End of the Magic Era

Chapter 831: Help

When Lin Linyun saw these records in the deserted library management, she wanted to see the miracle that stretched for thousands of kilometers, but unfortunately it disappeared in the last days.

I can do all this, it is definitely a strong and terrible heaven-ranked mage, the strongest of the heaven-ranked mage.

If it weren't for the Son of Sand, it would have been unknown which plane disappeared, and may even disappear into the endless void, the quicksand tower will definitely be the strongest force in the kingdom of Odin.

As for the city of the sky, it is the most mysterious. They can be said to have no fixed place, or their place is in the clouds and mountains in the south of the Kingdom of Odin.

It is only the most common ground floor of the city of sky, and their real base camp is a city of sky from the third dynasty.

The huge city floating in the sky has been hidden in the clouds and misty mountains. Except for the people in the sky city, no one knows the specific location, and few people can even board the sky city.

The people I met fortunately had expressed their lack of speech, and could not describe the grandeur.

The strength of the city of the sky can also capture the forefront of the wizard power of the kingdom of Odin, and there are long-time strong men sitting in town.

Lin Yun also knows that during the great colonization of the plane, the city of the sky can be regarded as the limelight. The huge city of the sky can almost be regarded as a huge war fortress, which has conquered a lot for the city of the sky Plane.

But after thousands of years. Soon after the sky city fell to the ground. The city of the sky has fallen.

Now, although the city of the sky has not developed to its peak. It is still one of the powerful forces of the Kingdom of Odin.

Zhe Linyun's mind flashed the information of these three forces, and also understood why Joey and Heron were looking for him.

Because in the angry flame plane, these three forces are not unexpectedly the strongest power of the Kingdom of Odin. Their leader cannot be the strongest in the ranks, but at least it is also true like Joey and Heron. Strong.

At this time, someone who is qualified to work with Joey and Heron will come with them to face these three powerful forces, and the remaining small and medium forces. Leave it to other forces in the Kingdom of Andalusia to deal with it.

The final decision is still the top forces.

In other words, this time the gamble, the victory and defeat, is basically the competition between the two sides' top combat power.

"My Excellency, I believe you understand what is happening now. We must work together this time. The rest of us, His Excellency Joey and I, are not very optimistic. We are both optimistic about you at the same time. We defeat the Kingdom of Odin. "

Helen's words are very sincere, without saying the final benefit, but there is a points system. This is already a good show. After the victory, the biggest winner is necessarily the three major forces.

Zhe Linyun was silent. Nodded.

"Okay, if anything goes wrong, the people of the city of the sky, leave it to me."

I heard Lin Yun nodded. Both Heron and Joey breathed a sigh of relief. This time, although it was the head of the Cang Lan Sword Master, the cloud tower and the black tower were still behind the scenes.

The final battle was decided by the battle between these forces.

The problem of cooperation was solved, and Heron glanced at Joey and said nothing.

Joey had a smile on his face, with a calm heart in his face.

"Well, this is the end of this matter. Now that Her Majesty has agreed, Her Majesty and I are assured. There is one more thing that I would like to ask for Your opinion."

Lin Lin clouded for a moment.

"Is there anything else?"

Joy waved his hand.

"This matter is not very urgent, that is, after we have resolved the conquest of the angry flame plane, we return to the Northrend world. There will be a grand meeting in the Kingdom of Odin. At that time, it will include all the kingdoms in the Northrend world. I hope that His Majesty will join us in this meeting.

However, this matter is still early, after we have resolved the matter of the angry flame plane, we will talk about this matter in detail. "

Qi Linyun nodded and stood up.

好 "Well, in this case, Lord Joy, Lord Heron, I'll get ready first."

I left the meeting room and Lin Yun was thinking about improving his strength.

Almost all the materials collected from the Taikoo Poison Dragon are now processed, waiting to be used to turn them into strength.

I returned to the camp, and Lena came on.

Xi Lena has merged the empty shell dragon crystal of that ancient poisonous dragon, and the change is most obvious.

When I walked by now, ice crystals constantly appeared around my body. Those ice crystals were constantly broken into pieces and disappeared, and then more ice crystals condensed out.

No matter where you go, the surrounding temperature will drop rapidly, and even with each step, a large amount of frost will condense under your feet. When the steps fall, an ice-blue ice cube will automatically condense under your feet. Can't land on the ground.

Even if she is ten meters away, the ground will slowly be covered with a thin layer of frost.

