End of the Magic Era

Chapter 870: Rune of Gravity

Chapter 870 Gravity Rune

At this time, the first Tiangang stone that fell in the rear has fallen to the ground. At a position of 130 meters, even if there is an infinite rock giant to delay time, it can support at most one second. More time.

Wagner is sure to die ...

In the face of this type of steel stone that has no response to magic and elements, at least 200,000 kilograms of weight are thrown down. There is absolutely no way to resist any shields and any spells. Smashing into flesh is an inevitable result.

Wagner is still flashing frantically, but Lin Yun has calculated it instantly. The result is that Wagner can escape to the position of the last sky steel at most and will be killed ...

恐怖 The sheer weight of this horror, Lin Yun has no good way to resist, letting such a weird guy off the class to go up is also killed.

I ca n’t think too much about it. Lin Yun held the dragon's staff, and all the magic began to boil. A lot of magic spewed out, and the spell in the mouth quickly sang.

A vortex full of ominous and evil appeared under the last steel stone, a strong **** breath spewed out, and a horrible breath filled the vortex.

Then an instant, a huge arm with a thickness of nearly two meters stretched out from the gate of hell, and severely stood against the falling steel stone.

"Quack, no one can stop me from coming to this world ..."

The language full of evil smell spread through the gate of hell. The giant hand stood against the steel stone, but it could not stop the steel stone from falling. A large number of runes permeated the blue devil's claw. , Want to increase strength, but did not respond to Tian Gangshi.

"Damn, Tian Gangshi ..."

Squinting, Tian Gangshi only slowed down a little bit, but still firmly pressed down, the devil's fury roar came from the gate of hell.

However, Wagner escaped this channel successfully with the help of the devil.

After a second, the arm of that devil's outstretched Hell's Gate was crushed back by Tian Gangshi, and Tian Gang Stone hit the gate of Hell, which destroyed the gate of Hell instantly.

Luan Defa stared at Lin Yun in fright.

"Fuck, Merlin, you are too hurry, open the gates of hell, and also call a **** lord, you are done, he definitely wrote down your magic breath ..."

Qi Linyun sneered.

What a joke, in this case, what better than to open the gates of **** and summon a devil lord desperately wanting to come to this world.

Opening the gate of hell, with the output of magic power, there will be a response from **** creatures, but **** creatures have a bad root, that is, they must attack the summoner first.

Because as long as the Summoner is killed, they can continue to live in this world forever without returning to the harsh environment of 冇 Hell.

If you can't beat the summoner, the **** creature will consider serving the summoner.

The magic power that Lin Yun consumed in a moment was equivalent to the magic power of a ninth-level magic wizard.

The door of Hell opened will inevitably attract a demon of the order of heaven, but I did not expect it to be a devil lord ...

Then the poor devil lord lived up to expectations and stopped Tian Gangshi for more than a second, then he was smashed back to **** by Tian Gangshi ...

As for the magical breath, Lin Yun was even more huh. No magical power consumed by opening the gate of **** just now was his own magical power, all of which were directly triggered by the magical water.

Smell the breath of magic water ...

He is a demon ...

In the half-plane, the magical power generated by the soul fragments of the demon, Lin Yun really didn't believe that the demon lord could not feel the demon breath contained in it.

Even if it is only the descendants of the devil, he is not the one who dares to provoke him.

So, he was used by Lin Yun as a coolie, and then returned to hell, he still had to be scared, would he be followed by some powerful demon descendants ...

As soon as An Defa's eyes turned, she figured it out, and looked at Lin Yun with a little admiration.

"Merlin, you have more and more of my wit, the devil lord of **** dare to use it like this ..."

Lin Linyun ignored the Anderfa, but instead looked at Wagner, who was sitting on the ground, panting and panting. This guy looked a little embarrassed, but was not hurt, but he was frightened.

If Lin Yun immediately opened a gate of **** and used a devil lord to support that piece of steel, he has now been smashed into flesh.

Looking at the Tiangang Stone that blocked the passage in front of him, Lin Yun knew that he can only go forward this way. There may be countless dangers waiting for them on this road, but he can only go forward. go.

As the pinnacle of Bill George's masterpiece, the entire base is an alchemist. If you are not careful, Tianjie may die here.

