End of the Magic Era

Chapter 877: In vain

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind The Throne of Last Law, listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public account of the starting point (wechat add friends-add public account-enter it), and tell me quietly!

To some extent, the magic wave on the portal represents the strength of the teleporter. If a magical apprentice starts from the magic wave, and the person comes out of the portal, it will definitely not exceed one second. time.

But now, the calculation of the fierce magic wave on the portal began to count. It has been seven or eight seconds. No one has appeared in it, and the magic wave is so fierce.

This only shows one problem. Among the people who transmitted, there is a strong one, at least all of them are at the peak level of the nine-level magic wizard!

Only when strong men like Heron and Joe walk past the portal, there will be such a fierce magic wave.

The average nine-level title wizard can never do this.

Just this, Heron and Joey glanced at each other, and knew that after a while, Lin Yun's strength has increased a lot, and now they definitely have the same fighting power.

Sure enough, the next moment, a foot stepped out of the whirlpool of portal light, Lin Yun's face with a faint smile, as if walking, slowly came out of it.

After Lin Yun walked out, the remaining fifty Legion Masters followed.

It wasn't until the last Legion Mage came out that the vortex of light on the portal quickly recovered to its original form, and the magic wave became a kind of subtle magic wave that continued to spread around like a breeze.

"Her Mafia, welcome to you."

Heron fell slightly. Acted a mage etiquette.

With a sigh in his eyes, Joey smiled and performed a mage etiquette to Lin Yun.

This is only when both sides are on the same level. Etiquette.

Both Helen and Joey have already put Lin Yun on the same level. Because Lin Yun's speed of progress has exceeded their imagination.

Lin Yun smiled and nodded, and returned a gift.

"My Excellency, Your Excellency Heron, you are so kind. I am ashamed to have the elders wait for me here."

Heron smiled, but didn't entrust him, he could say that he started paying attention when Lin Yun was still a mage.

Only then. The concern is still the identity of Lin Yun's alchemist, but now it is completely different.

A strong person's greatest concern is his strength, not his other identity.

A young excessive creator is very strong, but if it is only a young excessive creator, this is his greatest achievement, and it will even make many people respect.

But if the Creator is a strong man in his own right, he is still a young and excessive strong man. Talent can no longer be expressed in words, and the speed of strength improvement has made people feel numb.

That way, the strong itself is the place to be respected.

Heron knew it already. At this speed, maybe Lin Yun will really break through to the heavens before him.

Heron and Joe came together and met here in person. People at Sunset Fortress will not know there.

The three murmured a few words, and Heron and Joey took Lin Yun to the secret talks.

Follow Lin Yun's first fifty men. It was also arranged.

The content of the spy is to talk about the current situation of the angry flame plane, and then bombard the details of the next thing. No one knows the specific.

When Lin Yun talked with His Excellency Joey and Heron in the conference room, the news that Lin Yun brought people to the Sunset Fortress was also spread in the Sunset Fortress. Even the news that Joey and Heron went to meet together was not heard. Few people know.


Defoe Oliver threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground fiercely, and the expression on his face was furious.

"Damn, Heron built the portal, so that the people of the Merlin family came to the sunset fortress?"

Defoe Oliver was shocked. He couldn't believe it. He managed to capture the sunset fortress, and then immediately spent materials and time to build the portal. Is it for the Merlin family?

That commander is just a young Merlin family?

And only brought fifty people?

Is Helen a slime in his head? Damn, even though I heard he seemed to admire this young man, but when is it now, how dare he? Is it for the other party to get points?

Damn, I came from the holy place, and even brought a lot of experts to assist Heron. If it wasn't for me, he could attack the Sunset Fortress so easily this time.

The Black Tower has been operating on the Raging Flame plane for so long. For so long, it has never been possible to attack the Sunset Fortress, let alone the Sunset Fortress.

He is just a speaker, shouldn't he listen to me? Everything here should be up to me.

Whoever gave him the right, **** it, dared not to obey my orders, and those of the Heta were all damned, and their orders were also irresistible, and all of them only listened to Heron.

If you do n’t listen to me in the front, you do n’t know how to join the Cloud Tower. Damn, is this guy Heron a pig scorpion? Did he forget how deep the hatred between the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower is? ?

