End of the Magic Era

Chapter 865: Celestial combat power

The air screamed as if a screaming banshee burned her life, and the sharp voice turned into ripples, spreading out first, and several surrounding alchemy crickets that lost energy were swept by the ripples. It was like being alive again, and after a few shakes, it exploded into pieces.

Zhe Linyun froze coldly and spit out notes one by one. Between ten hours, dozens of frost shields and flame shields appeared in the air.

后面 Behind each frost shield is a flame shield, staggered layer by layer.

Those golden light thorns pierced a dozen shields without hindrance, and the speed began to slow down, burned by the flame shield, and then immediately frozen by the frost shield, and then immediately protected by the flame The shield continued to burn.

重复 Repeated this process dozens of times in a very short time, and those golden thorns with terrible puncture ability were on the verge of collapse.

Finally, Lin Yun cast another earth shield to barely resist these golden thorns.

I looked at the golden thorns halfway into the earth's shield, and Lin Yun's forehead a little cold sweat came out.

Because these golden thorns are just the fluff on that spider's alchemy cricket ...,

He was added a dozen additional spells, such as puncture, acceleration, demons, and sturdiness, and exerted the terrible power that eighth-level spells could not.

And, just now, this attack was a large-scale attack ...

It wasn't just Lin Yun, Lena, Alchemist, Anderfa, and off class, all of them were offensive targets.

Lena transformed into a Frost Dragon, backing away while dodging, and a frost shrouded in front of her, while the frost shield was frantically condensed, but was unable to effectively prevent the penetration of those golden thorns.

In less than a second, Frost Shield's defense completely lost its effect. Lena had to wave her wings, and a layer of dark blue frost covered her wings, blocking her with wings in front of her. Golden thorn.

Ding Ding Ding Ding ...

A series of sharp collisions sounded, and Lena's wings were covered with gold thorns.

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With a crackling sound of ice, the deep blue frost covering Lena's wings completely followed, and the gold thorns fell to the ground.

The alchemy urn is the easiest to resist, avoiding those parts that are replaced, and using offensive spells to weaken the power of those gold thorns, and then use the body of the heavenly alchemy urn to resist these gold thorns, the body is just shaking After a while, several replaceable parts were damaged.

I also learned that the class was out of class. The whole person hid behind the slaughter of the giant slaughter, only to reveal some areas that were not essential.

The golden thorn impacted on the slaughter and slaughter, where it could break the sledgehammer made by the transverse bone of the ancient poisonous dragon, but the horrible impact caused the off-duty body to continuously retreat, and a spike was pierced. He took off-duty left arm muscles and took away a piece of flesh.

Jin Jin's attack dissipated, and he took a mouthful of blood with a mouthful of horror in his off-duty. He could only be injured by the impact of slaughter, which was terrible ...,

At the end of the first attack of the Spider Alchemy 傀儡, in the air, Lena's mouth issued a deafening dragon yin, and a bluish blue ray of light bloomed from her mouth.

Zhe Linyun saw this scene and immediately raised the dragon's staff. A large number of runes spewed out from the roulette behind him. With a short spell, meteorites fell from the sky and smashed in front of the spider alchemy.

The speed of Spider Alchemy 傀儡 is not at all sharp, but it waved two legs like blades to draw a residual image in front of it. A dozen meteorites were forcibly torn into pieces like paper.

Suddenly, however, the ground in front of him began to tremble, and the ground that had been strengthened did not know how many times instantly turned into a quagmire.

The range of more than 30 meters of the maggot became a quagmire. The long legs of the spider alchemy maggot immediately fell into the quagmire two or three meters.

同时 At the same time, the storm of elements of Anderfa and the torrent of alchemy maggots suppressed from both sides.

The back of the Spider Alchemy 傀儡 is illuminated with a huge rune, and the rune rises, and a round shield formed like a stream of water protects it inside.

The elemental storm of An Defa and the torrent of alchemy 傀儡 's spell flood washed up fiercely, but it only accelerated the flow velocity of the current shield, there was no tendency to break.

"Fuck, the water curtain heaven, the 9th-level water defense spell can also be solidified into an instant spell ..."

An Anfa scolded resentfully, and continued to grit his teeth to control the Wheel of Ten Thousand to release Elemental Storm.

At this moment, Lena in the air also opened a mouthful of dragon breath towards the temporarily suppressed spider alchemy 傀儡.

As if an ice-blue sun exploded in Lena's mouth, the icy light turned into a beam of light, and hit the shield of the spider alchemy 炼 severely, ""


Suddenly, the shroud formed by the current was frozen into ice ...

