End of the Magic Era

Chapter 872: core

When burned by the fire of the illusory soul, it is directly facing the soul, the person who burns the soul, the soul is pure, and the person without any thoughts in the heart, burned by the fire of the illusory soul, will not feel at all.

Some people who are as firm as steel are burned by the fire of the illusory soul, as long as they hold a firm mind, there will not be much harm.

On the contrary, when the mind is not firm, there are too many thoughts in the heart, and even when negative emotions appear, the fire of the illusory soul will ignite these thoughts and negative emotions, which is a great pain, as if the soul was burned The same pain.

In the future, many people will take the initiative to accept the burning of the illusory soul fire, just to hone themselves, and when some strong men choose their disciples, these disciples are also a necessary step to accept the test of the illusory soul fire.

However, this kind of tempering is also limited. If it is too much, the soul will be really ignited, and then it will be completely finished.

Zhe Linyun originally thought that this kind of thing would not exist in this era. I did not expect to see it here, and was disguised as the flame of the undead.

I felt the burning on my soul, Lin Yun's face was expressionless, I didn't feel much pain at all, and even felt that some impurities on my soul had been burned clean.

I died once, traveled to the last days, struggling for many years in the last days, and saw the world destroyed with my own eyes. Even before and after the world had been destroyed twice in the fantasy, Lin Yun's heart had long been polished like steel. Burned by the fire of these illusory souls, it is impossible to react too much.

in contrast. These illusory soul fires can also purify the soul and make the soul more pure. How can such a good thing be missed, and even Lin Yun has dispelled his soul protection and let the infinite illusions of undead souls pounce around.

I felt the pain of the soul being burned, but Lin Yun's mouth showed a smile, because he felt that as the soul was slowly purified, his understanding of many things was rapidly increasing. Even many of the things I saw in the deserted library are remembered again, and the understanding of magic is constantly improving. It seems that the world through soul induction is slowly becoming clear.

The situation of other people is similar. The off-duty grinned, but there was not much pain. The lazy blood dragon orc was delicious. The worst thing in this life was his master Merlin and Theodorus. As for the other ...

The dragon blood orcs with almost muscles in their heads didn't care. Besides, the blood of three golden dragons, the blood of Taigu poisonous dragon, and the blood of gods and demons are fused. How can an unrealized fire like soul fire that doesn't focus on injuries hurt the class ...

Alchemy 傀儡 This soulless guy has no reaction at all. On the side, An Defa controlled the wheel of Wan Fa and landed on top of the alchemist's head, grinning fangs and grinning.

This accumulated old monster. How many years of heterogeneous life have you lived in, will you put these illusory soul fires in your eyes? Just when I took a hot bath that was just right for the magic incarnation ...

As for Lena. It was expressionless and had no reaction at all. The Frost Dragon could keep her uncle's father's body for hundreds of years. Her mind had been as cold and hard as ice cubes, and she completely ignored these illusory soul fires, and After discovering the benefits of these illusory soul fires, I also looked at Lin Yun and let go of my defense willing to be burned by these illusory soul fires.

Among a group of people, only Wagner was constantly distorted, constantly blessing his soul, but his face was getting paler and colder, and his robes had been wet.

As I moved forward, the fire of the illusory soul, which was originally only a layer of bóbó, became more and more. After walking a few hundred meters, it became full of half aisle.

Everyone seemed to be walking in a river waist deep, defended by the fire of these illusory souls, the power of the flames began to grow stronger.

Lin Yun's complexion was normal, and there wasn't much feeling at all. Others were almost the same. Anderfa also ran out of the wheel of Wan Fa. He wandered in this pale river of flames, three faces. It's just like a hot bath, with a painful and soothing expression.

However, Wagner's complexion has become paler and paler, and his eyes have begun to loosen. He has too many thoughts in his heart, and his mind is not firm enough. In the face of this kind of illusory soul fire, the soul is almost to be quickly Lit.

Ahead, the fire of illusory souls is growing more and more powerful, and if you go on, the soul of this guy will be really ignited.

Lin Linyun glanced at Wagner. Wagner's eyes had begun to fall apart from time to time.

Zhe Linyun took off a ring on his left hand and threw it to Wagner.

"Put on."

