End of the Magic Era

Chapter 875: Do not worry

An Defa's three faces were all worried, and couldn't help but persuade Lin Yun.

Zhe Linyun waved her hands, and her eyes did not move away from the hands on her hands.

"It's okay, it's still early, no rush, no rush ..."

Seeing Lin Yun's appearance, Anderfa didn't know what to say. After a while, Kurum came again.

"Master, Marfa, don't we move on? There is no sense to stay here ..."

Zhe Linyun looked dull, and continued to read the notes.

"It's okay, don't worry, you can take advantage of this time to improve yourself first. When you are all promoted to the title wizard, you will be more confident in future battles."

Kurumu bowed and left, and he dared not ask more. After so long, he had understood that his Mafia had always planned everything, and it was impossible to do things without confidence and meaning.

Even if time is wasted here now, it may have special meaning.

A few people came to persuade from time to time, but Lin Yun was still calm, so we dare not ask more.

Others were calm, but Wagner could not calm down. He is now on the thief ship, and his soul is controlled by others. It can be said that all glory and glory, all damage, and seeing Lin Yun wasted time here. Can't stand it.

"Merlin, Alchemy 傀儡 has already produced a lot. There are hundreds of Alchemy 傀儡 s in battles above level 35, and the others are even more. We are still wasting time here, isn't it good?"

It's already in full swing elsewhere. Everyone else's points are growing rapidly, and our points have hardly increased ... "

Wagner was worried.

Damn, it ’s not only a big difference. I also watched it yesterday. The points of the Kingdom of Odin steadily suppressed the Kingdom of Andalusia, and several major forces on the side of the Kingdom of Odin have already begun to attack. Speed ​​is incredible.

Andalusia's momentum is not weak, the points have grown very fast, and our points have not increased for half a month. In this way, it is really over ...

Damn, I do n’t know if it ’s time to support the Kingdom of Odin or the Kingdom of Andalusia ...

Wagner came to persuade that Lin Yun didn't respond, and there was no intention of leaving, and everyone was anxious at this time.

Various inquiries began to quickly reach the shining fortress ...

The news from the Kingdom of Andalusia was collected by Lin Yun's men.

The Black Tower captured three fortresses all the way, suppressing dozens of orc tribes. It was terrible and fast. There are more and more powerful people mobilized.

Cloud Tower captured three fortresses, and fortunately found a magic metal vein with a large number of dragon bloodstones ...

To know that dragon bloodstone is a top magic gem, it is an invaluable treasure to the mage. Each dragon bloodstone is said to be the blood of ancient dragons. Then after a long time of precipitation, it may be associated with the magic metal veins.

This is one of the few things that can improve the Mage 冇 talent. It is used to configure alchemy potions for some magic apprentices. An ordinary talented magic apprentice can at least rise to the upper middle level.

These powerful mages. Many of them have good talents, but their favorite children and grandchildren don't. Every time a dragon bloodstone appears in Northrend World, it can set off a **** storm.

I once improved some talents because of Dragon Bloodstone, and there are several people who have finally become strong.

一次 This time, the cloud tower found a magical metal vein with dragon bloodstone at one time, which is a big profit.

There are good luck, naturally there are bad luck. Before, it should have been Lin Yun's hope fortress, but it became very difficult.

There are not only two nine-level swordsmen there, but also a nine-level orc shaman.

The guy who had lost his skin and replaced Lin Yun at the time, now his intestines are almost regretful, the family ’s power has been lost, and he is cursed by the orc shaman. The magic power is dissipated, and the soul is withering and withering. Battle.

Watson family, Charlotte family ...

The Andalusian forces are attacking frantically. The seven major forces have basically no fluctuations and have completed the established offensive plan. However, the following small forces have suffered heavy losses. Some fortresses have been attacked and the losses have been very heavy. ...

But the information on the Odin Kingdom was provided by Wagner.

家伙 This guy is even more anxious than Lin Yun now. He will report to Lin Yunxuan as soon as he gets any news.

的 The three forces that lead the Kingdom of Odin are occupying faster than Black Tower and Cloud Tower.

The Burning Burning Tower has broken through four orc fortresses, and all of them are hard-bone fortresses. The strength is very scary. It is said that there are hundreds of magic wizards alone. The peak of the title Wizard has been an established strong for more than thirty years.

