End of the Magic Era

Chapter 855: destroyed

Even Wagner saw that none of the legion mages expressed panic, but some people cast the incarnation of the flame element, and the flames that had been violently fluctuated again. It seemed that no other person would help at all. Very easy to deal with this sneak attack.

Wagner twitched at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Lin Yun who looked down and didn't know what to think about, and looked at Lena who seemed to be studying what spells, and couldn't help moving to the side.

It ’s terrible. This woman is really terrible. An ordinary freeze, even an extreme spell, is absolutely impossible to have such a powerful ability to freeze an eighth-level sword master instantly. Is this woman a five-colored dragon? Ok?

This is definitely a top-nine level magician of the taro. The understanding of frost spells has definitely exceeded the limit of the title magician!

Casting speed is faster than the sword master's outbreak of vindictiveness. It is a terrible powerhouse. Such powerhouses are so honest behind Malfama Merlin. How strong is this Malfama Merlin?

Damn, is he better than this woman? After that, why can't I feel the level of Malfamaline? Is he about to break through the sky?

Damn Doug, where did he gather the information, does this guy really look so young? A monster in his twenties who has already entered the sky with one foot? Is his aunt teasing me?

I do n’t care, anyway, as long as this Malfay Merlin doesn't drive me away, then I will follow him. How can I get some points, which is better than going back dimly ...

Wagner would have made up his mind to follow Lin Yun face-to-face, and Lin Yun did not drive away Wagner, only if such a person does not exist, let him follow.

The assault on the Glory Fortress continued, and more and more fangs of the entire corps were advanced to the title of the wizard.

Infinite elements flame into a sea of ​​fire. All fifty army mages covering a range of hundreds of meters have cast fire elemental incarnations. In this sea of ​​fire, they are almost immortal, and even shield spells are rarely cast. The attacks of the Dark Iron Orcs simply couldn't meet these Legion Mage.

The mage legion is like a giant giant ball of fire that rolls from the outside of the shining fortress into the shining fortress. A large number of dark iron orcs are burned to ashes, and the off-duty is like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, waving the giant In the slaughter of slaughter, all the way in, no one can resist his attack.

The horrible power makes the off-duty operation as if surrounded by a cloud of white clouds, and a large blue thunder light is constantly flashing.

He rolled into the shining fortress all the way, and the overlord of the shining fortress finally appeared.

A scarlet vindictive slash shot from a distance, as if a scarlet giant sword that was more than ten meters long was slashed in the air. A thunderous thunder, the ground was cut open for more than a hundred meters. Giant cricket with big crack.

In the distance, a dark iron orc wearing a dark red combat armour flew hurriedly. The vital points of his whole body were wrapped in the combat armour, and only two eyes seemed to be flaming and burning. Black eyes, dark and evil, can't see a little white.

"Stupid humans, you have to pay a heavy price for your actions. You dare to desecrate our holy relics. You must die! You must die!"

Inspector Wu Guanghui held a giant sword that was more than two meters long and half a meter wide, and roared angrily like a mad monster, and headed straight for the mage army.

The off-duty waved Tu Xun and rushed up. The horrifying blow seemed to tear the half of the sky and smash the sledgehammer together. When it collided with the great sword of the glorious overlord, the off-duty body instantly appeared. He broke the sound barrier and flew out instantly with a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

I flew hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone after two or three seconds. I didn't know how far the shot was taken.

In the eyes of Glorious Overseer, the flames burned with flames, and the whole body exhaled a scarlet breath. The big sword in his hand struck at will, and the scarlet vindictiveness turned into a giant sword and it was severely cut again.

Kurumu calmly waved the Dragonscale Staff. In a hurry, fifty Legion Masters found their place. The dense flames of the surrounding elements quickly consumed a ray of red gold flames and began to surround fifty. The Legion Mage spun up. A tens of meters thick fire storm rose, and it seemed that a flame giant with a height of tens of meters stood up from the flame storm, and faced this scarlet scarlet spirit. A foot out of the flame had four or five feet. Thick arms, dozens of meters long flame arms.

A large amount of flames gathered in front of the arm, and in the blink of an eye, a large flame shield of more than 30 meters was condensed. The flame on the surface of the shield began to condense and turned into red gold runes, which looked like A giant shield made of red gold.

My arm held this shield on top of the giant scarlet slash.

