End of the Magic Era

Chapter 843: Too stupid

Looking at the dozen or so remnants who had fled, even the seventh-level Black Iron Orc Swordmaster, was already scarred, but Lin Yun's mage army did not take the next action.

The spell-casting battle just now has consumed most of their magic power. Those black iron orcs want to run, and they have no way to intercept them.

After all, after this promotion, Lin Yun really tested their strength for the first time. Every mage used his full strength, and the most famous combination of spells of the mage army also used the alchemy circle taught by Lin Yun.

Everyone in the mages corps breathed a sigh of relief, and now they finally spit it out, and they were all very excited about their combat power.

At that time, they were just abandoned sons of the Merlin family. Their talents were too poor. They could only become abandoned sons of the mage. The former teachers may have been the existence they needed to look up to, but now their worst one is already Nine-level magic wizard, and not yet unable to break through, but insufficient accumulation, not enough understanding.

Over time, after the battle goes on, everyone in the mage legion will break through to the title wizard!

The sorceress of the sorceress, but I have only heard it before. Each one is a high-ranking family member, who determines the fate of the family. Now they are already ...

All of this was given to them by Lin Yun, so everyone in the mage army team had a strong desire to let Lin Yun see and Lin Yun recognize it.

Zhe Linyun was also very satisfied with the combat effectiveness of the mage army. With their dragonscale staff and flame robes, the mage army's combat power was already worthy of an eight-level titled wizard.

But this algorithm is very vague, if it is a legion war. The efficiency of this group of mages is definitely much higher than that of an eight-level title wizard.

Maybe even in the face of a nine-level title wizard, they can resist for a period of time without loss. In the case of a dead battle, the loss will not exceed half. Definitely can kill the opponent.

Gao Linyun's eyes flashed a little clear, now I can deeply understand why in the future to measure a standard of strength, in addition to the most powerful, in addition to the combat power of the mage army.

In the era of the Great Colony of Northrend, the powerful forces, without exception, had a powerful mage army.

The puppet corps did not continue to attack, and Lin Yun did not care, because this can only be regarded as the first stop after the test corps was promoted. It's just a small war, there is no need to use magic potion for the dozen or so disabled soldiers.

On the other side, the off-duty had slaughtered Tu Xun and stopped in front of the black iron orcs.

Off-duty squinting his teeth, grinning and watching the group of black iron orcs rushing forward. The black iron orc, headed by a lot of burn marks, waved his sword. When he saw off-duty, it was only level five. Juggernaut, even the breath is very weak, it seems that the guy who did not even feel the vindictiveness, did not look at it.

"Stupid Raging Flame Renegade. Seek death!"

The seventh-ranked swordsman saw the red skin of Hugh Class, and thought that the class was an orc traitor on the plane of angry flames, and now dare to stop him.

A scarlet grudge was cut out more than ten meters away. Appeared in front of the shift.

"A small seventh-level swordsman, dare to shoot in front of the great off-duty master, stupid guy. Don't you know that the off-duty master is invincible except the great Merlin?"

Off class chuckled. The waist was slightly short, and there was a loud noise. The ground beneath your feet collapsed into a pit that was four or five meters in size, and a cobweb-like horror crack spread along the pit toward the surroundings.

The next moment, the rest of the class was also under the force of this huge earthquake. The body disappeared instantly, and when it could only see a blurry afterimage, it bumped into the scarlet fighting spirit.

Then, unexpectedly, the off-duty body didn't slow down at all, it seemed to just pass by the scarlet vindictive spirit, and the next moment, as if the actual vindictive energy attack exploded ...

The off-class body also appeared in front of the seventh-level Black Iron Orc Swordmaster. The giant slaughter slaughtered in a horrific distance, with a shock wave visible to the naked eye, slammed into this seventh-level The head of the Dark Iron Orc Swordmaster.


The howling roar sounded, and the seventh-level black iron orc sword priest suddenly exuded a strong abyssal breath, violently erupting from his body with the power of a volcano.

This is the power from his parents, the strongest blow that exceeded the limit ...

His sword became scarlet, like a scarlet crystal, and a ray of black gas lingered on his sword.

The gigantic sword collided head-on with the offending slaughter.

Uh ...

A shock wave swept over a 100-meter circle, and the horrible forces collided, bringing stronger and more direct power than spells.

