End of the Magic Era

Chapter 844: tribe

Elsa was sitting on the ground, pouring potions of life into her mouth, and the stunned Jeremy had only one breath left, which was regarded as a sacrifice of the Elegy's tragedy circle, and the remaining breath was already regarded as fatal. . o

The people rested for a while, and Elsa couldn't help looking at Lin Yun. Originally, Jeremy was sacrificed. Elsa also felt very tricky and didn't know what to do.

After all, Jeremy is the son of the elder. He has a high status in the dark elves. According to human beings, he is the noble in the dark elves, and the elder is the most common among the dark elves. Powerful people have the strength of the nine-level titled Magister, and may even be able to break through to heaven.

Jeremy had this kind of thing. If the elder knew it, he would definitely launch the entire Dark Elf family to avenge it.

Merlin's strength is so strong, only the ninth level magic wizard has the power of the eighth title magic wizard. Those companions, one is the 38th level frost dragon, and the other is the sixth level spell. The alchemy urn sent out, an incredibly powerful Dragon Blood Orc Swordmaster, a weird magical incarnation of a magic flood that can release spells with the magic weapon release, especially a weird old man, just these days, I saw that old man got a promotion ...

Such a powerful strength, if it fought against the Dark Elves, the Dark Elves would definitely not take advantage, and there is a great possibility of losing both. However, there is more than just the Dark Elves in the kingdom of demons ...

If the Dark Elves are severely damaged, it can be said to be absolute. Other races will certainly not miss this opportunity to destroy the Dark Elves ...

But now, Merlin actually has that scepter!

Elsa had a strange look in her eyes, and when she looked at Lin Yun, all her tangles disappeared. Involuntarily remembered a prophecy that had been circulating in the clan.

Legend has it that the day after, a person with a scepter will come to the kingdom of the devil, and this person will be able to unleash the curse of the dark elves that has lasted for thousands of years.

And that scepter. It looks ordinary, but the top of the scepter. It is a ball of light gathered from countless runes.

Merlin is definitely the one in the prophecy!

It can't be wrong. Such a powerful strength, a talent more powerful than the dark elves, came to the kingdom of the devil with a scepter in his hand. It can't be wrong!

Compared to the Dark Elf's curse that has continued for so many years, let alone Jeremy is not dead, even as a princess of the Dark Elf, it is necessary to have life in exchange for this rescue consciousness.

Correct. I must take Merlin into the ethnic group, and I believe that the elders will abandon personal grudges!

Elsa's complexion became very firm, and it seemed to decide what. He walked in front of Lin Yun, hesitated, and then sent out the invitation.

"My Excellency, I would like to invite you to visit our tribe. Do you know what you mean?"

Lin Yun gave a surprised look at Elsa. Invitation to the Dark Elves' Tribe?

Anderfa floated over and looked at Elsa with a sneer on all three faces.

"Pokemon. Why? Want to take us to your tribe, do you hit the net? It's too naive to make a good excuse!"

Lena and off class, also stood up at this moment, looking at Elsa with discomfort. The temporary cooperation with the Dark Elves before was only forced by external conditions. Facing Oraches and Duncan Such a ruthless person, in addition to temporarily cooperating with the Dark Elves. There is no other way.

Now that I have escaped, I still made an invitation? Isn't it bad intentions?

Elsa heard what Anda said. Suddenly startled, quickly waved hands to explain.

"No, no. Your misunderstanding, I sincerely want to invite you to the tribe as a guest. Really, it was our army before. This time, if it was not for Merlin, we would have been killed by Clio. May be bad for His Excellency Merlin! "

Elsa was in a hurry and explained quickly.

If Merlin just left like this time, and I do n’t know if I will have a chance to see it again next time. If I can enter the kingdom of gods and demons, there is a way to go out. If I leave the kingdom of gods and demons, the curse of the dark elves will never be No chance to lift it?

Elsa was anxious to explain, but dry words, even the dark elves behind can not believe, there are even many dark elves looking at Elsa with admiration, such a good strategy, as long as these outsiders are brought to Tribes, they are dead even if they have a great ability.

Lin Yun stood there, looking at Elsa lightly, and wanted to hear Elsa's explanation.

Elsa explained for a long time, but did not see any change in Lin Yun's expression, then gritted his teeth and told the prophecy that had been circulating in the tribe, but it was not very detailed, only a rough outline.

