End of the Magic Era

Chapter 869: Sky steel

Tiangang Stone, known as the least valuable, but most valuable stone, has a natural resistance to magic. It can be said that it is a very small number of things that will not be penetrated by elements. It is completely immune to spells.

This kind of thing is still hard and terrible. After being immune to the power of the element, the sword 1 Saint under the heavenly order does not want to destroy this thing. Only pure power can destroy the sky steel.

The output of this kind of thing is scarce and it is very difficult to mine. It is the best material for building city walls and forts. The output of Northrend World was very scarce. In the third dynasty, only the city walls of the imperial city could be used. Use Tiangang stone as a city wall brick.

Such a large sky steel stone, needless to know, was mined by the alchemy 傀儡 legion under Bill George.

No need to try, Lin Yun knows that in this group of people, except for those who have pure physical power to leave the class, they can not leave a mark on this stone. Other people have no qualification to leave a mark.

"The road has been sealed. No matter who the opponent is, he doesn't want us to run away. The huge sky steel stone that has returned is sealed. We have almost no chance to get through, we can only go forward and find The authorities here. "

Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed through Lin Yun's mind, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and then squatted quickly on the ground to start observing the alchemy array that had slowly subsided.

Looking at the runes and patterns on the ground slowly dissipating, just like never before, Lin Yun took a deep breath.

I remembered what happened before, and it was more like when I was on the Fearless.

When I was on the Intrepid, it was as if all their actions were being monitored, but I couldn't find out how to monitor. The final conclusion was that the monster had controlled the Intrepid.

From the beginning, everything here seems to be against them, and even the robotic arm used to polish the parts of the gold 傀儡 will suddenly attack them.

The puppet wall will rush out without warning with hundreds of spikes with broken runes, and will be attacked by a group of alchemy puppets at a crossroad in the aisle.

一切 All of this, there is only one possibility!

Zhe Linyun finally thought of the only possibility!

Finally, I want to understand why there is a means of insight that he can't find. If there is such a means, at least it can be done by the strongest in the order of heaven. Their power.

Because this means of surveillance is that everything around them is a means of monitoring them, everything here, the floor under the feet, the walls next to them, and any traces they walk through are means of monitoring them.

Because the entire base is watching them! This is the reason why it can't be found. Every time there is a trap, there is no sign, but Lin Yun can't find any traces of traps and institutions.

The entire base is an alchemy 傀儡!

Zhe Linyun took a deep breath, and there was a shock in her eyes.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this base itself is a super giant alchemy 傀儡!"

When Lin Yunyun said 4, everyone was stupid.

"Merlin, are you kidding me?"

Ann Anda stammered.

Wagner's frightened face aside was white.

"Merlin, this ..." This joke is not good at all ... "

She Linyun's face didn't say a serious smile.

"The original master here, in the accomplishment of the alchemy, is unprecedented in terms of exaggeration. Before the third dynasty, and after the third dynasty to the present, everyone who can compare with him is holding his finger. Can count over.

I have turned the entire underground base into an alchemy, and it is not impossible to use that strength. On the contrary, only this explanation can explain everything. "

They are now inside the body of this giant alchemist, and their every move is naturally known by this alchemist. They even calculated their route and the time required, and arranged an ambush in advance. Sexually exerts its greatest power.

Except for this explanation that the entire base is an alchemy 傀儡, there is no other explanation.

Not to mention Wagner, Anderfa are three faces with incredible expression.

But Lin Yun knew that this was really possible. In the last days, although he had never seen such a huge alchemy cricket with his own eyes, he had also seen records in the deserted library.

At the time when Northrend's world was at its peak, there was a force called the City of Puppets, specializing in alchemy puppets. Their fortress was a giant alchemy puppet, and their alchemy puppets. The rampant city swept countless planes and even attacked the undead plane.

And their 傀儡 city was lost on the Undead Plane, and was destroyed when more than half of the Undead Plane was conquered.

Bill George spent so long in the Raging Flames, and may even have been here at the Glorious Fortress.

It is completely understandable that the entire base is the highest masterpiece of an alchemy puppet.

The true master of alchemy 傀儡, it is no wonder that the peak age of Northrend's world can not be obtained, and there are countless people who remember the remains of Bill George.

