End of the Magic Era

Chapter 854: Hug

All the way to the glorious fortress, and sure enough, the terrifying realm of defense has disappeared.

Far away, a large number of Dark Iron Orcs were seen setting up defenses in the shining fortress.

Rushing all the way to the front of the Shining Fortress, Lin Yun glanced at the gate of the Shining Fortress which was more than ten meters high and slowly raised the Dragon Staff.

Three notes spit out from Lin Yun's mouth, and for a while, the magical power of terror exploded from Lin Yun's body ...

The ground hundreds of meters in front of the shining fortress began to tremble, and a huge palm nearly twenty meters long has been protruding from the ground in front of the shining fortress.

The palm is lifelike, showing a kind of taupe. The slender palm looks like artwork, and even the palm print on the palm is clearly visible.

The huge palm seemed to be stroking a pet, and was silently photographed on the gate of the shining fortress. For a moment, the entire shining fortress seemed to tremble ...


The ten-meter-high giant gate was like a piece of fragile glass that was slaped violently by a troll, and it exploded into a shard ...

Even with the violent wall of a dozen meters around the giant gate, it was blown into pieces ...

In the distance, Wagner, who was about to come up to convince Lin Yun, grew his mouth, stood still, and looked at the glory like the advent of the demon, ww ☆ w.

Oh my god, what did I see!

Is that Gaia's hand?

Is Gaia's hand so powerful? Damn it, is that Malfama Merlin casting a spell?

How many seconds of cast time? Three seconds? Two seconds?

The hand of Gaia displayed looks as lifelike as a woman's hand. Is this what the title wizard can have?

You **** tease me. I must be hallucinating, right. I must be hallucinating ...

How could that Marmmelin be so strong, he cast an eighth-level spell, the hand of Gaia, in two or three seconds. And Gaia's hand is so powerful.

The hand of Gaia cast by the ninth-level magic wizard of the previous family has absolutely no such strong power!

Wagner stood in horror, sulking air-conditionedly, as if unable to breathe, then closed his eyes and cast several mind-protection spells on himself to expel the possible illusion.

Then he rubbed his eyes, and then opened his eyes carefully, hoping that what I just saw was an illusion ...

But opening his eyes to see that the gate of the shining fortress has been completely photographed into pieces. The Glorious Fortress is like a huge piece of cake that has been chopped off, and a large number of Dark Iron Orcs burst out of that huge gap.

Wagner was pale, desperate and incredible ...

Damn, isn't this Malfama Merlin the strongest one? Damn, I understand, I finally understand, why the elite army of wizards obeyed this Malfay Merlin, obediently, just do whatever it says, and do n’t have the feeling of carrying it at all.

And their family followed adults. There was no one who resisted and doubted Malfaméline's decision ...

Yes, he was training before, yes, he was training. The strength of the 50 Legion Masters has not been so strong before, but it has only been a long time before even half of them have advanced to the title of Wizard. Must be training ...

And the cold white-haired woman next to Malfay Merlin, the ugly alchemist who looked ugly. Even the magic weapon incarnation that floated in the air with a wheel magic weapon, including Malfam Merlin. They have never shot before ...

If this Malfay Merlin is so strong, are the people around him all powerful and terrible ...

Wagner quickly recalled all the clues that he had previously ignored, and at that moment he looked again and his eyelids began to jump wildly.

Damn, the only white-haired woman, alchemy urn, and magical incarnation followed by this Mamma Merlin, and the weird orc who was so strong that he was incredible was not even qualified to stand closest to Mamma Merlin ...

Damn it, that weird orc can fight to death a black iron orc eight swordsman, wouldn't it mean that the other strengths are stronger than that red-skin orc?

In order to save time, Lin Yun cast a spell, but Wagner suddenly thought of a lot of things.

In front of the shining fortress, a large number of dark iron orcs have rushed out. Lin Yun did not continue to shoot, but let his 50 army mages go forward. The three Williams and the off-duty also joined the battle. Lena, An The German, French, and alchemy cymbals were standing still and moving.

At this time, Wagner immediately saw the difference.

This Malfay Merlin is too calm, even the three-faced magic weapon incarnation looks boring and explosive, that white-haired woman, is that enlightening the spell? Damn, this is the battlefield!

Damn, this is over. I'm afraid this Malfay Merlin has never put me in my eyes. Damn, I blame Doug for that idiot. He even said that the other party easily agreed to the harsh requirements and wanted to hug us. Thighs of the George family.

