End of the Magic Era

Chapter 830: Cooperation

Helen sighed with full regret on her face, and even said in a joking tone, trying to dig Lin Yun into the black tower ...

Helen not only regretted her intestines, but her little mage who was still selling meditation ideas now has become a titled wizard ...

And the atmosphere is calm and restrained, just like a constant mountain range, which makes people unable to detect the specific level, but it can sense the terrible strength in the fleeting magic wave, which is absolutely comparable to the ninth level Titled Magister ...

Even more frightening is that the other party ’s level is definitely not the Nine-level Title Wizard!

This is the most terrible place. You must know that during the period of the titled wizard, the fifth-level titled wizard is a hurdle. After this hurdle, the gap between each level will become larger and larger.

差距 The gap between each level may be larger than the previous large level.

There is a saying that there is a six-tiered ladder at the stage of the magister's title. The first-tier ladder is from the first-tier title to the fifth-tier title.

Level 6 is the second-level ladder. After reaching the fifth-level ladder at level nine, after a half-step, it is the sixth-level ladder. After completely walking through the sixth-level ladder, it is ascending to the sky and becoming an extraordinary power. Mortal.

In the process of climbing the ladder, the people on each step will not have too much difference in combat effectiveness, at most they are some of the top powerhouses. Can be invincible at the same level, but very few people can do it.

There is one in front of me. Heron was pretty sure of this new lord in front of her. It is the very rare person who can cross the steps.

Auntie, if you get to the Black Tower earlier, the Black Tower will definitely become the strongest force in the Kingdom of Andalusia, and even in the next thousand years, it may become stronger ...

To a certain extent, the strength of a power is controlled by the top-level powerhouse.

A sky-level strongman, even if he doesn't do anything, the huge shadow can be shrouded. Let the forces that are in place develop rapidly.

A man destined to become a heavenly powerhouse, or even a powerhouse far superior to his peers, this kind of person is so cheap and cheap Merlin family ...

The Meilin family is really out of luck ...

Gao Linyun smiled implicitly when Helen joked and said nothing.

"Her Excellency is really too famous ..."

Joey, who was aside, smiled cheerfully and relentlessly replenished Heron.

"Herald Helen, you only saw the talents and advanced speed of your Mafia, but you forgot the more important and rare thing. Your Mafia is an alchemist. And now he is a creator!"

As soon as the three words of the creator came out, Heron tangled his face, as if he had been stabbed with a knife, covering her face in pain.

Oh shit. Creator, damn, how many creators are there in Andalusia? Just three. It seems that there are still two people who can hardly see anyone, I don't know which plane to go to ...

This young creator. The creator in his twenties, is this guy a reincarnation?

I forget. Whatever the hefty price that Heta has paid now, I am afraid that His Majesty will not be able to let Her Mafia come to Heta, so maintain a friendly relationship.

Even if Mafa is not a strong one, the three words of the Creator alone are enough for Black Tower to make every effort.

Helen was tangled, but Joey smiled happily.

The speed of Marfa's progress is too fast. Regardless of the level or the strength of alchemy, fortunately, Marfa's relationship with our cloud tower has been very good. Since he was a mage, he has formed a good relationship with us. Friendship.

Alas, I still remember how he looked when he unlocked the formula, and I didn't expect him to grow so fast that it was too late for everyone to react.

If it hadn't been known from the beginning, I'm afraid I wouldn't believe that Marfa had grown to such a point in such a short time ...

Now I have become qualified to sit on an equal footing with me, and even qualified to cooperate with the cloud tower. I'm afraid it won't be long before he may become the person I want to look up to.

He's not going to advance to Heaven in front of me, right?

Impossible, it takes too much time for the title of Magister, and it takes time to settle. It cannot be so fast ...

Joey's mind flashed such an idea, he was startled, and what made him feel terrified was that he couldn't be sure ...

Joy and Heron sighed and sighed as soon as they came up, secretly expressing kindness to Lin Yun.

Zhi Linyun naturally knew what they meant. Without denying his strength or explaining humbly, it would be too hypocritical to pretend in front of these two men ...

"Thank you two hòu love, but Your Excellency Joy, Heron, will not look for me just to praise me, if you continue to praise, my face will turn red ..."

Joy and Helen haha ​​smiled. Joey took the stubble and looked a little more dignified.

"Her Mafia, what do you think of this general attack of the Raging Flames plane, and the gamble with the Kingdom of Odin?"

Zhe Linyun said an undeniably.