In the end, he didn't find the real remains of Bill George, but also recorded it and put it in the barren library.

Moreover, what makes Lin Yun the most certain is the question that was doubted at the beginning.

When first came in, all the machinery and alchemy 那个 on the Alchemy 傀儡 manufacturing assembly line were exhausted, even seemingly exhausted energy for a long time.

But those guarded alchemy 傀儡 have enough energy, where is the remaining energy?

You must know that the power of the abyss drawn from the entire shining fortress for the alchemy is very huge. Even if only a small part is poured into the ground, this power is a huge astronomical figure.

With so much power, even the energy supply of those alchemists can't be guaranteed. Where is the most of the remaining power?

I now have an explanation ...,

绝 Most of the energy is used to provide the entire base, or the giant alchemy 傀儡!

The energy department used to give priority to this largest alchemy 傀儡, so that the base can always be in a running state. The huge pipeline system that manufactures alchemy 停 has stopped. I am afraid that the biggest reason is the problem of raw materials.

No one has come here for many years. The base wants to make alchemy. 傀儡 There is no material to make it. It just stops.

"Everyone be careful, don't leave, we are now facing the entire base, and danger may occur at any time."

Zhe Linyun commanded everyone, and then waved to summon a few rocks to poke forward.

"Merlin, why not choose the road on the left and right?"

Andrfa asked a little doubtfully.

Zhe Linyun looked at the dark passage ahead.

"Now we can only hope to leave here if we find the core of the base. The entire base is an alchemist. It has an almost never-ending supply of energy. If we do not find the core of the base, we will spend hundreds of years here. I want to go out, the highest masterpiece of a powerful alchemist at the top of the sky order, do you think we can forcibly break out here? "

As soon as Lin Yun said a word, Wagner closed his mouth as soon as she was about to say Sheng.

The powerful mage at the peak of Tianjie, and also particularly good at alchemy. This means that if you want to forcibly break out, at least you must have the strength of Tianjie to have such a glory.

Wagner now regrets coming with him. He died here if he couldn't make it, and only followed the path of Merlin. He didn't dare to refute, because he really died if he didn't make it.

Zhe Linyun led a person into the front passage. Just a few steps away, there was a rumbling sound overhead.

Each one is seven or eight meters thick, and the square-shaped sky steel stones fall from the sky. These sky stone stones are tightly attached to the walls on both sides, there is no gap at all, and each piece has at least two or thirty. The weight of thousands of pounds, this kind of weight, can not carry off work, let alone other people, this is the purest rolling!

Zhe Linyun's face changed slightly, and the magic energy array instantly calculated that there were fifteen such steel stones, which means that they would rush out 130 meters before these steel stones fell to the ground.

The time it takes for these stones to fall to the ground will never exceed two seconds!

Lin Yun did not hesitate to cast the incarnation of the flame element, behind which a giant roulette phantom appeared, and the infinite flame spewed into a flame channel spreading forward ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and the flame While still rushing forward, Lin Yun had begun to display a flash of flames flashing forward.

Flashed three times in a row, just as the passage of the flames passed 130 meters away, Lin Yun also appeared.

Immediately after appearing, Lin Yun turned to the channel or cast a spell. Four yellow-colored vortices appeared instantly, and among the vortices came giant rock giants of five or six meters. These giants raised their arms and braced the fall. Sky steel.

In a moment, half of the rock giant was blasted by the impact force of Tiangang, and then more rock giants came out to slow down the time of Tiangang's fall.

In the passage, the off class suddenly chopped the ground, and her body rushed through a distance of 130 meters like a cannonball. Lena gave Lin Yun a glance, and opened an ice waterfall with a mouth, which showed three ice flashes in a row. Just escaped.

An Defa and Alchemy 炼 's method are exactly the same, they release the most powerful spells instantly towards the rear, and then let the impact of the spells fly them over a distance of 130 meters.

For more than a second, several people escaped, but Wagner was the slowest guy. Xue Linyun cast the incarnation of the flame element, and then used the flame channel paved by Lin Yun to escape with a flash of flame.

But his incarnation of the flame element is not very good. A flash of flame can only flash for more than ten meters. In two seconds, he escaped more than 70 meters, and there was still half of the distance. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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