End of the Magic Era

Chapter 874: 1 item down 1 item

This note is only some of the experiences of Bill George. There are very few parts about alchemy. Basically, they are scattered things about magic and magic. They are only related to the wizard's perception of magic.

这些 And these things are the most precious things for Lin Yun. He only knows a lot, but some things that have not been experienced have not been experienced and cannot be obtained for nothing.

These things are what Lin Yun needs most now. At the stage of the title magic wizard, the magic power can no longer cause crickets. Already.

The only thing that limits Lin Yun's level promotion is the rules and accumulation of level perception, which cannot be achieved overnight.

So now as long as Lin Yun has any new perceptions, the level will automatically increase. Before being burned by the fire of those illusory souls, there have been many perceptions and new inspirations, and the level has been raised to four. The titled Magister is at its peak.

Looking now at this book, it may be that Bill George didn't care much, maybe it was a note thrown there, and immediately felt that his level broke through to the fifth-level title wizard.

A completely different feeling rose in Lin Yun's heart. It seemed to feel that the power that he could exert suddenly improved a lot. It seemed that he had only very strong power, but he could only exert 50% to 60%. Now it can be used to achieve 70%.

Lin Linyun looked at the essay in her hand, knowing it. This is not an illusion, but it really is.

Five-level title wizard. It is a hurdle for the title magic wizard. When I first came to the angry flame plane, I heard a sentence. Under the fifth-level title magic wizard, there may be cannon fodder on the angry flame plane.

Only the strongest above the five-level title wizard can really control the battle situation.

In the Northrend world, there was also a point of view, the journey of the title magic wizard stage started from the fifth title magic wizard.

Before the level 5 titled Wizard. It is an accumulation process, and the enhanced level and strength are not much different from the magic wizard stage and even the master wizard stage.

But when the fifth-level title wizard started, he really began to touch the shadows of the rules. Seeing that he could feel the shadows of the rules. In that state of obscurity, observe and perceive that trace of shadow, and hope to find some insights from it. To something.

and so. At the beginning of the five-level title, the level of strength brought by each level increase will increase continuously. But I can feel that I can exert more power than I thought. This is the change brought about by the shadow of a rule.

Silently, he was promoted to the fifth-level title wizard. Lin Yun's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Ascension to this stage will increase the strength again. At present, the general nine-level title wizard is no longer his opponent, and only the top-level title wizards. Similar to Heron and Joey, one foot has already reached the rank of the strong, in order to be his opponent.

Zhe Linyun held Bill George's handwriting to study the magic of enlightenment, but the bright fortress Lee was a scene of fiery heat.

Centered on the glorious fortress, some of the surrounding tribes have been completely suppressed, and they are even thinking of expanding their occupation further. As the underground alchemy 傀儡 base began to operate at full capacity, a large number of alchemy 傀儡 was produced.

The levels of these alchemy urns are not particularly high, but they are extremely large. They act as coolies in the shining fortress and go to some resource points near the shining fortress to mine ore resources.

After returning from the underground base, Lena went to hard work, her soul was purified and tempered, and her dragon crystal transformation plan went faster and faster, and her strength increased faster and faster, far beyond Frost Giant. Dragon's fastest lifting speed.

It is important to know that dragons have a long life span, especially some powerful dragon races. When they are under one thousand years old, they are not considered to be adults. They are inherently powerful, but the improvement of strength and level is very slow, much slower than humans.

Xi Lena has been promoted to the thirty-ninth level in just over a year, and her strength is constantly improving, exceeding the average Frost Dragon at least dozens of times.

The upgrading of the off-duty class has not shown signs of weakening, but it is getting older and faster. It will soon be upgraded to the seventh swordmaster, and its strength is getting more and more terrifying. The body is getting stronger and stranger. A thirty-sixth level alchemy cricket accidentally hit the back, but only grinned and yelled a few words.

And Lin Yun ’s patch Alchemy Puppet was also replaced with some low-level parts from some precious parts turned out in the underground base. If you find some alchemy puppet parts of the sky order, it will not be impossible to restore the strength of the sky order. may.

The 50 Legion Masters and their advanced titled Magisters are also increasing. The leader of the Legion Master Kurumu has made the fastest progress. Although he is still a secondary Titled Magister, he has mastered the incarnation of the flame element Beyond the power that the spell should have.

