End of the Magic Era

Chapter 851: Blood Incarnation

I want to see that although this Malfay Merlin is a little bit idiotic, he won't go against us. He certainly knows that as long as he dares to oppose us, he is the first to die, and one breaks through the title. The wizard was not long young.

You ca n’t rest assured, Master Ye, I ’ll wait for them to go further. Anyway, now the last strongman has been killed, there is almost no defense force in the Holy Land of the Dark Iron Orcs ... ”

Wagner nodded a little bit of worry. It didn't matter if he didn't find the strength of the opponent before. Instead, he felt that someone was better at doing the dirty work. Now I find that the strength of the opponent doesn't seem to be so weak. In addition, the relic is too important. Start thinking.

Dao Daog swaggered towards Lin Yun's side, but Wagner carefully instructed to go down and prepare his army to prepare for the battle.

Daogeang walked up to the Merlin family's line again with his head, and shouted as if he had ordered his subordinates.

"Okay, the next thing is nothing like you. We Master Wagner said that I think you are too hard. Let us fight all the rest. You can take a rest and wait for your spirits , We continue to attack other tribes.

The points of these strong men are all given to you, and you should be satisfied, you know, it was agreed with you, but our George family! "

He said these words with a little threat on his face.

Zhe Linyun waved his hands with a smile, and withdrew back without a word. He quit for more than two kilometers without stopping. When he thought about it, he took another two kilometers back.

far away. Doug returned proudly to the George family's team with a look of disdain to report to Wagner.

"Master. You have also seen that that Malfay Merlin is an idiot. I dare not disobey the orders of our Georges. I said to let them back. You see, they backed up for several kilometers. This is a statement. You can rest assured that we are surrendering to the George family.

还是 Let's quickly attack the Holy Land. As long as the Holy Object is destroyed, the shining fortress can be easily defeated. That's a lot of points, at least the points of our George family instantly increased to the top three huge points! "

Wagner's original worries disappeared at this time, because Lin Yun took everyone back for several kilometers, and even seemed to be backing away. This distance, if you have any bad ideas, it is impossible to do it. Arrived.

"Okay, go ahead, order. Go all out to attack this holy place, and you must destroy that holy thing as soon as possible."

The people of the George family all rushed to the dark iron orc sanctuary with almost no defense of the strong, and Anfa looked distantly at Lin Yun in the distance.

"Merlin, do you really want them to destroy that holy thing? You know. The biggest obstacle to attacking the shining fortress is the ancestor's blessing. Without that enchantment, attacking the shining fortress will be at least ten times less difficult to destroy. Relics, but they have a lot of points. At least 30% of the points that can be obtained by attacking the shining fortress. "

Zhe Linyun smiled, with a good-looking expression.

"Isn't there still 70% of the points. Besides, along the way, we killed the strong ones, and finally attacked the points of the Bright Fortress, but it will inevitably be recalculated. How can it be so simple? Calculated.

I keep them, isn't it just for them to destroy that holy thing, since they want to go, then let them destroy it, but we must keep the agreement. "

Lin Yun took everyone far away, but the people of the George family thought that Lin Yun was afraid of their George family, for fear they might have misunderstood.

The original Iron Iron Orcs' guarding power in the Holy Land was not very strong, because here is not far from the shining fortress, surrounded by large and small tribes, and it is also very secretive. The entrance is an inconspicuous small cave. It ’s so desolate all around, can anyone think that someone can attack here?

After the two strongest men were killed, there was almost no defense force in the Holy Land. Wagner rushed into the Dark Iron Orc's Holy Land with a group of hungry wolves.

Entering the cave is a narrow passage. After walking inwards for tens of meters, after entering the mountain, it is a huge hall with dozens of large and rough pillars. Inside, there is a huge hall. Demon altar floating on it, a clay jar with demon faces carved on it.

The crimson atmosphere was lingering around the earthen jar, quietly floating in the air, and the strong abyss demonic atmosphere spread out, as if the temple was already in the abyss.

Wagner looked at the earthen jar, laughed, and looked at the remaining priests in the palace, who had no fighting power, and immediately released the breath of his eighth-level magic wizard. The whole man was wrapped by magic. In the past, more than a dozen wind blades tore the priests into pieces, and a Pyroblast bombarded the crock.

