time, Heron slowly spoke.

"You are worried. If you win a big bet, how to guarantee your own interests is a very simple question."

Heron spoke, Canglan Swordmaster remained silent, Joey was silent, and both of them were tacit.

This time, everyone tasted a little taste.

Heron spoke, necessarily representing the meaning of the Black Tower, but Star Sage Joey made such a gesture, which means that the cloud tower also defaulted to Heron's meaning.

In this way, the two strongest powers in the Kingdom of Andalusia have expressed their meanings, and the Clan Lan Sage, which represents the royal family, is also unremarkable.

Everyone knows that what Helen will say next is the final conclusion.

"No one wants to go out in vain, but in the end they get nothing.

If we win the bet, then the scope controlled by the major forces will inevitably be re-divided. The principle of division will be fairer. When participating in the total attack, whoever contributes the most will finally get the corresponding gains.

Divided according to contribution, in this case, I believe that no one has any opinion, and I know that you are afraid that you lose too much in this total attack, even if you have assigned the corresponding site, there is no way to keep it.

Then, the seven major forces we are sitting in lead the signing of a blood oath. The results of this time are completely divided according to contributions, and the places where they are divided will surely convince everyone. The sites controlled by various forces will be Within a hundred years, there must be no changes.

In this case, no matter whether it is open or stealing, or intimidation, absolutely no one can take away the results you should get.

Even if you have suffered heavy losses in this battle, this place will only be yours for five hundred years, and you will not be able to give it away.

If anyone wants to violate this rule, then the seven forces signing the blood oath here are obliged to stand up and attack. "

Herren hurled out the suggestion, and everyone did not immediately refute it. Everyone knew that it was fair to do so, but it was only relative and there were many loopholes.

It took a long time for an old titled wizard to speak on the round table.

"Herren, I have a question. Everyone knows that this is the best way to do it, but how is this contribution counted? No one can say that he has contributed a little more."

Heron grabbed it at hand, and a crystal ball appeared in the hand. The lower part of the crystal ball was inlaid with an artistic style gold-plated support. On all sides, there were four curved thin claws like women's slender fingers, which fixed the crystal ball to Top with gold plate.

In the crystal ball, there are dense runes constantly flowing, and at the top, there is a big zero floating.

"To ensure fairness, everyone is convinced to take it by mouth. Naturally, this crystal ball is not a magic weapon. It is wrong and cannot be said to be a magic weapon. It can only be regarded as a toy.

But it came from the Nasser dynasty and was a toy of pure blood elves. It cannot affect combat, but it has a very magical function. A system that can accumulate scores is called a points system.

Everyone knows that although pure blood elves are powerful, their fertility has not been very good. The reproduction of offspring is far less than that of us humans. Every pure blood elves is very valuable to them, but if they want to train their offspring, They do not want them to kill each other bloody, and pay more attention to their overall ability. Not personal strength.

This crystal ball was a very popular toy during the Nesser Dynasty. It can simulate the battlefield and reflect everyone in the battlefield in real time. How many points will you add to killing an ordinary orc soldier? How many points will be added to kill an orc warlock is not the same.

And kill a first wizard and kill a second wizard. The points you get are different, and your contributions will be recorded in it. "

Then, Heron snapped his fingers. Outside the door, two guards walked in with an ordinary orc soldier, Heron flicked his fingers, and a faint magic wave flashed. The orc soldier was too late to scream, and instantly lost his life. And there were no scars on the surface.

At this time, the crystal ball floating in Heron's hand was zero. Becomes one by one.

Seeing this scene, everyone understands that this is a clear record of the number of angry flame orcs that everyone has killed.

The white-haired titled wizard frowned and asked again.

"Herren, this point system is too hasty. If we go to kill ordinary soldiers of the angry flame orcs, as long as we kill the last legion, there are thousands of points, and this is not allowed at all ... "

Many people also have this concern, and it is too easy to score points. As long as the news is timely, it is dedicated to slaughter ordinary Raging Orc soldiers, and if one is drawn out here, they can easily kill thousands of ordinary Raging Orc soldiers. .

Heron smiled, pointed to the crystal ball,

"See, the most common orc soldier has only one point, but if it is a wizard-level orc warlock, it may have four or five thousand points. If you can kill the chief warrior of the ashes, at least There are more than a million points.

Therefore, do n’t even think about taking shortcuts. This is simply impossible. The ordinary soldiers of the Raging Flame Orcs all add up, and you do n’t have to kill the Chieftain alone to get more points. "

Immediately after Heron's words were spoken, there was doubt.

"Herren, it's not unfair for anyone who kills even his points. If I fought with an angry flame orc for half an hour, it would be my last blow, but someone would smash it. Kill, am I not in vain? "

Heron was not angry, and carefully explained to everyone.

"Don't underestimate this thing. It can be used by pure blood elves to train their juniors, not to train them who can kill more, but to train their overall ability.

This thing simulates a normal battle. From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, it took a look at the entire battle and all the people.

And the biggest mysterious ability of this crystal ball is to be able to calculate how much your every move affects and contributes to the entire battle. It doesn't mean that you will earn points if you kill anyone.

As I said just now ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Maybe you have fought hard for a long time, and you will be able to kill your opponent with a final blow, but you will be killed in front of you.

Then maybe this angry flame orc is a wizard, originally worth 5,000 points, then you make more contributions, you will get 4.8 or even 4.9 points, because you have made this angry flame orc Almost lost his combat power, and the man who finally killed the orc may only have one hundred points.

It's impossible for your contribution to be ignored. It doesn't make sense to grab people.

It may even be that this angry flame orc is trying to transport their important supplies, and you have found it. After a long struggle, you are still robbed by others.

This has a great impact on the battlefield. There may be 10,000 points, and you can get 9,900 points. (My novel Throne of the Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend, search Public account "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued ...)


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