End of the Magic Era

Chapter 866: It's your turn

At this instant, Lin Yun had rushed out of here and returned. The original hall of the assembly line was followed by off-duty, Anderfa and Alchemy 傀儡.

I looked back, Lin Yun saw that the earth wall had broken, and that spider alchemist had five eyes of the rune and four of them dim, and the rune in the last eye was still being assembled.

As those rune combinations ended, the spider alchemy 傀儡 's head suddenly appeared an unreal blur image.

This is a woman with a human body in the upper body, with six arms, but a thick snake tail in the lower body, and squirming hair, all of which are tiny snakes that seem to be eating away.

With the appearance of this illusory image, the eyes of this illusory image quickly consolidated.

He looks as if this horrible phantom has only one pair of eyes that looks real, and the deep eyes that seem to completely sink human souls have a dark rune flashing slowly.

Suddenly, Lena's dragon tail began to turn into a gray-white stone, and like a ripple, it spread quickly to Lena's whole body, wherever she passed, the body turned into a gray-white stone.

I waited until Lena flew to the alchemy line in the back, the spider alchemy suddenly stopped casting, and the illusion of the horrible woman in the air disappeared.

When she fell to the ground, Lena instantly turned into a human shape, but her feet had become stones.

Yun Lena's face was horrified, her magic moved, and she couldn't spread to her feet. It seems that her feet are no longer hers.

"Damn, the eyes of Medusa. Damn, the original owner here is definitely a lunatic. It turned out that the magic of the eight eyes of Medusa was solidified on the body of an alchemist, the eyes of the spider alchemist, all of them All eyes dug from Medusa ... "

Lin Yun's forehead showed a trace of cold sweat, which was too dangerous. At the beginning, I guessed that the eight black and cold eyes were probably curing some powerful spells, but I never thought that the eight eyes were really beautiful. Sha's eyes.

Only by digging out the heavenly Medusa's eyes while alive, can it be cured into a Medusa's eye, and the spell of Medusa can be summoned when casting. This will bring this spell to level nine!

Is not comparable to ordinary petrification, but the eyes of Medusa with extraordinary strength.

Medusa is a legendary extraordinary creature with a very small number, and every adult Medusa is a heavenly order. Even if the dragon sees Medusa, she will detour. No one wants to provoke this horror. Creature.

The beauty of Medusa is the Eye of Medusa. As long as I can see you, Ignore the cast distance, Ignore the interval. As soon as you start showing you, you will hit.

Any creature hit by the eyes of Medusa will become a stone sculpture. The body was completely petrified, and the soul was trapped in this stone statue, and it would never be freed. In the end, only with the passage of time, the soul annihilates. The body became a thorough stone sculpture.

Now the United States Dusha has not known how many years have not appeared before, when the five-color dragon and the blood elf ruled Northrend world. There is an emerald dragon on the top of the sky step. I don't know how to find a Medusa tribe.

Then, the leader of this Medusa tribe, a 9th-ranked Medusa, cast the eye of Medusa and looked at the emerald dragon at the top of the heavens.

The mighty emerald dragon did not even begin to resist, and turned into a life-like stone sculpture. At that time, a three-headed golden dragon personally went to this Medusa tribe to negotiate, and finally left with the emerald dragon turned into a stone sculpture. I dare not retaliate.

Medusa is best at remembering revenge. Revenge is a normal thing for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Dare to provoke Medusa unless you kill all the people of the Medusa tribe and leave no trace for other Medusa. Sha found it.

Otherwise, just wait for crazy revenge. When these snake-made Medusa went crazy, everything could be done, but I didn't understand any human concept.

This guy, Bill George, actually used eight Medusa eyes as a material, which is an example of boldness. It is better to challenge the five-colored dragon.

Lin Yun watched the spider alchemy from afar, and vaguely guessed that when Bill George ran to the flames for many years, I'm afraid that he killed at least four days of Medusa, and then he hid. Birds do not **** in the orc tribe.

In the third dynasty, in the endless sea, there was a well-known Queen Medusa. There was no creature dare to approach the place within thousands of nautical miles. If you know that Bill George killed at least four Celestial Medusa, hunted down to the land, the third dynasty will only treat as if not seen.

乔治 Bill George's bloodline has not been killed, this matter should be concealed.

