End of the Magic Era

Chapter 876: Confluence

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While a group of people was persuading.

Lin Yun's expression moved slightly, and a magic beacon was taken out. The magic beacon exuded a soft light, and a slight wave of magic wave spread to the surroundings like a breeze in perception.

Lin Yun spit out a few notes, and the magic was poured into this magic beacon. In a moment, the magic beacon bloomed with dazzling rays of light, and the brilliance brightened, forming an illusionary figure in the air.

In the image, Heron and Joey are sitting in front of a round table, surrounded by a conference room.

"Her Mafia, as promised, we have breached the Sunset Fortress, and now it is time for you to fulfill your promise."

Heron's eyes seemed tired, and she said such a bland sentence.

In such a bland sentence, if you let the people who know the information know, you will be astounded.

Sunset Fortress is not an ordinary fortress, even if it is a place where the Dark Iron Orcs are stationed, it is completely incomparable with Sunset Fortress.

The Sunset Fortress is arguably the most important bridgehead in the defense of the angry flame orcs. This is the only way to the heart of the angry flame plane. The angry flame orcs can resist for so long without being conquered. The credit is definitely more than dozens of forts combined.

The human army could not break into the heart of the Raging Flame Plane because the sunset fortress was stuck here.

This is equivalent to a bridge between the angry flame orcs and humans, the angry flame orcs hold this fortress in their hands. Can resist all the time.

And if it is captured by humans, it may be used as the bridgehead to enter the heart of the angry flame plane.

The overall success rate of the attack will increase by at least 30%. Even the time to complete the total attack of the angry flame plane will be a lot ahead of time.

The significance of this. Everybody knows.

Lin Yun knew very well that it took so long for the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower to unite to defeat the Sunset Fortress. The difficulty was not included in such a plain sentence as Heron.

When the three forces united, this cooperation included the general attack of the Raging Flame Plane.

Attacking the Fury Orcs is the first step, occupying more points and smashing into the Fury Orcs's hinterland as fast as possible.

Everyone knows how strong the kingdom of Odin is, but to what extent. But only people at the level of Heron and Joe knew.

The Odin Kingdom is led by only three forces, but each is stronger than the Black Tower or Cloud Tower.

Of the seven forces of the Kingdom of Andalusia, only the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower can barely compete with the three forces of the Kingdom of Odin.

Even Heron admitted that the commanders of the three forces of the Kingdom of Odin were each a little stronger than him.

At this time, if there is no cooperation, there is no way to win the Kingdom of Odin.

The three powers of the Kingdom of Odin, and Andalusia, there are only two slightly weaker, even if they will not face the three powers of the Kingdom of Oding for the time being. As far as points are concerned, some can't keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

What is being done now is a continuously improving cooperation plan, Lin Yun is waiting here. That is, waiting for Heron and Joey to capture the Sunset Fortress.

"Herren, Lord Joy, rest assured. Since I promised, I will do it."

"Okay. This is the coordinates of the portal in Sunset Fortress. We have already set up the portal. You can come at any time."

The image slowly disappeared, and the light blooming from the magic beacon retracted the magic beacon. Lin Yun stowed the magic beacon and slowly stood up.


Kurumu's eyes burst into flames, and he suddenly stood upright with his right hand on his heart.

"Await your orders at any time, Lord Merlin."

"Immediately build a portal with this coordinate, and we are ready to go on the expedition."

Kurum got the coordinates and immediately turned away.

"Wagner stayed in the Glorious Fortress, and everyone else went with me."

Lin Yun looked around and made such a decision.

Wagner is now the only person who can control the base of the Glorious Fortress. There must be his control here, and the importance of the Gorge Fortress is beyond doubt. With Wagner here, the underground base is operating at full capacity, even if there is an accident Can resist it.

Wagner's face flashed with joy, and what he was most afraid of was Lin Yun leaving with him, and now he was left alone to watch the shining fortress.

Hahaha, it's so good, Mafam Merlin left me here alone, and then all the others took away, leaving no one to look at me, this is all right, when they leave, I will immediately Leaving here, whoever loves to guard the shining fortress, I immediately return to the Kingdom of Odin, I do not care about the matter of the angry flame plane ...

