End of the Magic Era

Chapter 864: Extraordinary power

Hey, forget it, just follow it. Anyway, it ’s not my turn. I ’ll just follow it. It ’s a brilliant fortress anyway. Laihao can mix some points. If you can get a few benefits, just Even better.

There are so many alchemy puppets here, if you can control some, you don't have to look at Malfay Merlin's face too much. Damn, I am the first heir of the George family in the Kingdom of Odin. Now it ends up like this. The complexion of an Andalusian native.

The most important thing is that this earthworm is too strong one day, let alone Malfay Merlin, even if he is a few of his men, it is too easy to pinch me ...

When I got here, Wagner was completely desperate, just followed, and made up his mind to not fight in the battle, and he would not let go. Then I followed the excitement. It would be better if I encountered any danger.

Lin Yun didn't care what Wagner was thinking about, anyway, he didn't plan to let him go anyway, but considering that this guy might be the descendant of Bill George if there is no accident, the mysterious mysterious and a little abnormal mental order Or, who knows if there is any particular danger.

Bill George has never cared for almost anything in his life, and he is an alchemist 傀儡. The only thing that can make people see that he is alone is that this guy has left bloodline descendants, and he values ​​his descendants quite seriously.

In his later years, Bill Bill George was killed because of a descendant he valued. He personally led the alchemy army to settle the other's family, and finally led to many top powers. Bill led the army to retreat.

This is why Lin Yun brought Wagner, a person with the blood of Bill George. It will always be useful here.

Everyone walked all the way through this abandoned alchemy 傀儡 assembly line. Slowly approached the center of this underground base.

As soon as came out of this huge assembly line, the rock 探 looking ahead was evaporated by a hot ray with a thick arm ...

傀儡 Rocks more than three meters high. Not even a single piece of debris remained, and the whole person disappeared instantly ...

Lin Yun spit out three notes without thinking. Suddenly, a soil bag bulged on the ground in front of him. A soil wall with a height of more than two meters hung up on the ground. There was a rune running, the earth wall was quickly strengthened, and the metallic luster appeared on the earth wall.

After performing an earthen wall, Lin Yun took everyone back continuously. The mantra was still chanting in his mouth, and a huge shadow of the roulette behind him emerged. Countless runes circulated in the shadow of the roulette, and then turned into a flood of runes into the earthen wall. .

In a hurry, countless runes were grouped together one after another and turned into chains, spreading from the earth wall to the surrounding earth, and covering the ground more than 30 meters in an instant.

In a second, Lin Yun did all this. The pure earth wall with the strongest defense was exhibited, then strengthened by a dozen solidification techniques, and finally hauled by runes, implicated the earth wall and the earth more than 30 meters in length. Let this spell's defense be strengthened to an incredible degree.

But Lin Yun is still backing away. Where else does not know that this is a major crisis, everyone does not hesitate to go back with Lin Yun.

Sure enough. The next moment, a dozen hot rays with thick arms span hundreds of meters. Impacting on this earthen wall, the earth began to tremble rumblingly.

A large crack began to crack on the ground of more than 30 meters. It's as if the ground more than thirty meters apart has cracked like cracks on porcelain.

After lingering for more than a second, the earth wall exploded and turned into fragments of the sky ...

Three thick glowing rays seemed to ignore the space distance, and instantly passed through where Lin Yun was standing.

Where the hot rays pass, the air is forcibly emptied, and the space is somewhat deformed. After the rays disappear for two or three seconds, traces of the burning rays still remain in the air, which is torn by powerful forces and cannot be restored instantly s reason……

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this, a hot ray as thick as a human arm ..."

An Defa exclaimed, it was terrified. The normal glow rays are only as thick as a finger. Even the ultimate spell can be doubled, and the normal glow rays are red, but this The scorching rays are dazzling, and they are even a bit sun-like.

This is a feature that will only be approaching the power of the ultimate spell!

Lin Linyun frowned slightly, watching the alchemy urn appearing in the distance.

It was a long, alchemy maggot like a magnified spider. It had eight legs, and each leg was seven or eight meters high. There were eight dark and cold eyes on his head, and his body was densely covered with a layer of runes. The mark, the magic wave from that huge abdomen, is like pressing a stone on the heart.

Tianjie ...

真正 A true heaven-level alchemy 傀儡, and also a alien alchemy 傀儡!

