End of the Magic Era

Chapter 873: Bill George

After calculating for several minutes around the altar, Lin Yun determined that this altar had no effect on the entire alchemy circle. The only effect was to increase the level of the Dark Iron Orc faster, and it had no effect on humans.

Because of this, this altar can exist in the fortress. I don't know how long, even if the black iron orcs demolished the entire fortress, the altar will not be damaged in the slightest.

With a wave of Lin Yun's hand, his mage legion was dispatched. A group of people surrounded the altar, and the altar was completely removed in less than three minutes. There was a pitch dark under the altar that was ten meters high. Empty, standing at the entrance of the cave and looking down, I don't feel how deep this passage is, and the thick abyss breath is continuously emitted from the inside into a thin smoke.

On the other side, Wagner saw that Lin Yun suddenly summoned his men, and immediately retracted his head and got into the room, but then quickly got out of his room and quietly moved towards the next room.

Damn, why did Malfay Merlin summon all his men all over, is this going to start a war again? No, I have to hide quickly, the provincial he pulled me into the battle, it will definitely not work in my room, I will hide next to him, hey, he must not find me this time.

I'm just an eighth-level magic wizard, and I have lost the legion, I can't beat the orcs with muscles in their heads ...

Wagner hesitantly snickered from the back of the room to the next room quietly, wanting to play with the lights in the dark, but before taking two steps, a figure fell from the sky.

With a loud noise, the ground shook fiercely. Wagner looked at the red orc who was impatient with a sledgehammer in front of him and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, right off work, what do you stop me from doing?"

Impatiently off work, he reached out and grabbed Wagner's collar.

"Damn bastard, dare to let the great off-duty adult come to invite you personally, alas, no, I scolded you, the great Lord Merlin said, to explore a ruin, let me invite you to follow along. "

Wagner twisted his body awkwardly, and it was wise not to ask me if you could put me down first.

At such a distance, in the face of a monster wearing orc skin that cannot be treated as such, Wagner understands that crushing his head in the direction is not as difficult as pinching the ant, so it is still difficult to talk to anger this obvious look He is not pleasing to the orcs ...

The off-duty pheasant stabbed to the center of the shining fortress, Lin Yun glanced at Wagner.

"Well, people have expired, let's go in, Kulum, William, you keep the shining fortress. If someone invades, kill them directly, don't worry about others."

Wagner originally wanted to ask a question, but when he heard Lin Yun's murderous words, he looked at the group of legion mage who obviously had a butcher temperament. He didn't say anything wisely and followed him honestly. .

Just looking at the passage of the black hole, it seems that it is the passage to the abyss, Wagner shrinks his neck and looks reluctant.

Lin Yun brought Lena, Off Class, Anderfa, Alchemist, and Wagner into the passage, and William and the Mage Corps stood guard at the shining fortress.

Entering the channel, Lin Yun immediately threw out a dozen wizard eyes, and magic detection, life detection, and undead detection were thrown out one by one.

The results of the detection were surprising, there was no magic reaction, and no life or undead existed.

But after walking down the ladder for a while, Lin Yun knew why there were no protective measures.

Straight obliquely down the one-way passage, there suddenly appeared three forks, Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly, controlling the eyes of the three wizards to enter these three passages.

However, an accident occurred. The wizard ’s eyes flew out for more than ten meters, and Lin Yun ’s induction plummeted. The things seen through the wizard ’s eyes blurred quickly. After the wizard ’s eyes flew out for more than 20 meters, they were completely lost. induction.

The summoning of three rock salamanders was the same result. After entering the three passages for more than 20 meters, the connection was completely disconnected, but the faint connection let Lin Yun know that the three rock salamanders did not disappear. But there is serious interference in this channel.

There is only one way to get in, choose a channel to enter, and walk through this maze that looks the most ordinary and does not use magic.

This seemingly simple maze, however, completely cuts off the opportunity for the mage to use spells.

As soon as Lin Yun waved his hand, several floating manuscript papers appeared in front of him. Lin Yun held a quill pen and quickly calculated on the manuscript paper. The magic energy array assisted the calculation. The data on the manuscript paper was extremely concise. Some key figures.

