End of the Magic Era

Chapter 868: 傀儡 Battle

The off-duty waved slaughter and slaughtered, and collided fiercely with this huge grinding wheel. In a hurry, Mars splashed, and a strange off-duty snorted, holding the slaughter and slaughtering back in four or five steps. Just stopped.

After a grinding wheel was swept over by a robotic arm, another huge grinding wheel also started to run, staggering and killing Lin Yun.

Gao Linyun's brows frowned, and Lena on the side took the lead. As Lena sighed, the two ice debris drew a white trajectory in the midair, in the middle of the joints of the two robotic arms.

Suddenly, Frost began to spread from the joints of the two robotic arms, and the original fierce waving motion became instantly stiff.

机械 The two robotic arms are shaking constantly, seemingly struggling to continue to attack.

Lin Yun frowned, and did not find any traps. The two robotic arms are powerful, and they are not even off-duty opponents, but their job is to polish the parts of the gold tincture, not at all. Coming to fight.

刚才 But just now, these two mechanical arms were strangled staggered. Obviously, it is the ability that the combat alchemy can only have. The grasp of the timing and position of the attack can hardly be achieved by the two auxiliary machinery.

Zhe Linyun looked at the two robotic arms for a while, and wrote a dense alchemy rune on the two robotic arms with a crystal pen, completely disconnecting the energy supply of the two robotic arms. At this moment, the two robotic arms that were still shaking and wanted to continue the attack stopped completely.

I walked out of this room. Lin Yun glanced back, always felt that this was too weird. There seemed to be some unknown detection methods here, but he couldn't find it at all, and he always attacked in unexpected places.

I walked along the passage again, walking and walking, Lin Yun stopped, because the eye of a wizard he let out lost contact, and didn't even have time to see at all, and didn't know what was destroyed.

This. As if it ignited a chain reaction, the eyes of the seven or eight shamans released were lost one by one, and the last of the shaman's eyes barely saw a fleeting picture.

When the wizard's eye entered one of the open rooms, the door of the room suddenly closed, and a flame-generating device inside shot a flame ray, destroying the wizard's eye.

Gao Linyun frowned and thought. The other wizard's eyes suddenly lost contact after entering the rooms on both sides of the passage. I think it should be destroyed like this.

"Ready to fight."

Qi Linyun whispered a command, and the dragon's staff began to glow.

They were standing in the middle of this cross-channel, and suddenly all four sides came a fierce magic wave.

In a hurry, dozens of flame rays rushed at the same time in these four directions. Lin Yun, they are sandwiched in the middle, plus the passage is only seven or eight meters wide, there is no place to escape. Can only resist.

Zhe Linyun moved the Dragon Staff, the light flashed. Suddenly, the gates of Esquel Rem rised from all sides. Blocked those intense flame rays.

Pu Lena also chanted the dragon grammar with her mouth open. The transparent ice walls on all sides instantly appeared behind the gate of Esquerem, protecting everyone from all directions.

Through this transparent wall of ice, everyone can see that the four teams of alchemists are like they know they are here, and they come across from the four sides, and ten alchemists are lined up in each direction, holding the solidified The arms of the dense flame rays were continuously releasing flame rays toward the people in Zhongyangyang.

数十 Dozens of flame rays were fired in each direction at the same time. In just two seconds, Lin Yun's Esquerem Gate was evaporated by the flame rays.

Zhe Linyun frowned, and the dragon's staff flickered, and more gates of Esquerem rose, guarding everyone firmly inside.

固化 The solidified spells on these alchemy maggots all seem to be powerful, and they cast quickly and consume a small amount of flame rays. In such a narrow place, the flame rays can exert their greatest power.

If it is replaced by other spells, the power may be greater, but the consumption is greater, and it is impossible to form this situation of constant suppression.

Looking like this, these alchemy maggots seem to be preparing to forcibly suppress them to death here, completely consuming them.

If you change some people, for at least half an hour, you may run out of magic and be suppressed here alive.

I am even weaker, and may be killed alive within a few minutes.

Zhe Linyun shot for defense, while Anderfa and Alchemist Xun had already started shooting.

An Defa cāo controls the Wheel of Thousands of Laws, the four series of spells spew out, and then collide and collapse instantly. All the spells are transformed into bursting elemental power. The four series of elements are mixed together to form a terrifying four-color element storm. Furiously flushed towards a passage.