Lin Linyun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and knew that this guy Bill George was insidious and hot, and behaved unkindly, but he did not expect this guy to be so bold and so insidious.

Twenty-eight Medusa eyes were solidified on a forty-level alchemy tincture. No one would have imagined that Bill George would be so extravagant ...

But now, the spider alchemy 傀儡 has stopped attacking, and all the runes lit up have faded, staying quietly in place, looking like a giant spider sculpture.

Lin Yun opened the half plane, took out a drop of blood from the demon, and dropped it on Lena's feet that turned into stones. Between now and then, a series of fierce magic waves erupted, and the terrifying coercion was on Lena The confrontation began on his feet.

One is from the talent of Medusa, and the other is from the power of the demon. After two or three seconds, the power in the blood of the demon dissipates, and the color of Lena's petrified feet gradually begins to fade, and finally completely It returned to normal.

Gao Linyun frowned, and if Medusa's petrochemicals wanted to be lifted, only Medusa could take her own shot, or a more advanced force could break this almost cursing power.

But a drop of demon blood took even two or three seconds to unlock the curse. The source of the Eye of Medusa is at least a Medusa of level 5!

Digged out a Level 5 Medusa's eyes and solidified it on a Level 40 Alchemy 傀儡. Lin Yun also did not expect Bill George to be so despondent that he was so mad ...

Unleashed the petrified curse of Lena, Lin Yun looked at the spider Alchemy 傀儡 in the distance and rubbed his eyebrows.

I ca n’t beat it now. This spider alchemy is too scary. The real Sky-Strike come here, and if they do n’t, they will be overshadowed by Bill George.

I can only avoid this spider alchemy in other ways ...

The first time they stepped forward, the spider alchemy 傀儡 began to attack, but when they were in this alchemy 傀儡 assembly line, the spider alchemy 毫无 did not respond.

The first judgment is correct. The order given by this spider 就是 is to kill any creature that enters its guard range, so it will have no attack before, and will start a crazy attack immediately after appearing in its guard range.

As long as you withdraw from the spider alchemy's guard range, you can completely ignore its existence.

But Lin Yun just made two turns in the Alchemy 傀儡 assembly line. The Wizard's Eye and the magic energy formation are used together. The route found is only this way. It must pass through the spider alchemy 傀儡 's guard range.

Either he can only return ...

Lin Linyun looked at Wagner, who was pale and a little frightened, and remembered what happened just now.

Wagner never shot, but also entered the guard range of the Spider Alchemy 傀儡.

But the spider alchemy 傀儡 never attacked him from beginning to end, and even in the undifferentiated large-scale attack, he did not fall around Wagner at all!

The main thing is that when this spider alchemy 傀儡 casts the eyes of Medusa, whether it is Lin Yun's alchemy 傀儡 or the magic incarnation of Anderfa, they are all targets of attack!

The eight eyes and three eyes of the 炼 Spider Alchemy 傀儡 are unresponsive, that is, the Spider Alchemy 确 really ignored Wagner.

When escaped just now, out of the guard range of Spider Alchemy ,, those eyes of Medusa that had already begun to dissipate disappeared. In addition to Lena, Wagner was also the slowest to escape!

Even Wagner escaped slower than Lena, but the Spider Alchemy 傀儡 only attacked Lena and ignored Wagner at all.

Now you can be sure ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The first instruction of this spider alchemy 傀儡 is not just one!

Or, the first instruction of this spider alchemy 傀儡 is to protect the bloodline of Bill George, can not attack the bloodline of Bill George!

Worst possible, and these two instructions are the first, because Wagner did not attack him when he invaded the guard range of the Spider Alchemy 傀儡!

This guy, Bill George, is as indifferent as anything in the rumor, and even has few men except the alchemist, but he values ​​his blood very much.

I slayed Medusa, dug out Medusa's eyes, and brought endless danger to her blood, but she wanted to protect her blood with the eyes of Medusa. This guy is really a contradictory person ...

Lin Linyun thought for a moment, and waved at Wagner.

"Wagner, it's your turn."

Wagner's complexion turned white and dripped coldly.

Damn, how could I not see the amazing spider alchemy maggot just now, but it was a real-world alchemy alchemy maggot, and a group of you almost all got rid of it. That terrible woman turned out to be a frost dragon, Not only run.

What's the joke that made me do it? I knew that this **** guy was uneasy and just wanted to kill me ...

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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