虽然 Although the breath of the whole person has not grown too much for the time being, the essence of life has already sublimated. When fighting, the combat effectiveness has been substantially enhanced.

As long as the empty shell dragon crystals of the Taigu poisonous dragon are completely merged and complete transformation, Lena will definitely break through to the heavens!

Because all the ancient poisonous dragons are heavenly ...

Even if only the empty shell dragon crystal of the ancient poisonous dragon is used, the essence of life will change dramatically after fusion ...

Lena stood out and there was no one around ten meters away. At this time, no one dared to approach Lena. That was uncomfortable with herself ...

Except for off hours ...

The skin of the off-duty is just like the hot prawn, and the body keeps scorching hot, and the beads of the eyes are all red. The breath that spit out seemed to burn and burn.

Blends a bit of hard work of Taigu Polong. The off-duty constitution is unbearable, and the body seems to be burning at any time. If it hadn't been for the blood of a three-headed golden dragon, it would definitely be burst now ...

Now she has red eyes and follows behind Lena tightly. Wherever Lena walks, he follows. The terrible cold from Lena's body can not reduce the temperature of the off-work. The ground was close to Lena's body within three meters.

Those continually converging and breaking ice crystals floating around Pu Lena will actively attack off-duty. Those ice crystals fall to the body surface of the off-duty, and immediately freeze the large surface of the off-body surface.

But in an instant, those ice crystals will rise into steam and rise again. More and more ice crystals will attack on their own. When the temperature of the off-line body drops rapidly, he will stop when the whole person is frozen. .

But a little far away from Lena, the frozen class will break out of ice again. Continue to follow up deadly.

Pu Lena froze, with a disgusted expression trying to chop her off duty, but forced her to leave without stopping. While off duty, he was repeatedly frozen and broke out of ice. Continue to catch up with the process of being frozen ...

I saw Lin Yun's return, and he was stunned and rushed over.

"Master Meilin. Help me ... I feel like I'm about to explode, I can't die. I'm dying, save me, Master Merlin, I'm your most sincere servant, if I die, you'll Where can I find such a heartfelt off-duty, give me ten or eight bottles of your life potion ... "

Zhe Linyun ignored the off-duty, and threw three ice seals onto the off-duty, turned the off-duty into an ice cube, and walked towards the inside of the camp.

This greedy and lazy dragon blood orc, finding opportunities is like digging for something to save your life ...

Going deep into the camp, there was a depressing magic wave in the air. It seemed that the magic wave was suppressed here.

In the middle of Langzhong, there was a huge cauldron. On the table next to it was a piece of meat that was more than three meters long. It was like fresh meat just slaughtered. It was the flesh of the ancient poisonous dragon ...

There is a strong smell of medicine in the cauldron. The alchemy cauldron holds a sharp blade and tirelessly cuts pieces of meat from this ancient poisonous dragon into the cauldron ...

This is a medicament configured by Lin Yun, which is used to neutralize the toxicity of Taiguduosaurus, but allows the useful parts of the highly toxic to continue to work.

Moreover, the flesh and blood of Archaea poisonous dragon itself contains huge energy. It is not ordinary energy, but an energy that can change the innate characteristics of the human body and allow the life essence of the body to evolve ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ 要It is known that the ancient poisonous dragon was a species living in the age of gods and demons, and the natural order creatures were terrible beings that could dominate in the age of gods and demons.

Their level of life is inherently heaven, or even beyond it. Therefore, their flesh and blood is a huge tonic for human beings, a supplement to make up for life itself.

From the era of gods and demons to the present era, it has crossed the Nesser dynasty ruled by the five-colored dragon and pure blood elves, and the third dynasty, and it has spanned fifty years.

With each leap, the strength level of the entire Northrend world seems to be decreasing, and the nature and level of life of the soul are far worse than in the previous era.

Taiguo Poison Dragon is naturally poisonous. It can be said that it is the most poisonous thing in the world. As long as the flesh is not relieved, nothing can corrode their flesh.

This ancient poisonous dragon, seemed to have experienced a fierce battle before his death, and was finally killed by a single blow, his heart was broken, and the magic power passed away after a long time, but the poisonous nature of his talent eroded the entire valley of poisonous mist. After that, it did not completely dissipate.

Therefore, time can't let the body of this ancient poisonous dragon be rotten. After its flesh was expelled from poison, it was taken by Lin Yun's fifty magicians continuously, even the three churches of the Merlin family Brothers, all were brought by Lin Yun to take the flesh of Taiguduolong.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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