In a hurry, those dense flame rays were forcibly suppressed back. Those alchemy maggots burst out with no defensive runes on their bodies. With the flame rays alone, the storm of elemental elements of the Andel can be resisted for a period of time. .

You should know that these ten alchemy crickets are only 35th level, and An Defa can now show the strength of the nine-level title wizard.

The dense flame rays formed a dazzling beam of light, which constantly collided with the elemental storm released by the Anderfa, and the magic wave formed a wave, which continued to spread to both sides.

After three or four seconds, these ordinary flame rays can no longer suppress the storm of elemental elements of the Anderfa by quantity. They are washed away by the chaos of elemental chaos. There is no defense spell. Only by the body, less than three seconds. These ten The alchemy urn was torn into pieces.

The other attacked by Lin Yun's alchemy crickets has almost the same ending, and these flame-curved alchemy crickets are solidified all over the body. There was no way to resist the torrent of spells, and in a dozen seconds it turned into a pile of broken parts.

蕾 And Lena's fight is fastest. Her frost spell has now reached an extremely terrible level, and the frost spell can be forcibly extinguished. After the alchemy urns were frozen into ice sculptures, dozens of consecutive ice lances could tear them apart.

The last direction is that Wagner is shooting. At this meeting, Wagner is too late to regret it. It is impossible to be lazy. The dense flames are pouring down. Wagner can't believe that the gate of Esquerem can always protect this side. He was not cooked by the flames.

But his spell can't suppress the flame rays of the alchemy maggots at all, but was suppressed by the flame rays of the alchemy maggots.

Zhe Linyun saw this, and a huge roulette ghost appeared behind him. Infinite runes spurted from the roulette's shadow, and instantly turned into dozens of frost impacts in the channel, and frost fragments turned into a storm of ice crystals.

Within a second, all those flame rays were strangled and emptied. After the torrent of ice-breaking torrents washed away, the ten alchemy urns disappeared, and even the debris was washed away.

The forty alchemy crickets were all demolished, but Lin Yun's face did not change any better.

Andrfa, Wagner, and Lena, all saw it. This is an ambush, and it is to calculate their travel route, calculate the time of their arrival here, and finally arrange the alchemists to sneak attack. Let those alchemy puppets exert their greatest power.

Zhe Linyun frowned, now it is obvious that there are some detection methods that he could not find. What they do, where they are. All are well known to each other.

All those alchemy 傀儡 have no protection runes, no protection spell on their body. On the contrary, all the corners of the forty alchemists had only one rune and spell.

All are flame rays, and the runes of the fixed words are all runes to increase the power of flame rays.

It seems that these forty alchemy crickets were all designed to fight in this kind of place, it seems to be designed to ambush them here.

进攻 attacked on all sides at the same time, in a small place, a complete single attack alchemy 傀儡, except for ambush at this point, it is almost equal to the waste alchemy 傀儡, if it is outside, any titled magician may be able to remove them.

But in this ambush position, these forty alchemy 傀儡 can exert the power of a few eight-level title magic wizard ambush!

Zhe Linyun was thinking about ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Anderfa aside and stretched three faces together.

"Merlin, don't you think this situation seems to have happened before?"

In a word of An Defa, Lin Yun's mind suddenly flashed a light, and a hint of inspiration flashed in his mind.

But I haven't figured it out yet. There was a rumbling sound in the passage just now.

Looking up, at the top of the passage that came, a large pillar kept falling down, it seemed that the passage had collapsed. From far to near, in two or three seconds, the entire passage was completely sealed. died.

There was even a pillar that fell in front of Lin Yun's body, and crashed on the ground with a boom, and the rune marks lit up on the ground, and the dense patterns spread out from these runes, it seemed to give The entire floor was covered with a gorgeous carpet.

The huge pillars, which are seven or eight meters thick, fell down, and it just made these alchemy arrays light up a little, and they couldn't damage the ground at all.

Powerfully solidify the Alchemy Matrix, and it is permanently solidified!

Zhe Linyun recognized the alchemy circle that appeared on the ground at a glance. With this alchemy circle, it is basically impossible to forcibly break the ground without the strength of the sky.

I touched the pillar in front again, and Lin Yun's eyes flashed a cold light.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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