End of the Magic Era

Chapter 878: Coercion

And the fifty people he brought, shit, can this also be called the mage army? The strongest of the fifty is a second-level titled wizard, and there are still a large number of wizards. Just so many people, so little strength, what effect can it have in a place like Sunset Fortress?

There is also this Mafammelin, don't you know that the teacher will definitely not let him go. He dares to move even the people in our Heta Holy Land, and no one can save him. You not only do not maintain the majesty of our Heta, Cooperate with this kind of person and say, What is your heart, is your heart still in the black tower ... "

Defifu crackled at Heron in a crackling manner, which meant that Heron was forced to give up power directly.

Helen smiled awkwardly, wanted to say something, seeing Defoe's angry look, he swallowed all the words to his mouth, it was really impossible to say.

Defoe is a holy man. This time, he also brought a lot of support. Heron is not a holy man. This will also be a good conflict with Defoe. Looking at Defoe's appearance, it seems that he was specifically used to persecute him. of.

Before Defifu had finished, Heron interjected suddenly.

"Hello Defoe, I still have things to deal with, what's the matter, let's talk about it later, there must be some misunderstanding ..."

After I finished speaking, a little magic appeared on Heron's body. Then the surrounding light seemed to dissipate, Heron's body was submerged in the darkness, and disappeared with the darkness in an instant.

Defi looks at the rapidly fading darkness. Angrily stomped his feet, but couldn't stop the piece from leaving Helen as quickly as a shadow.

Due to her status, Dylan really didn't want to conflict with Dyf, she could only avoid it.

But Defoe was getting angry, the more he wanted to get angry.

Damn Heron, dare to ignore me like this, he did not look at the Holy Land at all. I'm going to impeach him immediately, and I will impeach him now to the Holy Land!

**** it. Damn it, he's going to rebel! rebel!

Defi An walked out of Heron's office room in anger, and then heard that there was someone talking about Lin Yun not far away.

I just heard the name Mafam Merlin. Defoe's eyes lit up suddenly.

By the way, Helen, this stupid dare to ignore the majesty of the Holy Land, I ca n’t help him now, just wait for the support of the Holy Land to come and make a good account, but this Mafamelin, I ’m not taking him anyway ...

Defi quickly found the place where the Meilin family was stationed, broke in straight in, and saw someone preparing to step up to question, and waved Defi. A gust of wind blew through, and immediately flew out a level nine wizard who was ready to ask.

"Where is Malfay Merlin? Let him get out and see me!"

Didi Ang came in with a sneer and looked at the Legion Masters around him. Disdain.

Damn, only fifty people, the strongest one was the second-ranked magic wizard, even dared to come to cooperate with our black tower, we managed to capture the sunset fortress, did they come to pick up cheap?

Lin Yun heard the obituary of Kurum. Brow a frown and close the hand in hand. Stepped out of the room expressionlessly.

As soon as Lin Yun appeared, Defoe sneered.

"You're that Marfa Merlin? I'll give you a chance now and get out of the sunset fortress yourself. Before I change my mind, I'll get out now!"

As soon as this word came out, Kurum had begun to gather Legion Masters.

Zhe Linyun frowned, looking at Defoe's robe, it seemed that he was from Heta, what was going on?

"Who are you?"

Di Difu jaw ang, with a slight disdain and arrogance.

"My name is Defoe Oliver. I am the commander sent here by the Heta Holy Land. Your Merlin family has such a little strength. What qualifications do you have to become our black tower partner?

I heard that it has been less than a year since you broke through to the title Magister? In this way, can also become the commander of the Merlin family? Really, when has the Merlin family fallen to such a point?

Look at what kind of junk goods you are all about. How important is the total offensive battle of the angry flame plane this time, you are fifty people?

The strongest turned out to be only a second-level title wizard? Really frustrated, where were you when we attacked the Sunset Fortress? Want to take advantage of mixed points now?

I really don't know what Helen's stupid thinks, let you come here.

Huh, do n’t say I did n’t give you a chance. Now you immediately take your group of cannon fodder out of the sunset fortress. Otherwise, do n’t blame me. You have n’t said anything about my master yet. Get out of the sunset fortress, if you If you can walk back alive, you are lucky ... "

Di Difu's face was arrogantly disdainful, and his eyes were full of coldness.

Huh, this group of idiots, Sunset Fortress has just been captured, but the angry flame orcs have not given up the idea of ​​recapture, as long as you go out of the Sunset Fortress and see how far you can go, it will not be me who will kill you, but those Stupid fury orc.