Fortunately, this idiot is dead, otherwise I have to tear him to pieces. Look at this group of mages. There are only 50 people. The strongest one is the second-level title magic wizard. Strangling those black iron orcs will wait for strangling. Like the slaughtered pigs and beasts ...

Damn, that's a group of dark iron orcs. The most formidable strengths in the Gorge Fortress are all here. The weakest are the great swordsmen. There are dozens of sword masters!

This is over, the points of the shining fortress are completely taken away by Maffah Merlin, their strength is so strong ...

But what to do now, my people are all dead and the magic tools are used up. Only the point that destroyed the Dark Iron Orc's relics is really a big loss this time ...

No, I do n’t have the strength. I have to follow this Mafia Merlin. Anyway, we had an agreement before. Anyway, I can still count on my efforts. Maybe I can get some points. Now I ’m gone, it ’s really thorough. Failed, when the support of the family arrived, maybe this time the total offense is over.

Um, yes, just follow this Malfama Merlin, how many more points can I get, not a total failure, how to say we had an agreement before, barely be an ally ...

Thinking of this, Wagner didn't care about that much anymore, cheekily pretending to be Lin Yun's side.

Lin Yun looked at him and ignored him, while Anderfa and Lena ignored Wagner directly, Wagner didn't care, and stood beside Lin Yun and watched the battle ahead.

In front of the shining fortress, the battle can be regarded as a one-sided crush. The members of the mage legion have broken through to more and more titled magic wizards. The combat power of the legion mage has really begun to manifest, and fifty people form a scattered The square array is like the suppression of the army. Wherever it passes, countless spells of torrents suppress it, and all the Dark Iron Orcs are constantly retreating.

In less than three minutes, the Dark Iron Orc's army was suppressed back to the shining fortress. Following that gap, the flames of the burning elements around the mage legion swept in like a flood of floodgates.

At this moment, dozens of scarlet fighting spirits suddenly flew out on the rough city wall on the side, as if a scarlet monster launched a sneak attack, tearing away fiercely to the mage army.

Suddenly, a large amount of flames rose from the mage's position, while the shield of flames like dragon scales turned into a huge shield full of tens of meters.

Just as the shield blocked that sneak attack, a sudden change also appeared at this time. A dark iron orc eighth swordsman was full of dazzling scarlet brilliance, and followed that dagger attack. Behind, rushed towards the location of the mage legion.

With a violent tear, the Dark Iron Orc flew to the top of the Legion Mage, a position that was very deadly to the Legion Mage.

A black iron orc eighth-level sword sage, here is almost impossible to stop, more or less, can tear up several legions of mage.

Wagner's heart was frightened, and it seemed that he had seen a dozen images of the legion mage being torn. No, these legion mage are elite, the loss will not be so great, but at least a few will be blackened by the rage. Tear the Iron Orcs ...

Wagner couldn't help looking at Lin Yun, Lin Yun was still thinking blankly about something, it seemed that he did not care about the crisis encountered by the Legion Master.

At this moment, Lena quietly turned her head to glance, and then exhaled softly. The white mist quickly condensed into a piece of ice debris in the mid-air, and these ice debris quickly formed an ice-blue rune. .

In an instant, this ice-blue rune that was constantly dripping with ice debris turned into a streamer, almost spanning space and time. When a light flashed, it had already hit the black iron orc eight who was still in midair. Swordmaster ...

The venomous fighting spirit of that eighth-level swordsman ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ even the fighting armor cannot completely stop that ice-blue streamer. In the blink of an eye, his body was frozen into ice cubes, and even All his fighting spirits were frozen!

It seemed that his time was completely frozen at that moment, and the angry and distorted expression on his face was completely frozen.

The next moment, the off-duty class appeared in mid-air with a wave of slaughter. The huge slaughter was wrapped in a lot of white air waves, and the numerous sound explosions set off a large area of ​​fine thunder.

The massacre struck the ice block fiercely, and there was a loud noise, and the black iron orc eight swordsman who was frozen into ice blocks instantly exploded into the sky.

The terrible power of the massacre suddenly broke out, and the sky-shards were wrapped in a few meters of white air waves, leaving a white trace of several hundred meters in the sky ...

From the sudden emergence of the crisis to the defeat of the opponent, it took less than a second!


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