The crimson flame dragged its tail and hit the crock. The scarlet atmosphere around it was like a viper snake awakened, and it furiously counterattacked. More and more scarlet breath spewed out of that crock like a fountain.

Wagner sneered, took out his staff, chanted a few spells quickly, and immediately a dozen large stone pillars flew out of the dome, sprinting wildly towards the crock.

In the face of this crazy attack, the crock that seems to be very thoughtful cannot be stopped, and a large stone pillar breaks a lot of scarlet breath, which is close to the body of the crock.

In just three seconds, a large stone pillar with a length of more than three meters hit the crock severely.


A crisp sound sounded, and the earthen jar exploded, and the scarlet scent surrounding it disappeared.

But at this moment, the **** smell spread as if it had exploded. After the earthen jar exploded, a drop of purple blood the size of a fist floated in the midst of the air and tumbled wildly. The stone pillars that had not fallen instantly turned into fragments.

Wagner was shocked. He had no idea how this would happen. Just feeling the breath and seeing the color, he knew that it was a drop of abyss demonic blood, but also a strong and terrible abyss demonic.

Most importantly, the blood in this place turned like a living thing. This shows a problem. The owner of this drop of blood is still alive ...

Wagner's face turned white, and he took the people of the George family to the outside of the holy land without thinking.

But horrible changes have already occurred. The huge cave of this giant has begun to collapse, and the breath far beyond the title of the magic wizard exploded from the depths of the palace.

Where the earthen jar exploded, the infinite scarlet atmosphere gathered, and almost instantly turned into a giant lighthouse with a height of one person.

The endless black gas and scarlet breath revolved around the light gate, and the abyss breath full of sulfur smell spewed out of the light gate and turned into a storm that strangled the entire cave.

Wagner's face was pale and pale, because he could see that it was a gate of the abyss. Through the light gate, you can even see the side of the light gate. There is a phantom of the abyss demon on the shore of the abyss. The flaming eyes glanced casually with the same indifference as ants.

Just a casual glance, even just a glance across an abyss door, Wagner felt that his soul seemed to collapse, and his body was completely rigid and unable to move.

Aunt, Lord Abyss!

Damn it, the ancestors of the Dark Iron Orcs, the starting point of their abyss demonic blood, damn, their ancestors are still alive!

And at that moment, that tumbling blood suddenly swelled up, the blood tumbling to form a demon shape, and finally slowly condensed into a giant **** big blood red abyss demon with a height of tens of meters. .

Wagner's face was completely green. After seeing this blood-red abyss demon, he was more sure of his judgment.

That crock is not a sacred thing at all. The blood of the abyss demon stored in the crock is the real relic. That is a drop of blood of the abyss demon. Now that the door of the abyss is opened, it is equivalent to letting the other side Come here.

The drop of blood was enough to turn into a blood avatar.

的 The blood avatar that can only be differentiated by the Lord of the Abyss ...

A great lord standing at the peak of the abyss' power, the most common blood incarnation ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ at least has the power to crush all the title magicians!

Also, the slightly stronger blood incarnation, the weaker Sky Mages are not opponents ...

刚 As soon as this blood avatar appeared, he glared at the **** flames of his eyes against the army of the George family, waving his arms, and the terrible blood color fluctuations were mixed with a large amount of abyss magic and turned into a storm sweeping the entire cave.

Rumble ...

In a fierce roar, a large crack was rapidly cracked on the rock wall of the cave, and a large number of fragments were suppressed by the blood incarnation to float in the air.

Boom ...

With a loud noise, the entire cave exploded completely. The blood-colored torrent was like a volcanic eruption. The mountain rushed directly away. From the outside, it looked as if the entire mountain suddenly exploded. The blood-colored torrent was mixed with a large number of rock fragments. Straight into the clouds.

The giant **** demon, who was tens of meters high, rushed out of the ground with his hands and exploded the mountain bag, and his eyes, burning with **** flames, stared at the crowds who hurriedly escaped the cave.

The **** demon waved his arm, and the endless abyssal rune emerged from his arms. The sky darkened in a hurry. Infinite dark clouds shrouded a few kilometers of sky. The **** thunder was like a thunder snake in the dark clouds. Move inside.

The huge meteorites were burning with flames, dragging their long black smoke tails from the dark clouds, hitting the ground frantically. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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