After a minute, Lin Yun strode to the left channel.

According to the mind of a normal person, the middle channel is the front channel. It is a little smarter and understands the doubt. The first reaction is also the left channel. However, as long as such doubts arise, the probability of choosing the left channel will be much smaller. This channel and the channel on the right have the best chance of being selected.

Lin Yun put away the manuscript paper and quill pen, and frowned slightly. The owner of this relic had a kind of peeping ability similar to the real eyes of people's psychological blind spots.

In the face of a labyrinth that is not a magic labyrinth, ordinary mages will tend to judge by themselves. If it is not for the entire structure of the shining fortress and the legal array, Lin Yun may not choose the channel on the left.

But combining all the data and clues, and the angle, position, and length of this channel, the channel on the left is the only channel that is likely to enter below the shining fortress.

The amount of calculation required here is simply an astronomical figure. It takes at least a day to determine the creator without a magic array, and the premise is that the complete data of the shining fortress and the magic array must be available.

Just the first channel, there is such a seemingly simple but most difficult choice.

And don't think about it, there must be deadly danger in the other two channels.

Lin Yun's forehead shone a cold sweat, and now it is even more certain that this ruin may be the ruins of Bill George. Only this guy who has experienced countless torture in the first half of his life will have this seemingly simple but dangerous vicious labyrinth.

Lin Yun summoned the wizard's eyes and rocks to walk in front of him. He even felt uneasy, opened a door to hell, summoned a little devil, and forcibly controlled the little devil to explore the way.

Anderfa, none of them understood why Lin Yun suddenly became so cautious, or even overly cautious.

But following Lin Yun for so long, I understand that there are too few situations where Lin Yun can be so cautious. No one dares to come out, and the most careless and off-duty classes are all shut up honestly. Follow behind.

Before walking too far, I encountered another intersection, which is still three roads. Lin Yun calculated it in detail for more than ten minutes before calculating that the correct passage this time was the right.

Wagner followed, with a puzzled look, totally at a loss as to why it was only three simple choices, which took so long to calculate, and even after calculating, he had to use three methods cautiously to explore the way.

This is too careful, isn't it good to summon some elemental creatures to explore the way? If there is any danger, it will be discovered in advance. Can you return even if you choose the wrong one? Malfam Merlin is too careful. The eyes of the wizard and the rock cricket were not enough, and they even ventured to open the gate of **** to get a little devil.

After walking across the seven intersections with one face, when we encountered the three identical three openings for the eighth time, everyone was used to it, and stopped voluntarily, waiting for Lin Yun to continue to calculate the correct path.

After calculating it, Lin Yun still carefully released the eyes of the wizard and the rock staggered away in front of dozens of meters.

There is still no danger in this passage, and there are only solidified runes on the rocks on both sides, and it looks no different from the passage before.

At least through the eyes of the wizard and the observation of the rock sting, there is nothing different.

But Lin Yun, like an enemy, forcibly controlled the little honest devil to walk more than twenty meters in front of him and explore the way in front.

There were no changes in the seven passages in a row, but suddenly there was a change at this time. When the eyes of the wizard and the rocks walked by, there were no changes in the passages.

However, when the little devil walked by, some of the solidified runes in the channel suddenly changed. The original solidified runes, through permutation and combination, were combined into new runes. The upper, lower, left, and right sides of the tunnel are covered with dense flames of fire.

Each reddish ray is like a thick light from a little finger, and instantly forms a dense net.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of hot net is not one ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but there is one across ten centimeters, and there are dozens of them.

The drooling, demon-looking little devil was shot through by three flame rays, and a scorching smell spread out in the passage, and a large purple blood splattered out, but was instantly evaporated by those flame rays.

Suddenly the attacked little devil stayed there, but moved a little. When the body passed through the net of flame rays, the body seemed to be cut into countless pieces by sharp blades, and it instantly shattered ...

Then, just as a large piece of purple blood sprayed out, it was completely evaporated by the hot flame rays, and even the little devil's body instantly turned into ashes and scattered ...

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, and there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was Bill George's style. This guy who was full of suffering and distress in the first half of his life, the most favorite thing to do was fall into the trap without knowing it, and he was surprised before he died. r1152


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