As soon as Wagner's mind turned, he immediately thought about it, but before he was happy, Wagner began to hold his head and screamed and fell to the ground.

A dozen seconds later, Lord Sean appeared on top of Wagner's head, patting his head with a paw, disdainful.

"Wagner, I don't think you have a long memory for a few days. You seem to have forgotten something ..."

Wagner was pale, sitting on the ground in fear, shaking his head again and again.

"Master Sean, kidding, I was just kidding just now, don't take it seriously, how could I do this kind of thing ..."

Wagner was terrified, and the little thoughts he had just given were instantly gone. He forgot that Lord Sean opened a back door in his soul. He couldn't hide anything from Master Sean, let alone such a bad one. Thoughts out.

Lin Yun ignored both Wagner and Master Sean, and went out on his own, he was not worried about what little tricks Wagner dared to come up with.

There is Lord Sean. Even if this guy finds a heavenly powerhouse, he may not be able to save him before Lord Shawn smashes his soul.

Honestly guarding the shining fortress here is the only option.

The portal was quickly set up. But there was another problem.

There are too many people to teleport this time, and there are too many strong ones.

Lin Yun. The five-level title wizard has absolutely nine levels of title. If all the means are used, the combat power can be said to have reached the peak that the title wizard can reach.

Lena, thirty-nine, the essence of life has been sublimated to a level beyond that of the Frost Dragon.

The patched alchemy puppet, the original alchemy puppet of the order of the heavens, can now only play out 39 levels of power because of the parts.

Off class, has recently been promoted to the seventh swordsman.

There are also the Legion of Masters. The strongest one is the second-level magic wizard, and the weakest is the ninth-level magic wizard.

Except for the strong, the most troublesome are those alchemists.

In underground bases, there are hundreds of combat alchemy badges that can be taken directly above the 35th level.

There are also a large number of lower-level battle alchemy maggots and cast alchemy maggots.

The stronger the person, the more energy they need to consume when transmitting. But under normal circumstances, a strong person with life can control his own power, and the energy consumed is not much different.

But these alchemy urns are different. They are dead, and the energy they need to consume is calculated according to size and weight, and they consume more energy.

And they have powerful power. The energy required for this transmission is even greater.

So many people want to teleport directly from Glorious Fortress to Sunset Fortress. It takes too much energy, if you want to teleport in an instant. It will take a long time and a lot of materials to arrange a large positioning and transmitting matrix.

If you do n’t do this, there will be only one result. Some people will be teleported in the past. This is the fastest arrival. Then the remaining large troops will be delayed.

Lin Yun estimated that with the energy of this portal, the army of alchemists might arrive three days later.

Moreover, this is still the result of letting Lena, Patch Alchemist, and off class transfer later. It is already the fastest three days later.

The first to arrive was Lin Yun, and there were fifty Legion Masters under him.

After a little calculation, Lin Yun gave up the idea of ​​arranging a large teleportation matrix, and a large teleportation matrix ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ required too much material, and it was not good for three days.

Just for one teleportation, there is no gain. The main thing is to transmit those alchemy urns.

Explain to Wagner what to pay attention to when guarding the shining fortress, and Lin Yun took the fifty legions of his men into the portal first.

The fifty-six-meter-high portal is like a huge vortex of light. Anyone stepping into it will disappear instantly.

After Lin Yun entered, a large number of alchemists in the shining fortress stepped into the portal in turn.

These alchemists will have three days to complete the teleportation. If you want to speed up, the energy consumed will not be supported by this portal.

Three days later, Lena and some of them were off class before they entered the portal.

On the other side, the sunset fortress.

On a huge rock square in the center of the sunset fortress, one side is as high as seven or eight meters high, and the light swirls like a mirror quietly spinning.

Suddenly, the speed of the swirling rays of light began to accelerate a little, and magic waves like tides began to spread to the surroundings. A circle of ripples above the portal continued to spread toward the surroundings.

Heron and Joey were standing quietly waiting in front of the portal.

Suddenly, the magic fluctuations emitted by the vortex of light on the portal were more violent, and Heron and Joe not far away flickered slightly. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow up ~ point / Chinese website public account (add friends on WeChat-add public account-just enter), join now! Everyone has a prize, pay attention now WeChat public account!) (To be continued ...) R1292

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