"It's already like this, no one can stop it, this is indeed the best way."

Heron, aside, suddenly said something.

"I don't think we have much hope of winning, Lord Mafa, what do you think."

Lin Yun took a look at Heron in surprise, but did not expect Herron to say so.

However, since Herron said so, it means that Herron is really talking about it, not igniting the flames like fools outside.

"There is not much hope. The Kingdom of Odin occupies the best place in the Northrend world. It is rich in resources and has acquired the remains of the Third Dynasty. Even the courts of the Third Dynasty are their capitals. We, the Kingdom of Andalusia, we want to win. It is very difficult. "

Lin Yun said fairly, Heron and Joey nodded. Heron glanced at Joey, then looked at Lin Yun solemnly.

"Her Mafia. His Excellency Joe and I are staying with you this time just to talk to you about cooperation.

You also know that gambling with the Kingdom of Odin is more beneficial than harm to us, because the total attack has now become a foregone conclusion, and the conquest of the angry flame plane has reached the final stage. Going down, the worse it is for us.

Conquest of the Angry Flame Plane. It is no accident that victory is a matter of time, but after that, our forces in the Kingdom of Andalusia will inevitably conflict with the Odin Empire. For the control of the angry flames, war is inevitable.

At that time, we had no chance.

Because we've got the news, several top forces in the Kingdom of Odin are now dragged down by other things. There was no time to participate in the conquest of the Raging Flame Plane, and even the top combat power of the Kingdom of Odin was dragged down by other things.

This is our best opportunity to make a big bet with the Odin Empire. Play an alternative battle with their current strength on the Raging Flames.

In this way, we can gain benefits in the angry flames, not the last nothing.

I represent Black Tower. An agreement has been reached with the cloud tower represented by His Excellency Joey, this time the general attack of the Raging Flame plane. We will work together.

I am rude to say that Black Tower and Cloud Tower are the two strongest mage forces in the Kingdom of Andalusia. However, for those top forces in the Kingdom of Odin, it is still worse. Even this time, the Burning Burning Tower that came to the Fury Plane to participate in the total attack is stronger than the Black Tower and Cloud Tower.

Coupled with the quicksand tower and the city of the sky, these two mage forces are similar to the tower that burns and burns. Our black tower and cloud tower are difficult to resist.

So, what I mean to His Excellency Joey, I hope to talk to you. It is the most important thing that our three forces work together to win this big bet. "

Hearing this news, Lin Yun was also a bit surprised. Originally, he thought that the top powers of the Kingdom of Odin did not come. All the second-level mage powers came, but he did not expect that except for the top mage powers. Three of the top forces came.

The Burning Burning Tower is located in an active volcanic mountain range that is active all year round in the Odin Empire. Where has been completely controlled by the Burning Burning Tower, the volcano will no longer erupt, but a large amount of magma is like a river, forming a stream there. Long river of flames.

The Burning Burnt Tower inherits the legacy of the Burning Burning Legion from the Third Dynasty. The best-known magic rune is the Burning Burnt Rune. It is best at large-scale wars. The power of the Magic Rune is leaning toward Burning Burn. In a battle, a large area of ​​land must be turned into scorched soil.

They are very experienced in the battle of protracted war. The Burning Tower ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ even thousands of years later, they even conquered a large plane independently. They have traveled thousands of miles and are very powerful.

The quick-sand tower is located on the lower part of the huge river that passes through the Kingdom of Odin, surrounded by a lot of sand and river, which caused great trouble to the Kingdom of Odin.

Even a large amount of resources and land were abandoned because of the mud and sand of the river. When the quicksand tower was established there, there was almost no people there.

But the founder of the quicksand tower, the powerful sky-level mage named Son of Sand, used his own strength to stiffen the entire lower reaches of the Yeloubuike River by hundreds of meters.

You know, the terrain of the Kingdom of Odin is flat. After the Yerabuk River was raised hundreds of meters, after the raging river was controlled, it was equivalent to adding thousands of miles of land to the kingdom of Odin. The resources that can be resumed are even more immeasurable.

The Jerubauk River, which is constantly changing lanes, has been fixed, and the quicksand tower has become the sole controller of thousands of kilometers.

The river that stretches for thousands of kilometers and consists entirely of yellow sand is still the most amazing masterpiece of the Kingdom of Odin, because the river surface of the Yerabuk River must be at least 100 meters above the ground!

After so many years of development, the Quicksand Tower has already become a powerful mage force behind the top forces in Odin Empire.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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