The off-duty body flew out like a cannonball, hitting a Dark Iron Orc Great Sword Master. Instantly, the body of the Dark Iron Orc Great Sword Master exploded into pieces with a bang, and then was off duty heavily. The ground smashed into a huge rock, leaving a large pit of four or five woods on this ten-meter-high boulder ...

But then, after leaving class, he spit out the gravel and sand in his mouth and scolded him out of the pit ...

And the seventh-level Black Iron Orc Swordmaster, but not so good, the scarlet giant sword broke into pieces, and his body flew out like off-duty.

Compared with the talent that is different from off-duty, and constantly strengthened to an incredible level, the Iron Iron Orc's proud body has also become waste ...

The tartars were in the air, and the body spewed a lot of blood, leaving a blood line in the air.

After flying out more than a hundred meters and falling to the ground, his body was like bursting porcelain with numerous rifts. He kept spitting blood, his right hand had been blown into pieces by the force of the counter-shock, and his left arm was twisted into a weird one. Pole shape.

The off-duty is just like a okay person, grinning and ignoring the remaining black iron orcs who left, and quickly ran to this black iron orc seventh swordsman, and slaughtered the guy's head fiercely. .

黑 Where there is still a chance for the Dark Iron Orc who has already been seriously injured to resist, with a muffled sound, his head disappears ...

"The great off-duty is too strong. Except for the great Merlin, I am already invincible. No one can kill me. Damn Theodorus, you can no longer threaten the great off-duty ...

Let me calculate how many points the Lord Merlin could talk about before this seven-level sword sage came. Damn, forget it, anyway, it's right. Lord Merlin always rewards me with some good things. Life potion is just fine ... "

Off class was covered in dust, and Tu Tu was carried away, and went back, muttering in his mouth ...

Zhe Linyun looked at the men who did not use magic potion, but was meditating to restore the magic army, and nodded secretly.

The breakthrough is too fast. Although there is nothing wrong with the foundation, they will not be able to adapt to the newly promoted power. Now meditation is the best exercise.

The off-duty whispering guy Lin Yun ignored it. This guy's body is getting more and more scary. He has already surpassed the limit of the strange race of the dragon blood orcs, and ca n’t use things like grades at all. It is judged that under the heavenly order, it is possible to take a break from work by relying only on the body. After thousands of years, it is one of the few ...

Zhe Linyun didn't take the shot. As a forward's task, the hardest, most tiring and most dangerous task has been completed.

Wagner opened his mouth slightly, watching the scene a little bit surprised.

Aunt, although the number is a little less, but it is really elite. The mages in these mage legions have all used the same magic runes and core meditation ideas to imitate the alchemy.

All the mages and divisions are elite, but unfortunately they followed a white idiot commander. Hey, if this elite has five hundred in my hands, I am not the heir now ...

人 These people are better and better. If they are killed by the black iron orcs as soon as they come up, wouldn't it make the morale of these orcs greatly increase, and it would be me who is in trouble.

There are several tribes around the Glory Fortress. It is best to let them do those dangerous battles. It is best that they can kill all the elites of these tribes.

How many points can I have to kill some elites, and destroying a tribe is the real big head ...

"Master Wagner, let's hurry up. The Andalusian country people have already repelled the Dark Iron Orcs, and now there is a delicious cake waiting for us ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But don't let those countryside People have taken the lead, but that's a lot of points. "

Doug stood aside, urging in his mouth.

Wagner didn't pay much attention, and snorted coldly.

"Did the villagers dare to break the agreement? Damn, do they know how serious the consequences of shredding the agreement with our George family will be?"

Daoge smiled and nodded quickly.

"The master said that although the number of these hooks is a little less, they are still quite good. In our kingdom of Odin, they can be regarded as wizards in the elite army, but unfortunately they followed a idiot commander.

I just watched it just now. That Malfay Merlin is just a idiot. There is no command from beginning to end, just standing there to watch the play. If it were n’t for the Master Legion, someone else would command it. Most have died.

This idiot, even promised us such harsh conditions, look at those who are tired by the mage, there is no potion to restore magic power, I am afraid that the benefits are swallowed by this little white-faced hunk ... "

Daoge sneered at Lin Yun's IQ with a scornful look, remembering that the other party had easily agreed to the request of the lion's mouth, he felt that only the other party's brain was eaten by the brain-eating worm.

Too stupid ... (to be continued) [This text is provided by Kaihang Update Group Shuai Biyang @ 无影 晨晨] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is me Maximum motivation. )

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