Have you forgotten that the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower have always been opposed?

He has not been a speaker for a short time. Do n’t you know how much hatred there is between the Holy Land of the Cloud Tower and the Black Tower?

The hatred between the holy sites is much greater than the grievances between the cloud tower and the black tower.

In this regard, this **** guy even united the Cloud Tower to attack the Sunset Fortress, **** it. After returning this time, see how he explained to the Holy Land.

Defoe was almost angry and spit fire, there was nothing satisfactory after coming to the angry flame plane.

Heron's connection with the Cloud Tower was unhappy, but there was no way to say, because the Holy Land of the Cloud Tower also sent support, and it was stronger than the support provided by Defoe. It's not a little bit strong.

Currently arriving at the Sunset Fortress, there is a group of titled wizards. There are four nine-level title wizards, and dozens of low-level title wizards. There are more than a hundred high-level wizards.

And these people are not the kind of monks, but they know that they are strong men with rich combat experience at a glance. The breath of these people is obviously that they have been fighting in other planes for a long time, and their strength is stronger than that of wizards of the same level.

If only that, Defoe may express a little unhappiness. After all, the strength of the other party is strong, but at this juncture, there will not be too much conflict, and Heta is not too weak.

The main thing is to get the news. The cloud tower holy place seems to have sent the heavenly strong to support it. Knowing this news, Defoe will have no choice. Can it conflict with the cloud tower?

Don't be stupid. If the other party really has a Tianjie strongman to support it, then the other party's Tianjie strongman really kills him, there is nothing he can do about the tower, at least no one can save him.

Defoe can only quickly report the news to the Heta Shrine, before the strong men from the Heta Shrine arrive to arrive. I ca n’t say anything to the people in the cloud tower. Even meeting as little as possible, I do n’t have any power in the conflict.

Defoe, who had been stunned for a long time, was worried that there was no place to vent, and Lin Yun came.

Defoe was on fire now.

Heron this idiot. The portal was set up specifically for this Malfurm?

Damn, is he teasing me? What kind of power can the Merlin family have, a young titled wizard. Then there are fifty more?

Fifty people? Are you **** teasing me?

Of the fifty people, only a few of them were titled wizards. The strongest one is only the second-level title wizard, so come to the sunset fortress to be a cannon fodder?

that's it. Is it the capital that cooperates with our black tower? What qualifications does he have to work with Heta?

The idiot, Heron, not only set up a portal, but also greeted him personally. This stupid man is really hopeless. He should be the head of the parliament. After returning, he must confess to the holy place and change the holy place to something different. Idiot speaker, in this way, Heta will sooner or later be destroyed by the idiot Heron.

By the way, Mamma Merlin, Mamma Merlin, I said how this name sounds so familiar, **** it, he was the guy who killed the teacher's disciples before!

Helen, this idiot, wait, if the teacher knows this, it will definitely make him pay a hard price.

I ca n’t clean up the cloud tower now, ca n’t I clean up a Malfay Merlin? Is this guy qualified to cooperate with us and will totally take away the merit of our Black Tower and let them be members of the Merlin family? The number of cannon fodder is too small.

Yes, I'm going to find Helen the stupid guy first and ask him what he wants to do. His commander is too unqualified.

Defoe hurriedly found Herun, who had just finished talking to Lin Yunmi, and opened his mouth to question angrily.

"Helen ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I see that your commander is too unqualified. Let's see what you have done? The specially-built portal is actually for the small forces like the Merlin family?

Are they eligible to work with us? You do n’t even see what ’s happening now. The forces of the Kingdom of Andalusia have basically invested a lot of power in the flames. Now it ’s about the interests of all of us.

Not only have to break through the defense line of the angry flame orcs, conquer the angry flame plane, but also grab more points in front of the kingdom of Odin, if lost to the kingdom of Odin in this gamble, Heta for so many years All the efforts are in vain!

Do n’t you understand? At this time, you actually spent effort to find such a small force, and see who the Merlin family is.

A young titled Magister, did this Malfurm Merlin advance into the titled Magister? More than a year? Forget it, it doesn't matter, it is a cannon fodder guy anyway. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ points / public account (Wechat add friends-add public account-just enter), and join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat public immediately No.!) (To be continued ...)

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