Elsa gave the general idea of ​​the prophecy. The faces of the dark elves all changed, and then immediately looked at Lin Yun with fanaticism and respect, and all the hostility disappeared.

They had seen Lin Yun's means with their own eyes, and at the moment, when he spoke this prophecy, he accepted it completely the first time, and even recognized that Lin Yun was the person said in the prophecy.

Anderfa was a little dumbfounded, looking at Elsa's appearance, it really didn't look malicious.

As soon as Lin Yun's expression moved, I remembered that if Constanta's skull was found by himself, it would take a lot of time if he didn't know the route. These dark elves must know it. It would be much simpler.

Moreover, even if these dark elves have any crooked minds, they are not afraid, they can't beat them, they can escape ...

Thinking of this, Lin Yun no matter what the prediction is true or false, nodded and said: "Go and see."

Hearing Lin Yun's promise, Elsa was very happy, and quickly began to give the tribe that introduced the dark elves, and eager to lead the way.

"It's not too far from the tribe ..."

Under Elsa's enthusiastic leadership, it didn't take long to arrive at the Dark Elves' Horde.

This tribe is located on a major branch of the Tree of Wisdom, with huge branches that are dozens of miles thick, like a wide land.

When I walked outside the tribe, I saw large forests, and each tree was packed with dense fist-sized fruits, which were the main food of the dark elves.

In the middle of the woods, there is a long trail that stretches for several miles. Looking through the long trail, you can see a huge tree that is thousands of meters high in the distance. The dark green giant tree supports the stretch of ten miles. The huge canopy, Dao Guanghua, like a waterfall, fell from the top of this giant tree.

This is the ancient tree of life owned by almost all the big tribes of elves. It can even be said that only an elven tribe with an ancient tree of life can be considered a tribe.

The brilliance sprinkled from the ancient tree of life is the magic of the ancient tree of life, which is more important to the dark elves than the air.

After walking along the long road, you can see tree houses, dense tree houses, covering the light falling from the sky. There are no human streets, all of which are curved paths growing from trees.

As everyone walked outside the tribe's residential area, they saw a dozen giant trees more than 20 meters high suddenly moving in front.

Old and simple faces emerged from the trunks of giant trees, and the branches dangled, forming two big hands. Even the bodies of these giant trees stood up in trembling, staring vigilantly. The crowd coming from the avenue.

Then she saw Elsa waving her hand and saying hello, the bodies of the giant trees fell again, her hands and faces disappeared.

An Defa looked at the dozens of giant trees and sneered sneered: "On the periphery of the tribe, there are only a dozen ancient thorn trees ..."

When you really entered the tribe, you saw a lot of dark elves looking curiously in the distance, and from time to time someone greeted Elsa.

Not far away, Elsa grabbed a dark elf and asked impatiently.

"Where is the elder now? I have a very important matter for him."

The dark elf didn't ask much, and said casually, "The elder has gone to the lightless dreamland. I heard that this time the elder will have very great confidence and can break through to the heavens after leaving the lightless dreamland. ... "

A hint of disappointment flashed on Elsa's face. Now that the elder has gone to the dreamless sky, I'm afraid I can't get out ...

A light flashed in Lin Yun's eyes, how could Lin Yun not know.

In the last days, after reading the story of the dark elf that is against the sky, he delved into the dark elf.

Ambient dreams are a unique ability of the dark elves, and they are very powerful ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ They can make the body fall into a deep sleep, all the spirit, consciousness, soul, all enter one A world of pure spiritual power.

In this world, there is no material existence, only pure spirit and rules, and the dark elves who enter the lightless dream can directly perceive the rules of the world through consciousness. That is the purest contact that can make sense of the rules. The speed is greatly improved, and even some rules that are not usually realized may be felt here.

The dark elves have a high probability to turn the spell into the ultimate magic pattern, which has a lot to do with this matte dream. It can even be said that the dark elves can have the ultimate magic pattern, and the matte dream is the biggest contributor!

However, at least the dark elves who can enter the lightless dreams are titled wizards, and they are relatively talented, and the dark spirits with strong mental strength have this ability. Those who can perceive the rules in the lightless dreams are The most powerful dark elf.

The elder elder of the dark elves had a chance to advance to the heavenly order, I am afraid that it is a strong man who has already entered the heavenly order with one foot. (To be continued)

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