In this case, Heron's idiot has nothing to say.

Lin Linyun listened to Defoe's words, and almost understood that this guy didn't seem to deal with Heron very much, and he thought that his strength was too weak.

And it seems that there are any of his brothers and sisters, Lin Yun has forgotten the suppression of a person in the Heta before, for a long time, I did not remember how to have grudges with this guy.

"Are you mentally disabled?"

Zhe Linyun pondered for a moment, and asked such a question seriously.

Defoe still had a sneer of pride on his face, thinking that he had perfectly solved the affairs of the Merlin family, hadn't tore his face with Heron, and could hit Heron's prestige severely. It was the best ending. Already.

When I heard Lin Yun's words, Defoe smiled proudly, but as soon as the smile rose, she completely froze.

"Damn bastard. What did you say? You say it again!"

This **** bastard, he ... he dare to talk to me like that!

Lin Linyun looked at Defoe very seriously and asked again.

"Are you mentally disabled?"

Instantly. Defoe's face turned red, and he did not expect Lin Yun to be so bold. The magic of Defoe's body began to swell, and the robe moved without the wind, making a crackling noise.

Di Difu's face was completely gloomy, and the black face was almost dripping black water.

When did someone dare to talk to him like that? The young titled wizard of a small family really thought that with Helen's backing, he could do whatever he wanted?

He thought that **** Heron was protecting him. Can I ignore the majesty of the Black Tower Holy Land?

"Maffamelin, you are provoking the majesty of a ninth-ranked wizard, you are provoking the majesty of the Heta Holy Land, kneel!"

I said. Defoe sullen his face and released his momentum and pressed to Lin Yun.

"Stupid guy, I give you one last chance to kneel on the ground!

You are incurring disaster for yourself, and also for your Meilin family!

I knelt on the ground for three days, I begged me to forgive me, and I can kindly let you abolish your magic, and let the rest of your Merlin family give your own strength to our attack! "

Didi Fang held his head. Looking at Lin Yun coldly, the breath of being a ninth-ranked magic wizard was released recklessly, not only Lin Yun. Even the surrounding mages are within the limits of suppression.

Lin Yun's face also cooled down. I was still thinking about it. Now is the time to cooperate with the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower. There are many more battles in the future. He even kicked his nose on his face.

Took a soft breath. Lin Yun said something lightly.

"Defford, isn't it? In the face of His Excellency Heron, you leave now. I only if you haven't been."

Defi Haha laughed, his body's magic had flowed out, and a brilliance surrounded him, the momentum of being a ninth-level magic wizard was pressing towards Lin Yun like a mountain.

Zhe Linyun looked indifferent. The momentum of the ninth-ranked magical wizard oppressed that the air could no longer flow, but when Lin Yun was in front of him, it seemed like a breeze had passed, and Lin Yun had no reaction at all.

Defoe was a little surprised, sneering, the momentum converged, completely pressed over to Lin Yun alone, and even brought spiritual coercion. As a ninth-level title wizard, he had already seen some traces of rules. The coercion that they carry will have a great suppressive effect on one's mind.

For three seconds, Lin Yun was still indifferent and unresponsive. It seemed that he did not feel the same coercion at all.

This coercion has no effect on Lin Yun. The general titled magician can only form some rules when he is the fifth-level titled magician ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but this is also some fur.

Peeking into the shadows of the rules, and then forming something similar to imitation, but these are the precursors to peeking into the rules.

Lin Yun, from the moment of the advanced title of the wizard, has already formed a trace of something similar to his own rules.

However, these things are only forced by the limit of the level, and they have not been able to affect the combat power, until they break through to the fifth-level titled wizard, and the difference between them and the general titled wizard is instantly enlarged.

With this little rule, Lin Yun can completely ignore any coercion under the heavenly order.

Jie Defu wants to suppress with coercion?

What a joke ...

Zhe Linyun's brow frowned slightly, and she slowly took out the Dragon Staff.

At this moment, a figure flew quickly from a distance, and then landed in front of Defoe.

He is really Heron, and when people are still in the air, Heron's face is a bit ugly, especially when Lin Yun takes out the dragon's staff, and starts to smile bitterly.

I haven't known Lin Yun for so long, how could Heron not know, as long as Lin Yun decides to take a shot and takes out his staff, there is basically only one result, that is, he wants to kill his opponent.

It's absolutely impossible to just teach each other so simple ...

Background? Backstage? Identity? (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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