The scarlet vindictive spirit hit the huge red gold shield of this giant, and it seemed as if there were tens of millions of sharp swords chopped on the gold. Ripples spread towards the surroundings, and buildings within a range of tens of meters were instantly shaken into powder.

The three black iron orcs who were too close covered their ears in pain, and fell to the ground with a scream. Their eyes, nostrils, and ears were stained with blood, and their bodies were like cracked ceramics, appearing dense. Little rip.

After a second, Scarlet Fighting Cleavage disappeared, and the flame giant whose body was still shrouded by the flame storm had already revealed half of its body, and the other hand also protruded from the flame storm.

Flames came from the dark eyes of the 督 Glorious Overseer, and the scarlet breath around him became more and more intense, finally turning into an illusive scarlet flame that enveloped him.

One step out, the Glorious Overseer appeared dozens of meters away from the mage legion. The giant sword in his hand was burning with a scarlet flame and blasted out, as if extending the big sword in his hand. More than ten meters.

The body of Owl's Emperor Guanghui left a residual image in place, and the next moment appeared in front of the half-length fire giant, and the giant sword severely cut at the fire giant's head.

The flame giant holds the giant red gold shield in one hand and stretches out five fingers in one hand. Within a short while, you see the flame palm of the fire giant burst into pieces, turning into countless flame runes, like the birds lingering in the sky. , Surrounded by a circle constantly rotating.

A blue fireball several meters in length condensed in this huge circle.

Boom MM

The first bang sounded, and the horn of attack was completely blown.

Every second, twenty or thirty explosive inflammations are generated from this circle. A large piece of explosive inflammation is like a rain, forming a blue torrent of flames in the midair, which hits the glorious overlord fiercely.

The cruel scarlet domineering occupies half of the sky, constantly ejecting and colliding with those explosions, the sky seems to be changed into two colors.

On one side was the scarlet cricket, and on the other was the same blue flame that lit the sky.

After four and five seconds of continuous encounters, Hundreds of explosive blasts blasted out, and the Overseer of Glory finally couldn't continue the confrontation. The scarlet flame on his body suddenly skyrocketed, and his body exploded a distance of more than 100 meters.

At this time, Kurumu, the commander of the mage army, waved the dragon scale staff decisively. The magic circle composed of fifty army mages changed again. The flames of the elements that permeated hundreds of meters of space converged as if attracted. center.

The flame giant burning red flames began to flow out of orange flames, those dazzling orange flames continually condensed on the surface of the flame giant into a large flame rune, letting the flame giant breath Climbing frantically.

Suddenly, the flame giant ’s left hand holding the red shield also collapsed, and the entire arm became a large rune of flames. These fire runes also turned into a red gold rune aperture appearing in the original arm position. .

When the flame giant raised his arms and the two dozen-meter-long rune apertures aimed at the Glorious Warlord, the Glorious Warlord's face changed a little.

For a second, it seemed that the whole world was suddenly illuminated.

Unknown number of fire spells spurted out of those two rune apertures, the lowest level are all fifth-level spells!

Countless vulcan spears, the hand of the flame dragon, explosive fire, and meteorology erupted from those two apertures as if erupting.

The torrent of horrible spells rushed past, and the Overseer of Dare did not dare to run into it, but constantly avoided it ...

And those places washed by the torrent of horrible fire spells ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ instantly turned to ashes, the Iron Iron Orc's army now seemed to have no ability to resist at all, the torrent of spells swept violently, in place The Dark Iron Orcs couldn't even leave the fragments.

The iron wood, which is said not to be ignited, also started to ignite the flames.

In ten seconds or so, the remaining Dark Iron Orcs were mostly cleaned up. At this time, the Glorious Overseer knew that if he did not stop the mage army, the Bright Fortress would be completely destroyed, and the Black Iron Orcs would be completely destroyed ...

When Owl's Bright Overseer rushed forward again, the two torrents of flame spells, which were the same as the flame spray, suddenly changed.

两个 The two rune apertures that seem to be attached to the arms of the Fire Giant and move together with the movement of the arms of the Fire Giant start to rotate correspondingly!

This sudden change was completely beyond the expectations of the Glorious Warlord. He did not expect that the two rune apertures were not fixed!

Is not fixed on the arms of the flame giant at all, but suspended in the air!

At this moment, these two rune apertures are rotating around each other, and the torrent of horrific flame spells spun out of each other from the shape of a straight pillar.

In a second, it turned into a tornado of fire spells, and the shining warlord was enveloped in the tornado formed by this fire spell. (To be continued)

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