Fortunately, this huge alchemy 傀儡 does not seem to be a powerful war alchemy 比, and Bill George may not have thought that someone would enter this base. There is no horror of one step at a time.

After a little rest, Lin Yun took people to continue along this road. Before walking far, dense runes suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides. Above the passage, a large number of runes were solidified. The ground, but slowly cracked a gap, the ground retracted into the walls on both sides, and a sharp spike was exposed below.

The ground slowly turned into a visible trap, and the trap continued to expand. Behind the crowd, a square stone pillar fell down, blocking the road behind.

Seeing that the ground under their feet was also retracting into the wall, Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly, and a series of runes flew in his hands. The rune culture was like a chain. A little buffering time.

Buzz buzz ...

A dull groan slowly sounded, the runes on the walls on both sides and the ceiling above his head all lit up, and the air seemed to tremble fiercely.

Everyone feels that gravity is increasing madly. In two or three seconds, gravity has doubled, and it is still increasing madly.

The air above the channel began to sink, and the air pressure below it also increased rapidly. Slowly, because the pressure difference between the upper and lower air pressures was too large, winds began to blow in the channel. The roaring winds formed a circle in each floor. Rotating and whistling.

Now they have only one choice, and that is to go through this trap that is more than a hundred meters long.

Zhe Linyun held up the magic shield, because of the increasing gravity, the magic shield was suppressed and deformed.

"It has to pass as soon as possible. A lot of gravity runes are solidified on the walls here. Over time, the gravity here will become greater and greater, and all of us will be trapped in that trap."

Lin Yun whispered a command, the spikes standing in the trap below were all made of the hardest metal, and there were a lot of broken runes and rune runes. The spells were basically There is no way to destroy those spikes. Even at the point of the big pit, there is still a layer of black water. Lin Yun recognizes that it is the poisonous water with the most **** production. If you touch it, it will pollute the magic.

Zhe Linyun spit out a few runes. Instantly, an ice wall in front of him was condensed out. As soon as the ice wall appeared, it was forcibly torn by gravity and fell down.

Just like a hot knife slicing butter, that spiky pierced into the ice wall without hindrance, and before the ice wall fell to the bottom of the pit, it collapsed because it couldn't withstand that terrible gravity. Into a pile of ice pieces ...

The lower it is, the stronger the gravity is, and the gravity continues to increase. In the end, if there is no accident, the gravity will increase at least ten times. When it falls into the big pit, the gravity may increase 20-30 times. .

At that time, the shield spell will definitely not be able to withstand this horrible gravity. As long as the shield is broken and it is impossible to isolate most of the gravity from suppressing the body, it will definitely die very miserably ...

Gravity is not the same as other powers. It will affect all the tiny cells in your body and lose the protection of magic power. Your heart, your stomach, your brain, everything. Have to withstand the increased gravity all at once.

Under the influence of gravity, the blood pumped by the heart can no longer flow to the head, and the whole body's blood will be forced towards the lower body, and even the bones will not be able to bear their own weight and be broken apart ...

除了 Apart from the guys whose brains are fast turning into muscles ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, no one can withstand this horrible power by their bodies alone.

Lin Yun frowned, and suddenly understood why this trap appeared so clearly, because this trap only has strength, and if it is weak, it will definitely not survive, and the speed is slow, and it cannot keep up with the speed of increasing gravity. It will also be torn to the bottom of the big pit and crushed to death by its own weight.

When the Northrend world developed to its peak, there were also few planes that few people would conquer, such as the pure elemental planes.

The top flame elemental plane, the deepest flame lord, the released flame cannot be immune to the flame element incarnation, it is a kind of flame that completely destroys the flame and can burn the flame.

There is also the Earth Element Plane. The closer it is to the center of the Plane, the stronger the gravity will be. The people who go there are basically some special swordsman strong, and there are some races that rely on the body to fight, but there is no No one has been to the center of the elemental plane of the earth, where gravity has collapsed the space.

Xun Guang's head couldn't escape the horrible gravity there, and the rays shot out would be forcibly pulled back by gravity to distort into a huge aperture.

The most famous kind of punishment in the era of the peak is to throw people into the center of the elemental plane of the earth. No matter how strong the strong person is, there is no record of entering there.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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