End of the Magic Era

Chapter 850: think too much

The off-duty scoldingly came out of the gravel pile, his skin became red, his eyes began to be white, his eyes were almost red, and he slaughtered again with a wave of slaughter.

The **** breath lingering around the shift, let the momentum of the shift rise rapidly, step out, the ground underneath collapsed into a pit out of nothing, the rumbling as if the earthquake, but the body of the shift disappeared instantly In place.

The massacre was surrounded by a large number of white air waves. The spiral air waves seemed to be blessed by infinite power, and seemed to tear the entire sky together and smash them together.

Pan Shi held the sledgehammer in both hands and twisted his waist, and the scarlet vindictive spirit began to cover his body. The air in the range of three or four meters around him seemed to be oppressed.

The sledgehammer and the slaughter collided again. The terrible white air wave was mixed with the thunder, and the **** tyrannical atmosphere turned into a whirlwind and the rock's scarlet fighting gas collided fiercely.

For a full three seconds, the forces where the two collided were constantly oppressed, and turned into a black light that exploded. The rest of the class and the rock's body turned into two afterimages and burst back.

The rock roared, the crimson cruelty rolled around him, his waist slightly bowed, and the whole person was nailed to the ground like a nail, and his legs plowed a ditch on the ground like a plow. In the last half of the body, they fell into the ground 1 ↑, w ← ww.

The off-duty body, like a broken stone, rolls wildly on the ground, and uses the body to draw a huge ditch 20-30 meters long on the ground, which looks miserable. But after stopping, the off-duty drilled out of the soil with red eyes and spitting mud. Howling continues to charge, and the **** breath around the body is more like a burning flame.

After a second. The two bodies collided again, leaving the class with red eyes, like crazy, waving the slaughter madly.

The rock was full of iron, his arms were blue, his sledgehammer turned into an illusory afterimage, and he was madly touching.

Bang bang ...

The deafening touch sounded as if the gods were beating the war drums, and the two were more than a hundred meters away. The ground was trembling in madness. Pieces of boulders were shattered into pieces. Large pieces of the pieces were shaken by this huge collision sound wave, floating in midair and unable to fall.

Looking at it from a distance, the range of more than one hundred meters around the two seems to have lost gravity. All the fragments are floating towards the sky, large pieces of debris are constantly broken, and large stones are shattered into shatters.

Where they are. The air had been forcibly evacuated by powerful forces, and a diffuse white sound-explosive cloud shrouded there.

The rumbling sounds continued for more than ten seconds. A figure flew from the white sound-exploding cloud made up by the thunder.

Even the naked eye could see the aftermath of three sledgehammers on the figure's body.

After a dozen meters, the figure suddenly stopped. This is off time ...

The off-duty face was shaky, and the skin seemed to be burning. The left hand inserted into the ground to slow down the speed of flying backwards, and the right hand held the slaughter. The **** breath pervaded the body, and the faint roar of the dragon's yin could be heard faintly.


With a roar, the breath of the off-duty suddenly skyrocketed, and the **** atmosphere of the whole body turned into a shivering faucet, snarling, and then descended into the body of the off-duty.

The next moment, the off-body body disappeared in place instantly, and the earth gave out a groaning groan, and a giant pit of ten seconds appeared there.


Sixth Swordmaster!

"Damn bastard, how dare to treat the great off-duty like this, it is unforgivable. You are over, Master Merlin can't save you!"

The off-duty roared and rushed away again, the slaughter in his hand had turned into a blurry afterimage, wrapped in a large number of thunders and slammed hard against the rock.

And the face of the rock has become pale, and the scarlet spirit that broke out can no longer maintain the peak state. He looked at the off-duty expression with a horrible expression, totally unable to understand what the off-duty body is made of. This point.

You must know that the most powerful warrior of the angry flame family does not dare to use his body to resist his sledgehammer. The most thick-skinned Kodo beast can be knocked to death by him. Now, he encounters A freak who is completely indestructible is a freak that can hardly be hurt at all. I don't know what to do ...

The mad collision between the massacre and the sledgehammer continued, but at this time, the shift was no longer a step back. The two madly collided for four or five seconds. The center of the battlefield was like a storm. The two Standing in the eyes of the wind to maintain the storm.

Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded, and Rock's face changed completely.