Rena's zero-degree dragon breath has sublimated again with the essence of her life, and has reached a very terrible point. It instantly freezes a solidified nine-level magic water curtain Tianhua, and it also instantly gives the spider's alchemy house to it. frozen.

The surrounding space has a short-term freezing phenomenon with this zero-degree dragon's breath. The space impacted by the zero-degree dragon's breath has all stopped fluctuating, and the air has been frozen, as if a sudden emergence in mid-air would be transparent. Like crystal pillars.

With a breath of zero degree dragon, Lena started to pant a bit. Originally, her zero degree of dragon breath was a trick at the bottom of the box. Now the magic crystal of the ancient poisonous dragon is merged, and the essence of life is sublimated again. Instinct to breathe, it becomes more terrible and consumes more.

39 levels, but can exert a breath-taking skills with extraordinary effects.

The Spider Alchemy Falcon and the water curtain Tianhua were frozen together. In a moment, Lin Yun fired, a purple dragon phantom appeared on the dragon's staff, and the phantom of the dragon appeared behind Lin Yun. Holding the giant roulette phantom, Lin Yun suddenly appeared in front of four giant whirlpools, and four series of magic rushed out of these four whirlpools.

The four series of spells hit the huge ice hockey surface, and suddenly a terrifying storm of elements began.

An Dafa and Alchemy 傀儡 have also shot with all their strength. The horrifying spell storm hits this fixed target, plus Lin Yun's casting, so that the elemental annihilation of the fly has occurred there.

The elemental storm tore the collision, destroying everything that touched, the ground was cut off one layer stiffly, and the giant ice hockey was frantically strangled by the elemental storm of destruction.

After less than three seconds, the ice hockey exploded and smashed into fragments ...

The spider alchemy urn inside the urn has also become a vivid ice sculpture.

After being torn and strangled by these storms of destructive elements, the surface of the ice sculpture cracked with fine cracks ...,

卡 家 ……

I saw this scene, but Lin Yun frowned instead of exulting.

"Back up, all out!"

Lin Yun growled and spurred the magic, chanting the words quickly, and the runes were spit out from Lin Yun's mouth, and the terrible rune torrent erupted in the giant roulette behind him. .

For a while, Lin Yun frantically gathered blue fire teachings in front of him ...

In less than a second, hundreds of explosive inflammations have condensed. So many explosive inflammations dragged their long tails towards the spider alchemy ...

At this moment, the ice cubes on the surface of the spider alchemy carcass exploded, and the shards of the sky seemed to shoot out, and the cutting air made a sharp hissing sound.

The spider screamed and opened his mouth, and the eight-legged leg turned into an afterimage. The huge body became a little fuzzy, and rushed towards Lin Yun's side.

At this time, Lin Yun tried his best to seduce the magic, and hundreds of blasting blasts condensed at one time by the technique of bursting the magic also exploded in front of the spider alchemy ...

Hundreds of explosive blasts exploded together, and instantly turned into a giant blue fireball with a size of tens of meters. The terrible explosive force pushed the body of the spider alchemy cricket off the ground.

Suddenly, Lin Yun cast a flash of flames at this time, and quickly backed away.

An Defa and Alchemy 傀儡 Followed Lin Yun the first time to retreat, and the off-class guy who valued his small life the most, Lin Yun had just exited, and he fled backwards first.

Pu Lena transformed into a frost dragon, spreading her wings and flying outward.

The spider alchemy maggot was set off by a super explosion combined with more than a hundred explosions ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but it was just blown off some fluff on the legs and some runes on the body were slightly dim, Not much harm at all.

Lin Yun receded while lamenting that the strength of the fourth-level title wizard was still too weak. If the advanced fifth-level title wizard was really able to begin to exert the fighting power that the title wizard should have, I can still fight this spider alchemy a little bit, now, I can't fight it.

Spells released are almost impossible to cause effective damage to the opponent.

Destiny ...

The difference of one step, the difference is the nature, and I used all the hole cards, but it still didn't make much difference.

Zhe Linyun stepped back, and the eight feet of the spider alchemy puppet were inserted into a wall on the side. Eight dark eyes were cold.

Five of the eyes light up slowly, and dense runes flow in these five eyes.

For a while, Lin Yun, off-duty, Anderfa, Alchemy, and the actions of Yun and Lena seemed to be slowed down.

Lin Yun's face changed greatly, and he spit out a rune. Instantly, the most ordinary earth wall emerged on the ground in front of it, and the earth wall rose into a mere ten meters high curtain. The process of raising this earth wall seemed to be slowed down, and it took a full second to fully take shape.

As this earthen wall took shape, Lin Yun's movements returned to normal. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ 我 若 写 情 情]

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