The whole fortress is flourishing, everyone is in a good mood, except Wagner's mood is not beautiful ...

"Master Sean, I was wrong, I didn't mean to scold you in my heart ..."

Wagner lay on the ground with his head in his arms, rolling constantly, with pain and fear in his face.

After ten seconds or so, Lord Sean got out of Wagner's head and returned to the ring with a disdain.

"Damn bastard, you actually slandered the great Sean in your heart, are you looking for fun for me?"

Wagner quickly shook his head, his face horrified, his face pale and without any blood ...

I watched Lord Sean return to the ring before Wagner confessed despair.

When he returned from the underground base, Wagner thought that now that he had this huge alchemy base, he had completely mastered it, so what else did Lin Yun do?

At the beginning, I also wanted to resist. But his soul was opened to the back by Lord Sean, and it was totally unguarded for Lord Sean. Nothing wrong can hide from Master Sean.

Every time I have this idea, he will be cleaned up by Lord Sean.

I just came back a few days. I was cleaned up several times a day. In the end, my soul was a little damaged, and I could n’t stand up every day like a dead dog.

He dared not resist and was unwilling, and then was cleaned up by Master Sean ...

I wanted to be ruthless, and cut off my ring finger directly with magic spells, and then just raised the thought, Lord Sean violently tore open the soul. Let him have a good feel of what it means to die ...

Now, Wagner looked at the ring on his hand, with a look of fate.

Anyway, this is already the case anyway, I ca n’t escape if I want to escape, I ca n’t resist against it, what else can I do? The soul is in control, and I do n’t want to die ...

Follow this Malfay Merlin. This Malfay Merlin is so terrible. I'm afraid the chance of advancing to the heavens will be very large in the future. Listen to Lord Sean, Malfay Merlin's level has just broken through to the fifth-level title wizard ...

Five-level title wizard ...

Oh shit. How could a fifth-level title wizard have such a powerful combat power. If he was promoted to a ninth-level title wizard, wouldn't it be possible to have a sky-level combat power?

And it only took a few years. From an apprentice to such a terrible existence, it is not shameful to follow him.

He now has an Alchemy He base. It's better than when I was in the George family, and I have more control. In the George family, even if he can become the owner, it is very small that he may break through to the heavens in the future, but it may be possible to follow him ...

Anyway, this is already the case anyway, let's do it first ...

Wagner was completely appointed, honestly operating the glorious fortress, and controlling the full operation of the base.

After a short while, half a month passed, the shining fortress has been built like an iron barrel, unless the angry flame orc army swept over in shock, otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of being re-robbed.

Even the surrounding area of ​​the Bright Fortress is completely under the control. Although the Bright Fortress is regarded as a bitter cold place on the angry flame level, it is only that the climate and environment here are basically not suitable for the growth of most plants.

The food needed by the Orcs is basically not produced here, and the prey is very poor, but the content of ore is not a little bit.

But these mineral veins are not particularly significant to the Raging Flame Orcs, and this place is not very good.

At the time, Bill George established the base here for no reason. There were mineral resources, but it was not noticeable.

A large number of alchemy tinctures have been continuously produced ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Everyone has begun to relax, not only Lin Yun is holding the book and reading it every day, Lena is out of class, they are all okay, fifty army The mage also has plenty of time to study magic every day.

This is okay one day or two, after all, after experiencing fierce fighting before, but as time goes by, everyone will be a bit anxious.

If it is normal, occupying a fortress in this way, it is okay to build well, but now is not the time to be idle.

Now it ’s the biggest battle ever for the Raging Flame Plane. The total offensive battle of the Raging Flame Plane is about the fate of the Raging Flame Plane, who will be in charge after the Raging Flame Plane.

王国 The battle between the Kingdom of Andalusia and Odin has reached its fiercest time. The daily points change is very obvious. Everyone is desperately trying to win more points.

At this time, Lin Yun, the commander, had no urgency. He held a book and looked down every day, or he took down an alchemy urn and reinstalled it.

"Merlin, the Gorgeous Fortress is almost controlled here. Everything around the development that should be controlled is controlled. Why don't you be in a hurry. If we drag on like this, we will be too far behind, even if the Kingdom of Andalusia We can't divide much in the victory of this battle. "




[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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