Wagner looked pained and desperate, his face was pale and distorted, his robes were soaked with sweat, and his trembling hands caught the ring, his eyes were as if the travelers in the desert were about to die of thirst and saw the oasis.

Wagner put the ring on his hands without thinking, not even thinking about what the ring was for, because he knew that his soul would be completely ignited and burned.

Sure enough, after putting on the ring, Wagner felt that the flame that burned his soul had faded, and there was an invisible power to protect his soul, and the feeling of burning his soul was gone.

Juan Anda swims in this pale river of flames, and glances at Wagner with a smile.

The crowd continued to move forward, and the height of the flame in front of it really became higher and higher. Before going far, this pale flame had completely filled the channel, and the surrounding illusions had completely dissipated.

The power of the illusory soul fire has reached its maximum. Enveloping the whole person in the flame is the greatest burning.

Lin Linyun's face was a little pale, but she still endured no protective measures. This opportunity was rare. When she woke up, Lin Yun wanted to find this illusory soul fire. This flame will make the connection between the soul and the body closer, regardless of each other. It was born again after all.

And he is not the master of the body itself, there is a natural difference between the nature of life and the soul. When it comes to breaking through the order of heaven, when the essence of soul and life straddles a large scale, this little difference may be fatal.

Now this possible shortcoming has been completely eliminated, and even the soul has been purified more purely, more powerful, and the spiritual strength has grown rapidly. This benefit can only be done once, and it must be resisted.

I know too much. There are too many secrets in my heart, too much understanding, and it is destined to have more thoughts. Therefore, it is inevitable to suffer from burning. If it is a newly born baby, the soul is as pure as white paper, and it does not even feel here. There will be.

Lin Linyun is using the fire of the illusory soul here to improve herself, so is Lena. The essence of her life was improved, but her soul was still the soul of the Frost Dragon. The improvement of her soul could not keep up with the improvement of her body, but now this process has been rapidly accelerated.

Out of class thinking is simple. Shouting in pain, but full of vitality, there is no danger at all. Instead, there are some benefits.

Anderfa ...

This old monster has completely ignored the fire of these unreal souls ...

After Wagner brought the ring, he could not feel the fire of these unreal souls.

I walked along the passage all the way without knowing how far. When stepping out again, Lin Yun felt that he had walked out of that passage. There is a huge space in front of me. There are totem-like pillars on the flat ground. The whole space is up and down, and everywhere you can see is full of dense runes and alchemy lines.

Strands of light flow quickly in these lines, and those runes are constantly flashing light. At the center of the center, there is a white beam of light. In the beam of light, a bright golden gem is suspended in the beam of light, constantly lingering. Rotating slowly.

As the crowd walked out of the channel filled with the fire of the illusory soul and entered here, the runes here began to flash continuously, and the entire base seemed to be shaking.

侧面 In the side of this circular space, the closed doors began to open, and a horrible breath came from these doors. There were still some neat footsteps of alchemy 傀儡 moving fast.

Zhe Linyun stepped out and flew in front of the beam of light, looking at the golden gemstones floating in the beam of light, and frowned.

"Sure enough ..."

The large circular space of this giant is equivalent to the control center of the alchemist, and this gem is the key of the control center of the alchemist. The fusion of this gem is equivalent to the control of the entire base. Unparalleled special alchemy tincture.

But the fine runes and structures on this gem ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ have a special qualification.

Bloodline limitation ...

Only Bill George himself, or someone with the blood of Bill George, can fuse this gem!

其他 Other people, if they want to fuse this gem, the only result is death, if they want to control it, then this gem will be destroyed, and the entire base will be self-destructed.

Seeing this result, Lin Yun was not surprised at all. This guy, Bill George, never trusted any human beings. The only living creature that cares about him is his own blood.

I have this limitation, which is also expected by Lin Yun.

Zhe Linyun waved at Wagner and let Wagner come over.

"Now we have only one choice. This gem is the control center of the entire base. The core of the core. By combining this control gem, we can control the entire base.

We have no time to waste. The way to escape has been completely sealed. Starting from the outside and entering this core control center, the ultimate defense force of the entire base has been activated. All alchemists in the base are now rushing here. Come.

How the original tasks of the alchemy crickets will be completely changed, because someone invades here, including the spider alchemy cricket they encountered before, will activate the emergency first instruction, will rush here and kill everything Those who do not belong here. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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