There was a tiny crack in his sledgehammer, and the moment, that tiny nick eroded the entire sledgehammer like a poison.

Uh ...

With a crisp muffled sound, his sledgehammer shattered completely into pieces, but the off-campus slaughter has been ruthless again ...

Uh ...

The massacre slammed heavily on Pan Shi's arm, and a series of bone-breaking sounds of toothache sounded, and Pan Shi screamed and flew out.

Suddenly, the huge white storm was as if a crack was forcibly ripped off by a person, and the rock flew out flying with blood.

The rest of the class followed closely with red eyes, waving the slaughter, slamming into the rock's body frantically, rushing out for more than ten meters, still smashing the rock toward the inside of the earth without any help.

After three or four seconds, Pan Shi's body was no longer visible. The land of more than ten meters was like a raging beast. It was full of scars. It was more than a hundred meters away. Even a piece larger than the size of the nails could not be found ...

Off-duty took a sigh of relief, rubbing the clear hammer marks on his shoulders, and smiled proudly.

"Idiot, even if you dare to meet Uncle Uncle, I do n’t know that Uncle Uncle ’s slaughter was made by the great Lord Merlin. But Lord Merlin said, it ’s very difficult for the whole Northrend world to find an uncle from Uncle The slaughter is even harder. Damn, I ’m hitting all the pain. Let the uncle knock out and you ’re done, hahaha ... ”

Off-duty stroking the massacre, rejoicing as if he had met his first love, then grinned and ran back.

"Master Merlin, I have killed that guy, but the injury was too severe. Can you give me ten or eight bottles of life potion or something ..."

But the eyes of the people around him were completely changed, especially the three Williams, and the fifty Legion Masters, just like any monster they saw.

"Fuck, Merlin, what monster did you come up with? Is this kind of physical strength really capable of living things? Don't dragons have such a strong body?"

An Defa was horrified. The opponent he met before was too weak. He could understand all the offenses when he was off duty. But now this is an eighth-level black iron orc swordsman who is good at power. What effective harm.

Now everyone can see that this product is hurting in pretend. In fact, there is no fart. At most, it is a little skin trauma. With this guy's constitution, it is all right to sleep.

Lin Yun threw a bottle of life potion off the job, and did not expose the poor lie of the off job.

I am also very satisfied with the improvement of the off-duty class. This guy's body is really incredible, and he ca n’t use the level to calculate it. When he hits hard, he can drag an eight-level sword master with his body, and he is now promoted. When it comes to the Sixth Level Swordmaster, it is no surprise that the Eighth Level Swordmaster is not his opponent.

It ’s just a pity that the Dragon Blood Orc's casting talent has disappeared, but with such a body that is so incomprehensible, plus that powerful weird force, it is made with the hardest horizontal bone of the ancient poison dragon. Massacre may be the best fighting method for off-duty.

As long as you are near, under the sky order, no one can kill off duty. What a perfect meat shield ...

Holding a bottle of life potion on off-duty, just when I wanted to say something, I saw Lin Yun's weird look, and immediately put the life potion into his arms, and hid quietly behind the crowd ...

In the distance, Wagner watched the off-duty battle and couldn't help creating a little horror, and there was a hint of vigilance in looking at Lin Yun's side.

This orc is very powerful, not right. It has too much potential. The sixth-level swordsman has such a terrible and powerful body. An eighth-level black iron orc swordsman can't cause any serious damage to him. Not his opponent anymore.

If these people have any bad ideas, just need this orc to run rampant all the way, I am afraid no one can stop him ...

There are also 50 elite Legion Mages, plus the woman who has not shot a cold face, the strength of this Malfay Merlin is actually not much worse than ours ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Is he always for the sake of Is this relic?

As long as you destroy that sacred object and destroy the shining fortress, the points you earn are far from comparable to the small tribes sweeping around ...

"Doug, how many people do we lose if we fight with those in Andalusia?"

Doug laughed.

"Master, you think too much. The strength of these people is good, but with the mage army of only fifty people, plus the terrible orc, it is impossible to win us. By then we only need to send a few A sharp shooter, kill that Malfay Merlin first. Will the others fight with us?

I have already investigated that Malfay Merlin. It should be a young junior with background in the Merlin family. It is said that it took a lot of money to have such a commander's name. Did you see those three young people? Those three were cultivated by the Meilin family.


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