The strong man who has become the son of burning scorch has already entered the heavens with one foot. It can be said that he can break through at any time, but he is forced to suppress it without breaking. He hopes to continuously gain insights and make himself more complete.

It is said that when attacking an angry flame orc fortress, an ancestor of nearly forty level appeared there. After a battle with the son of Ranbuya, it was burned to ashes stiffly, and even that fortress was half burned. Into ruins.

There is also a place where the quicksand towers attack. There is exactly a desert. An orc fortress there is built underground. Not only is it hidden, but the defense is very strong. Faced with the attack of the quicksand towers, those angry flame orcs can't stay out.

Then under the leadership of their commander, the Master Legion of the Quicksand Towers jointly cast a super spell, dragging the underground base that was several miles away from the ground, and letting the terrain within a few miles. There have been earth-shaking changes.

The originally flat Gobi. Now it has become a desert that stretches for ten miles, and the middle of the desert is uplifted. The fortress that was originally underground became the highest place here. Thousands of orcs were buried alive and died alive.

The orc warlord there, a 39th-level orc warlock, was killed by a spell from the opposing commander ...

Hundreds of meters high sand waves rolled back down, swallowed up the orc warlord, dragged the opponent to the ground several hundred meters, and lived to death until the magic power was exhausted.

Also the city of the sky is the most weird. They carry a large number of small war floating fortresses in the city of the sky, and the mage army hides in those war floating fortresses and casts them unscrupulously. Conquering the fortress is the fastest.

Sky City has just captured the fifth stronghold so far, and their strategic division of labor is the most obvious. The mage army with a war floating fortress goes first. After breaking through the stronghold, it immediately goes to other places, with land behind Follow the legion to clean up the mess.

In addition to these three strongest forces, other forces are not weak. Except that the Georges had bad luck and met Lin Yun, other forces have basically attacked their target fortress.

When news came from the kingdom of Odin, everyone was even more worried.

Lin Linyun's group of men sat together, and William spoke first.

"Maffa doesn't know what's going on recently. He's been fighting the flames of the rage outside. He's not in a hurry, and I took a look at the latest points. Our points have been exceeded, not only It is the bottom of the seven forces. Among those small and medium forces, many of them have more points than us. In this way, we will not have any points to get. "

Wagner weeped weakly, and he felt most wronged. He was clearly a member of the Kingdom of Odin, but now he was still worried about the Kingdom of Andalusia.

"The points over the Kingdom of Odin have already crushed the Kingdom of Andalusia, and then go on like this, and finally the angry flame planes have always won, and those stupid angry flame orcs have been conquered, and everyone is busy. What does Merlin really think ... "

Juan Andfa transfigured three hands, dragged three chins, and pondered for a while.

"Can't go on like this, if not, let's persuade Merlin together ..."

It ’s been a few days, and the information coming from outside is getting more and more severe. The battle has begun to enter the stage of white heat, the horn of full-scale war has sounded, and the angry flame orcs have gone through so many days A comprehensive assembly has begun, and a full counterattack may begin at any time. This is the most critical time to decide whether the battle can be won.

Zhe Linyun was still reading a book quietly in a quiet courtyard with a book. Anderfa, Kurum, Wagner, William, off class ...

This group of people have come here together ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ After coming in, I can't help myself off.

"Master Meilin, when are we leaving here? The frontline has begun full-scale war, and if we don't go, we will lose all the benefits."

Aside, Wagner added quickly.

"Master Meilin, now is the best opportunity and the last chance to earn points. If you drag on, you won't get any points!"

An Defa's face was puzzled and he inserted a sentence.

"Merlin, you know, the points of the Kingdom of Odin now exceed the Kingdom of Andalusia, and the gap seems to be increasing. If you drag on, the Kingdom of Andalusia will lose. You will not think that time Can you stand alone against the forces of the kingdom of Odin? "

Wagner's complexion was a bit unpleasant, and he reluctantly added.

"Master Merlin, it is said that the kingdom of Odin has already appeared in the ranks ..."

Zhe Linyun closed the book, raised her head, looked dull, not proud and impatient, said lightly.

"Don't worry, it's not time for us to play. As for points, don't worry, just wait ..."

哪里 Where can a group of people understand? Now their eyebrows are on fire. Even those who are not on duty, such as basic offense, are anxious, but Lin Yun is still not in a hurry.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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