The power of the scorching rays just released at random is just as good as the ordinary eighth-level monomer attack spell. It is far beyond the power that the scorching rays should have. This can only be achieved by extraordinary powers.

小心 "Be careful, this is a real alchemy 阶, although it is only forty, it is completely incomparable with the alchemy 三 for thirty-nine. It can already use extraordinary power."

This huge spider alchemy 傀儡, all eight feet are like a huge blade, and the fine fluff is also formed by countless sharp barbs, and no one will treat those eight legs as furnishings.

Zhe Linyun held the dragon's staff, and her body suddenly burst into infinite red flames. Her body was instantly elevated to become a flame element that was six or seven meters high.

The huge shadow of the roulette behind him reappeared, and endless runes circulated in the roulette, and even the left hand had taken out the book of death.

The horrible magical power spread from Lin Yun. This is the first time Lin Yun has started to use his full strength.

On the other side, Lena also issued a deep dragon yin in her mouth, leaping into the air, and instantly transformed into an elegant and slender Frost Dragon. Unlike the ordinary Frost Dragon, Lena ’s head grows up. Two crystal-like dragon horns came out, and their body shape also changed. There were numerous hockey **** composed of runes, and the surrounding frost elements seemed to instinctively move closer to Lena.

The terrifying Long Wei was released, and Lena's breath soared more than doubled instantly. This was the first time Lena became a frost dragon after the magic crystal of the ancient Venomous Dragon.

On the other side, dense runes also began to appear on the alchemy urns. Those runes seemed to be drilled from the alchemy urn's body. These runes constantly collided and combined, and there seemed to be countless spells in between. Brewing, it will burst out at any time.

Luan Defa also rarely took it seriously, the three faces kept changing positions, the wheel of Wan Fa turned madly, and the magic turned into ripples like a tide and spread to the surroundings.

As everyone exploded with all their strength, the spider alchemy across the mouth opened a crimson torrent, opening up with hot rays that were thicker than people's crickets, and instantly twisted the surrounding space.

The pungent burning smell spread, from the emergence of the light to the distance of hundreds of meters to the front of Lin Yun in less than a second ...

Zhe Linyun held the dragon's staff, and a large rune rushed out from the roulette behind him, and the ground in front of it shook violently.

Uh ...

A series of muffled sounds rang, and the gate of Esquerem, which was more than six meters long, rose from the ground, but a thick hot ray passed by.

Boom boom boom ...

Suddenly, the gate of the sixfold Esquerem exploded into icy debris, and even before these fragments were exploded, the heat had completely evaporated.

Suddenly, that thick scorching ray was only slightly blocked by the gate of the sixfold Eskremu, and continued to rush to Lin Yun.

Zhe Linyun's brow frowned slightly, but she used this time to cast a flame that appeared more than ten meters away.

Looking at that ray burst out hundreds of meters and disappeared into the distance, everything that was passed was pierced through a large hole, and the space was burnt. For a long time, Lin Yun knew that the trouble was big. .

This spell has exceeded the power that the title wizard can exert, and it has brought extraordinary power, which is definitely comparable to an ordinary nine-level single-unit offensive spell.

虽然 Although the gate of Eskrim is known as the strongest frost defense spell ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, the six-sided Eskram gate can only do it for a little time.

This is extraordinary power!

Before facing more than 30 cast alchemy urns with a minimum level of 35, Lin Yun only needed three sides of the Esquerem Gate to easily resist it. Even if he wanted to, the opponent would destroy the speed of the Esquereme Gate They can't keep up with the speed of his casting.

However, this method is completely useless for the alchemy maggots of this order, and any defense spells of them can't resist the alchemy maggots' ability, they can only delay for a little time and then dodge.

After one blow, it was as if the prelude to a battle had officially begun. The spider alchemy stared at the cold eight eyes and the eight long legs changed rapidly. The huge body seemed to be no obstacle at all, and the speed was terrible. In just one second, it ran out of tens of meters.

As the spider's alchemy 傀儡 charged, the runes solidified on it began to light up one by one.

As the eight legs moved forward, hundreds of golden rays burst out in an instant, as if there were hundreds of marksmen shooting arrows at the same time.

The violent sound of breaking through the air turned into a long, sharp roar, and numerous spikes pierced the air. As soon as the sound explosion cloud emerged, it was forcibly broken by the space fluctuations driven by the spikes.


(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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